Trump supporters, are you happy?

You won the Republican party with 40% of the vote. You turned around and said fuck you to the other 60%. And there are more Democrats than Republicans in this country. Then you said fuck you to libertarians and anyone else who while being pretty unhappy with your party wanted you to step up and be worth a vote.

Trump's statement he prefers soldiers who aren't captured was an embarrassment. Sure, the press is leftist and warped his statement on Khan and Putin getting Hillary's e-mails, but welcome to being a Republican. So after saying the Supreme Court is the prize, you're about to hand it to Hillary.

Proud of yourselves?

Everyone in the Republican Party had the chance to voice their opinion of which candidate they preferred to see running for president, some may have just chosen to stay home in objection to who was left in the primary. Even though I didn't see my chosen candidate as a choice in the process, I still supported him with my vote rather than blame a party because evidently the majority sought out Trump during the Republican primary process. If a voter HAD chosen to sit it out in objection, then he shares the blame in not voicing his concern amid Trump's growing momentum.

The choice we find now comes to who has the best laid out PLAN in addressing the problems our nation faces, not whether or not they adhere to minor opinions such as submitting their tax form. A candidate's tax form doesn't meet your needs in maintaining employment, and (if we have a president who ALLOWS the Constitution's "separation of powers" to have its way) the president can't impose laws beyond what Congress and the Founder's interpretation of the Constitution allows.

If you are SO concerned by what Trump might transform this nation into, it's because our nation has allowed too much executive power to remain unchallenged under Obama.

You are wrong. The power grab which has been going on for decades was immensely increase multi-fold under Bush/Cheney with 9/11 being the excuse. Obama has not enacted any new presidential power grab since elected. Even his much hated Affordable Health Care Act was enacted via congress.

I would be interested to see what new presidential abilities have been given birth by Obama. I know of none.

Obama has issued executive orders to give federal employees the day after Christmas off, to impose economic sanctions and to determine how national secrets are classified. He's used presidential memoranda to make policy on gun control, immigration and labor regulations.

Like executive orders, presidential memoranda don't require action by Congress. They have the same force of law as executive orders and often have consequences just as far-reaching.

As of Dec 17, 2014 Obama has issued 195 executive orders as of Tuesday. Published alongside them in the Federal Register are 198 presidential memoranda — all of which carry the same legal force as executive orders.
Last edited:
You won the Republican party with 40% of the vote. You turned around and said fuck you to the other 60%. And there are more Democrats than Republicans in this country. Then you said fuck you to libertarians and anyone else who while being pretty unhappy with your party wanted you to step up and be worth a vote.

Trump's statement he prefers soldiers who aren't captured was an embarrassment. Sure, the press is leftist and warped his statement on Khan and Putin getting Hillary's e-mails, but welcome to being a Republican. So after saying the Supreme Court is the prize, you're about to hand it to Hillary.

Proud of yourselves?

Everyone in the Republican Party had the chance to voice their opinion of which candidate they preferred to see running for president, some may have just chosen to stay home in objection to who was left in the primary. Even though I didn't see my chosen candidate as a choice in the process, I still supported him with my vote rather than blame a party because evidently the majority sought out Trump during the Republican primary process. If a voter HAD chosen to sit it out in objection, then he shares the blame in not voicing his concern amid Trump's growing momentum.

The choice we find now comes to who has the best laid out PLAN in addressing the problems our nation faces, not whether or not they adhere to minor opinions such as submitting their tax form. A candidate's tax form doesn't meet your needs in maintaining employment, and (if we have a president who ALLOWS the Constitution's "separation of powers" to have its way) the president can't impose laws beyond what Congress and the Founder's interpretation of the Constitution allows.

If you are SO concerned by what Trump might transform this nation into, it's because our nation has allowed too much executive power to remain unchallenged under Obama.

You are wrong. The power grab which has been going on for decades was immensely increase multi-fold under Bush/Cheney with 9/11 being the excuse. Obama has not enacted any new presidential power grab since elected. Even his much hated Affordable Health Care Act was enacted via congress.

I would be interested to see what new presidential abilities have been given birth by Obama. I know of none.

Obama has issued executive orders to give federal employees the day after Christmas off, to impose economic sanctions and to determine how national secrets are classified. He's used presidential memoranda to make policy on gun control, immigration and labor regulations.

Like executive orders, presidential memoranda don't require action by Congress. They have the same force of law as executive orders and often have consequences just as far-reaching.

As of Dec 17, 2014 Obama has issued 195 executive orders as of Tuesday. Published alongside them in the Federal Register are 198 presidential memoranda — all of which carry the same legal force as executive orders.

Obama issues 'executive orders by another name'

Get serious. Reagan and Bush used HUNDREDS of presidential memoranda instead of going through the process of legislation. This is nothing new. This method has been used nearly a thousand times before Obama took office.
Does he also plan on taxing himself for moving the manufacture of his ties, hats & etc. to China?

No, he'll (and by that I mean company Trump)move the manufacture back to the states because tariffs will make manufacturing more expensive in China than doing it here in the states.

We'll have more factory jobs, but this will kick off tariff wars against our exports and what those jobs produce will be more expensive to the American consumers (and the rest of world as economies of scale get cut down while everyone is tarrifing each other). So WHY the fuck would we want to introduce these distortions today while we have low unemployment and so many jobs unfilled?

Our problems are better solved not by relocating back crappy conveyor belt jobs, but by concentrating on better training and re-locating workforce to fill the jobs ALREADY available.
You need to understand that close to 90 million would want those jobs. Educate yourself on how unemployment works. If your benefits expire you come off the count. Get that?

I understand what you just said is counter-factual bullshit.

No, 16 year old in school do not need a job, they need school and no, old people do not need a job, they need retirement, disabled can't have a job. And further yet, not everyone even wants a job, yes some people would rather stay home and raise kids (or do whatever it is thief heart desires and means sustain)

Why do you think state unemployment asks for your work history when you try to apply for unemployment? If you haven't earned enough since the last time you used it, and your benefits have run out, guess what .... you don't qualify. That unemployment rate is based upon those who actually "qualify" to receive those benefits, those funds are not unlimited. This is also why the senate in the early part of Obama's presidency pushed for ongoing Federal extensions, but I guess you figured they didn't really need a job. Right?

So in short, if you don't "qualify" for unemployment you are not counted as part of that unemployment rate. The unemployment rate is not completely accurate in determining the true state of the economy.
You won the Republican party with 40% of the vote. You turned around and said fuck you to the other 60%. And there are more Democrats than Republicans in this country. Then you said fuck you to libertarians and anyone else who while being pretty unhappy with your party wanted you to step up and be worth a vote.

Trump's statement he prefers soldiers who aren't captured was an embarrassment. Sure, the press is leftist and warped his statement on Khan and Putin getting Hillary's e-mails, but welcome to being a Republican. So after saying the Supreme Court is the prize, you're about to hand it to Hillary.

Proud of yourselves?

Everyone in the Republican Party had the chance to voice their opinion of which candidate they preferred to see running for president, some may have just chosen to stay home in objection to who was left in the primary. Even though I didn't see my chosen candidate as a choice in the process, I still supported him with my vote rather than blame a party because evidently the majority sought out Trump during the Republican primary process. If a voter HAD chosen to sit it out in objection, then he shares the blame in not voicing his concern amid Trump's growing momentum.

The choice we find now comes to who has the best laid out PLAN in addressing the problems our nation faces, not whether or not they adhere to minor opinions such as submitting their tax form. A candidate's tax form doesn't meet your needs in maintaining employment, and (if we have a president who ALLOWS the Constitution's "separation of powers" to have its way) the president can't impose laws beyond what Congress and the Founder's interpretation of the Constitution allows.

If you are SO concerned by what Trump might transform this nation into, it's because our nation has allowed too much executive power to remain unchallenged under Obama.

You are wrong. The power grab which has been going on for decades was immensely increase multi-fold under Bush/Cheney with 9/11 being the excuse. Obama has not enacted any new presidential power grab since elected. Even his much hated Affordable Health Care Act was enacted via congress.

I would be interested to see what new presidential abilities have been given birth by Obama. I know of none.

Obama has issued executive orders to give federal employees the day after Christmas off, to impose economic sanctions and to determine how national secrets are classified. He's used presidential memoranda to make policy on gun control, immigration and labor regulations.

Like executive orders, presidential memoranda don't require action by Congress. They have the same force of law as executive orders and often have consequences just as far-reaching.

As of Dec 17, 2014 Obama has issued 195 executive orders as of Tuesday. Published alongside them in the Federal Register are 198 presidential memoranda — all of which carry the same legal force as executive orders.

Obama issues 'executive orders by another name'

Get serious. Reagan and Bush used HUNDREDS of presidential memoranda instead of going through the process of legislation. This is nothing new. This method has been used nearly a thousand times before Obama took office.
But those were good executive orders because they were issued by Republicans.
we already know the only loser is US American jobs. Cheaper workers and no regulations creates a loss of jobs. Period.

Correct. And bringing in H1B workers and immigrants hurts us even more.


Nonsense, trained workers are not the problems, illegal immigrants who tax our system are the problem. Trained workers grow the economy. There are plenty of jobs in this country for skilled workers, and they grow as you add skilled workers

There have been stories where our own trained workers were replaced wholesale by companies that wanted to pay less.

If there are too many trained workers for the jobs available, they certainly are a problem. Do you deny this?


We're talking about a system for a country with 350 million people, anecdotal examples are irrelevant.

I don't wear a seat belt because I read about someone who lived because in an accident he was thrown clear of the car and if he'd been strapped in he'd have died! Yeah

Anecdotal? Lol. I have asked this before, and you didn't answer. Tell me why American wages are stagnant, and our standard of living is eroding?


Yes, when you say "there have been stories,' that is prima facie anecdotal. Don't know what that means?

Wages are stagnant because it's a changing world and liberals and Trumpsters driven by fear are fighting that change through the power of government guns. Hillary is running endless ads she wants to fuck businesses further with more tax increases. You are destroying the economy and killing jobs
What the fuck? That's not what Trump says that you keep defending

Well he wants lower taxes and.less regulation...standard free market stuff.

How is proposing charging Carrier $1,500 a unit for building them in Mexico "less regulation?" How is ending Nafta less regulation if he can't get a deal he wants?

Government deciding what is "fair" is no solution ... to anything.

And where has he talked about taxes and regulations artificially driving corporations offshore? That I oppose. What I support is when they do it for economic efficiency

If all countries played on a level field, you would have a point. America simply cannot compete with countries that pay a dollar a day in wages.


Sometimes. Then our economy benefits because consumers get lower prices and our companies can compete better with foreign competition. I know you think you know more than the field of economics about economics, but your belief doesn't make it so, it just makes it harder to get your head through doorways.

Also, you have no legitimate right to restrict the liberty of others

Unless you maintain a level playing field, you ARE restricting the liberty of others.



If I trade with China, that's me restricting your rights? What? WTF are you talking about?
Sure, Trump wants that. It's his goal. The problem is his plan to accomplish that won't. His anti-capitalist policies are going to make the economy worse, not better

He IS a capitalist. He knows how the system works, and wants to bring it back to America. Piss on Asia.
Outsourcing is what doesn't work. Redistributing our wealth and resources is what doesn't work. Replacing American workers with illegals makes the economy worse. The Obama/Clinton regime gives a 3,000 dollar break per employee if the Company fires an American and hires an illegal in his place. That is what isn't working.
America FIRST this time.
Vote for America benefiting America for a change.

Free markets are what works. Government should neither harm nor "help" business.

And capitalism is just a term for economic freedom. Decisions are driven by the market. That Trump is going to control markets and make our decisions for us is free markets because he's smarter than everyone is just ridiculous

I doubt that anything Trump would do would be worse than what we have today. Today, the liberals are dictating the market. If you are happier with them doing so than Trump, then vote for them again.


Strawman. And I'm not voting for Hillary and have never voted Democrat for President. Then again after this election, I will have voted Republican once in the last seven elections

'Then your vote is worthless. Throw it away at your peril. I never felt that way before, but the election of Obama cured me of voting for third party candidates.


Riiiiggghhhhttt, voting between two identical candidates is how I can make my vote count.

What a stupid comment. Wasting my vote is voting by your standards, not my own. I want to break the lock of the two parties, that is what I am voting for. Voting between them doesn't send that message
Do you know what "dumping" means? How do you know China is "dumping?" There isn't much dumping in the world.

Hint, being more cost competitive isn't "dumping."

Economically, one way free trade is better than no free trade. If you know calculus and take an econ course, it's pretty intuitive. Two way free trade is certainly ideal.

And again, your whole scheme is based on government deciding what is "fair." When has that ever worked out for you? Government making life fair?

UK and EU urged to act on Chinese steel dumping after US raises duty on imports

This just repeats the accusation they are "dumping." My question was "how do you know China is 'dumping'"? An article making the accusation again doesn't answer that.

Dumping has a meaning. Being cheaper isn't it. So again, how do you know the Chinese are "dumping?"

Do you know what "dumping" means? How do you know China is "dumping?" There isn't much dumping in the world.

Hint, being more cost competitive isn't "dumping."

Economically, one way free trade is better than no free trade. If you know calculus and take an econ course, it's pretty intuitive. Two way free trade is certainly ideal.

And again, your whole scheme is based on government deciding what is "fair." When has that ever worked out for you? Government making life fair?

Our companies have rules others don't need to will produce it cheaper....but then we have and no middle class

Nafta was supposed to make Mexico come up in living standards, it didn't work.
I mean if you want no tarriffs on our imports while others deny us access to markets or put tarriffs on our goods....not much I can say

You effectively want Hughe trade deficits and no mfg in the us.

I see your point. Thank God we have government to make life fair. They recognize challenges and damn it, they just love us to death and want to help us. All hail government.

So, when has that worked out for you? When has government actually made life "fair" for you?

In a choice of freedom or government making life fair for me? I'll take the former every time

Look Kaz, trading is not just Mattel sending Barbies to other agreements have and always will be used by's the only way we can make sure it's a level playing field.
China does not have the min wage we do, they do not have the regulations (yes we should eliminate most of ours), but if they have access to our markets, we need access to theirs, if not.....then denied.....

I'm sorry, but there are very few but some regulations I'm ok meat inspection, aircraft inspections......shit like that

Certainly two way free trade is better for us both than one way free trade. But according to economics, one way free trade is better than no free trade. That isn't just something that I read about, I took the courses, understand the math and lived it through my career. The US has kick ass global companies.

As for your view that if we empower government to decide what's fair and only allow our companies to engage in "fair trade," when has in your experience government ever used that sort of power to actually make life fair? Seriously, I keep asking you that, and you keep ignoring it.

It's pretty obvious why you keep ignoring it, government doesn't use power to make anything fair, they use power for power sake. So, why do you keep reasserting the nonsense that government will use power over trade to make life fair when you are admitting they don't use power to make life fair by evading the question?

I agree with you. The government has used its power to adversely affect American business and jobs. I want them to work for us instead of against us.


It's playground now! You're not moving up the food chain.

Government working for you is an oxymoron. I want government to stay out of it. Don't take telemarketing calls. Seriously
You won the Republican party with 40% of the vote. You turned around and said fuck you to the other 60%. And there are more Democrats than Republicans in this country. Then you said fuck you to libertarians and anyone else who while being pretty unhappy with your party wanted you to step up and be worth a vote.

Trump's statement he prefers soldiers who aren't captured was an embarrassment. Sure, the press is leftist and warped his statement on Khan and Putin getting Hillary's e-mails, but welcome to being a Republican. So after saying the Supreme Court is the prize, you're about to hand it to Hillary.

Proud of yourselves?

Everyone in the Republican Party had the chance to voice their opinion of which candidate they preferred to see running for president, some may have just chosen to stay home in objection to who was left in the primary. Even though I didn't see my chosen candidate as a choice in the process, I still supported him with my vote rather than blame a party because evidently the majority sought out Trump during the Republican primary process. If a voter HAD chosen to sit it out in objection, then he shares the blame in not voicing his concern amid Trump's growing momentum.

The choice we find now comes to who has the best laid out PLAN in addressing the problems our nation faces, not whether or not they adhere to minor opinions such as submitting their tax form. A candidate's tax form doesn't meet your needs in maintaining employment, and (if we have a president who ALLOWS the Constitution's "separation of powers" to have its way) the president can't impose laws beyond what Congress and the Founder's interpretation of the Constitution allows.

If you are SO concerned by what Trump might transform this nation into, it's because our nation has allowed too much executive power to remain unchallenged under Obama.

You are wrong. The power grab which has been going on for decades was immensely increase multi-fold under Bush/Cheney with 9/11 being the excuse. Obama has not enacted any new presidential power grab since elected. Even his much hated Affordable Health Care Act was enacted via congress.

I would be interested to see what new presidential abilities have been given birth by Obama. I know of none.

Obama has issued executive orders to give federal employees the day after Christmas off, to impose economic sanctions and to determine how national secrets are classified. He's used presidential memoranda to make policy on gun control, immigration and labor regulations.

Like executive orders, presidential memoranda don't require action by Congress. They have the same force of law as executive orders and often have consequences just as far-reaching.

As of Dec 17, 2014 Obama has issued 195 executive orders as of Tuesday. Published alongside them in the Federal Register are 198 presidential memoranda — all of which carry the same legal force as executive orders.

Obama issues 'executive orders by another name'

Get serious. Reagan and Bush used HUNDREDS of presidential memoranda instead of going through the process of legislation. This is nothing new. This method has been used nearly a thousand times before Obama took office.

Give an example that is comparable to Obama rewriting our immigration laws and saying he won't enforce DOMA
Obama has not enacted any new presidential power grab since elected


Me? an Obamabot? You must be joking. I never voted for him for one. I really don't like his position on gun controls. Other than that I really don't see the basis of the mindless vitriol. I think you are one that has fallen victim to the repetition of untrue echo chamber nonsense. I don't hate anyone without facts. Facts have not been produced to support much of the lies generated against Obama. I don't support Obama but I support mindless lying even less.
Me? an Obamabot? You must be joking. I never voted for him for one. I really don't like his position on gun controls. Other than that I really don't see the basis of the mindless vitriol. I think you are one that has fallen victim to the repetition of untrue echo chamber nonsense. I don't hate anyone without facts. Facts have not been produced to support much of the lies generated against Obama. I don't support Obama but I support mindless lying even less.
Last edited:
Obama has not enacted any new presidential power grab since elected


Me? an Obamabot? You must be joking. I never voted for him for one. I really don't like his position on gun controls. Other than that I really don't see the basis of the mindless vitriol. I think you are one that has fallen victim to the repetition of untrue echo chamber nonsense. I don't hate anyone without facts. Facts have not been produced to support much of the lies generated against Obama. I don't support Obama but I support mindless lying even less.
Me? an Obamabot? You must be joking. I never voted for him for one. I really don't like his position on gun controls. Other than that I really don't see the basis of the mindless vitriol. I think you are one that has fallen victim to the repetition of untrue echo chamber nonsense. I don't hate anyone without facts. Facts have not been produced to support much of the lies generated against Obama. I don't support Obama but I support mindless lying even less.

Calling you an "Obamabot" is "vitriol?" You wearing a dress?
Obama has not enacted any new presidential power grab since elected


Me? an Obamabot? You must be joking. I never voted for him for one. I really don't like his position on gun controls. Other than that I really don't see the basis of the mindless vitriol. I think you are one that has fallen victim to the repetition of untrue echo chamber nonsense. I don't hate anyone without facts. Facts have not been produced to support much of the lies generated against Obama. I don't support Obama but I support mindless lying even less.
Me? an Obamabot? You must be joking. I never voted for him for one. I really don't like his position on gun controls. Other than that I really don't see the basis of the mindless vitriol. I think you are one that has fallen victim to the repetition of untrue echo chamber nonsense. I don't hate anyone without facts. Facts have not been produced to support much of the lies generated against Obama. I don't support Obama but I support mindless lying even less.

Calling you an "Obamabot" is "vitriol?" You wearing a dress?

It is certainly a blatant lie. If you are upset with my disgust over bullying and lying then though shit. I get all the butt hurt over losing the last two presidential elections. You people are just petty sore losers. I for one understand the consequence of elections. The public spoke and we are obligated to respect that. Obviously you do not respect the process. Clearly no election is valid if it does not go your way. You have continually demonstrated your disdain for our way of choosing our leaders. I reject the means you employ to piss on the process.
Last edited:
Obama has not enacted any new presidential power grab since elected


Me? an Obamabot? You must be joking. I never voted for him for one. I really don't like his position on gun controls. Other than that I really don't see the basis of the mindless vitriol. I think you are one that has fallen victim to the repetition of untrue echo chamber nonsense. I don't hate anyone without facts. Facts have not been produced to support much of the lies generated against Obama. I don't support Obama but I support mindless lying even less.
Me? an Obamabot? You must be joking. I never voted for him for one. I really don't like his position on gun controls. Other than that I really don't see the basis of the mindless vitriol. I think you are one that has fallen victim to the repetition of untrue echo chamber nonsense. I don't hate anyone without facts. Facts have not been produced to support much of the lies generated against Obama. I don't support Obama but I support mindless lying even less.

Calling you an "Obamabot" is "vitriol?" You wearing a dress?

Are you sucking someone's cock?
Obama has not enacted any new presidential power grab since elected


Me? an Obamabot? You must be joking. I never voted for him for one. I really don't like his position on gun controls. Other than that I really don't see the basis of the mindless vitriol. I think you are one that has fallen victim to the repetition of untrue echo chamber nonsense. I don't hate anyone without facts. Facts have not been produced to support much of the lies generated against Obama. I don't support Obama but I support mindless lying even less.
Me? an Obamabot? You must be joking. I never voted for him for one. I really don't like his position on gun controls. Other than that I really don't see the basis of the mindless vitriol. I think you are one that has fallen victim to the repetition of untrue echo chamber nonsense. I don't hate anyone without facts. Facts have not been produced to support much of the lies generated against Obama. I don't support Obama but I support mindless lying even less.

Calling you an "Obamabot" is "vitriol?" You wearing a dress?

It is certainly a blatant lie. If you are upset with my disgust over bullying and lying then though shit. I get all the butt hurt over losing the last two presidential elections. You people are just petty sore losers. I for one understand the consequence of elections. The public spoke and we are obligated to respect that. Obviously you do not respect the process. Clearly no election is valid if it does not go your way. You have continually demonstrated you disdain for our way of choosing our leaders. I reject the means you employ to piss on the process.

You seem to have the market cornered on vitriol
Obama has not enacted any new presidential power grab since elected


Me? an Obamabot? You must be joking. I never voted for him for one. I really don't like his position on gun controls. Other than that I really don't see the basis of the mindless vitriol. I think you are one that has fallen victim to the repetition of untrue echo chamber nonsense. I don't hate anyone without facts. Facts have not been produced to support much of the lies generated against Obama. I don't support Obama but I support mindless lying even less.
Me? an Obamabot? You must be joking. I never voted for him for one. I really don't like his position on gun controls. Other than that I really don't see the basis of the mindless vitriol. I think you are one that has fallen victim to the repetition of untrue echo chamber nonsense. I don't hate anyone without facts. Facts have not been produced to support much of the lies generated against Obama. I don't support Obama but I support mindless lying even less.

Calling you an "Obamabot" is "vitriol?" You wearing a dress?

Are you sucking someone's cock?

Thanks for the interest, but I'm straight. And even if I weren't, eew
Obama has not enacted any new presidential power grab since elected


Me? an Obamabot? You must be joking. I never voted for him for one. I really don't like his position on gun controls. Other than that I really don't see the basis of the mindless vitriol. I think you are one that has fallen victim to the repetition of untrue echo chamber nonsense. I don't hate anyone without facts. Facts have not been produced to support much of the lies generated against Obama. I don't support Obama but I support mindless lying even less.
Me? an Obamabot? You must be joking. I never voted for him for one. I really don't like his position on gun controls. Other than that I really don't see the basis of the mindless vitriol. I think you are one that has fallen victim to the repetition of untrue echo chamber nonsense. I don't hate anyone without facts. Facts have not been produced to support much of the lies generated against Obama. I don't support Obama but I support mindless lying even less.

Calling you an "Obamabot" is "vitriol?" You wearing a dress?

It is certainly a blatant lie. If you are upset with my disgust over bullying and lying then though shit. I get all the butt hurt over losing the last two presidential elections. You people are just petty sore losers. I for one understand the consequence of elections. The public spoke and we are obligated to respect that. Obviously you do not respect the process. Clearly no election is valid if it does not go your way. You have continually demonstrated you disdain for our way of choosing our leaders. I reject the means you employ to piss on the process.

You seem to have the market cornered on vitriol

You started the mindless personal attacks bitch. If it bothers you I defend my positions with thought out responses then respond in kind or keep your hatred for those not brain washed to yourself.

Me? an Obamabot? You must be joking. I never voted for him for one. I really don't like his position on gun controls. Other than that I really don't see the basis of the mindless vitriol. I think you are one that has fallen victim to the repetition of untrue echo chamber nonsense. I don't hate anyone without facts. Facts have not been produced to support much of the lies generated against Obama. I don't support Obama but I support mindless lying even less.
Me? an Obamabot? You must be joking. I never voted for him for one. I really don't like his position on gun controls. Other than that I really don't see the basis of the mindless vitriol. I think you are one that has fallen victim to the repetition of untrue echo chamber nonsense. I don't hate anyone without facts. Facts have not been produced to support much of the lies generated against Obama. I don't support Obama but I support mindless lying even less.

Calling you an "Obamabot" is "vitriol?" You wearing a dress?

It is certainly a blatant lie. If you are upset with my disgust over bullying and lying then though shit. I get all the butt hurt over losing the last two presidential elections. You people are just petty sore losers. I for one understand the consequence of elections. The public spoke and we are obligated to respect that. Obviously you do not respect the process. Clearly no election is valid if it does not go your way. You have continually demonstrated you disdain for our way of choosing our leaders. I reject the means you employ to piss on the process.

You seem to have the market cornered on vitriol

You started the mindless personal attacks bitch. If it bothers you I defend my positions with thought out responses then respond in kind or keep your hatred for those not brain washed to yourself.

You're defending Obama and rewriting his history that he follows the Constitution when even the Supreme Court slapped him down for his exceeding his authority. So I called you an "Obamabot." That's a "personal attack?" You are wearing a dress, aren't you?
Me? an Obamabot? You must be joking. I never voted for him for one. I really don't like his position on gun controls. Other than that I really don't see the basis of the mindless vitriol. I think you are one that has fallen victim to the repetition of untrue echo chamber nonsense. I don't hate anyone without facts. Facts have not been produced to support much of the lies generated against Obama. I don't support Obama but I support mindless lying even less.

Calling you an "Obamabot" is "vitriol?" You wearing a dress?

It is certainly a blatant lie. If you are upset with my disgust over bullying and lying then though shit. I get all the butt hurt over losing the last two presidential elections. You people are just petty sore losers. I for one understand the consequence of elections. The public spoke and we are obligated to respect that. Obviously you do not respect the process. Clearly no election is valid if it does not go your way. You have continually demonstrated you disdain for our way of choosing our leaders. I reject the means you employ to piss on the process.

You seem to have the market cornered on vitriol

You started the mindless personal attacks bitch. If it bothers you I defend my positions with thought out responses then respond in kind or keep your hatred for those not brain washed to yourself.

You're defending Obama and rewriting his history that he follows the Constitution when even the Supreme Court slapped him down for his exceeding his authority. So I called you an "Obamabot." That's a "personal attack?" You are wearing a dress, aren't you?

I would prefer to wear your scalp on a belt. You are a lying piece of shit. I hope your ignorance of reality and truth lends you an occasion to step out in front of a bus.
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