trump's greatest disaster may have alteady happened....

I am going to go because, unlike Marty, I have things to do. I wanted to report my leaving so Marty does not have a fit & claim I ran away from his self proclaimed genius.
When people are dying, you provide whatever resources are needed to prevent it. Food, clean water, temporary shelters, medical aid, evacuate the sick
These are Americans who were dying
You don’t just throw them some paper towels and walk away
Calm down lib no one is dying....
4500 died AFTER the storm
The 2 massive back to back hurricanes destroyed new & old infrastructure alike. It ripped 65,000 power poles out of the ground regardless of how old they were. We should have at least tried to get temporary bridges & generators for clean water in there within a week. So at least they could live & transport rebuilding equipment. We did none of that & it took over 6 months to get vital roads open again.

New burdensome government building codes need to be imposed to require new & rebuilt structures & systems withstand Cat-5 hurricanes. It will take a lifetime to get that implemented as long as a deregulation government does not get elected & remove those regs leaving them all vulnerable again.

You really have no clue what type of a massive undertaking you are trying to describe, or how it would take far longer to implement.

All the time spent sending temporary fixes is time not spent fixing the permanent systems.

What a fucking monday morning quarterback you are, one with zero knowledge of the work required to respond to something like this.
When people are dying, you provide whatever resources are needed to prevent it. Food, clean water, temporary shelters, medical aid, evacuate the sick
These are Americans who were dying
You don’t just throw them some paper towels and walk away

Those were provided. You know that. the problem is even with those supplies the stress of the situation would probably lead to a higher mortality rate.

He didn't walk away. Aid was sent, money was spent. your assumption that everything will go back to normal right away if Trump just stayed on the island is a false one.

It was well known that people were suffering long after the hurricane. It is prudent to track where the people are and what critical supplies were needed
Not Getting critical supplies ( clean water, medicine, health care) to where they are needed cost lives

We just found out how many
---------------------------------------- maybe now they will become more thoughtful about planning and thinking about their future and its possibilities and hazards RWinger .

Yes because two Cat 5 hurricanes is something you plan for
So now you say its Trump's fault but he gets a pass because it is his second year?
No...not sure how you got that....I'm saying the damage was done a long time ago in wouldn't have taken much to finish them off and the storm would have if it were not for the United States mainland coming to the rescue...once again.....Trump was not in office while Puerto Rican politicians pissed away tax dollars sent to them to rebuild their power grid bury the lines and improve their chances in a blame Trump shows a lack of historic prospective....
You really have aclue what type of a massive undertaking you are trying to describe, or how it would take far longer to implement.

All the time spent sending temporary fixes is time not spent fixing the permanent systems.

What a fucking monday morning quarterback you are, one with zero knowledge of the work required to respond to something like this.

I know the water management ask for 7 generators to restore clean safe drinking water to the entire island. Trump did not send any of those generators!

I know the US military can bridge gaps & rivers in a day, to transport tanks, trucks & equipment. Trump did not send any!

I am sure trump loses sleep over that....:eusa_whistle:

Still ignoring me you coward?

Marty needs attention or else hell have another meltdown.


JimH52, i.e. tlhoch, reH nuch.
Trump is a Transmission line repairman? he can fix transformer's and substations himself?


Trump has never served in the military so he can't be Commader in Chief? He casn't direct them?

Really Marty?

Trump has FAILED PR big time.

They spent 3.8 billion so far fixing and upgrading the electrical grid down there.

The poor state of the original system slowed down the repair/replace work, not Trump.

Try again dippy.

This is worse than Bush with Katrina.

No proof of that. And Katrina wasn't as bad as progressive mewling idiots like you made it out to be.

And again, the blame there was also at the State level.

1833 dead people. Marty says that is not bad.

Marty doesn't give a ship because over 90% of those killed in Katrina were black.

Isn't that right? Why else would anyone make such a stupid statement.

Natural disasters are natural disasters. Expecting no one to die even in a 1st world country is asking too much.

And where did you get 1833 from?
Calm down lib no one is dying....
Dear Clueless 5,000 already died!!!

That number is not fact, it's based on a study.

Stop using it as fact.

OMG OMG OMG. We can't believe anything unless you can actually count it.

We can't count the number of people working so there are no jobs numbers, no unemployment rate, & therefore today's jobs report numbers can't be discussed.

people don't claim economic indicators are exact measures. You are claiming the 5000 number as fact.

People also don't use the employment numbers as unfounded accusations of mass murder, something you are doing with the 5000 number.
The number was estimastec Mart,. Everyone knows that yet here you are having a meltdown over it.

We can't say Trump's ineptness led to the deaths of 5000 but we can say the unemployment rate is 3.8%.

Dumbass Marty caught again being a dumbass.

But you keep treating the number as fact, referring to it as fact.

There is a difference between commenting on a trend in economic indicators and accusing someone of murder using fake numbers.

But you are so much of a twatwaddle gutless hack you can't or won't see that.

You really have no clue what type of a massive undertaking you are trying to describe, or how it would take far longer to implement.

All the time spent sending temporary fixes is time not spent fixing the permanent systems.

What a fucking monday morning quarterback you are, one with zero knowledge of the work required to respond to something like this.
When people are dying, you provide whatever resources are needed to prevent it. Food, clean water, temporary shelters, medical aid, evacuate the sick
These are Americans who were dying
You don’t just throw them some paper towels and walk away

Those were provided. You know that. the problem is even with those supplies the stress of the situation would probably lead to a higher mortality rate.

He didn't walk away. Aid was sent, money was spent. your assumption that everything will go back to normal right away if Trump just stayed on the island is a false one.

It was well known that people were suffering long after the hurricane. It is prudent to track where the people are and what critical supplies were needed
Not Getting critical supplies ( clean water, medicine, health care) to where they are needed cost lives

We just found out how many
---------------------------------------- maybe now they will become more thoughtful about planning and thinking about their future and its possibilities and hazards RWinger .

Yes because two Cat 5 hurricanes is something you plan for

if you don't think people can plan for preparing for it, why are you blaming people for not being prepared to respond to it?
When people are dying, you provide whatever resources are needed to prevent it. Food, clean water, temporary shelters, medical aid, evacuate the sick
These are Americans who were dying
You don’t just throw them some paper towels and walk away

Those were provided. You know that. the problem is even with those supplies the stress of the situation would probably lead to a higher mortality rate.

He didn't walk away. Aid was sent, money was spent. your assumption that everything will go back to normal right away if Trump just stayed on the island is a false one.

It was well known that people were suffering long after the hurricane. It is prudent to track where the people are and what critical supplies were needed
Not Getting critical supplies ( clean water, medicine, health care) to where they are needed cost lives

We just found out how many
---------------------------------------- maybe now they will become more thoughtful about planning and thinking about their future and its possibilities and hazards RWinger .

Yes because two Cat 5 hurricanes is something you plan for

if you don't think people can plan for preparing for it, why are you blaming people for not being prepared to respond to it?

I can forgive time to respond
I can’t forgive not caring about the suffering of the people
Those were provided. You know that. the problem is even with those supplies the stress of the situation would probably lead to a higher mortality rate.

He didn't walk away. Aid was sent, money was spent. your assumption that everything will go back to normal right away if Trump just stayed on the island is a false one.

It was well known that people were suffering long after the hurricane. It is prudent to track where the people are and what critical supplies were needed
Not Getting critical supplies ( clean water, medicine, health care) to where they are needed cost lives

We just found out how many
---------------------------------------- maybe now they will become more thoughtful about planning and thinking about their future and its possibilities and hazards RWinger .

Yes because two Cat 5 hurricanes is something you plan for

if you don't think people can plan for preparing for it, why are you blaming people for not being prepared to respond to it?

I can forgive time to respond
I can’t forgive not caring about the suffering of the people

Where do you get "not caring" from?

They have spent $3.8 billion trying to get the electrical infrastructure not only back, but better able to withstand the next storm.

They have spend billions on direct aid, and sending people to help.

You are used to the public relations version of caring, which is a progressive thing. it's virtue signaling and letting other people pay for the work and do the work.

What is going on in PR is a recovery effort, made more difficult by 1) the existing government and infrastructure and 2) most of the more able people leaving the island and not coming back.
Dear Clueless 5,000 already died!!!

That number is not fact, it's based on a study.

Stop using it as fact.

OMG OMG OMG. We can't believe anything unless you can actually count it.

We can't count the number of people working so there are no jobs numbers, no unemployment rate, & therefore today's jobs report numbers can't be discussed.

people don't claim economic indicators are exact measures. You are claiming the 5000 number as fact.

People also don't use the employment numbers as unfounded accusations of mass murder, something you are doing with the 5000 number.
The number was estimastec Mart,. Everyone knows that yet here you are having a meltdown over it.

We can't a particular method of estimation. One is OK by you & the otrher sends you into a freakin meltdown.say Trump's ineptness led to the deaths of 5000 but we can say the unemployment rate is 3.8%.

Dumbass Marty caught again being a dumbass.

But you keep treating the number as fact, referring to it as fact.

There is a difference between commenting on a trend in economic indicators and accusing someone of murder using fake numbers.

But you are so much of a twatwaddle gutless hack you can't or won't see that.

Trump has never served in the military so he can't be Commader in Chief? He casn't direct them?

Really Marty?

Trump has FAILED PR big time.

They spent 3.8 billion so far fixing and upgrading the electrical grid down there.

The poor state of the original system slowed down the repair/replace work, not Trump.

Try again dippy.

This is worse than Bush with Katrina.

No proof of that. And Katrina wasn't as bad as progressive mewling idiots like you made it out to be.

And again, the blame there was also at the State level.

1833 dead people. Marty says that is not bad.

Marty doesn't give a ship because over 90% of those killed in Katrina were black.

Isn't that right? Why else would anyone make such a stupid statement.

Natural disasters are natural disasters. Expecting no one to die even in a 1st world country is asking too much.

And where did you get 1833 from?

Most apprantly died in the aftermath, same as Katrina. Trump's slow response was unforgivable.
You really have no clue what type of a massive undertaking you are trying to describe, or how it would take far longer to implement.

All the time spent sending temporary fixes is time not spent fixing the permanent systems.

What a fucking monday morning quarterback you are, one with zero knowledge of the work required to respond to something like this.
When people are dying, you provide whatever resources are needed to prevent it. Food, clean water, temporary shelters, medical aid, evacuate the sick
These are Americans who were dying
You don’t just throw them some paper towels and walk away

Those were provided. You know that. the problem is even with those supplies the stress of the situation would probably lead to a higher mortality rate.

He didn't walk away. Aid was sent, money was spent. your assumption that everything will go back to normal right away if Trump just stayed on the island is a false one.

It was well known that people were suffering long after the hurricane. It is prudent to track where the people are and what critical supplies were needed
Not Getting critical supplies ( clean water, medicine, health care) to where they are needed cost lives

We just found out how many
---------------------------------------- maybe now they will become more thoughtful about planning and thinking about their future and its possibilities and hazards RWinger .

Yes because two Cat 5 hurricanes is something you plan for
----------------------------------------- of course you plan same as you carry a spare tire and have a fire extinguisher in the kitchen and candles and extra blankets , water , canned beans and rice in the house , Thats what we did in Blizzard prone Upper Michigan and other areas prone to Blizzards . Same should be done by dumb islanders living in 'puert rico' JUST IN CASE . In fact USA government and SMART PRACTICAL people recommend that people prepare for hurricanes , earthquakes , flood , blizzards and Nuclear War RWinger
Last edited:
Those were provided. You know that. the problem is even with those supplies the stress of the situation would probably lead to a higher mortality rate.

He didn't walk away. Aid was sent, money was spent. your assumption that everything will go back to normal right away if Trump just stayed on the island is a false one.

It was well known that people were suffering long after the hurricane. It is prudent to track where the people are and what critical supplies were needed
Not Getting critical supplies ( clean water, medicine, health care) to where they are needed cost lives

We just found out how many
---------------------------------------- maybe now they will become more thoughtful about planning and thinking about their future and its possibilities and hazards RWinger .

Yes because two Cat 5 hurricanes is something you plan for

if you don't think people can plan for preparing for it, why are you blaming people for not being prepared to respond to it?

I can forgive time to respond
I can’t forgive not caring about the suffering of the people
----------------------------------- i halfway care about them as i hope that they Smarten Up someday RWinger .

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