trump's greatest disaster may have alteady happened....

You didn't actually respond to my statements, you gutless hack.

I believe Harvard....but u stick with your barely literate trump....stock with 64....

Um, it wasn't trump, it was an official FEMA or whatever agency estimate.

The buck stops at trump.

Only in the addled minds of TDS sufferers like you.

If a Dem was in office cocksuckers like you would be all full of excuses.

And I mean excuses, not explanations like I am giving.

Anyone....Dem or Repub cannot ignore Americans in need....Neither party is exempt....

They weren't ignored. you are just trying to score political points.
So the army is entirely made up of Engineers and MP's? you know the ones who actually know what to do in situations like this?

How does deploying 3 companies of abrams tanks and their crews help in this situation?

Were no engineers sent in?

You do realize how STUPID you sound...right?

Can you answer the questions?

Probably not.

You are one of the mist persistent leg humpers that trump has. You should consider taking Melania's place since she hates touching his orange skin anymore.

Still can't answer the questions.

What a sick little poseur cuck you are. really think I read your gibberish? I just took u off u are back on...

Run away like the little girl bitch you are.
Yawn. Puerto Rico was a disaster long before the hurricane.

Those are American citizens.

Just like you and I.

They pay taxes just like you and I.

It's disgusting to see an American say that about their fellow Americans.

It is true that Puerto Ricans have U.S. citizenship due to a series of congressional statutes. But it is also true that these statutes were enacted without consulting Puerto Ricans

As any Puerto Rican where they are a citizen and they will tell you Puerto Rico, not the US.
That will change when the trump racist leaves office
You do realize how STUPID you sound...right?

Can you answer the questions?

Probably not.

You are one of the mist persistent leg humpers that trump has. You should consider taking Melania's place since she hates touching his orange skin anymore.

Still can't answer the questions.

What a sick little poseur cuck you are. really think I read your gibberish? I just took u off u are back on...

Run away like the little girl bitch you are.

Well he is full of shit doncha know.
First of all the 5000 number is an estimate based on some study. stop using it as a fact.

2nd, the limits applied to bailing out their debt, not the relief efforts being made. Billions has been spent providing aid. It's not the feds fault the existing infrastructure was shit, nor is it the feds fault the existing State emergency planning and organization was shit.

3rd, it seems the PR people don't want to try to figure out how to prevent this from happening again.

Hurricane Aid Has Eased Puerto Rico’s Finances. It May Not Be Enough.
Once the hurricane hits....the clock is ticking

Survivors need food, clean water, medications, access to healthcare
Deny that and people start dying. That is what happened 5000 of them

The inability to get people the supplies they need to survive falls on Trump. Trump came in, declared what a great job he had done ...and left

No, the feds didn't leave. again, they have spent 3.8 Billion so far on trying to repair the electrical grid alone.

Any inability to get supplies in is due to 1) the fucking hurricane and 2) the existing crappy infrastructure and lack of State emergency workers and planning.

The feds supplement the existing local response infrastructure, they don't supercede it.

And stop using the 5000 number as fact. It isn't fact, its the result of a study that has yet to be out long enough to be challenged.
There was not only a fucking hurricane, but two of them smashing the existing infrastructure
State emergency workers were overwhelmed and there was no planning in place on what to do in the face of back to back Cat 5 hurricanes

If the state cannot handle the scope of an emergency, it is up to the Feds to make up the difference. That is why we established FEMA

FEMA is to bolster the existing response, not take over and make everything better immediately.

The military was sent in as well, but they had to travel there AFTER the hurricanes hit. Maybe, I don't know if they had a base closer it would have been easier to respond...

Oh wait....

Roosevelt Roads Naval Station - Wikipedia

I can forgive people dying in the first few weeks after the hurricane waiting for the military to deploy. But people dying months after the hurricane because they lack critical supplies is unforgivable

And attributing their deaths to something that happened months ago is tenuous at best.

You just don't requisition a power grid and install it in one day, or even 3 or 4 months.
Yawn. Puerto Rico was a disaster long before the hurricane.

Those are American citizens.

Just like you and I.

They pay taxes just like you and I.

It's disgusting to see an American say that about their fellow Americans.

It is true that Puerto Ricans have U.S. citizenship due to a series of congressional statutes. But it is also true that these statutes were enacted without consulting Puerto Ricans

As any Puerto Rican where they are a citizen and they will tell you Puerto Rico, not the US.
That will change when the trump racist leaves office

Well it hasn't changed in over a hundred years and I doubt it will.

Oh and Trump has nothing to do with it. He wasn't even born when most of it took place.

Carry on dumbass.
Once the hurricane hits....the clock is ticking

Survivors need food, clean water, medications, access to healthcare
Deny that and people start dying. That is what happened 5000 of them

The inability to get people the supplies they need to survive falls on Trump. Trump came in, declared what a great job he had done ...and left

No, the feds didn't leave. again, they have spent 3.8 Billion so far on trying to repair the electrical grid alone.

Any inability to get supplies in is due to 1) the fucking hurricane and 2) the existing crappy infrastructure and lack of State emergency workers and planning.

The feds supplement the existing local response infrastructure, they don't supercede it.

And stop using the 5000 number as fact. It isn't fact, its the result of a study that has yet to be out long enough to be challenged.
There was not only a fucking hurricane, but two of them smashing the existing infrastructure
State emergency workers were overwhelmed and there was no planning in place on what to do in the face of back to back Cat 5 hurricanes

If the state cannot handle the scope of an emergency, it is up to the Feds to make up the difference. That is why we established FEMA

FEMA is to bolster the existing response, not take over and make everything better immediately.

The military was sent in as well, but they had to travel there AFTER the hurricanes hit. Maybe, I don't know if they had a base closer it would have been easier to respond...

Oh wait....

Roosevelt Roads Naval Station - Wikipedia

I can forgive people dying in the first few weeks after the hurricane waiting for the military to deploy. But people dying months after the hurricane because they lack critical supplies is unforgivable

And attributing their deaths to something that happened months ago is tenuous at best.

You just don't requisition a power grid and install it in one day, or even 3 or 4 months.
Once the hurricane hits....the clock is ticking

Survivors need food, clean water, medications, access to healthcare
Deny that and people start dying. That is what happened 5000 of them

The inability to get people the supplies they need to survive falls on Trump. Trump came in, declared what a great job he had done ...and left

No, the feds didn't leave. again, they have spent 3.8 Billion so far on trying to repair the electrical grid alone.

Any inability to get supplies in is due to 1) the fucking hurricane and 2) the existing crappy infrastructure and lack of State emergency workers and planning.

The feds supplement the existing local response infrastructure, they don't supercede it.

And stop using the 5000 number as fact. It isn't fact, its the result of a study that has yet to be out long enough to be challenged.
There was not only a fucking hurricane, but two of them smashing the existing infrastructure
State emergency workers were overwhelmed and there was no planning in place on what to do in the face of back to back Cat 5 hurricanes

If the state cannot handle the scope of an emergency, it is up to the Feds to make up the difference. That is why we established FEMA

FEMA is to bolster the existing response, not take over and make everything better immediately.

The military was sent in as well, but they had to travel there AFTER the hurricanes hit. Maybe, I don't know if they had a base closer it would have been easier to respond...

Oh wait....

Roosevelt Roads Naval Station - Wikipedia

I can forgive people dying in the first few weeks after the hurricane waiting for the military to deploy. But people dying months after the hurricane because they lack critical supplies is unforgivable

And attributing their deaths to something that happened months ago is tenuous at best.

You just don't requisition a power grid and install it in one day, or even 3 or 4 months.

Apparently people think you just snap your fingers and a power grid appears out of the blue.

Seems to me the Govt. of PR should have done more to prepare for the hurricane. They had plenty of warning.

Where are the seven investigations of how Trump handled Puerto Rico and what he could have done to save more lives

Four people were killed in Benghazi while 5000 died under Trump

I guess they will have to wait until the Dems take House in November. :
The GOP controlled House is worthless..
They want to give Trump a medal

Where are the seven investigations of how Trump handled Puerto Rico and what he could have done to save more lives

Four people were killed in Benghazi while 5000 died under Trump

I guess they will have to wait until the Dems take House in November. :
The GOP controlled House is worthless..
They want to give Trump a medal

You people are pathetic.
Trump declared victory as soon as he set foot on the ground

It is far from a victory. It was a half assed response

Where are the seven investigations of how Trump handled Puerto Rico and what he could have done to save more lives

Four people were killed in Benghazi while 5000 died under Trump

I guess they will have to wait until the Dems take House in November. :
The GOP controlled House is worthless..
They want to give Trump a medal

Well they gave Obama a Nobel Peace Prize when he did absolutely nothing.

At least Trump sent aide. Ever been through a Hurricane?? I have and they are no joke.

PR had warning that it was coming and didn't do much.

Where are the seven investigations of how Trump handled Puerto Rico and what he could have done to save more lives

Four people were killed in Benghazi while 5000 died under Trump

I guess they will have to wait until the Dems take House in November. :
The GOP controlled House is worthless..
They want to give Trump a medal

Well they gave Obama a Nobel Peace Prize when he did absolutely nothing.

At least Trump sent aide. Ever been through a Hurricane?? I have and they are no joke.

PR had warning that it was coming and didn't do much.

Yeah....they shoulda moved the island....

Where are the seven investigations of how Trump handled Puerto Rico and what he could have done to save more lives

Four people were killed in Benghazi while 5000 died under Trump

I guess they will have to wait until the Dems take House in November. :
The GOP controlled House is worthless..
They want to give Trump a medal

Well they gave Obama a Nobel Peace Prize when he did absolutely nothing.

At least Trump sent aide. Ever been through a Hurricane?? I have and they are no joke.

PR had warning that it was coming and didn't do much.

Yeah....they shoulda moved the island....

Nope they should have prepared better.

I've been through many hurricanes and believe me we get plenty of warning, set up shelters and have things ready.

Where are the seven investigations of how Trump handled Puerto Rico and what he could have done to save more lives

Four people were killed in Benghazi while 5000 died under Trump

I guess they will have to wait until the Dems take House in November. :
The GOP controlled House is worthless..
They want to give Trump a medal

Well they gave Obama a Nobel Peace Prize when he did absolutely nothing.

At least Trump sent aide. Ever been through a Hurricane?? I have and they are no joke.

PR had warning that it was coming and didn't do much.

Yeah....they shoulda moved the island....

Posts like her's are never thoughtful, substantive or though provoking, and she even signs them with her nom de plume, i.e. "Dumbass"
Yawn. Puerto Rico was a disaster long before the hurricane.

Those are American citizens.

Just like you and I.

They pay taxes just like you and I.

Right, but akin to a Democrat-run city/state that runs itself into the ground and expects everyone else to bail them out when things go bad.

We bailed out Texas with hurricane Harvey last year. We've bailed out Florida many times from many hurricanes. We bailed out Louisiana when Katrina hit and we bailed out the whole gulf when the oil pipe poisoned it.

That's on top of the fact that most red states get the majority of the revenues for their state budgets from federal tax dollars. While many red states receive much more than they contribute in federal tax dollars. Some red states get over twice the amount they contribute.

2018’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States

Yet that's ok with you people.

It's also ok for your fellow American to die simply because they have a different view from you or the color of their skin is the wrong color. The people you put into office abandoned them to die.

What a great American you are. NOT.

Where are the seven investigations of how Trump handled Puerto Rico and what he could have done to save more lives

Four people were killed in Benghazi while 5000 died under Trump

I guess they will have to wait until the Dems take House in November. :
The GOP controlled House is worthless..
They want to give Trump a medal

You people are pathetic.
Trump declared victory as soon as he set foot on the ground

It is far from a victory. It was a half assed response

prove it was half assed, or stop making the claim.

Billions of dollars spent on the electrical grid repair alone.

Where are the seven investigations of how Trump handled Puerto Rico and what he could have done to save more lives

Four people were killed in Benghazi while 5000 died under Trump

I guess they will have to wait until the Dems take House in November. :
The GOP controlled House is worthless..
They want to give Trump a medal

Well they gave Obama a Nobel Peace Prize when he did absolutely nothing.

At least Trump sent aide. Ever been through a Hurricane?? I have and they are no joke.

PR had warning that it was coming and didn't do much.

Yeah....they shoulda moved the island....

Posts like her's are never thoughtful, substantive or though provoking, and she even signs them with her nom de plume, i.e. "Dumbass"

Nah. The dumbass is for you.
Yawn. Puerto Rico was a disaster long before the hurricane.

Those are American citizens.

Just like you and I.

They pay taxes just like you and I.

Right, but akin to a Democrat-run city/state that runs itself into the ground and expects everyone else to bail them out when things go bad.

We bailed out Texas with hurricane Harvey last year. We've bailed out Florida many times from many hurricanes. We bailed out Louisiana when Katrina hit and we bailed out the whole gulf when the oil pipe poisoned it.

That's on top of the fact that most red states get the majority of the revenues for their state budgets from federal tax dollars. While many red states receive much more than they contribute in federal tax dollars. Some red states get over twice the amount they contribute.

2018’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States

Yet that's ok with you people.

It's also ok for your fellow American to die simply because they have a different view from you or the color of their skin is the wrong color. The people you put into office abandoned them to die.

What a great American you are. NOT.

Those places had the existing infrastructure and response capability to be augmented by federal help.

PR's own response was completely overwhelmed, and that failure happens at the local level decades before anything actually happens.

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