trump's greatest disaster may have alteady happened....

Ask the Lancet about how some of their studies have come back to bite them in the ass.

Maybe the people doing it didn't assume people would assume the numbers as fact in a bid for a cheap political win.

Good idea to stick with 64....makes your orange king happy.

You didn't actually respond to my statements, you gutless hack.

I believe Harvard....but u stick with your barely literate trump....stock with 64....

Um, it wasn't trump, it was an official FEMA or whatever agency estimate.

The buck stops at trump.

The sad part of this is if it had been President Obama who didn't do everything in his power to save Puerto Rico the conservitards would be all "they're Americans too we have to save them!"

But since it's tRump they don't care.
The chickens are coming home to roost. 200,000 Puerto Ricans have moved to Florida and they`re expecting 200-300 thousand more in the next few years. They thought Trump would whiten up the country but shitting on Puerto Rico backfired. They`re dark skinned ,they`re legal and they`ll vote.
In just 10 weeks since Hurricane Maria, over 200,000 Puerto Ricans have come to Florida
Trump took Florida by half a percent in 2016
Don’t think many of those 200,000 will vote for Trump
5,000 Puerto Ricans died because Trump refused to help them.
Weird. I thought it was a hurricane.

LMAO It was a hurricane.

As for Puerto Rico?? Its a US territory and rules itself. They should have done a better job of preparing for that hurricane.

Light a candle.

And pray for those killed while attending school by gun shoots?

Yep, once again false pathos and foolish comments by a callous conservative.
5,000 Puerto Ricans died because Trump refused to help them.
Weird. I thought it was a hurricane.

LMAO It was a hurricane.

As for Puerto Rico?? Its a US territory and rules itself. They should have done a better job of preparing for that hurricane.

Light a candle.

And pray for those killed while attending school by gun shoots?

Yep, once again false pathos and foolish comments by a callous conservative.

Nope. Just a realist which is something you will never be.

I have the answer.




Deep State



Where are the seven investigations of how Trump handled Puerto Rico and what he could have done to save more lives

Four people were killed in Benghazi while 5000 died under Trump

Where are the seven investigations of how Trump handled Puerto Rico and what he could have done to save more lives

Four people were killed in Benghazi while 5000 died under Trump

I guess they will have to wait until the Dems take House in November. :
The GOP controlled House is worthless..
5,000 Puerto Ricans died because Trump refused to help them.
Weird. I thought it was a hurricane.

LMAO It was a hurricane.

As for Puerto Rico?? Its a US territory and rules itself. They should have done a better job of preparing for that hurricane.

Light a candle.

And pray for those killed while attending school by gun shoots?

Yep, once again false pathos and foolish comments by a callous conservative.

Nope. Just a realist which is something you will never be.

Idiot-gram, denial variety (& in need of a tissue).

Where are the seven investigations of how Trump handled Puerto Rico and what he could have done to save more lives

Four people were killed in Benghazi while 5000 died under Trump

I guess they will have to wait until the Dems take House in November. :
The GOP controlled House is worthless..

"Worthless"? How about Toxic, Authoritarian and a failure to lead 300 Million diverse citizens?
Racist used to hide....Only occasionally did you see blatant racist tendencies.

Now....under has nearly become a badge of honor. Racism is not only displayed... But applauded by trumpettes....
5,000 Puerto Ricans died because Trump refused to help them.
Weird. I thought it was a hurricane.

LMAO It was a hurricane.

As for Puerto Rico?? Its a US territory and rules itself. They should have done a better job of preparing for that hurricane.

Light a candle.

And pray for those killed while attending school by gun shoots?

Yep, once again false pathos and foolish comments by a callous conservative.

Nope. Just a realist which is something you will never be.

Idiot-gram, denial variety (& in need of a tissue).

Nope. You are in need of a reality check.

You should save that tissue for yourself. LOL
Last edited:
Yawn. Puerto Rico was a disaster long before the hurricane.

Those are American citizens.

Just like you and I.

They pay taxes just like you and I.

It's disgusting to see an American say that about their fellow Americans.

It is true that Puerto Ricans have U.S. citizenship due to a series of congressional statutes. But it is also true that these statutes were enacted without consulting Puerto Ricans

As any Puerto Rican where they are a citizen and they will tell you Puerto Rico, not the US.

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