Trumps New York civil suit shut down and destroyed in 33 minutes

I watched the lies and promises Trump told in Atlantic City

He sold local and state politicians on the TRUMP aura, made promises of investment in the community, jobs and tax revenue. None of which materialized

All the TRUMP properties went bankrupt leaving the taxpayer holding the bag.

It's actually worse the that. Trump invited small investors to "get rich with him". They lost everything. He also hired a bunch of small local contractors to work on his casinos, offering them a chance to get into the "big time", and then stiffed them on their contracts. Many of these contractors lost everything. 60 minutes did a piece of this back in the 1990's.

Oh, make no mistake, the DA and the judge do understand the law....they just don't care.
It is one of the enumerated indictments, and that is all they care about...other than it's TRUMP.

It's YOU who doesn't care about the law. These people are actually upholding the legal principles your country was founded on.
It's actually worse the that. Trump invited small investors to "get rich with him". They lost everything. He also hired a bunch of small local contractors to work on his casinos, offering them a chance to get into the "big time", and then stiffed them on their contracts. Many of these contractors lost everything. 60 minutes did a piece of this back in the 1990's.

It's YOU who doesn't care about the law. These people are actually upholding the legal principles your country was founded on.

You didn't watch the video, did ya commie?

Does that "judge" look like the sissy-faggot from every 80's movie ever made? :laughing0301:

It looks like Woody Allen fucked an albino rodent. Poor Trump has to play along with this pathetic, sad little queer.

So using a law that is meant for taking more damages from someone who was convicted of fraud is acceptable to you since Trump never was convicted of fraud?
The same civil law, shuttered Trump University and the Trump Charity, for fraud a few year's back....
How was that decided? He was never charged with fraud and never convicted of it. This stupid judge just skipped over an entire court case to get to a civil trial. You can’t have a civil trial without a criminal trial being proven in court first. You don’t get to just skip that part and say someone is guilty of something never charged and never proven in court.
Both sides waived their right to a jury trial. Stupid move on Team Trumps part. So a judge decides. And he's already decided that the Trumps committed fraud. What's being presented right now is the evidence by which it will be determined how much the Trumps owe. They can always appeal but these cases are almost never overturned on appeal.

This case pretty much ends the facade of Donald Trump being a real estate tycoon.
He's a fraud. Color me shocked. :)
Where was the part of the trial to determine guilt? A judge just can’t walk in and decide you’re guilty then move on to the civil portion and try to take everything you own.

This isn’t fucking North Korea you moron.

This entire trial will be thrown out. At least it should be. If not the rule of law in this country no longer exists.
This has never been a criminal fraud is a civil law court case.

Trump's lawyers chose not to request a trial by jury.....
likely because he had recently lost two civil trials which had juries.... and his lawyers thought they would fair better, with just a Judge determining guilt or innocence from the evidence..... Or it was simply malpractice by his lawyers to miss the info where it was going to be a trial by judge alone?

Trump's lawyers requested a SUMMARY JUDGEMENT from the judge, to rule on the entire case after seeing the evidence presented from both sides which the judge denied.

the prosecutor asked for a PARTIAL summary judgement on part 1 of the trial case, and the Judge approved the partial summary for part 1 only and parts 2-7 were left for trial.


A summary judgment is a decision made based on statements and evidence without going to trial. It’s a final decision by a judge and is designed to resolve a lawsuit before going to court. One party in a case is entitled to judgment by the law, and summary judgment is used in cases where there’s no dispute about the facts.

Summary Judgment Definition and Purpose | Wilson Kehoe Win…

What Does the Summary Judgment Process Look Like?​

The summary judgment process has, in general, five steps:

  1. The moving party has to move to summary judgment. The motion to summary judgment must be assigned a hearing date and the parties must be notified.
  2. At summary judgment, the moving party files and serves a memorandum of points and authorities, which is their legal grounds for the motion.
  3. They make their case that there are no triable issues of fact—and even if there were, there would be no way that the case would win in court. The other party is allowed to respond, which involves showing that there is, in fact, triable evidence, that more than one version of the facts exists, or that the judgment would be premature.
  4. Once the cases are made, the judge reviews them and makes a decision.
  5. When a motion is granted, the case against the moving party ends; if the motion is denied and no settlement is reached, the next step is often the courtroom.
The case will most likely end up resolved in the moving party’s favor if the other party doesn’t respond or the response is insufficient.
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The Stalinist Struggle is SHIT!!!!!!
Legal court motions and proceedings under the LAW.

Why should the LAW and legal proceedings be CHANGED just for Trump?

It should not be. It would be a kangaroo court, if it were changed outside of the law written, for one mere man....

Mr. Trump's next legal step is to appeal to a higher court.
Legal court motions and proceedings under the LAW.

Why should the LAW and legal proceedings be CHANGED just for Trump?

It should not be. It would be a kangaroo court, if it were changed outside of the law written, for one mere man....

Mr. Trump's next legal step is to appeal to a higher court.
There is NOTHING legitimate about this fucking anti-American Stalinist Marxist Leninist BULLSHIT!!!!! :eusa_hand:
The "higher court" will TOSS THIS EVIL CRAP!!!!
There is NOTHING legitimate about this fucking anti-American Stalinist Marxist Leninist BULLSHIT!!!!! :eusa_hand:
The "higher court" will TOSS THIS EVIL CRAP!!!!
It will be tossed, if the lower court was wrong.....have faith in the system, it has faults but it has worked, just the way it has, for over 200 years....
changing .the system for one man is what would be ILLEGITIMATE, a kangaroo court....

calm down, take some deep breaths and...

Screw your head back on.
It will, if the lower court was wrong.....have faith in the system, it has faults but it has worked, just the way it has, for over 200 years....
changing .the system for one man is what would be ILLEGITIMATE, a kangaroo court....

calm down, take some deep breaths and...

Screw your head back on.
Yeah, "calm down" is what all you demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies say when I post the TRUTH about your fucking SOVIET STYLE railroading of Trump!!!!!
No, FUCK YOU and all the rest of you brainwashed IDIOTS!
It will be tossed, if the lower court was wrong.....have faith in the system, it has faults but it has worked, just the way it has, for over 200 years....
changing .the system for one man is what would be ILLEGITIMATE, a kangaroo court....

calm down, take some deep breaths and...

Screw your head back on.
This case is a joke…it will be tossed, with predijuce ….
Yeah, "calm down" is what all you demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies say when I post the TRUTH about your fucking SOVIET STYLE railroading of Trump!!!!!
No, FUCK YOU and all the rest of you brainwashed IDIOTS!
Sigh....okee dokee! :cuckoo:

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