TSA fails again.

Perhaps the real issue we need to reconsider the rules and policies on traveling with guns. Maybe the guns need to shipped to your location instead of being allowed to check them in your luggage.

Long rifles can be sent by mail. Handguns cannot be
Fire TSA, Hire real cops, maybe some returning vets who have spent a little time spotting bad guys , buy them guns and dogs and there you go. We can stop paying Shaniqua D'Quanza and Meguel Lopez to sit on their fat asses and the airports would actually be safe. I'll be fair here this guy seems to have moved his weapons legally. TSA still needs to be cut or reformed.
A lot of veterans are working for TSA and other federal agencies since Vets have preferred hiring status.

You're wrong about TSA fucking up. People are allowed to carry guns in their checked luggage. At some point they have to pick them up. IIRC, all US airport attacks over the past few have been outside security. Usually the bad guys came in from the parking lot. This one is strange because he traveled to FLL to commit the crime.
Wrong. Show the lies. All I did was cut you off before you told yours. Point out and expose one lie. You won't because you can not.

TSA doesn't control the entire airport. That was lie number one. Anyone can walk in off the street to the ticket counter or baggage claim without passing through TSA security. Anyone who has ever flown knows this to be true.

A couple of weeks ago, I dropped off a friend at the airport, went through the ticket line, and walked her all the way through security because she had never flown before.

The last time I flew was on Christmas Day. I accidently left a folding knife in my bag where I moved my daughter down to Texas. They screened the bag, searched it after asking my permission and showed me the knife. They offered to give it back so I could mail it home, but I told them just to throw it away. I was the dumbass who forgot to check the bag I was using. I guess they were just lucky considering it was with a flashlight, headlamp, and phone charger.

My daughter found all kinds of knives, guns, and other prohibited items on a daily basis. They do a great job, but you never hear it from them because they don't people to figure out ways to pass their security measures.
Crysux is on a mission, a mission to demonize and destroy the TSA at all costs, any false accusation and lie is not beyond him, any allusion or hyperbole will work in fact it appears it's his primary modus operandi since the TSA has yet to "go away".
Not one shred of self decency or credibility remains, oh well.

Like you have Amun? Theft rings, rapes and a 95% failure rate to detect firearms is nothing ? Meh.

Where are you getting that 95% failure rate from?

Rapes? WTF are you on?
The failure rate was an inside (2014-15) test by the TSA on themselves. Don't know the sample size though.

I know that. My daughter was a TSA screener who NEVER failed a test.

Do you think the defensive coordinator of any NFL would know best how to stop the offense of their team? It is always easier if you know the combination to the lock on the safe instead of having to blow it open with dynamite.

The people who test the screeners are former screeners who KNOW how to bypass their systems!
TSA doesn't control the entire airport. That was lie number one. Anyone can walk in off the street to the ticket counter or baggage claim without passing through TSA security. Anyone who has ever flown knows this to be true.

A couple of weeks ago, I dropped off a friend at the airport, went through the ticket line, and walked her all the way through security because she had never flown before.

The last time I flew was on Christmas Day. I accidently left a folding knife in my bag where I moved my daughter down to Texas. They screened the bag, searched it after asking my permission and showed me the knife. They offered to give it back so I could mail it home, but I told them just to throw it away. I was the dumbass who forgot to check the bag I was using. I guess they were just lucky considering it was with a flashlight, headlamp, and phone charger.

My daughter found all kinds of knives, guns, and other prohibited items on a daily basis. They do a great job, but you never hear it from them because they don't people to figure out ways to pass their security measures.
Crysux is on a mission, a mission to demonize and destroy the TSA at all costs, any false accusation and lie is not beyond him, any allusion or hyperbole will work in fact it appears it's his primary modus operandi since the TSA has yet to "go away".
Not one shred of self decency or credibility remains, oh well.

Like you have Amun? Theft rings, rapes and a 95% failure rate to detect firearms is nothing ? Meh.

Where are you getting that 95% failure rate from?

Rapes? WTF are you on?
The failure rate was an inside (2014-15) test by the TSA on themselves. Don't know the sample size though.

I know that. My daughter was a TSA screener who NEVER failed a test.

Do you think the defensive coordinator of any NFL would know best how to stop the offense of their team? It is always easier if you know the combination to the lock on the safe instead of having to blow it open with dynamite.

The people who test the screeners are former screeners who KNOW how to bypass their systems!
It's government testing government........ That speaks for itself..... :D
Perhaps the real issue we need to reconsider the rules and policies on traveling with guns. Maybe the guns need to shipped to your location instead of being allowed to check them in your luggage.

Long rifles can be sent by mail. Handguns cannot be

Incredibly dumb and expensive idea.

BTW, where did you get that handguns cannot be sent by mail? I frequent a major gun store that does internet sales as a big piece of their business. They ship them to other licensed dealers near you for pick up.
Crysux is on a mission, a mission to demonize and destroy the TSA at all costs, any false accusation and lie is not beyond him, any allusion or hyperbole will work in fact it appears it's his primary modus operandi since the TSA has yet to "go away".
Not one shred of self decency or credibility remains, oh well.

Like you have Amun? Theft rings, rapes and a 95% failure rate to detect firearms is nothing ? Meh.

Where are you getting that 95% failure rate from?

Rapes? WTF are you on?
The failure rate was an inside (2014-15) test by the TSA on themselves. Don't know the sample size though.

I know that. My daughter was a TSA screener who NEVER failed a test.

Do you think the defensive coordinator of any NFL would know best how to stop the offense of their team? It is always easier if you know the combination to the lock on the safe instead of having to blow it open with dynamite.

The people who test the screeners are former screeners who KNOW how to bypass their systems!
It's government testing government........ That speaks for itself..... :D

If I give all of my math students the answer key to the test, you would think they could all pass the test, right?

TSA can always find an oversized bottle of shampoo or perfume, but they can't find a gun. Lol.

They also find ways to steal your iPad and or laptop.

TSA can always find an oversized bottle of shampoo or perfume, but they can't find a gun. Lol.

They also find ways to steal your iPad and or laptop.

The link quoted twice in your post shows that the TSA does a fairly decent job.
Fire TSA, Hire real cops, maybe some returning vets who have spent a little time spotting bad guys , buy them guns and dogs and there you go. We can stop paying Shaniqua D'Quanza and Meguel Lopez to sit on their fat asses and the airports would actually be safe. I'll be fair here this guy seems to have moved his weapons legally. TSA still needs to be cut or reformed.
A lot of veterans are working for TSA and other federal agencies since Vets have preferred hiring status.

You're wrong about TSA fucking up. People are allowed to carry guns in their checked luggage. At some point they have to pick them up. IIRC, all US airport attacks over the past few have been outside security. Usually the bad guys came in from the parking lot. This one is strange because he traveled to FLL to commit the crime.

Some idiot could have a knife or glass bottle or some chemical cocktail that can be mixed up inside a suitcase for an explosive or chemical gas and come out of a bathroom with it.

You can kill with a piece of paper or a paperclip in your breast pocket if you are determined and knowledgeable enough.

This is not about guns. This is about a sick man that slipped through the warning signs and screenings to go without proper treatment or tagged as a danger before getting on the plane.
Perhaps the real issue we need to reconsider the rules and policies on traveling with guns. Maybe the guns need to shipped to your location instead of being allowed to check them in your luggage.

Long rifles can be sent by mail. Handguns cannot be

Incredibly dumb and expensive idea.

BTW, where did you get that handguns cannot be sent by mail? I frequent a major gun store that does internet sales as a big piece of their business. They ship them to other licensed dealers near you for pick up.

ATF Home Page | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosivesfirearms/qa/may-nonlicensee-ship-firearm-through-us-postal-service
Perhaps the real issue we need to reconsider the rules and policies on traveling with guns. Maybe the guns need to shipped to your location instead of being allowed to check them in your luggage.

Long rifles can be sent by mail. Handguns cannot be

Incredibly dumb and expensive idea.

BTW, where did you get that handguns cannot be sent by mail? I frequent a major gun store that does internet sales as a big piece of their business. They ship them to other licensed dealers near you for pick up.

ATF Home Page | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosivesfirearms/qa/may-nonlicensee-ship-firearm-through-us-postal-service

So what I said was true. You have to have a license. The other poster said shipped, not mailed.

It is still a dumb and expensive idea.

TSA can always find an oversized bottle of shampoo or perfume, but they can't find a gun. Lol.

They also find ways to steal your iPad and or laptop.

TSA can always find an oversized bottle of shampoo or perfume, but they can't find a gun. Lol.

They also find ways to steal your iPad and or laptop.

The link quoted twice in your post shows that the TSA does a fairly decent job.

95% failure rate. I can see why you think a failure rate like that is okay now that you are claiming to be a teacher. No wonder American collage grads are so stupid.
Fire TSA, Hire real cops, maybe some returning vets who have spent a little time spotting bad guys , buy them guns and dogs and there you go. We can stop paying Shaniqua D'Quanza and Meguel Lopez to sit on their fat asses and the airports would actually be safe. I'll be fair here this guy seems to have moved his weapons legally. TSA still needs to be cut or reformed.
A lot of veterans are working for TSA and other federal agencies since Vets have preferred hiring status.

You're wrong about TSA fucking up. People are allowed to carry guns in their checked luggage. At some point they have to pick them up. IIRC, all US airport attacks over the past few have been outside security. Usually the bad guys came in from the parking lot. This one is strange because he traveled to FLL to commit the crime.

Some idiot could have a knife or glass bottle or some chemical cocktail that can be mixed up inside a suitcase for an explosive or chemical gas and come out of a bathroom with it.

You can kill with a piece of paper or a paperclip in your breast pocket if you are determined and knowledgeable enough.

This is not about guns. This is about a sick man that slipped through the warning signs and screenings to go without proper treatment or tagged as a danger before getting on the plane.

True dat, but in the end, the government agency tasked with protecting the people in airports fails again just like it does 95%.of the time.
....This is not about guns. This is about a sick man that slipped through the warning signs and screenings to go without proper treatment or tagged as a danger before getting on the plane.
All of which has nothing to do with TSA and everything to do with Congressional legislation.
baggage pickup

Nothing will ever be totally safe from all types of attacks

Second set out in the parking area

You would have to have a car, baggage and physical search well outside the airport area.

Still you have all the service vehicle and people not to mention what might be on the plane from a previous flight at a different airport

That's a piss poor excuse for what's clearly a failed policy.

TSA can always find an oversized bottle of shampoo or perfume, but they can't find a gun. Lol.

They also find ways to steal your iPad and or laptop.

TSA can always find an oversized bottle of shampoo or perfume, but they can't find a gun. Lol.

They also find ways to steal your iPad and or laptop.

The link quoted twice in your post shows that the TSA does a fairly decent job.

95% failure rate. I can see why you think a failure rate like that is okay now that you are claiming to be a teacher. No wonder American collage grads are so stupid.

They may fail testing by their own experts, but do you think YOU can get a loaded gun on a plane? If what you say is true, you have a 19 out of 20 chance! Prove me wrong! Go for it!

TSA can always find an oversized bottle of shampoo or perfume, but they can't find a gun. Lol.

They also find ways to steal your iPad and or laptop.

TSA can always find an oversized bottle of shampoo or perfume, but they can't find a gun. Lol.

They also find ways to steal your iPad and or laptop.

The link quoted twice in your post shows that the TSA does a fairly decent job.

95% failure rate. I can see why you think a failure rate like that is okay now that you are claiming to be a teacher. No wonder American collage grads are so stupid.

They may fail testing by their own experts, but do you think YOU can get a loaded gun on a plane? If what you say is true, you have a 19 out of 20 chance! Prove me wrong! Go for it!
Agreed. If it was true, how come the fucking terrorists aren't taking advantage of it and shooting up a few airliners?

The proof isn't in self-testing, outside testing or a bunch of naysayers, the proof is in the results. How many times has a person fired a gun on an airliner in the past 16 years?

TSA can always find an oversized bottle of shampoo or perfume, but they can't find a gun. Lol.

They also find ways to steal your iPad and or laptop.

TSA can always find an oversized bottle of shampoo or perfume, but they can't find a gun. Lol.

They also find ways to steal your iPad and or laptop.

The link quoted twice in your post shows that the TSA does a fairly decent job.

95% failure rate. I can see why you think a failure rate like that is okay now that you are claiming to be a teacher. No wonder American collage grads are so stupid.

They may fail testing by their own experts, but do you think YOU can get a loaded gun on a plane? If what you say is true, you have a 19 out of 20 chance! Prove me wrong! Go for it!
I could get a knife on easily. As proven by, off the top of my head, Adam Savage, who walked right through "security" with a pair of foot-long razors in his carry-on bag!

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