Tucker is darling of Putin and the Kremlin Security's Information and telecommunications Dept. to support war in Ukraine

No specifics of Biden fuck ups tells us once again you have nothing to offer while trying to change the narrative. But let's help you explain just how wrong Tucker Carlson is, and you present your counter links afterwards. Fair enough? DNI: Ukraine labs not involved with biological weapons, despite Russian charges


You are clueless

There are many examples. We just know not to bother providing them, because you rubes will just dismiss them as fake news, as you are instructed.

You don't think we know that? Really?

Think what you want. Think what you're told. I don't care.
In other words you are full of shit, and just want to silence any opposition. Stalin, Putin, and Zelensky would be proud.
Why say 'according tot he people who pay his salary'? Wouldn't you have first hand knowledge? You also didn't answer what you were asked in the original post of Hawk's you quoted, because you don't know the answer.
He doesn't do facts, or truths. He does opinions only. He has his, the free world, NATO and the US have theirs. I'll go with Joe, NATO and the free world on Ukraine. This and other opinions of his, make him appear to be a propagandist. I do not delve in Russian propaganda, I avoid it, out of trained policy.
He doesn't do facts, or truths. He does opinions only. He has his, the free world, NATO and the US have theirs. I'll go with Joe, NATO and the free world on Ukraine. This and other opinions of his, make him appear to be a propagandist. I do not delve in Russian propaganda, I avoid it, out of trained policy.

You were asked to state what he said that was not truthful, you didn't answer.

All you do is spout platitudes, 'He doesn't do facts', with nothing to back it up, it's meaningless drivel.
His facts? Not to be taken serious, according to the people that pay his salary.
His nuance seems to favor Russian point of view. I am diametrically opposed and have been, since the Cuban missile crisis and later, the full time I was an armor officer in German, on US military and NATO operations/exercises. I will not side with Russia against NATO or the United States, PERIOD. I do not approve of people that do, appear to, or are favored by the Russian government for appearing to.
In other words you don’t care about facts or the truth, you are just picking the side against Russia.

We are not at war with Russia. NATO is not at war with Russia.

Regardless of where I am from or what side I am on, I won’t empower a bunch of corrupt liars. All Tucker does is point out the corruption and lies on or side. How can we lecture anyone like Russia about doing the right thing if we are lying about everything? Yes, Russians should be the “bad guys”, but when the US is so obviously corrupt and caught lying, we need to stop and kid our own house first.
You were asked to state what he said that was not truthful, you didn't answer.

All you do is spout platitudes, 'He doesn't do facts', with nothing to back it up, it's meaningless drivel.
Just how stupid do you have to be to keep beating your head against the same wall you cannot break? Here's a platitude for ya. Grow up.
Just how stupid do you have to be to keep beating your head against the same wall you cannot break? Here's a platitude for ya. Grow up.

Oh, I know you are nothing but a wall, an uninformed one, and I have no doubt you'll stand firm in your ignorance until hell freezes over. I don't expect you to learn anything, you're far too arrogant for that, but it's amusing to annoy you with it to be sure. Grow up, indeed. :rolleyes:
Telling us Ukraine was a puppet regime and managed by the State Department, doesn't exactly explain why it wasn't a democracy.
The primary reason for demeaning Ukraine appears to be integral to the obligatory vendetta against a democratically-elected leader who refused to surrender when vitally-needed military assistance was withheld to pressure him to contrive fake criminal charges against a Loser's political opponent.

He is exhibiting the same integrity now, and the man he refused to smear is now, fittingly, in a position to reciprocate.

Screen Shot 2022-03-15 at 5.26.28 PM.png

Not the ones in Ukraine.
You mean, not the ones we are worried about in Ukraine. Because we don't worry about the other ones. They don't contain pathogens.

Ukraine is a modern country. They do research on pathogens.

Explained. No "bioweapon" horseshit fantasies required.
You mean, not the ones we are worried about in Ukraine. Because we don't worry about the other ones. They don't contain pathogens.

Ukraine is a modern country. They do research on pathogens.

Explained. No "bioweapon" horseshit fantasies required.
At war

nothing to see here. You probably believe COVID19 came from a bat at a market too….

Tucker is 100% wrong and an anit-American little swine. FOX ought to jerk him off the air. All Tucker is doing is jerking off Putin, on the air.

Many of us knew Tucker was pro-Trump, possibly anti-NATO and definitely not anti-Putin, but I didn't know the Russian Government made it a policy to copy and show Tucker to the Russian people, to further the war effort in Ukraine.
Tucker has an anti-American, anti-free world view and is nothing but a propagandist supporting Putun's war.

Leaked Kremlin Memo to Russian Media: It Is “Essential” to Feature Tucker Carlson​

The Russian government has pressed outlets to highlight the Fox host’s Putin-helping broadcasts.

Kremlin sent out talking points to state-friendly media outlets with a request: Use more Tucker Carlson.
“It is essential to use as much as possible fragments of broadcasts of the popular Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who sharply criticizes the actions of the United States [and] NATO, their negative role in unleashing the conflict in Ukraine, [and] the defiantly provocative behavior from the leadership of the Western countries and NATO towards the Russian Federation and towards President Putin, personally,” advises the 12-page document written in Russian. It sums up Carlson’s position: “Russia is only protecting its interests and security.” The memo includes a quote from Carlson: “And how would the US behave if such a situation developed in neighboring Mexico or Canada?”

Pretty interesting article popped up 7 hours ago from Mother Jones, that got a copy of the Russian memo.
Can you give me an example of something Tucker has said that isn't true?
Can you give me an example of something Tucker has said that isn't true?
Tucker: "Why do I care what is going on in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia? I'm serious. Why shouldn't I root for Russia? Which by the way I am." pic.twitter.com/OQopoxPYD9

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