Turns out Russians hacked systems in 39 states. Did Republicans help?

You're willfully overlooking a key word in that exchange. "Attempted ". They hacked into state election board systems in an attempt to hack disrupt the system, but they failed. So no, they didn't "hack the election". Words matter and they matter a lot. Liberals throwing shit against the wall to see what sticks isn't going to get you what you want. Logic and reason will kick your ass every time.
You fail so bigly. They hacked the systems. That is a cyber crime. The very fact they attempt to hack is a crime. And any American who aid or abetted in any form that cyber attack on America has committed seditiion.

So is Obama a criminal now?
Fallacy of false equivalency but go ahead and argue it.

So you are denying that under DumBama, we did the same thing; try to influence elections?
Fallacy of false equivalency.

The Russians hacked our elections and now we are trying to find out if Americans helped them.

Why are you on the side of the Russians?

LMAO!!!!! They switched votes, Jake????? Is that YOUR contention? That votes intended for the Hildebeast were changed to Trump????

Or are you claiming that it wasn't actually Seth Rich (that was the leaker of the e-mails) and that it was Russian operatives that hacked the DNC webiste revealing how corrupt the DNC was and how they stole the nomination from Sanders, were plotting how to steal the national election while revealing a child trafficking ring that Podesta and the Hildebeast are up to their necks in shit over?

Please clarify...............
Ahh yes the old they hacked the data base routine. The ONLY entity actually caught doing that was Homeland security in Georgia and Idaho. Further getting the list of voters does not change make or create actual votes on Voting day. It only lets a hacker know who is registered and what ever personal data is kept with the data..

The russians hacked 39 states, and all you can say is it happened before election day, so it doesn't count.
It doesnt matter when it happened it did NOT effect the vote IT COULD NOT effect the vote they hacked data bases that are NOT votes do not connect to voting machines and have NOTHING to do with the actual VOTE RETARD.
You fail so bigly. They hacked the systems. That is a cyber crime. The very fact they attempt to hack is a crime. And any American who aid or abetted in any form that cyber attack on America has committed seditiion.

So is Obama a criminal now?
Fallacy of false equivalency but go ahead and argue it.

So you are denying that under DumBama, we did the same thing; try to influence elections?
Fallacy of false equivalency.

The Russians hacked our elections and now we are trying to find out if Americans helped them.

Why are you on the side of the Russians?

So the Russians gave us Trump?
The media gave us Trump.

Russia helped.
The russians hacked 39 states, and all you can say is it happened before election day, so it doesn't count.
Nations hack each other. They hack us, we hack them. They didnt effect the election, so what specifically about this hack should bother me more than any of the other hacks that go on all day, every day?

You came to the same conclusion, before being shown the Russians hacked 39 states. And you'll come to the same conclusion no matter how much russian interference is revealed. As long as Putin didn't personally vote, Anything the russians did was O.K.
Once again RETARD the hacking had absolutely NOTHING to do with the vote, It did not effect voting machines, it did not effect votes being cast it had NOTHING to do with the vote. EVEN Obama admitted that.
So is Obama a criminal now?
Fallacy of false equivalency but go ahead and argue it.

So you are denying that under DumBama, we did the same thing; try to influence elections?
Fallacy of false equivalency.

The Russians hacked our elections and now we are trying to find out if Americans helped them.

Why are you on the side of the Russians?

So the Russians gave us Trump?
The media gave us Trump.

Russia helped.

The PEOPLE gave you Trump, deal with it.
Is English too tough for ya? Their attempts were successful. Look at the second of those questions...

BURR: Do you have any doubt that the Russian government was behind the intrusions in the DNC and the DCCC systems, and the subsequent leaks of that information?

COMEY: No, no doubt.

No one disputes they were able to access data. But what precisely were they able to do with or to that data that actually interfered with the election? Nothing. It was a free and fair election and Trump won. I understand that you and others just can't wrap your little spoon fed minds around it, but there it is. Good luck in 2020. Given the lack of real reflection going on and the large amount of excuses being made, I think you're going to be in for an additional four years of heartbreak if you continue to believe the American people want socialist policies and that Hillary was a great candidate.
Great. :eusa_doh: You get caught telling one lie, so then you move onto another lie. Figures.

Firs you try to pretend like they didn't actually hack us; that they only "attempted." Called on that lie, you acquiesce, ok, so they hacked us; but then you lie and claim they were able to do "nothing" with the data they obtained from their hacking.

What they were able to do with it was release dirt they found on Democrats. There's no question that cost votes. Was it enough to affect the outcome of the election? We may never know. But to pretend it had no impact at all on the election is brutally dishonest.

Holy shit! Do you have ADHD? The hacking of 39 state election systems and the hacking of the DNC are two different things. The DNC's dirty tactics being exposed thru wikileaks and someone accessing your voting records are not the same thing. You need to breathe into a paper sack or something before you hyperventilate. Hillary and the DNC have no one but themselves for how people may have reacted to THEIR actions. Hell, this whole collusion witch hunt is nothing more than people who got caught with their pants down wanting to spread their shame by trying to find someone lese with their pants down. Grow up and accept some responsibility for your actions.
No matter how much you yell "Clinton" and "DNC" and 'Benghazi", the focus of the investigation is on the Russians and those who helped them.
View attachment 133103
What that cartoon showed is lack of fairness from the press. Remember, the Clinton Foundation was being investigated by the Senate, the House, the FBI and even the CIA looked into foreign connections. Then there was every reporter, newspaper and media outlet in the world also investigating.

Then there was a single reporter, David A. Fahrenthold who investigated the illegal and criminal organization, the Trump Foundation, and what he found was so bad, he received the Pulitzer Prize. All those people looking for something on Hillary and what did they come up? A super story that she ran a child sex ring out of a pizza parlor. Something so stupid, only a drooling T@RD could believe it. Of course, most Republicans believed it.

Investigation of Trump's charity wins Pulitzer Prize
Ahh yes the old they hacked the data base routine. The ONLY entity actually caught doing that was Homeland security in Georgia and Idaho. Further getting the list of voters does not change make or create actual votes on Voting day. It only lets a hacker know who is registered and what ever personal data is kept with the data..

The russians hacked 39 states, and all you can say is it happened before election day, so it doesn't count.
It doesnt matter when it happened it did NOT effect the vote IT COULD NOT effect the vote they hacked data bases that are NOT votes do not connect to voting machines and have NOTHING to do with the actual VOTE RETARD.

We know due to the Vault 7 releases that the CIA can mimic a cyber-attack and leave certain "footprints" to give the impression that some foreign entity was behind it...it's a CYA move. What cracks me up about the leftard clown posse is how they believe that they NEVER lose elections but are ALWAYS cheated out of their rightful place in power because after all, they know what is best and those that don't vote "leftard" are voting against their own interests.....as if they believe that everyone should think like them. I wouldn't throw support behind a leftard even at gunpoint and I feel the same way about neocons....just different sides of the same coin.
No one disputes they were able to access data. But what precisely were they able to do with or to that data that actually interfered with the election? Nothing. It was a free and fair election and Trump won. I understand that you and others just can't wrap your little spoon fed minds around it, but there it is. Good luck in 2020. Given the lack of real reflection going on and the large amount of excuses being made, I think you're going to be in for an additional four years of heartbreak if you continue to believe the American people want socialist policies and that Hillary was a great candidate.
Great. :eusa_doh: You get caught telling one lie, so then you move onto another lie. Figures.

Firs you try to pretend like they didn't actually hack us; that they only "attempted." Called on that lie, you acquiesce, ok, so they hacked us; but then you lie and claim they were able to do "nothing" with the data they obtained from their hacking.

What they were able to do with it was release dirt they found on Democrats. There's no question that cost votes. Was it enough to affect the outcome of the election? We may never know. But to pretend it had no impact at all on the election is brutally dishonest.

Holy shit! Do you have ADHD? The hacking of 39 state election systems and the hacking of the DNC are two different things. The DNC's dirty tactics being exposed thru wikileaks and someone accessing your voting records are not the same thing. You need to breathe into a paper sack or something before you hyperventilate. Hillary and the DNC have no one but themselves for how people may have reacted to THEIR actions. Hell, this whole collusion witch hunt is nothing more than people who got caught with their pants down wanting to spread their shame by trying to find someone lese with their pants down. Grow up and accept some responsibility for your actions.
No matter how much you yell "Clinton" and "DNC" and 'Benghazi", the focus of the investigation is on the Russians and those who helped them.
View attachment 133103
What that cartoon showed is lack of fairness from the press. Remember, the Clinton Foundation was being investigated by the Senate, the House, the FBI and even the CIA looked into foreign connections. Then there was every reporter, newspaper and media outlet in the world also investigating.

Then there was a single reporter, David A. Fahrenthold who investigated the illegal and criminal organization, the Trump Foundation, and what he found was so bad, he received the Pulitzer Prize. All those people looking for something on Hillary and what did they come up? A super story that she ran a child sex ring out of a pizza parlor. Something so stupid, only a drooling T@RD could believe it. Of course, most Republicans believed it.

Investigation of Trump's charity wins Pulitzer Prize

If the Clinton slush fund disguised as a charitable foundation was on the "up and up"? Why did they shut it down? What happened to the money that was already collected? Was it John Podesta's chore to liquidate the fiat currency into hard assets and then sock it away in foreign accounts that can't be scrutinized by the prying eyes of the IRS? Why yes, that is exactly what happened to the money that was (snicker) "collected" for the good of humanity.......
You're willfully overlooking a key word in that exchange. "Attempted ". They hacked into state election board systems in an attempt to hack disrupt the system, but they failed. So no, they didn't "hack the election". Words matter and they matter a lot. Liberals throwing shit against the wall to see what sticks isn't going to get you what you want. Logic and reason will kick your ass every time.
You fail so bigly. They hacked the systems. That is a cyber crime. The very fact they attempt to hack is a crime. And any American who aid or abetted in any form that cyber attack on America has committed seditiion.

So is Obama a criminal now?
Fallacy of false equivalency but go ahead and argue it.

So you are denying that under DumBama, we did the same thing; try to influence elections?
Fallacy of false equivalency.

The Russians hacked our elections and now we are trying to find out if Americans helped them.

Why are you on the side of the Russians?

Repeating something over and over again doesn't make it true.

Nobody hacked the elections. Somebody hacked the DNC computers. That's it. But you brainwashed fools who keep listening to the MSM simply can't figure it out. The election was legitimate. You're never going to change the outcome. Trump is not going away.
Ray, many in the government disagree with you about the hacking.

You don't know. You are not in the loop.
Ray, many in the government disagree with you about the hacking.

You don't know. You are not in the loop.

And you are in the loop Jake?

I'm willing to let everything go it's course before making judgement; the MSM is not. That's because they sell papers, get people to their sites, get people emailing them.........

But this is what I'm talking about. Be critical of things we definitely know about, not things the MSM says might be. They make up these stories to sell business. It doesn't matter if there is any truth to them . If there isn't any proof of what they say, just use "anonymous" in the article and your ass is covered. When it's found to be BS, they just sit back and tell us they only reported what they had---not that they agreed with it.
Ray, many in the government disagree with you about the hacking.

You don't know. You are not in the loop.

Pencil pushing bureaucrats that depend on the largesse of the overly taxed paying public sector know more because of??????? Step up to the plate, Jake. We already know that Seth Rich was the source of the leak that so infuriated the Hildebeast that she suggested a drone strike on the Ecuador embassy that was giving Assange refuge. We have John Podesta's leaked e-mail that was all for making an example of the leaker.....it's "case closed" for me.
"According to you"? Nice hop down the bunny trail there. Care to return to reality? You've intimated that the Russians had to have changed votes because they accessed some servers. I'd like to know if you're basing that on something more than the voices.

That's what you said "no one has accused the russians of changing votes" as a defense. No one has accused them of getting information either. Would you like to change that defense? Because you can't have it both ways
What defense? It would be nice for everyone to be on the same page about what actually happened and how Trump and DA ROOSHANS managed to single handedly deny Queen Hillary her birthright to the throne.

It would be nice if you didn't deflect and provide BS excuses only to go back on them 1 post later
Excuses for what? Somebody found and published the truth about Hillary and the DNC. That happened, and the good news is that she is not living in the White House.

There's no indication that votes were switched after being cast. Heck, there's no indication of the stuff we do to other countries to get a government we like better. Just ask Ghaddafi how much respect Obama and Hillary had for his country's policies.

I'm cynically mocking the less intellectually rigorous who are shocked, just shocked, I tells ya, that some other country would try to get an American administration they prefer. What, you think they're just going to sit by and hope when they can at least get information they might be able to use later? Assuming DA ROOSHANS really did it, you should be glad they released it. Had they not and Hillary won, they would have had excellent blackmail material.

In fact, that's a strong argument for them NOT having done it. The smart use of such information lies in the leverage it gives you, not in jumping up and down yelling, "Look what I have".
Stop with the strawman... no one is claiming votes already cast were altered.
Then the cries of "Da Rooshans interfered wit da elections" are a little weak. Sure, someone illegally accessed data and published the truth about Hillary and the democrats. That is a criminal matter that needs to be dealt with.
Hillary is a deflection, nothing more.

Attempted and actual hacking, without effect, are crimes and will be punished.

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