U.S. senator says Biden administration disinformation board likely illegal

Probably not since their supposed mandate is to identify foreign "misinformation" that threatens the US.

Actions they take however very well could be deemed unconstitutional if they start infringing on free speech in the US.
Thank you. A thoughtful answer
Well why don’t you take a minute away from feeding on partisan talking points and do some actual research to find out. I posted the “why’s” to your questions a few posts back. Go read
I’m sure that would be a waste of time.
Get ready....we are going into a whole new area in this country and it will not be pretty for conservatives and christians.
Read this...

Can you tell us what you don't like...

"The board is tasked with standardizing and streamlining DHS' efforts to respond to disinformation that could be connected with violent threats to the U.S. homeland."

Could you tell us how you would suggest we stop violent actions due to disinformation?

Can I remind you that Jan 6th was a violence due to disinformation... It is so bad that people to this day still believe the disinformation.
You people believe words are violence. :rolleyes:
What would I’d be right about? I’m simply trying to ask what actions or statements or plans they have made that violates the first amendment? I keep hearing that the board is violating it but nobody can explain exactly how without making unfounded assumptions
Freedom of speech is Freedom of speech. It does not matter if the speech is true or false. It does not matter if the speech is based on fiction or not. It does not matter if the speech sounds scarry. The government can not infringe on the citizens RIGHT to make that speech. It is up to the well educated readers to decide how they feel about the speech.

This "Disinformation Governance Board" is now in charge of determining how others should feel about any speech or publication. As you correctly pointed out, they are in charge of coordinating a response: They are empowered to take actions against the publication of any speech or material they decide is a threat, for any reason. Such actions may include instructing other branches or departments to censor the publication, provide statements to tell others how they should feel about the speech, and potentially punish or imprison those who published it if they feel it incites insurrection or any sort of threat to the government. The DHS has all of these powers, normally reserved for wartime, but because the war on terror is an ongoing "crisis", the special powers they have were never allowed to lapse. I know you aren't so dumb as to try to say that the DHS has never imprisoned anyone in a detention camp. You think you would get a trial if they came after you? The board decides what is a threat, nobody else, so what would be the point? You would always be guilty. The court would throw the case out for technical reasons (lack of standing or precident) and you would remain in the detention facility for questioning.

The creation of this department is a direct assault on the First Amendment. The entire Department of Homeland Security needs to be abolished, imho, and the parts that are still needed (and that are Constitutional) should be moved into the other law enforcement agencies where they can be supervised by our duly elected leaders.
How exactly does a government agency purge the internet?

Also I believe the first amendment allows people to label things however they want, right?
All they'd have to do is to get FB and Twitter to share their screening algorithm's.

Considering the NSA can screen tens of millions of phone calls, texts, and emails for key words daily it can obviously be done.
Well it would have to impede on a citizens constitutional right of free speech. I don’t see it doing so. Do you? How so?

Who decides what is disinfo and that it can't be said? That stupid bitch he apptd?
The government deciding your social media should be shut off if you express Wrongthink.
Where does it say this board would take over deciding who’s social media gets shut off? Can you post a link?
Freedom of speech is Freedom of speech. It does not matter if the speech is true or false. It does not matter if the speech is based on fiction or not. It does not matter if the speech sounds scarry. The government can not infringe on the citizens RIGHT to make that speech. It is up to the well educated readers to decide how they feel about the speech.

This "Disinformation Governance Board" is now in charge of determining how others should feel about any speech or publication. As you correctly pointed out, they are in charge of coordinating a response: They are empowered to take actions against the publication of any speech or material they decide is a threat, for any reason. Such actions may include instructing other branches or departments to censor the publication, provide statements to tell others how they should feel about the speech, and potentially punish or imprison those who published it if they feel it incites insurrection or any sort of threat to the government. The DHS has all of these powers, normally reserved for wartime, but because the war on terror is an ongoing "crisis", the special powers they have were never allowed to lapse. I know you aren't so dumb as to try to say that the DHS has never imprisoned anyone in a detention camp. You think you would get a trial if they came after you? The board decides what is a threat, nobody else, so what would be the point? You would always be guilty. The court would throw the case out for technical reasons (lack of standing or precident) and you would remain in the detention facility for questioning.

The creation of this department is a direct assault on the First Amendment. The entire Department of Homeland Security needs to be abolished, imho, and the parts that are still needed (and that are Constitutional) should be moved into the other law enforcement agencies where they can be supervised by our duly elected leaders.
Trump admin started the same kind of agency to monitor cyber communications as Russia had an active disinformation campaign against our country. As much as it sounds like you support the “thumb up the ass” policy, I’d prefer our security agencies stay on top of this kind of stuff. All for this other jumbo jumbo I see people claiming, such as they will control our social media accounts… well that’s unfounded hyperpartisan BS.
All they'd have to do is to get FB and Twitter to share their screening algorithm's.

Considering the NSA can screen tens of millions of phone calls, texts, and emails for key words daily it can obviously be done.
Well if that’s what they propose to do then we can oppose it together until then… let’s tone down the disinformation and assumptions

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