U.S. senator says Biden administration disinformation board likely illegal

No they weren’t. The risks for blood clots and myocarditis were released at the same time the shot was released. Don’t lie, it’s easy to look up.


Maybe I was wrong with the myocarditis thing, I was recalling what I heard on a pod.

It was for bloodclotting.

Fine, I “lied”.

Go get the J&J vax.
Republican-led states are threatening legal action against the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) new "Disinformation Governance Board," which they also deem "un-American" and chilling to the free speech of Americans.
Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares is leading GOP attorneys general in sending a letter to Mayorkas demanding that the department "cease taking action" contributing to a "chilling effect" on free speech.
"This is an unacceptable and downright alarming encroachment on every citizen’s right to express his or her opinions, engage in political debate, and disagree with the government," wrote the 20 attorneys general.
The White House defended the DHS board last week saying that it would operate in a "nonpartisan," "apolitical" manner.

Of course, it is unconstitutional.
Freedom of Speech is a specifically protected Right.
And, Freedom of Speech is specifically designed to protect political speech and voices of dissent.
Freedom of Speech is a essential part of our constitutional democracy.
The Democrats are attempting create an Orwellian totalitarian police state.
These dumbass Left Wing Knuttjobs are going to be sued over and over again over this chit.
Their "Disinformation Governance Board" will go down in history as an epic political blunder.
The GOP should use this issue in the Nov. election.
Of course it is , since when do democrats care about the constitution?
Because we must make assumptions BEFORE your commie masters start doing what commie masters do!!!!

Now, why don't you tell us what YOU think they will do?
Ok great… we’ll kudos for being honest and saying that you are basing your attacks on your own assumptions and not on any literally plan that’s unconstitutional
Ok great… we’ll kudos for being honest and saying that you are basing your attacks on your own assumptions and not on any literally plan that’s unconstitutional
If this organization is nothing but window dressing that does absolutely NOTHING, I will admit you are right.

How about that?
Well it would have to impede on a citizens constitutional right of free speech. I don’t see it doing so. Do you? How so?
There’s no reason to have a Ministry of Truth unless you’re going to suppress speech. Seriously, why would the government want this thing if they can’t use it to stop people from saying what goes against the government.
There’s no reason to have a Ministry of Truth unless you’re going to suppress speech. Seriously, why would the government want this thing if they can’t use it to stop people from saying what goes against the government.
Well why don’t you take a minute away from feeding on partisan talking points and do some actual research to find out. I posted the “why’s” to your questions a few posts back. Go read

Is the Disinformation Governance Board unconstitutional?​

Probably not since their supposed mandate is to identify foreign "misinformation" that threatens the US.

Actions they take however very well could be deemed unconstitutional if they start infringing on free speech in the US.
If this organization is nothing but window dressing that does absolutely NOTHING, I will admit you are right.

How about that?
What would I’d be right about? I’m simply trying to ask what actions or statements or plans they have made that violates the first amendment? I keep hearing that the board is violating it but nobody can explain exactly how without making unfounded assumptions

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