University of NC won't remove Confederate statue

Pogo is good to see that disposing of Nazi and CSA statues and monuments are good things to do.

It's taken us way longer than it did Germany. They blew up the swastikas and did away with all the icons of that misadventure. And that's why nobody in Germany today has ever heard of World War Two or Hitler -- because they "removed the history".

So much for that wackball theory.
Other than the fact that Germans are far better educated on WWII and Hitler than Americans, everything Pogo says is true.
UNC won’t act on statue of Confederate soldier target of repeated vandalism

Get ready for a snowflake meltdown and more violence,vandalism etc....
Time to end all of this Confederate statue bullshit. The Confederacy got their asses handed to them by Lincoln and Grant in the Civil War and their supporters today can't stand it. Just like Dumpf, they will never admit defeat and recognize the fact that their precious ancestors got the dog kicked out of them. Let the statues remain as a reminder to Southern defenders that they started a war they had no business starting and all they got out of it was a thorough ass kicking.

They would love to bring back their precious slavery, but guess what, ain't gonna happen, even with the rebel flag loving Dumpf in office.
Let's get rid of Indian statues, too.

They also got their asses handed to them.


Of course, it took us 400 years to defeat the Indians...but still. Who wants to be reminded of their wont to cut off the tits and remove the unborn infants from their victims?

Elminate the statue. They lost the war.

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Granny says, "Dat's right...

... sumbody gotta stand up fer history."
Then give a kid a book to read.

We send them to school for that.

And schools are removing history from the shelves, and from the campuses.

Actually that's exactly what Mildred Rutherford and her UDC did. Removed the history books from the shelves and rewrote new ones. They did more of that than they did running around putting up seven hundred monument propaganda transmitters. It's all there in my post from two days ago.

You would have loved Mildred Rutherford. Kind of the Ann Coulter of her time -- when she wasn't revising history into bullshit she was putting her energy into opposing the idea of her own gender getting political influence by having the vote. Even while she was personally spreading cultural influence into the schools to plant the seeds of racism. Kind of a flaming hypocrite.

Oh she lost that battle too, in 1920. Now she's getting her whole schoolbook revision thing dismantled.
'Bout frickin' TIME.

Yeah the dems were dead set against women getting the vote.
Other than the fact that Germans are far better educated on WWII and Hitler than Americans, everything Pogo says is true.

Of course that was mocking satire. But my attempt at mockery was easily topped by Klustergrl's self-mockery. Gotta hand it to the expert.
Get rid of these statues glorifying losers:

Go right ahead and organize support for that. When everyone laughs at you, maybe you will see that as a hint of how stupid your comparison is. Or maybe not.

Again, a leftist pretends not to understand satire.

I DON"T SUPPORT IT YOU FUCKING RETARD. I don't support fascism, period. Even when they're removing statues I don't personally love.
UNC won’t act on statue of Confederate soldier target of repeated vandalism

Get ready for a snowflake meltdown and more violence,vandalism etc....
Time to end all of this Confederate statue bullshit. The Confederacy got their asses handed to them by Lincoln and Grant in the Civil War and their supporters today can't stand it. Just like Dumpf, they will never admit defeat and recognize the fact that their precious ancestors got the dog kicked out of them. Let the statues remain as a reminder to Southern defenders that they started a war they had no business starting and all they got out of it was a thorough ass kicking.

They would love to bring back their precious slavery, but guess what, ain't gonna happen, even with the rebel flag loving Dumpf in office.
Let's get rid of Indian statues, too.

They also got their asses handed to them.


Why do conservatives always suck at analogies?
UNC won’t act on statue of Confederate soldier target of repeated vandalism

Get ready for a snowflake meltdown and more violence,vandalism etc....
Time to end all of this Confederate statue bullshit. The Confederacy got their asses handed to them by Lincoln and Grant in the Civil War and their supporters today can't stand it. Just like Dumpf, they will never admit defeat and recognize the fact that their precious ancestors got the dog kicked out of them. Let the statues remain as a reminder to Southern defenders that they started a war they had no business starting and all they got out of it was a thorough ass kicking.

They would love to bring back their precious slavery, but guess what, ain't gonna happen, even with the rebel flag loving Dumpf in office.
Let's get rid of Indian statues, too.

They also got their asses handed to them.


Why do conservatives always suck at analogies?

I'm guessing severe brain density. The condition known as Medulla Obtusia.
No, it is not.
It’s abject censorship.
It is not censorship. What an absurd thing to say.
It is censorship. Pure censorship, censoring history for nefarious reasons. And you’re a dupe.

Once again --- you can't "censor history" unless you literally revise the history books.

----- which is, once again, what this whole Lost Cause movement literally did; rewrote the history books. See my first video link from yesterday about the UDC. That would be the same UDC who put this statue up.

Now them there history revisions are getting undone. Don't like it? Tough shit, you're outvoted. Truth will out. Ain't nothing you can do about it.

Screw your rewriting history bullshit. Silent Sam represents students of UNC that served in the confederate army. Damn few of them held slaves. Matter of fact, few of the soldiers in the confederate army supported slavery and they damn sure were not fighting to maintain it. Slavery was an institution of the landed wealthy who did not serve in the Confederate army much like the chickenhawk leaders in our current government found ways to avoid military service. The real rewriting of history is from the morons like yourself who have to perpetuate the myth that the War of Northern Aggression was all about maintaining the institution of slavery in order to ignore their own racist past. Mark was hung in chains at Charlestown Commons in Massachusetts, a landmark noted by Paul Revere when describing his famous ride. The abolitionist movement started IN THE SOUTH, William Lloyd Garrison famously said that he had a more difficult time delivering his message to Northerners than even the plantation owners of the South. Tocqueville observed that racism was more rampant in the North than in the South. Nobody knows how many free black men were killed in the New York draft riots, not unlike today where we don't know how many native American women have been slaughtered in the last couple of decades.

So, your revisionism, your shallow calls to remove those Confederate statues brings to mind a Garrison quote,

The apathy of the people is enough to make every statue leap from its pedestal and hasten the resurrection of the dead.

Yes, it is the apathy of the people, the very same people Garrison was speaking of here, those damn YANKEES and their apathy to their own past history of rampant racism, SLAVERY, and war crimes that rests in the wings of this stupid revisionist movement of removing confederate monuments. Only when those DAMN YANKEES admit to their own racist past can race relations in this nation even begin to improve.

No, it is not.
It’s abject censorship.
It is not censorship. What an absurd thing to say.
It is censorship. Pure censorship, censoring history for nefarious reasons. And you’re a dupe.

Once again --- you can't "censor history" unless you literally revise the history books.

----- which is, once again, what this whole Lost Cause movement literally did; rewrote the history books. See my first video link from yesterday about the UDC. That would be the same UDC who put this statue up.

Now them there history revisions are getting undone. Don't like it? Tough shit, you're outvoted. Truth will out. Ain't nothing you can do about it.

Screw your rewriting history bullshit. Silent Sam represents students of UNC that served in the confederate army. Damn few of them held slaves. Matter of fact, few of the soldiers in the confederate army supported slavery and they damn sure were not fighting to maintain it. Slavery was an institution of the landed wealthy who did not serve in the Confederate army much like the chickenhawk leaders in our current government found ways to avoid military service. The real rewriting of history is from the morons like yourself who have to perpetuate the myth that the War of Northern Aggression was all about maintaining the institution of slavery in order to ignore their own racist past. Mark was hung in chains at Charlestown Commons in Massachusetts, a landmark noted by Paul Revere when describing his famous ride. The abolitionist movement started IN THE SOUTH, William Lloyd Garrison famously said that he had a more difficult time delivering his message to Northerners than even the plantation owners of the South. Tocqueville observed that racism was more rampant in the North than in the South. Nobody knows how many free black men were killed in the New York draft riots, not unlike today where we don't know how many native American women have been slaughtered in the last couple of decades.

So, your revisionism, your shallow calls to remove those Confederate statues brings to mind a Garrison quote,

The apathy of the people is enough to make every statue leap from its pedestal and hasten the resurrection of the dead.

Yes, it is the apathy of the people, the very same people Garrison was speaking of here, those damn YANKEES and their apathy to their own past history of rampant racism, SLAVERY, and war crimes that rests in the wings of this stupid revisionist movement of removing confederate monuments. Only when those DAMN YANKEES admit to their own racist past can race relations in this nation even begin to improve.
Revisionist history

The Confederacy was formed to preserve slavery. 4 million out of a 9 million person Confederacy were slaves

They fought and died to preserve that
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Silent Sam represents students of UNC that served in the confederate army
Even more reason to tear it down.

AH yes, from Indiana no less. The land established, not to be free of slavery, but to be free from ALL BLACK PEOPLE. Indiana, then, and now, one of the most racist states in the Union. Home of a white supremacist militia TODAY. Thanks for proving my point so eloquently. No need to worry about your own home's racist past AND PRESENT when you can divert everyone's attention to the racist past of another region of the country.
No, it is not.
It’s abject censorship.
It is not censorship. What an absurd thing to say.
It is censorship. Pure censorship, censoring history for nefarious reasons. And you’re a dupe.

Once again --- you can't "censor history" unless you literally revise the history books.

----- which is, once again, what this whole Lost Cause movement literally did; rewrote the history books. See my first video link from yesterday about the UDC. That would be the same UDC who put this statue up.

Now them there history revisions are getting undone. Don't like it? Tough shit, you're outvoted. Truth will out. Ain't nothing you can do about it.

Screw your rewriting history bullshit. Silent Sam represents students of UNC that served in the confederate army. Damn few of them held slaves. Matter of fact, few of the soldiers in the confederate army supported slavery and they damn sure were not fighting to maintain it. Slavery was an institution of the landed wealthy who did not serve in the Confederate army much like the chickenhawk leaders in our current government found ways to avoid military service. The real rewriting of history is from the morons like yourself who have to perpetuate the myth that the War of Northern Aggression was all about maintaining the institution of slavery in order to ignore their own racist past. Mark was hung in chains at Charlestown Commons in Massachusetts, a landmark noted by Paul Revere when describing his famous ride. The abolitionist movement started IN THE SOUTH, William Lloyd Garrison famously said that he had a more difficult time delivering his message to Northerners than even the plantation owners of the South. Tocqueville observed that racism was more rampant in the North than in the South. Nobody knows how many free black men were killed in the New York draft riots, not unlike today where we don't know how many native American women have been slaughtered in the last couple of decades.

So, your revisionism, your shallow calls to remove those Confederate statues brings to mind a Garrison quote,

The apathy of the people is enough to make every statue leap from its pedestal and hasten the resurrection of the dead.

Yes, it is the apathy of the people, the very same people Garrison was speaking of here, those damn YANKEES and their apathy to their own past history of rampant racism, SLAVERY, and war crimes that rests in the wings of this stupid revisionist movement of removing confederate monuments. Only when those DAMN YANKEES admit to their own racist past can race relations in this nation even begin to improve.

Ever see somebody take a car completely apart in their driveway and strip it down to the individual parts?

Go read post 17. It's a primer on the whole history and it will have the same effect on the drivel you just drove here. Consider it like the tow truck that hauls your mythology car away.

Let me know if you survive.
It’s abject censorship.
It is not censorship. What an absurd thing to say.
It is censorship. Pure censorship, censoring history for nefarious reasons. And you’re a dupe.

Once again --- you can't "censor history" unless you literally revise the history books.

----- which is, once again, what this whole Lost Cause movement literally did; rewrote the history books. See my first video link from yesterday about the UDC. That would be the same UDC who put this statue up.

Now them there history revisions are getting undone. Don't like it? Tough shit, you're outvoted. Truth will out. Ain't nothing you can do about it.

Screw your rewriting history bullshit. Silent Sam represents students of UNC that served in the confederate army. Damn few of them held slaves. Matter of fact, few of the soldiers in the confederate army supported slavery and they damn sure were not fighting to maintain it. Slavery was an institution of the landed wealthy who did not serve in the Confederate army much like the chickenhawk leaders in our current government found ways to avoid military service. The real rewriting of history is from the morons like yourself who have to perpetuate the myth that the War of Northern Aggression was all about maintaining the institution of slavery in order to ignore their own racist past. Mark was hung in chains at Charlestown Commons in Massachusetts, a landmark noted by Paul Revere when describing his famous ride. The abolitionist movement started IN THE SOUTH, William Lloyd Garrison famously said that he had a more difficult time delivering his message to Northerners than even the plantation owners of the South. Tocqueville observed that racism was more rampant in the North than in the South. Nobody knows how many free black men were killed in the New York draft riots, not unlike today where we don't know how many native American women have been slaughtered in the last couple of decades.

So, your revisionism, your shallow calls to remove those Confederate statues brings to mind a Garrison quote,

The apathy of the people is enough to make every statue leap from its pedestal and hasten the resurrection of the dead.

Yes, it is the apathy of the people, the very same people Garrison was speaking of here, those damn YANKEES and their apathy to their own past history of rampant racism, SLAVERY, and war crimes that rests in the wings of this stupid revisionist movement of removing confederate monuments. Only when those DAMN YANKEES admit to their own racist past can race relations in this nation even begin to improve.
Revisionist history

The Confederacy was formed to preserve slavery. 4 million out of a 9 million person Confederacy were slaves

They fought and died to preserve that

Very odd how the latter-day revisionistas want to hold up the Confederales like gods ---- and yet want to contradict everything they themselves said about what they were doing and why they were doing it.

"Don't tell me what your own words mean --- I'll tell you what you mean!"

Pogo is good to see that disposing of Nazi and CSA statues and monuments are good things to do.

It's taken us way longer than it did Germany. They blew up the swastikas and did away with all the icons of that misadventure. And that's why nobody in Germany today has ever heard of World War Two or Hitler -- because they "removed the history".

So much for that wackball theory.

Yet, they take hundreds of thousands of tourists in Nurenberg thru the plaza where Hitler made his speeches, thru the court room where the trials took place, and the tour guides choke with tears, apologizing while regaling the forgotten and "removed history" of Nazi Germany.

I was there on a tour a while ago and heard and seen it. Strangely our tour guide was a Minnesota born young lady who married a German guy.

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