US doesn't owe Zelensky 'a damn thing' - congressman US Rep. Paul Gosar

I'd be curious to know exactly how much the GQP War Criminal Putin fans think War Criminal Putin should be rewarded for this brutal, inhuman invasion during "negotiations".

How much land should he be rewarded for this, Trumpsters? Should Ukraine pony up some cash too?

Lay it out for us.
The Kremlin Caucus™ do love their little authoritarian.

Putin, I mean. Not the other guy, the one in the makeup.
They wish for dictator Donny as Putin-Lite.
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The wish for dictator Donny as Putin-Lite.
I find myself wondering how many of these people were this openly supportive of Putin before Escalator Day, and how many were keeping it quiet before the white nationalist floodgates were opened.

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