USA Today: 44% Hate Trump, 50% Hate the Mainstream Media


Gold Member
Apr 12, 2011
from: L. Brent Bozell: The Media Hides Its Own Disapproval Rating


The latest poll by USA Today and Suffolk University carried some eye-opening numbers about public disapproval of the media's aggressive attempts to run the country. It found that President Trump has a 47% approval rating and that 44% disapprove of him.

That's not surprising. The media talk about his unpopularity all the time.

But here's what they don't talk about: their own numbers. Only 37% of Americans have a favorable opinion of their job performance. A whopping 50% have an unfavorable opinion.

Look at the numbers by party identification. Republican unfavorable opinion of the media? It's 78%. Only 10% have a favorable opinion. The Democrats are the opposite: Sixty-nine percent hold a favorable view, and 19% hold an unfavorable view...
Well if 44% hate him then 55% must love him.

1% is usually indifferent and/or does not know.
While the mainstream media is bad, I find the non-mainstream media worthless. As for Trump, include me in the 1% indifferent and/or does not know.
The latest poll by USA Today and Suffolk University carried some eye-opening numbers about public disapproval of the media's aggressive attempts to run the country. It found that President Trump has a 47% approval rating and that 44% disapprove of him.

That's not surprising. The media talk about his unpopularity all the time.

But here's what they don't talk about: their own numbers. Only 37% of Americans have a favorable opinion of their job performance. A whopping 50% have an unfavorable opinion.

Look at the numbers by party identification. Republican unfavorable opinion of the media? It's 78%. Only 10% have a favorable opinion. The Democrats are the opposite: Sixty-nine percent hold a favorable view, and 19% hold an unfavorable view...
You'd think after the Hildabeast election disaster, liberals would shy away from quoting fake poll % numbers. ... :lol: .. :lol:
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There was a time when media outlets valued their journalistic reputations. Sadly that time has passed. You've got organizations like The New York Times not "reporting" the news but doing their level best to "influence" the news. Stories aren't written about what happened...they are written about what editors and producers would LIKE to have happen! It's why the public doesn't believe what they read or see on the news and in papers anymore. The bias is so obvious that only the truly ignorant can't see it.
It's why the public doesn't believe what they read or see on the news and in papers anymore. The bias is so obvious that only the truly ignorant can't see it.

Don't be so hard on Foxnews.

Foxnews is not mainstream media. Your post was nothing but an expression of your denial.

Would you like to address the actual topic, ie the horrible numbers of the msm?
It's why the public doesn't believe what they read or see on the news and in papers anymore. The bias is so obvious that only the truly ignorant can't see it.

Don't be so hard on Foxnews.

Foxnews is not mainstream media. Your post was nothing but an expression of your denial.

Would you like to address the actual topic, ie the horrible numbers of the msm?

The number one cable news channel is not part of the mainstream media? lol

Goddam that's funny
It's why the public doesn't believe what they read or see on the news and in papers anymore. The bias is so obvious that only the truly ignorant can't see it.

Don't be so hard on Foxnews.

Foxnews is not mainstream media. Your post was nothing but an expression of your denial
Would you like to address the actual topic, ie the horrible numbers of the msm?

The number one cable news channel is not part of the mainstream media? lol

Goddam that's funny

What you just did there was the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule.

In other words you made fun of my point, but did nothing to actually address it.

YOur post is invalid, and you are a dishonest.

MY point stands.

Foxnews is not mainstream media. Your post was nothing but an expression of your denial
Would you like to address the actual topic, ie the horrible numbers of the msm?
It's why the public doesn't believe what they read or see on the news and in papers anymore. The bias is so obvious that only the truly ignorant can't see it.

Don't be so hard on Foxnews.

Foxnews is not mainstream media. Your post was nothing but an expression of your denial
Would you like to address the actual topic, ie the horrible numbers of the msm?

The number one cable news channel is not part of the mainstream media? lol

Goddam that's funny

What you just did there was the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule.

In other words you made fun of my point, but did nothing to actually address it.

YOur post is invalid, and you are a dishonest.

MY point stands.

Foxnews is not mainstream media. Your post was nothing but an expression of your denial
Would you like to address the actual topic, ie the horrible numbers of the msm?

1. Make the case that Foxnews is not part of the mainstream media

2. Show us where 'mainstream media' was EVER mentioned in the poll that is cited in the OP.
It's why the public doesn't believe what they read or see on the news and in papers anymore. The bias is so obvious that only the truly ignorant can't see it.

Don't be so hard on Foxnews.

Foxnews is not mainstream media. Your post was nothing but an expression of your denial
Would you like to address the actual topic, ie the horrible numbers of the msm?

The number one cable news channel is not part of the mainstream media? lol

Goddam that's funny

What you just did there was the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule.

In other words you made fun of my point, but did nothing to actually address it.

YOur post is invalid, and you are a dishonest.

MY point stands.

Foxnews is not mainstream media. Your post was nothing but an expression of your denial
Would you like to address the actual topic, ie the horrible numbers of the msm?

1. Make the case that Foxnews is not part of the mainstream media

2. Show us where 'mainstream media' was EVER mentioned in the poll that is cited in the OP.

1. Fox news, by not being part of the braying lefty mob, is apart from the msm.

2. Your pretense that a poll about the "media" is not about the vast majority of the "media", ie the msm, is noted as evidence of your desperation and dishonesty.
Don't be so hard on Foxnews.

Foxnews is not mainstream media. Your post was nothing but an expression of your denial
Would you like to address the actual topic, ie the horrible numbers of the msm?

The number one cable news channel is not part of the mainstream media? lol

Goddam that's funny

What you just did there was the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule.

In other words you made fun of my point, but did nothing to actually address it.

YOur post is invalid, and you are a dishonest.

MY point stands.

Foxnews is not mainstream media. Your post was nothing but an expression of your denial
Would you like to address the actual topic, ie the horrible numbers of the msm?

1. Make the case that Foxnews is not part of the mainstream media

2. Show us where 'mainstream media' was EVER mentioned in the poll that is cited in the OP.

1. Fox news, by not being part of the braying lefty mob, is apart from the msm.

2. Your pretense that a poll about the "media" is not about the vast majority of the "media", ie the msm, is noted as evidence of your desperation and dishonesty.

lol, so you're using the logical fallacy of Begging the Question by declaring that Foxnews can't be part of the mainstream media because it's not biased to the left.

lol, that is GODDAM funny

Did you even READ the poll?

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