Voters think the Democrats have their own extremism problem

In part. The massive inflation caused by Biden's bad monetary policies is another part. So is the draining of the SPR so Joe Biden could sell it to his foreign partners. So is the forced closure of hundreds of thousands of business that never reopened in response to a disease with a 99.98% survival rate. So is the massive closures of schools that forced millions of parents to quit their jobs and homeschool their children. So is the draconian vaccine mandates that put thousands of people out of work. So is the kneecapping of American energy production to make us dependent on Joe Biden's foreign partners.

I could go on. Your boy is a MAJOR fuckup, and I blame you.
And how quickly will Trump turn this catastrophe around were he to retake power?
Is the OP a they or a them? I need to know what it identifies itself as? Goat? Tree? Giraffe?
I'd like to know exactly how much it takes to tank an economy, the best economy in the world.

That's what you're peddling, isn't it?
Are you admitting that Biden and the Dim Congress tanked our economy?
Absolutely true. I just feel like Dems get excoriated and lose support for doing things like trying to be sensitive to folks like transgender kids while Repubs skate on supporting a would be authoritarian dictator.
Yeah all 23 of them.
None of that is threatening our elections.
Our democracy.
We have a Republic, not mob rule 'democracy'. That you folks threaten and commit mob violence on a regular basis demonstrates you folks don't comprehend the difference.

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