Weapons of war in civilian hands

Cause you are running around arresting criminals. You are hiding behind your guns while our children die.
Isn't it a little strange to you that you and your liberal handlers' ultimate goal is to strip weapons out of the hands of law-abiding citizens who do not / have not committed these crimes? Why are you so intent on going after law abiding citizens?

Barry railed against citizens who legally owned guns and ended up giving Mexican Drug cartels thousands of automatic weapons and grenades. NONE of the people involved were seriously punished. Barry spent 8 years financing, supplying, ARMING, and training terrorists - he ARMED Al Qaeda, ISIS, and the Muslim Brotherhood while promoting the crusade against law-abiding US citizens having legal weapons. (Barry was the f*ing Poster child for why Americans should have the right to own weapons to protect themselves because he armed so many of our enemies / threats to our lives!)

How about going after the bad guys for a while, punishing the Sheriff's office for failing to do their jobs, punishing the FBI for failing to do their jobs, firing the school officials who knew the parkland shooter was a threat but did nothing.......? Leave the law-abiding citizens and the 2nd Amendment alone until you guys can do those things.
Nobody needs a gun designed for mass killing.

And yet law enforcement use them, this suggest you are wrong.
Yes police have to arrest criminals. They go to crimes. You don’t. Stop being so scared.

And when the crime comes to your house? /mocking sarcasm /head pat :itsok:
Sorry I’m not scared like you.
At a minimum we should be allowed to own the same guns law enforcement use. After all we must defend ourselves from the very same criminals. Hence semi auto and large capacity mags should be legal.

Cause you are running around arresting criminals. You are hiding behind your guns while our children die.
Isn't it a little strange to you that you and your liberal handlers' ultimate goal is to strip weapons out of the hands of law-abiding citizens who do not / have not committed these crimes? Why are you so intent on going after law abiding citizens?

Barry railed against citizens who legally owned guns and ended up giving Mexican Drug cartels thousands of automatic weapons and grenades. NONE of the people involved were seriously punished. Barry spent 8 years financing, supplying, ARMING, and training terrorists - he ARMED Al Qaeda, ISIS, and the Muslim Brotherhood while promoting the crusade against law-abiding US citizens having legal weapons. (Barry was the f*ing Poster child for why Americans should have the right to own weapons to protect themselves because he armed so many of our enemies / threats to our lives!)

How about going after the bad guys for a while, punishing the Sheriff's office for failing to do their jobs, punishing the FBI for failing to do their jobs, firing the school officials who knew the parkland shooter was a threat but did nothing.......? Leave the law-abiding citizens and the 2nd Amendment alone until you guys can do those things.
Nobody needs a gun designed for mass killing.
nobody needs a car that goes over 3x the speed limit either. not a matter of need, but right to have. you don't get to decide what the world needs.

We have speed limits.
and we have laws that say DON'T SHOOT PEOPLE.

again, it's not your call to determine what the world needs. get over your self-righteous self.
At a minimum we should be allowed to own the same guns law enforcement use. After all we must defend ourselves from the very same criminals. Hence semi auto and large capacity mags should be legal.

Cause you are running around arresting criminals. You are hiding behind your guns while our children die.
Isn't it a little strange to you that you and your liberal handlers' ultimate goal is to strip weapons out of the hands of law-abiding citizens who do not / have not committed these crimes? Why are you so intent on going after law abiding citizens?

Barry railed against citizens who legally owned guns and ended up giving Mexican Drug cartels thousands of automatic weapons and grenades. NONE of the people involved were seriously punished. Barry spent 8 years financing, supplying, ARMING, and training terrorists - he ARMED Al Qaeda, ISIS, and the Muslim Brotherhood while promoting the crusade against law-abiding US citizens having legal weapons. (Barry was the f*ing Poster child for why Americans should have the right to own weapons to protect themselves because he armed so many of our enemies / threats to our lives!)

How about going after the bad guys for a while, punishing the Sheriff's office for failing to do their jobs, punishing the FBI for failing to do their jobs, firing the school officials who knew the parkland shooter was a threat but did nothing.......? Leave the law-abiding citizens and the 2nd Amendment alone until you guys can do those things.
Nobody needs a gun designed for mass killing.
nobody needs a car that goes over 3x the speed limit either. not a matter of need, but right to have. you don't get to decide what the world needs.

Don't give libs any ideas, remember 55mph speed limits and vehicles limited to 80mph I do.
Yes police have to arrest criminals.

Not if I get to my gun before the criminal makes it up my stairs.....they can just bring a body bag. :p
And a pistol won’t do the job? You are so scared you need an ar15?
since you envoked the whole "it's for the children - why do you want them to die???" why do you toss them aside as soon as you're done USING THEM to make your point?

pistols kill far more children every day than an AR.

why must you use the kids for your political views? this is most certainly a LEFT thing as we see parkland getting used all over the place now.
Have you noticed our worst mass shootings have been done with semi auto rifles with high capacity magazines?
At a minimum we should be allowed to own the same guns law enforcement use. After all we must defend ourselves from the very same criminals. Hence semi auto and large capacity mags should be legal.

Cause you are running around arresting criminals. You are hiding behind your guns while our children die.
Isn't it a little strange to you that you and your liberal handlers' ultimate goal is to strip weapons out of the hands of law-abiding citizens who do not / have not committed these crimes? Why are you so intent on going after law abiding citizens?

Barry railed against citizens who legally owned guns and ended up giving Mexican Drug cartels thousands of automatic weapons and grenades. NONE of the people involved were seriously punished. Barry spent 8 years financing, supplying, ARMING, and training terrorists - he ARMED Al Qaeda, ISIS, and the Muslim Brotherhood while promoting the crusade against law-abiding US citizens having legal weapons. (Barry was the f*ing Poster child for why Americans should have the right to own weapons to protect themselves because he armed so many of our enemies / threats to our lives!)

How about going after the bad guys for a while, punishing the Sheriff's office for failing to do their jobs, punishing the FBI for failing to do their jobs, firing the school officials who knew the parkland shooter was a threat but did nothing.......? Leave the law-abiding citizens and the 2nd Amendment alone until you guys can do those things.
Nobody needs a gun designed for mass killing.
nobody needs a car that goes over 3x the speed limit either. not a matter of need, but right to have. you don't get to decide what the world needs.

Don't give libs any ideas, remember 55mph speed limits and vehicles limited to 80mph I do.
they can't focus on more than 1 crisis at a time anyway.
Isn't it a little strange to you that you and your liberal handlers' ultimate goal is to strip weapons out of the hands of law-abiding citizens who do not / have not committed these crimes? Why are you so intent on going after law abiding citizens?

Barry railed against citizens who legally owned guns and ended up giving Mexican Drug cartels thousands of automatic weapons and grenades. NONE of the people involved were seriously punished. Barry spent 8 years financing, supplying, ARMING, and training terrorists - he ARMED Al Qaeda, ISIS, and the Muslim Brotherhood while promoting the crusade against law-abiding US citizens having legal weapons. (Barry was the f*ing Poster child for why Americans should have the right to own weapons to protect themselves because he armed so many of our enemies / threats to our lives!)

How about going after the bad guys for a while, punishing the Sheriff's office for failing to do their jobs, punishing the FBI for failing to do their jobs, firing the school officials who knew the parkland shooter was a threat but did nothing.......? Leave the law-abiding citizens and the 2nd Amendment alone until you guys can do those things.
Nobody needs a gun designed for mass killing.

And yet law enforcement use them, this suggest you are wrong.
Yes police have to arrest criminals. They go to crimes. You don’t. Stop being so scared.

And when the crime comes to your house? /mocking sarcasm /head pat :itsok:
Sorry I’m not scared like you.

It makes no difference to me if you want to get yourself gang raped or murdered.
Yes police have to arrest criminals.

Not if I get to my gun before the criminal makes it up my stairs.....they can just bring a body bag. :p
And a pistol won’t do the job? You are so scared you need an ar15?
since you envoked the whole "it's for the children - why do you want them to die???" why do you toss them aside as soon as you're done USING THEM to make your point?

pistols kill far more children every day than an AR.

why must you use the kids for your political views? this is most certainly a LEFT thing as we see parkland getting used all over the place now.
Have you noticed our worst mass shootings have been done with semi auto rifles with high capacity magazines?
would you include parkland in your summary here?
Um, no, if I wanted to abolish the 2nd I would have no problem saying so. But thanks for clarifying your closed minded position. By claiming that my position, that a new amendment is needed that would clarify what Scalia meant in 2008, is nothing more that me wanting to abolish the 2nd, you've closed down the discussion.
Calm down. I did not express a close-minded position nor did I accuse you of anything nefarious.

If the 2nd is nothing more than a limit on federal power (which it is) why does it need to be clarified by a new amendment? Like I said, if everyone recognized the 2nd for what it is --- nothing but a limit --- there would be no debate.

2nd Amendment = No Federal Gun Laws

To change it, means you want to give federal authority over guns.

That's all I am saying.

Yeah actually you insinuated that I was attempting to call for abolishing the 2nd amendment.
Cause you are running around arresting criminals. You are hiding behind your guns while our children die.
Isn't it a little strange to you that you and your liberal handlers' ultimate goal is to strip weapons out of the hands of law-abiding citizens who do not / have not committed these crimes? Why are you so intent on going after law abiding citizens?

Barry railed against citizens who legally owned guns and ended up giving Mexican Drug cartels thousands of automatic weapons and grenades. NONE of the people involved were seriously punished. Barry spent 8 years financing, supplying, ARMING, and training terrorists - he ARMED Al Qaeda, ISIS, and the Muslim Brotherhood while promoting the crusade against law-abiding US citizens having legal weapons. (Barry was the f*ing Poster child for why Americans should have the right to own weapons to protect themselves because he armed so many of our enemies / threats to our lives!)

How about going after the bad guys for a while, punishing the Sheriff's office for failing to do their jobs, punishing the FBI for failing to do their jobs, firing the school officials who knew the parkland shooter was a threat but did nothing.......? Leave the law-abiding citizens and the 2nd Amendment alone until you guys can do those things.
Nobody needs a gun designed for mass killing.
nobody needs a car that goes over 3x the speed limit either. not a matter of need, but right to have. you don't get to decide what the world needs.

We have speed limits.
and we have laws that say DON'T SHOOT PEOPLE.

again, it's not your call to determine what the world needs. get over your self-righteous self.
As soon as you can guarantee they won’t be used for mass killing innocent people.
Isn't it a little strange to you that you and your liberal handlers' ultimate goal is to strip weapons out of the hands of law-abiding citizens who do not / have not committed these crimes? Why are you so intent on going after law abiding citizens?

Barry railed against citizens who legally owned guns and ended up giving Mexican Drug cartels thousands of automatic weapons and grenades. NONE of the people involved were seriously punished. Barry spent 8 years financing, supplying, ARMING, and training terrorists - he ARMED Al Qaeda, ISIS, and the Muslim Brotherhood while promoting the crusade against law-abiding US citizens having legal weapons. (Barry was the f*ing Poster child for why Americans should have the right to own weapons to protect themselves because he armed so many of our enemies / threats to our lives!)

How about going after the bad guys for a while, punishing the Sheriff's office for failing to do their jobs, punishing the FBI for failing to do their jobs, firing the school officials who knew the parkland shooter was a threat but did nothing.......? Leave the law-abiding citizens and the 2nd Amendment alone until you guys can do those things.
Nobody needs a gun designed for mass killing.
nobody needs a car that goes over 3x the speed limit either. not a matter of need, but right to have. you don't get to decide what the world needs.

We have speed limits.
and we have laws that say DON'T SHOOT PEOPLE.

again, it's not your call to determine what the world needs. get over your self-righteous self.
As soon as you can guarantee they won’t be used for mass killing innocent people.
can't do that anymore than i can guarantee you wont' say something stupid.
Yes police have to arrest criminals.

Not if I get to my gun before the criminal makes it up my stairs.....they can just bring a body bag. :p
And a pistol won’t do the job? You are so scared you need an ar15?
since you envoked the whole "it's for the children - why do you want them to die???" why do you toss them aside as soon as you're done USING THEM to make your point?

pistols kill far more children every day than an AR.

why must you use the kids for your political views? this is most certainly a LEFT thing as we see parkland getting used all over the place now.
Have you noticed our worst mass shootings have been done with semi auto rifles with high capacity magazines?
would you include parkland in your summary here?
Orlando and Vegas come to mind.
As both sides are correct and incorrect on this subject, it becomes extremely tiresome for us all. Of course any type of bullet used in war can also be used for other firearms uses. Sanctimoniously sticking to technical definitions does nothing to advance the debate. Dramatically broad-brushing all firearms and their owners doesn't, either.
What the firearms extremists failed to deal with adequately was the genuine feelings of the majority of those horrified by disgusting crimes. It could only have been expected that if such things continued an outcry would occur. The 'gunners' would have done well to organize very open, relaxed classes and presentations about their beloved weapons. They should have held real militia assemblies, but in a cookout and tailgate atmosphere.
Instead, all we have seen is foul-mouthed rejection of absolutely anything that did not toe the line of firearms fetishists. How do they expect people to react to a group that fully acknowledges being armed to the teeth and expresses frequently the readiness, even the desire, to use them to effect their political will?

What in the above could be taken as supporting more ineffective legislation? Lawmakers already serve up too much of nothing with a little harm on the side.

The country needs a non-religious revival of its soul.
The gangsters of Chicago during Prohibition are who unnerved the body politic for rapidly repeating fully auto firearms.

Oh well. That's where we are now.
Cause you are running around arresting criminals. You are hiding behind your guns while our children die.
Isn't it a little strange to you that you and your liberal handlers' ultimate goal is to strip weapons out of the hands of law-abiding citizens who do not / have not committed these crimes? Why are you so intent on going after law abiding citizens?

Barry railed against citizens who legally owned guns and ended up giving Mexican Drug cartels thousands of automatic weapons and grenades. NONE of the people involved were seriously punished. Barry spent 8 years financing, supplying, ARMING, and training terrorists - he ARMED Al Qaeda, ISIS, and the Muslim Brotherhood while promoting the crusade against law-abiding US citizens having legal weapons. (Barry was the f*ing Poster child for why Americans should have the right to own weapons to protect themselves because he armed so many of our enemies / threats to our lives!)

How about going after the bad guys for a while, punishing the Sheriff's office for failing to do their jobs, punishing the FBI for failing to do their jobs, firing the school officials who knew the parkland shooter was a threat but did nothing.......? Leave the law-abiding citizens and the 2nd Amendment alone until you guys can do those things.
Nobody needs a gun designed for mass killing.
nobody needs a car that goes over 3x the speed limit either. not a matter of need, but right to have. you don't get to decide what the world needs.

Don't give libs any ideas, remember 55mph speed limits and vehicles limited to 80mph I do.
they can't focus on more than 1 crisis at a time anyway.

The liberal snowflakes near me just lowered the residential speed limit from 25mph to 20mph. Their entire tri county liberal cluster is one giant traffic jam on a daily basis what does it matter. The busses and light rail run around half empty.
Nobody needs a gun designed for mass killing.
nobody needs a car that goes over 3x the speed limit either. not a matter of need, but right to have. you don't get to decide what the world needs.

We have speed limits.
and we have laws that say DON'T SHOOT PEOPLE.

again, it's not your call to determine what the world needs. get over your self-righteous self.
As soon as you can guarantee they won’t be used for mass killing innocent people.
can't do that anymore than i can guarantee you wont' say something stupid.
Then they should be heavily regulated like machine guns.
Isn't it a little strange to you that you and your liberal handlers' ultimate goal is to strip weapons out of the hands of law-abiding citizens who do not / have not committed these crimes? Why are you so intent on going after law abiding citizens?

Barry railed against citizens who legally owned guns and ended up giving Mexican Drug cartels thousands of automatic weapons and grenades. NONE of the people involved were seriously punished. Barry spent 8 years financing, supplying, ARMING, and training terrorists - he ARMED Al Qaeda, ISIS, and the Muslim Brotherhood while promoting the crusade against law-abiding US citizens having legal weapons. (Barry was the f*ing Poster child for why Americans should have the right to own weapons to protect themselves because he armed so many of our enemies / threats to our lives!)

How about going after the bad guys for a while, punishing the Sheriff's office for failing to do their jobs, punishing the FBI for failing to do their jobs, firing the school officials who knew the parkland shooter was a threat but did nothing.......? Leave the law-abiding citizens and the 2nd Amendment alone until you guys can do those things.
Nobody needs a gun designed for mass killing.
nobody needs a car that goes over 3x the speed limit either. not a matter of need, but right to have. you don't get to decide what the world needs.

Don't give libs any ideas, remember 55mph speed limits and vehicles limited to 80mph I do.
they can't focus on more than 1 crisis at a time anyway.

The liberal snowflakes near me just lowered the residential speed limit from 25mph to 20mph. Their entire tri county liberal cluster is one giant traffic jam on a daily basis what does it matter. The busses and light rail run around half empty.

Says the snowflake who is so scared he thinks he needs an ar15 for protectiom.
nobody needs a car that goes over 3x the speed limit either. not a matter of need, but right to have. you don't get to decide what the world needs.

We have speed limits.
and we have laws that say DON'T SHOOT PEOPLE.

again, it's not your call to determine what the world needs. get over your self-righteous self.
As soon as you can guarantee they won’t be used for mass killing innocent people.
can't do that anymore than i can guarantee you wont' say something stupid.
Then they should be heavily regulated like machine guns.
you referring to regulating yourself?

i'm for it. where do i sign?

and you never answered - do you include parkland in your high capacity mag issue? you say orlando and vegas but we both know these were not in use at parkland, so you ignore it and run elsewhere going LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME I HAVE A POINT!!!

even when you know you dont.
We have speed limits.
and we have laws that say DON'T SHOOT PEOPLE.

again, it's not your call to determine what the world needs. get over your self-righteous self.
As soon as you can guarantee they won’t be used for mass killing innocent people.
can't do that anymore than i can guarantee you wont' say something stupid.
Then they should be heavily regulated like machine guns.
you referring to regulating yourself?

i'm for it. where do i sign?

and you never answered - do you include parkland in your high capacity mag issue?
Semi auto rifles obviously.

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