What Are Your Attitudes About Intolerant, Prejudiced Heterosexuals?


VIP Member
Jun 9, 2014
There are those who mistakenly believe a person's sexual orientation can be changed and try to force them to change it. It can't be. And here's why. This is very well written by University professionals in the field with full knowledge of the issues. Please read this entire article first before responding. Then let's hear from you! Thank you.

Attempts To Change Sexual Orientation
Facts About Changing Sexual Orientation
Just as I would never try to change a homosexual I would never try to change a homophobic heterosexual. In the first case I don't believe it's possible. In the second case because I dislike violence.
Being a homo is a choice.......a pathetic choice......but still a choice. .. :cool:
The vocal ones are assholes for causing unimaginable psychological damage to innocent gay people.

Those who dislike gay people and keep it to themselves and treat them like fellow human beings I have no problem with and good on them.
mal's not a bad guy. He just has serious anger issues with people who disagree with him.
The vocal ones are assholes for causing unimaginable psychological damage to innocent gay people.

Those who dislike gay people and keep it to themselves and treat them like fellow human beings I have no problem with and good on them.
You know, they say that those from TheOldSchool have great knowledge of the truth and a lot of common sense. And in that regard you certainly don't disappoint! Thanks for having a good head on your shoulders and espousing the truth as it stands. :eusa_clap:
The vocal ones are assholes for causing unimaginable psychological damage to innocent gay people.

Those who dislike gay people and keep it to themselves and treat them like fellow human beings I have no problem with and good on them.

Agreed, and I admire Dr. Herek's honesty.
Sunni, there is a war on, go fight for your people................................
Unimaginable psychological damage??? Really? A bit of hyperbole perhaps?

Why, if homosexuality is natural, does the opinion of someone else even matter to the point of unimaginable psychological damage? Sorry folks I realize this is hard to understand but people want to be around people that look, act and talk more or less like they do . Probably a herd mentality. Now that doesn't mean that herd mentality excludes others it just means that even in herds like minded people will gather together. So when someone says, "I am just like you and you must accept what I say, and they are not" it kinda pisses off people. I really don't see why gayness has to be thrown into everyone's face. Really don't. I say live and let live and that works for both sides. Movie actors whoa are gay no one really cares because they don't make their gayness all about acceptance. I don't see why there needs be gay pride parades, if they are happy in their body then good for them and I am glad.
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Unimaginable psychological damage??? Really? A bit of hyperbole perhaps?

Why, if homosexuality is natural, does the opinion of someone else even matter to the point of unimaginable psychological damage? Sorry folks I realize this is hard to understand but people want to be around people that look, act and talk more or less like they do . Probably a herd mentality. Now that doesn't mean that herd mentality excludes others it just means that even in herds like minded people will gather together. So when someone says, "I am just like you and you must accept what I say, and they are not" it kinda pisses off people. I really don't see why gayness has to be thrown into everyone's face. Really don't. I say live and let live and that works for both sides. Cary Grant was gay every knew it and no one really cared because he didn't make his gayness all about acceptance. I don't see why there needs be gay pride parades, if they are happy in their body then good for them and I am glad.

^ One of the assholes.

Hey [MENTION=33456]Freewill[/MENTION] you contribute to the suicide statistics amongst gay children. Way to go :thup:

Unimaginable psychological damage??? Really? A bit of hyperbole perhaps?

Why, if homosexuality is natural, does the opinion of someone else even matter to the point of unimaginable psychological damage? Sorry folks I realize this is hard to understand but people want to be around people that look, act and talk more or less like they do . Probably a herd mentality. Now that doesn't mean that herd mentality excludes others it just means that even in herds like minded people will gather together. So when someone says, "I am just like you and you must accept what I say, and they are not" it kinda pisses off people. I really don't see why gayness has to be thrown into everyone's face. Really don't. I say live and let live and that works for both sides. Cary Grant was gay every knew it and no one really cared because he didn't make his gayness all about acceptance. I don't see why there needs be gay pride parades, if they are happy in their body then good for them and I am glad.

^ One of the assholes.

Hey [MENTION=33456]Freewill[/MENTION] you contribute to the suicide statistics amongst gay children. Way to go :thup:


Committing suicide is a mental illness that affects hetero's and homo's.
Unimaginable psychological damage??? Really? A bit of hyperbole perhaps?

Why, if homosexuality is natural, does the opinion of someone else even matter to the point of unimaginable psychological damage? Sorry folks I realize this is hard to understand but people want to be around people that look, act and talk more or less like they do . Probably a herd mentality. Now that doesn't mean that herd mentality excludes others it just means that even in herds like minded people will gather together. So when someone says, "I am just like you and you must accept what I say, and they are not" it kinda pisses off people. I really don't see why gayness has to be thrown into everyone's face. Really don't. I say live and let live and that works for both sides. Cary Grant was gay every knew it and no one really cared because he didn't make his gayness all about acceptance. I don't see why there needs be gay pride parades, if they are happy in their body then good for them and I am glad.

^ One of the assholes.

Hey [MENTION=33456]Freewill[/MENTION] you contribute to the suicide statistics amongst gay children. Way to go :thup:


Committing suicide is a mental illness that affects hetero's and homo's.

Expand on that please.
Unimaginable psychological damage??? Really? A bit of hyperbole perhaps?

Why, if homosexuality is natural, does the opinion of someone else even matter to the point of unimaginable psychological damage? Sorry folks I realize this is hard to understand but people want to be around people that look, act and talk more or less like they do . Probably a herd mentality. Now that doesn't mean that herd mentality excludes others it just means that even in herds like minded people will gather together. So when someone says, "I am just like you and you must accept what I say, and they are not" it kinda pisses off people. I really don't see why gayness has to be thrown into everyone's face. Really don't. I say live and let live and that works for both sides. Cary Grant was gay every knew it and no one really cared because he didn't make his gayness all about acceptance. I don't see why there needs be gay pride parades, if they are happy in their body then good for them and I am glad.

^ One of the assholes.

Hey [MENTION=33456]Freewill[/MENTION] you contribute to the suicide statistics amongst gay children. Way to go :thup:

How? Point out one single thing that is negative in that post.

Your response is one of the issues that creates the anti-homo idiots in the first place. It is not simply a case of live and let live. It is not ill do what I will and you do the same. It is a DEMAND that I MUST accept your sexual orientation. Well, I don't. There is no reason for me to. Just as it is a state of being (not a choice) to be gay, a disgust of gay is perfectly natural for heterosexuals. It simply does not make and sense.

Now there is a difference in the fight for gay rights and this need to throw it out there and demand acceptance. I agree with gay rights - it is deplorable that I get different rights because of who I am attracted to. You don't, however, get to act a fool and demand that others not judge you on those actions.

As for the OP, bigotry is bigotry. The source and target are irrelevant. It should not, and for the most part IS not, tolerated.
Those who dislike gay people and keep it to themselves and treat them like fellow human beings I have no problem with and good on them.
Homosexuals do not hesitate to speak their minds about their way of being, so why should everyone else clam up when the rest of us have the right to speak our minds just like they do? Maybe if they showed some respect for those who don't agree with their way of being, they would then finally get at least some respect in return, or do they not really want any?

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

It is not simply a case of live and let live. It is not ill do what I will and you do the same. It is a DEMAND that I MUST accept your sexual orientation. Well, I don't. There is no reason for me to. Just as it is a state of being (not a choice) to be gay, a disgust of gay is perfectly natural for heterosexuals. It simply does not make and sense.

You're right that it's a demand. I support their demand.

People used to oppose interracial marriage, interfaith marriage, intercultural marriage...

...Until someone DEMANDED it!

The lone standing superpower in the world just HAPPENS to support all of those. Coincidence? While the lesser nations of the world (middle east, Africa, Russia, China, etc.) oppose them.

If your fellow countryman deserves happiness, then you have NO right to take it from them.
Hetero fascists, like the segregationists, are part of God's people, and with love and time can be brought back into humanity.
Unimaginable psychological damage??? Really? A bit of hyperbole perhaps?

Why, if homosexuality is natural, does the opinion of someone else even matter to the point of unimaginable psychological damage? Sorry folks I realize this is hard to understand but people want to be around people that look, act and talk more or less like they do . Probably a herd mentality. Now that doesn't mean that herd mentality excludes others it just means that even in herds like minded people will gather together. So when someone says, "I am just like you and you must accept what I say, and they are not" it kinda pisses off people. I really don't see why gayness has to be thrown into everyone's face. Really don't. I say live and let live and that works for both sides. Cary Grant was gay every knew it and no one really cared because he didn't make his gayness all about acceptance. I don't see why there needs be gay pride parades, if they are happy in their body then good for them and I am glad.
Well you see, it has to be about acceptance because if something isn't accepted or if someone isn't accepted then they are, in effect, ostracized. And that is not a good way to live in society. Besides that, GLBT people need to secure their Equal rights and that means activism to make others aware that what they seek is equitable in comparison to what others already have. So, when you see Gay activists going around and having parades and other activities you have to remember that they are bringing focus to the inadequacies of the status quo and they are needing to have that changed. That is the same as the time when Blacks wouldn't keep quiet any longer especially after Rosa Parks refused to sit at the back of the bus. And Dr. Martin Luther King and his supporters cried out "We Shall Overcome!" Gays want that moment as well when they will no longer be seen as second-class citizens and will not have to fear being ousted from their job because the boss found out they were Gay or they were kicked out from their apartment because the property manager does not like Gays. When certain minority citizens do not have full and Equal rights they need to stand up firmly and demand them as they are entitled to them by virtue of the fact that they are American citizens too who work, pay their taxes, raise children or adopt them, go to church to worship, and vote, just like any other American. Therefore, they should not be deprived of what the others in the majority have.

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