What Does This Country Look Like In 20 Years?

rotagilla said:
Lets look at the demographics of those states...black/white populations...which group has the most dropouts/least literacy? Hmmmmm

Look at who runs the school boards, the legislatures, and the Governor's mansions. Which group is in power in most places, most often? Hmmmm

So the reason literacy is down in those states is because the school boards, legislatures and governors all work together to prevent negroes from becoming literate and finishing school...yeah..ok..that makes perfect sense.
Not sure...are they?

You're the one playing the race card (gee what a shock)....
Only the gullible would continue to elect these people when they have shown zero interest in clawing their way out of the pit of idiocy.

Like I've said many times...only the most indoctrinated hyperpartisan shill would really argue that "their" party is "better" than the other one.
The two party electoral system is a failure. At this point, both parties are irredeemably corrupt and neither works toward the best interests of the nation. :dunno:

Yet the South is the one that keeps electing "leaders" who run counter to the interests of the constituents. Well, it will be good to know that on my trips over to South Carolina there will be no shortage of wait staff at the Cracker Barrels along the way.

As for the thread...when you consider the % of these gullible fools that are armed...this may be able to move the needle somewhat but it's nothing that the government can't take care of.
rotagilla said:
Lets look at the demographics of those states...black/white populations...which group has the most dropouts/least literacy? Hmmmmm

Look at who runs the school boards, the legislatures, and the Governor's mansions. Which group is in power in most places, most often? Hmmmm

So the reason literacy is down in those states is because the school boards, legislatures and governors all work together to prevent negroes from becoming literate and finishing school...yeah..ok..that makes perfect sense.
Not sure...are they?

You're the one playing the race card (gee what a shock)....

No..it's the "reality" card...

Only the gullible would continue to elect these people when they have shown zero interest in clawing their way out of the pit of idiocy.

Like I've said many times...only the most indoctrinated hyperpartisan shill would really argue that "their" party is "better" than the other one.
The two party electoral system is a failure. At this point, both parties are irredeemably corrupt and neither works toward the best interests of the nation. :dunno:

Yet the South is the one that keeps electing "leaders" who run counter to the interests of the constituents.

Then, of course, you have the northern bastions of good government acting in the interests of the people... like detroit..chicago...etc... yeah..you yankees have it all figured out..LMAO...:laugh2:

As for the thread...when you consider the % of these gullible fools that are armed...this may be able to move the needle somewhat but it's nothing that the government can't take care of.
"gullible fools"? I think you're projecting...but you're right about the south resenting the fed gvmt....we have good reasons.
rotagilla said:
Lets look at the demographics of those states...black/white populations...which group has the most dropouts/least literacy? Hmmmmm

Look at who runs the school boards, the legislatures, and the Governor's mansions. Which group is in power in most places, most often? Hmmmm

So the reason literacy is down in those states is because the school boards, legislatures and governors all work together to prevent negroes from becoming literate and finishing school...yeah..ok..that makes perfect sense.
Not sure...are they?

You're the one playing the race card (gee what a shock)....

No..it's the "reality" card...

Only the gullible would continue to elect these people when they have shown zero interest in clawing their way out of the pit of idiocy.

Like I've said many times...only the most indoctrinated hyperpartisan shill would really argue that "their" party is "better" than the other one.
The two party electoral system is a failure. At this point, both parties are irredeemably corrupt and neither works toward the best interests of the nation. :dunno:

Yet the South is the one that keeps electing "leaders" who run counter to the interests of the constituents.

Then, of course, you have the northern bastions of good government acting in the interests of the people... like detroit..chicago...etc... yeah..you yankees have it all figured out..LMAO...:laugh2:

As for the thread...when you consider the % of these gullible fools that are armed...this may be able to move the needle somewhat but it's nothing that the government can't take care of.
"gullible fools"? I think you're projecting...but you're right about the south resenting the fed gvmt....we have good reasons.

The federal government is the only reason Mississippi still has an economy. Otherwise you'd have gone back to trading chickens.
rotagilla said:
Lets look at the demographics of those states...black/white populations...which group has the most dropouts/least literacy? Hmmmmm

Look at who runs the school boards, the legislatures, and the Governor's mansions. Which group is in power in most places, most often? Hmmmm

So the reason literacy is down in those states is because the school boards, legislatures and governors all work together to prevent negroes from becoming literate and finishing school...yeah..ok..that makes perfect sense.
Not sure...are they?

You're the one playing the race card (gee what a shock)....

No..it's the "reality" card...

Only the gullible would continue to elect these people when they have shown zero interest in clawing their way out of the pit of idiocy.

Like I've said many times...only the most indoctrinated hyperpartisan shill would really argue that "their" party is "better" than the other one.
The two party electoral system is a failure. At this point, both parties are irredeemably corrupt and neither works toward the best interests of the nation. :dunno:

Yet the South is the one that keeps electing "leaders" who run counter to the interests of the constituents.

Then, of course, you have the northern bastions of good government acting in the interests of the people... like detroit..chicago...etc... yeah..you yankees have it all figured out..LMAO...:laugh2:

As for the thread...when you consider the % of these gullible fools that are armed...this may be able to move the needle somewhat but it's nothing that the government can't take care of.
"gullible fools"? I think you're projecting...but you're right about the south resenting the fed gvmt....we have good reasons.

The federal government is the only reason Mississippi still has an economy. Otherwise you'd have gone back to trading chickens.
The nation needs the south more than the south needs the nation.
Look at who runs the school boards, the legislatures, and the Governor's mansions. Which group is in power in most places, most often? Hmmmm

So the reason literacy is down in those states is because the school boards, legislatures and governors all work together to prevent negroes from becoming literate and finishing school...yeah..ok..that makes perfect sense.
Not sure...are they?

You're the one playing the race card (gee what a shock)....

No..it's the "reality" card...

Only the gullible would continue to elect these people when they have shown zero interest in clawing their way out of the pit of idiocy.

Like I've said many times...only the most indoctrinated hyperpartisan shill would really argue that "their" party is "better" than the other one.
The two party electoral system is a failure. At this point, both parties are irredeemably corrupt and neither works toward the best interests of the nation. :dunno:

Yet the South is the one that keeps electing "leaders" who run counter to the interests of the constituents.

Then, of course, you have the northern bastions of good government acting in the interests of the people... like detroit..chicago...etc... yeah..you yankees have it all figured out..LMAO...:laugh2:

As for the thread...when you consider the % of these gullible fools that are armed...this may be able to move the needle somewhat but it's nothing that the government can't take care of.
"gullible fools"? I think you're projecting...but you're right about the south resenting the fed gvmt....we have good reasons.

The federal government is the only reason Mississippi still has an economy. Otherwise you'd have gone back to trading chickens.
The nation needs the south more than the south needs the nation.

Comic relief is important...I agree.
So the reason literacy is down in those states is because the school boards, legislatures and governors all work together to prevent negroes from becoming literate and finishing school...yeah..ok..that makes perfect sense.
Not sure...are they?

You're the one playing the race card (gee what a shock)....

No..it's the "reality" card...

Only the gullible would continue to elect these people when they have shown zero interest in clawing their way out of the pit of idiocy.

Like I've said many times...only the most indoctrinated hyperpartisan shill would really argue that "their" party is "better" than the other one.
The two party electoral system is a failure. At this point, both parties are irredeemably corrupt and neither works toward the best interests of the nation. :dunno:

Yet the South is the one that keeps electing "leaders" who run counter to the interests of the constituents.

Then, of course, you have the northern bastions of good government acting in the interests of the people... like detroit..chicago...etc... yeah..you yankees have it all figured out..LMAO...:laugh2:

As for the thread...when you consider the % of these gullible fools that are armed...this may be able to move the needle somewhat but it's nothing that the government can't take care of.
"gullible fools"? I think you're projecting...but you're right about the south resenting the fed gvmt....we have good reasons.

The federal government is the only reason Mississippi still has an economy. Otherwise you'd have gone back to trading chickens.
The nation needs the south more than the south needs the nation.

Comic relief is important...I agree.

LMAO..and once again you evade and try to change the subject.. I made my points...See ya later...
Despite what the whiney cry babies are saying, America will look the same in 20 years as it looks today except be 20 years older.

America will look 20 years older 20 years from now.

No shit?

Jeeze another stunning nugget of wisdom floats like a fart in bath-water to the surface of USMB from the deep thoughts of Mr. Clean.


Thanks for contributing.
Not sure...are they?

You're the one playing the race card (gee what a shock)....

No..it's the "reality" card...

Like I've said many times...only the most indoctrinated hyperpartisan shill would really argue that "their" party is "better" than the other one.
The two party electoral system is a failure. At this point, both parties are irredeemably corrupt and neither works toward the best interests of the nation. :dunno:

Yet the South is the one that keeps electing "leaders" who run counter to the interests of the constituents.

Then, of course, you have the northern bastions of good government acting in the interests of the people... like detroit..chicago...etc... yeah..you yankees have it all figured out..LMAO...:laugh2:

As for the thread...when you consider the % of these gullible fools that are armed...this may be able to move the needle somewhat but it's nothing that the government can't take care of.
"gullible fools"? I think you're projecting...but you're right about the south resenting the fed gvmt....we have good reasons.

The federal government is the only reason Mississippi still has an economy. Otherwise you'd have gone back to trading chickens.
The nation needs the south more than the south needs the nation.

Comic relief is important...I agree.

LMAO..and once again you evade and try to change the subject.. I made my points...See ya later...

You made a statement that the nation needs the south more than the south needs the nation. Zero people believe that outside of you by the way. But you supplied not even a biased source to firm up such a claim.

If you're any indication...comic relief would be the #1 export of Conservistan.
So...have all of you who predict total collapse just given up? Why are you still here? Feel free to go to a "better" country with better prospects.

I'll be happy to stay here.

we'll build a new, better country out of the rubble.

You can stay where you are. I hope you get everything you deserve.

I'm curious: Upon what do you base this prediction? Historical analogy? Some particular set of events?

Or is this some ridiculously partisan conjecture that "Liberal" Boogie-men will mysteriously cause a disaster.

History is my guide.

Every form of government ever created eventually collapses or is forcefully "replaced", usually due to corruption, economic failure and/or oppression.
Every form of gvmt ever devised was born in blood and revolution ....and they all die in blood and revolution eventually.
It's the natural, normal course of all governments.
History is littered with the wreckage of governments that failed and were replaced.
What? You think america is "different"? or "special" and it won't happen here?

Your ignorance is palpable.

Governments can and do evolve and even do so peacefully.

The collapse of communism in the eastern bloc nations and the subsequent rise of democracy was not through "blood and revolution".

The transition from the fascist Apartheid regime to democracy was not through blood and revolution either.

Yes, governments can and do "fail". During the 1960's the Labor party in the UK pushed the nation to the brink of failure and bankruptcy but instead of collapse into "blood and revolution" it evolved into the Social Democracy that it is today.

Your premise is false because it is based upon a black and white model. It is entirely possible for reasonable people to find ways to work out even the most extreme differences and form a "more perfect union".

Your grasp of history is lacking.
Despite what the whiney cry babies are saying, America will look the same in 20 years as it looks today except be 20 years older.

America will look 20 years older 20 years from now.

No shit?

Jeeze another stunning nugget of wisdom floats like a fart in bath-water to the surface of USMB from the deep thoughts of Mr. Clean.


Thanks for contributing.

You don't like my posts?

Then don't reply.

Otherwise go fuck yourself, you arrogant little douchebag.
So...have all of you who predict total collapse just given up? Why are you still here? Feel free to go to a "better" country with better prospects.

I'll be happy to stay here.

we'll build a new, better country out of the rubble.

You can stay where you are. I hope you get everything you deserve.

I'm curious: Upon what do you base this prediction? Historical analogy? Some particular set of events?

Or is this some ridiculously partisan conjecture that "Liberal" Boogie-men will mysteriously cause a disaster.

History is my guide.

Every form of government ever created eventually collapses or is forcefully "replaced", usually due to corruption, economic failure and/or oppression.
Every form of gvmt ever devised was born in blood and revolution ....and they all die in blood and revolution eventually.
It's the natural, normal course of all governments.
History is littered with the wreckage of governments that failed and were replaced.
What? You think america is "different"? or "special" and it won't happen here?

Your ignorance is palpable.

Governments can and do evolve and even do so peacefully.

The collapse of communism in the eastern bloc nations and the subsequent rise of democracy was not through "blood and revolution".

The transition from the fascist Apartheid regime to democracy was not through blood and revolution either.

Yes, governments can and do "fail". During the 1960's the Labor party in the UK pushed the nation to the brink of failure and bankruptcy but instead of collapse into "blood and revolution" it evolved into the Social Democracy that it is today.

Your premise is false because it is based upon a black and white model. It is entirely possible for reasonable people to find ways to work out even the most extreme differences and form a "more perfect union".

Your grasp of history is lacking.

A snapshot in history....a static moment...History is dynamic and moving, though, so whatever is today may not be tomorrow and the ones you mention aren't settled for eternity...
...and as far as russia breaking up...you didn't hear about the balkans, it seems. There was a lot of blood spilled there...
....but you want to nit pick minute details and try to play "gotcha" so you don't have to address the main premise .....I get it, though...no problem.
This nation was founded in blood and revolution... See if you can nit pick that fact...
Despite what the whiney cry babies are saying, America will look the same in 20 years as it looks today except be 20 years older.

America will look 20 years older 20 years from now.

No shit?

Jeeze another stunning nugget of wisdom floats like a fart in bath-water to the surface of USMB from the deep thoughts of Mr. Clean.


Thanks for contributing.

You don't like my posts?

Then don't reply.

Otherwise go fuck yourself, you arrogant little douchebag.


So...have all of you who predict total collapse just given up? Why are you still here? Feel free to go to a "better" country with better prospects.

I'll be happy to stay here.

we'll build a new, better country out of the rubble.

You can stay where you are. I hope you get everything you deserve.

I'm curious: Upon what do you base this prediction? Historical analogy? Some particular set of events?

Or is this some ridiculously partisan conjecture that "Liberal" Boogie-men will mysteriously cause a disaster.

History is my guide.

Every form of government ever created eventually collapses or is forcefully "replaced", usually due to corruption, economic failure and/or oppression.
Every form of gvmt ever devised was born in blood and revolution ....and they all die in blood and revolution eventually.
It's the natural, normal course of all governments.
History is littered with the wreckage of governments that failed and were replaced.
What? You think america is "different"? or "special" and it won't happen here?

Your ignorance is palpable.

Governments can and do evolve and even do so peacefully.

The collapse of communism in the eastern bloc nations and the subsequent rise of democracy was not through "blood and revolution".

The transition from the fascist Apartheid regime to democracy was not through blood and revolution either.

Yes, governments can and do "fail". During the 1960's the Labor party in the UK pushed the nation to the brink of failure and bankruptcy but instead of collapse into "blood and revolution" it evolved into the Social Democracy that it is today.

Your premise is false because it is based upon a black and white model. It is entirely possible for reasonable people to find ways to work out even the most extreme differences and form a "more perfect union".

Your grasp of history is lacking.

A snapshot in history....a static moment...History is dynamic and moving, though, so whatever is today may not be tomorrow and the ones you mention aren't settled for eternity...
...and as far as russia breaking up...you didn't hear about the balkans, it seems. There was a lot of blood spilled there...
....but you want to nit pick minute details and try to play "gotcha" so you don't have to address the main premise .....I get it, though...no problem.
This nation was founded in blood and revolution... See if you can nit pick that fact...

Do you need more examples? How about Spain's transition from Facism to democracy?

The fact that you are ignorant of these instances says that you are ignorant of history. In essence you are cherry picking only what your want to suit your own secessionist agenda.

History is riddled with bloody revolutions that FAILED. From Spartacus to Tiananmen Square they all ended up the same way.

Yours will too for the reason that you are making some really stupid assumptions. We the People are not some foreign despot in a distant land.
we'll build a new, better country out of the rubble.

You can stay where you are. I hope you get everything you deserve.

I'm curious: Upon what do you base this prediction? Historical analogy? Some particular set of events?

Or is this some ridiculously partisan conjecture that "Liberal" Boogie-men will mysteriously cause a disaster.

History is my guide.

Every form of government ever created eventually collapses or is forcefully "replaced", usually due to corruption, economic failure and/or oppression.
Every form of gvmt ever devised was born in blood and revolution ....and they all die in blood and revolution eventually.
It's the natural, normal course of all governments.
History is littered with the wreckage of governments that failed and were replaced.
What? You think america is "different"? or "special" and it won't happen here?

Your ignorance is palpable.

Governments can and do evolve and even do so peacefully.

The collapse of communism in the eastern bloc nations and the subsequent rise of democracy was not through "blood and revolution".

The transition from the fascist Apartheid regime to democracy was not through blood and revolution either.

Yes, governments can and do "fail". During the 1960's the Labor party in the UK pushed the nation to the brink of failure and bankruptcy but instead of collapse into "blood and revolution" it evolved into the Social Democracy that it is today.

Your premise is false because it is based upon a black and white model. It is entirely possible for reasonable people to find ways to work out even the most extreme differences and form a "more perfect union".

Your grasp of history is lacking.

A snapshot in history....a static moment...History is dynamic and moving, though, so whatever is today may not be tomorrow and the ones you mention aren't settled for eternity...
...and as far as russia breaking up...you didn't hear about the balkans, it seems. There was a lot of blood spilled there...
....but you want to nit pick minute details and try to play "gotcha" so you don't have to address the main premise .....I get it, though...no problem.
This nation was founded in blood and revolution... See if you can nit pick that fact...

Do you need more examples? How about Spain's transition from Facism to democracy?

The fact that you are ignorant of these instances says that you are ignorant of history. In essence you are cherry picking only what your want to suit your own secessionist agenda.

History is riddled with bloody revolutions that FAILED. From Spartacus to Tiananmen Square they all ended up the same way.

Yours will too for the reason that you are making some really stupid assumptions. We the People are not some foreign despot in a distant land.

sure..sure, scooter..whatever you say...
I'm curious: Upon what do you base this prediction? Historical analogy? Some particular set of events?

Or is this some ridiculously partisan conjecture that "Liberal" Boogie-men will mysteriously cause a disaster.

History is my guide.

Every form of government ever created eventually collapses or is forcefully "replaced", usually due to corruption, economic failure and/or oppression.
Every form of gvmt ever devised was born in blood and revolution ....and they all die in blood and revolution eventually.
It's the natural, normal course of all governments.
History is littered with the wreckage of governments that failed and were replaced.
What? You think america is "different"? or "special" and it won't happen here?

Your ignorance is palpable.

Governments can and do evolve and even do so peacefully.

The collapse of communism in the eastern bloc nations and the subsequent rise of democracy was not through "blood and revolution".

The transition from the fascist Apartheid regime to democracy was not through blood and revolution either.

Yes, governments can and do "fail". During the 1960's the Labor party in the UK pushed the nation to the brink of failure and bankruptcy but instead of collapse into "blood and revolution" it evolved into the Social Democracy that it is today.

Your premise is false because it is based upon a black and white model. It is entirely possible for reasonable people to find ways to work out even the most extreme differences and form a "more perfect union".

Your grasp of history is lacking.

A snapshot in history....a static moment...History is dynamic and moving, though, so whatever is today may not be tomorrow and the ones you mention aren't settled for eternity...
...and as far as russia breaking up...you didn't hear about the balkans, it seems. There was a lot of blood spilled there...
....but you want to nit pick minute details and try to play "gotcha" so you don't have to address the main premise .....I get it, though...no problem.
This nation was founded in blood and revolution... See if you can nit pick that fact...

Do you need more examples? How about Spain's transition from Facism to democracy?

The fact that you are ignorant of these instances says that you are ignorant of history. In essence you are cherry picking only what your want to suit your own secessionist agenda.

History is riddled with bloody revolutions that FAILED. From Spartacus to Tiananmen Square they all ended up the same way.

Yours will too for the reason that you are making some really stupid assumptions. We the People are not some foreign despot in a distant land.

sure..sure, scooter..whatever you say...

Since you cannot the refute the historical facts you have just tacitly conceded your position. Have a nice day.
So...have all of you who predict total collapse just given up? Why are you still here? Feel free to go to a "better" country with better prospects.

I'll be happy to stay here.

we'll build a new, better country out of the rubble.

You can stay where you are. I hope you get everything you deserve.

Really? I'm here. Not going anywhere. Good luck in building your new country somewhere else.

Not big on history, I see...Won't you be surprised...All good, though.

We've been divided and in mosnster debt for most of my life....nothing happened then; nothing is going to happen now.
History is the best teacher.

Interest payments accounts for 6% of our Federal Budget. It used to be around 15% of the Budget back in the 90s. We've been cutting discretionary spending pretty aggressively.



The average interest rate is 2.43%


The Treasury is redeeming about $7.5 trillion annually. If interests rates rise or we have a run on the dollar like the one George Soros orchestrated against the British pound, within the span of one year with interests rates back up to 6.63% (and that's not even a worst case scenario) the proportion of the Federal Budget allocated to interests payments would jump from 6% to 10.5% and within two years to 15.2% and within three years to 16.4% and that's assuming a static model which transitions us to the recent 6.63% average interest rate. How much more discretionary spending can we cut before we need to cut Social Security benefits?
No, but I wondered why you would expect this to probably happen within the next 20 years.

I doubt it will be 20 years. Our current situation is unsustainable, politically and economically..

Our government becomes more oppressive by the day.
We borrow money to pay the INTEREST on money we already borrowed...That's called "bankruptcy"...They can cook the books and juggle the numbers for a while but reality will eventually overcome the most creative gvmt liars. We can't "tax" our way out of this..We can't "vote" our way out of this.

All three branches of gvmt are corrupt beyond redemption and only work to serve the various special interest groups that have infiltrated and warped our system..
A day of reckoning approaches.

This was all as true 20 years ago.

Frankly, I don't see this happening as easily as in the past, primarily because there are many more interdependencies among countries, and commercial leaders that would act as over-rides to social chaos.

What are you talking abut. You have direct evidence that commercial banks sheltered their money rather than lending it when the Feds were urging them to lend to businesses to give a boost to the economy. They did the exact opposite of what you're counting on.

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