What Has Trump Actually Said That is Antisemitic?


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
What Has Trump Actually Said That is Antisemitic?

By TreeOfLiberty

Even casual observers with no particularly strong feelings for or against Trump must marvel at the range of evil he is now responsible for. Following the Pittsburgh synagogue bombing, the headlines are it is Trump's latent antisemitism which is partly responsible. In addition to an Islamophobe which is fairly well documented, Trump is now a white nationalist, a racist, and now an antisemite, according to the mainstream media.

So what are the antisemitic things Trump has said that makes him one? Well, it turns out, he hasn't said anything like that, but, well, almost. If you count bloopers by his former press secretary Sean Spicer, and his supposed refusal to denounce racists and white supremacists, even though he did, but not fast enough. After the Charlotte, NC tragedy in which a protester was killed, NBC News reported in its headline: "Trump denounces white supremacists, 'racist' violence — two days after deadly car attack." The racists and white supremacists in Charlotte were also antisemites, the real kind.

A comprehensive run-down of what makes Trump an antisemite can be found in "Trump has a long history of anti-Semitic dog whistles" published in Salon.com. As the title suggests, if one cannot find anything that Trump has said which is actually antisemitic, then the using "dog whistles" innuendo will suffice. The Salon.com piece can be taken as the worst that legions of journalists can find, because if there were anything worse on the record, you bet we'd be hearing about it.

The damning list starts off with Trump retweeting, during the campaign, an image of Hillary awash in campaign money, with the caption in the middle of a six-pointed star, the shape of the Star of David. Trump quickly deleted the tweet and said it was a "sheriff's star."

But the best part of the new litmus test for what constitutes antisemitism is the Big Bank test. Do you criticize big banks and their role in the economy? Trump's "long history" of antsemitism included saying in a speech:

"It's a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth, and put that money into the pockets of a handful large corporations and political entities. Just look at what this corrupt establishment has done to our cities like Detroit, Flint, Michigan, and rural towns in Pennsylvania, Ohio, North Carolina, and all across our country...

We've seen this first hand in the Wikileaks documents, in which Hillary Clinton meets in secret with international banks, to plot the destruction of U.S. sovereignty in order to enrich these global interest powers, her special interest friends, and her donors."

That's it. That's all it takes to make you a hard-core, dog whistle antisemite in America these days. The author warns "Trump's use of global conspiracy tropes came very close to echoing racist myths about Jewish people." This is "vague and ominous rhetoric to describe nefarious "banks" trying to undermine the working class."

The trouble is, Hillary did meet in secret with international bankers, and trade agreements from NAFTA on down do undermine US sovereignty, by allowing corporations to circumvent US laws by submitting lawsuits to international trade courts more friendly to their interests.

Furthermore, none other than Bernie Sanders early on in his campaign declared war on big banks, as well as global trade agreements. Sanders said:

“Let’s be clear: the TPP [Trans Pacific Partnership} is much more than a “free trade” agreement. It is part of a global race to the bottom to boost the profits of large corporations and Wall Street by outsourcing jobs; undercutting worker rights; dismantling labor, environmental, health, food safety and financial laws; and allowing corporations to challenge our laws in international tribunals rather than our own court system.”

So the next time you use the words "global power structure" and speak of the effects of trade agreements extracted by such an entity on American workers, you are using a "global conspiracy trope." Just remember: there is no global conspiracy by elites against the working man or woman, whose jobs move from country to country and land wherever pay is the lowest and conditions the harshest. Big bankers are your friends, not your enemies. Otherwise, you are antisemitic.



Bernie Sanders Ad, Bust Up Big Banks
What Has Trump Actually Said That is Antisemitic?

By TreeOfLiberty

Even casual observers with no particularly strong feelings for or against Trump must marvel at the range of evil he is now responsible for. Following the Pittsburgh synagogue bombing, the headlines are it is Trump's latent antisemitism which is partly responsible. In addition to an Islamophobe which is fairly well documented, Trump is now a white nationalist, a racist, and now an antisemite, according to the mainstream media.

So what are the antisemitic things Trump has said that makes him one? Well, it turns out, he hasn't said anything like that, but, well, almost. If you count bloopers by his former press secretary Sean Spicer, and his supposed refusal to denounce racists and white supremacists, even though he did, but not fast enough. After the Charlotte, NC tragedy in which a protester was killed, NBC News reported in its headline: "Trump denounces white supremacists, 'racist' violence — two days after deadly car attack." The racists and white supremacists in Charlotte were also antisemites, the real kind.

A comprehensive run-down of what makes Trump an antisemite can be found in "Trump has a long history of anti-Semitic dog whistles" published in Salon.com. As the title suggests, if one cannot find anything that Trump has said which is actually antisemitic, then the using "dog whistles" innuendo will suffice. The Salon.com piece can be taken as the worst that legions of journalists can find, because if there were anything worse on the record, you bet we'd be hearing about it.

The damning list starts off with Trump retweeting, during the campaign, an image of Hillary awash in campaign money, with the caption in the middle of a six-pointed star, the shape of the Star of David. Trump quickly deleted the tweet and said it was a "sheriff's star."

But the best part of the new litmus test for what constitutes antisemitism is the Big Bank test. Do you criticize big banks and their role in the economy? Trump's "long history" of antsemitism included saying in a speech:

"It's a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth, and put that money into the pockets of a handful large corporations and political entities. Just look at what this corrupt establishment has done to our cities like Detroit, Flint, Michigan, and rural towns in Pennsylvania, Ohio, North Carolina, and all across our country...

We've seen this first hand in the Wikileaks documents, in which Hillary Clinton meets in secret with international banks, to plot the destruction of U.S. sovereignty in order to enrich these global interest powers, her special interest friends, and her donors."

That's it. That's all it takes to make you a hard-core, dog whistle antisemite in America these days. The author warns "Trump's use of global conspiracy tropes came very close to echoing racist myths about Jewish people." This is "vague and ominous rhetoric to describe nefarious "banks" trying to undermine the working class."

The trouble is, Hillary did meet in secret with international bankers, and trade agreements from NAFTA on down do undermine US sovereignty, by allowing corporations to circumvent US laws by submitting lawsuits to international trade courts more friendly to their interests.

Furthermore, none other than Bernie Sanders early on in his campaign declared war on big banks, as well as global trade agreements. Sanders said:

“Let’s be clear: the TPP [Trans Pacific Partnership} is much more than a “free trade” agreement. It is part of a global race to the bottom to boost the profits of large corporations and Wall Street by outsourcing jobs; undercutting worker rights; dismantling labor, environmental, health, food safety and financial laws; and allowing corporations to challenge our laws in international tribunals rather than our own court system.”

So the next time you use the words "global power structure" and speak of the effects of trade agreements extracted by such an entity on American workers, you are using a "global conspiracy trope." Just remember: there is no global conspiracy by elites against the working man or woman, whose jobs move from country to country and land wherever pay is the lowest and conditions the harshest. Big bankers are your friends, not your enemies. Otherwise, you are antisemitic.



Bernie Sanders Ad, Bust Up Big Banks
Nothing, but the libtards dont like it that President Trump cannot be affected by them, even when the whole lickspittle, lapdog, liberal, Lame Stream Media, coordinate the attack.

Good people on both sides od Charlottesville.

ONE side was chanting anti-semitic Nazi slogans
Maybe not everyone on that side was chanting Nazi slogans. Or is that too much complexity, non black and white thinking for you?
"Some very fine people."

That's all he needed to say. Considering who he was referring to and what they stand for.

Maybe not everyone on that side was chanting Nazi slogans. Or is that too much complexity, non black and white thinking for you?
When you march with people chanting those slogans...you're with them.

"Good people" would have left

There is only two logical inferences from this line of thinking:

Either Trump hates his daughter, her husband whom he has made an advisor, and his grandchildren.


The people arguing that he is anti Semitic are colossal idiots
Is Trump himself anti-semitic?

Who knows. I know a guy that HATES African Americans but accepts the one his daughter married.

Regardless he has PLAYED to the anti-semites and THAT is the issue
As a man who has bloviated in public for DECADES, there will be statements that can be distorted to prove anything. Especially when the Media has no regard for the truth. E.g., "Trump BRAGGED about grabbing women by their [private parts]"

Trump is no anti-Semite. But to the Left, that doesn't matter.

There is only two logical inferences from this line of thinking:

Either Trump hates his daughter, her husband whom he has made an advisor, and his grandchildren.


The people arguing that he is anti Semitic are colossal idiots
Once you travel down the path of hating minorities, you can't pick and choose.
The Nazi's taught the world that.

Sad that someone who survived a Nazi Concentration camp would escape to this country and then die at the hands of a Nazi. One who repeats the president's rhetoric.

There is only two logical inferences from this line of thinking:

Either Trump hates his daughter, her husband whom he has made an advisor, and his grandchildren.


The people arguing that he is anti Semitic are colossal idiots
Once you travel down the path of hating minorities, you can't pick and choose.
The Nazi's taught the world that.

Sad that someone who survived a Nazi Concentration camp would escape to this country and then die at the hands of a Nazi. One who repeats the president's rhetoric.

In other words you can't answer the question posed by Avatar4321
Is Trump himself anti-semitic?

Who knows. I know a guy that HATES African Americans but accepts the one his daughter married.

Regardless he has PLAYED to the anti-semites and THAT is the issue
I repeat

There is only two logical inferences from this line of thinking:

Either Trump hates his daughter, her husband whom he has made an advisor, and his grandchildren.


The people arguing that he is anti Semitic are colossal idiots
Once you travel down the path of hating minorities, you can't pick and choose.
The Nazi's taught the world that.

Sad that someone who survived a Nazi Concentration camp would escape to this country and then die at the hands of a Nazi. One who repeats the president's rhetoric.

In other words you can't answer the question posed by Avatar4321
To a thinking person I did answer it.

But it's OK. You wouldn't get it.

Unless "it" is contagious.

To a thinking person I did answer it.

You overrate yourself


But it's OK. You wouldn't get it.

you never will.

Now, do the board a favor, and go nite nite

Come back in the morning when the AAA battery you use to operate your brain is recharged.

There is only two logical inferences from this line of thinking:

Either Trump hates his daughter, her husband whom he has made an advisor, and his grandchildren.


The people arguing that he is anti Semitic are colossal idiots
Once you travel down the path of hating minorities, you can't pick and choose.
The Nazi's taught the world that.

Sad that someone who survived a Nazi Concentration camp would escape to this country and then die at the hands of a Nazi. One who repeats the president's rhetoric.

one who hates the president because he wasn't anti-Semitic you mean.

Why are you using anti semitism to falsely attack people for political reasons? didn't anyone every teach you that using dead people to lie for power is wrong and morbid?

There is only two logical inferences from this line of thinking:

Either Trump hates his daughter, her husband whom he has made an advisor, and his grandchildren.


The people arguing that he is anti Semitic are colossal idiots
Once you travel down the path of hating minorities, you can't pick and choose.
The Nazi's taught the world that.

Sad that someone who survived a Nazi Concentration camp would escape to this country and then die at the hands of a Nazi. One who repeats the president's rhetoric.

In other words you can't answer the question posed by Avatar4321

if he was capable of honest discussion he would have started long ago
Maybe not everyone on that side was chanting Nazi slogans. Or is that too much complexity, non black and white thinking for you?
When you march with people chanting those slogans...you're with them.

"Good people" would have left

So any person at an anti-trump rally that contains communists and anti-fa are also anti-fa and communist?
Good people on both sides od Charlottesville.

ONE side was chanting anti-semitic Nazi slogans
So since a person that professed to be Democrat shot a Republican at a baseball game we should denounce all Demcrates. Because a black man kills a black we need to denounce all blacks. Because a police officer shoots a white we need to denounce all police.

Do you perhaps understand that what you are proposing is just slightly wrong? I can agree that we do not need more illegal immigrants in the country but just because someone in the crowd of those that agree suggests shooting them does not necessarily make the ideal wrong and should not. Painting everyone with a broad brush is why there is such division.
Good people on both sides od Charlottesville.

ONE side was chanting anti-semitic Nazi slogans
So since a person that professed to be Democrat shot a Republican at a baseball game we should denounce all Demcrates. Because a black man kills a black we need to denounce all blacks. Because a police officer shoots a white we need to denounce all police.

Do you perhaps understand that what you are proposing is just slightly wrong? I can agree that we do not need more illegal immigrants in the country but just because someone in the crowd of those that agree suggests shooting them does not necessarily make the ideal wrong and should not. Painting everyone with a broad brush is why there is such division.

Isn't more division the point?

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