What if white America just said no...

We need more people like Peterson and less people like Sharpton, Holder, Obama, Jackson, etc...

Black Reverend Writes “What If White America Just Said No” Essay

Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson, a black man well-known for his criticism of the black community, just dropped an eye-opening truth bomb in an essay that quickly went viral.

“As I watch the racial unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, I can’t help but compare the behavior of blacks in that city to that of spoiled rotten children,” Peterson wrote at the beginning of his powerful op-ed.

Though he criticized the black community for their violent, racially motivated actions after a black criminal was killed by police, his primary point was that if “white America” would stop fearing being labeled as racists and condemn the actions of the blacks who burn down cities, change might actually take place.

He drove that point home using Mo. Gov. Jay Nixon as an example, pointing out how he immediately surrendered to radicals in the black community and tried to sympathize with them, which was awkward and futile, at best.

“Nixon tried to appease the black mob and prematurely called for a ‘vigorous prosecution’ of Officer Darren Wilson,” Peterson wrote, explaining how his efforts backfired, didn’t gain an ounce of respect from the black community and actually increased racial tensions.

Concluding his compelling piece, Peterson made three assertions based on a world in which whites said “no” to being labeled “racist” for calling black cultural failures for what they are — failures.

  1. If whites said “No,” Sharpton and Holder would be out of business.

  2. If whites said “No,” it would give misguided blacks a chance to examine their hearts and repent of their wicked ways.

  3. If whites said “No,” their children would be inspired by their courage.
Black Reverend Writes What If White America Just Said No Essay... And It s Going Viral

You're right, it has gone viral. It's on Stormfront.

What If White America Just Said No - Stormfront


Oh well, who knew Sassy went to a minority hating site to get her minority hate :rofl:
Whitey has said very little else to the *******, for centuries. Can we be free? No. Can we be treated as equals? No. Do you give a good goddamn at all about what you've done to us? No. Carry on.

And how dare them uppity nigras dare to say NO to more injustice and inequality.

Destroying other people's private property is how you say no to justice?

Yep, it worked here:
Black WallStreet
We need more people like Peterson and less people like Sharpton, Holder, Obama, Jackson, etc...

Black Reverend Writes “What If White America Just Said No” Essay

Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson, a black man well-known for his criticism of the black community, just dropped an eye-opening truth bomb in an essay that quickly went viral.

“As I watch the racial unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, I can’t help but compare the behavior of blacks in that city to that of spoiled rotten children,” Peterson wrote at the beginning of his powerful op-ed.

Though he criticized the black community for their violent, racially motivated actions after a black criminal was killed by police, his primary point was that if “white America” would stop fearing being labeled as racists and condemn the actions of the blacks who burn down cities, change might actually take place.

He drove that point home using Mo. Gov. Jay Nixon as an example, pointing out how he immediately surrendered to radicals in the black community and tried to sympathize with them, which was awkward and futile, at best.

“Nixon tried to appease the black mob and prematurely called for a ‘vigorous prosecution’ of Officer Darren Wilson,” Peterson wrote, explaining how his efforts backfired, didn’t gain an ounce of respect from the black community and actually increased racial tensions.

Concluding his compelling piece, Peterson made three assertions based on a world in which whites said “no” to being labeled “racist” for calling black cultural failures for what they are — failures.

  1. If whites said “No,” Sharpton and Holder would be out of business.

  2. If whites said “No,” it would give misguided blacks a chance to examine their hearts and repent of their wicked ways.

  3. If whites said “No,” their children would be inspired by their courage.
Black Reverend Writes What If White America Just Said No Essay... And It s Going Viral

You're right, it has gone viral. It's on Stormfront.

What If White America Just Said No - Stormfront


Who gives a fuck if it's on storm front?!?!
Hey Judge and Jury, is Stormfront good or bad?
White liberal America is the problem. They want excuse bad behavior of blacks and blame it on whites.
We excuse bad behavior? Hmmm...where is that excuse?

Sure. Like claiming that Trevon Martin was shot while innocently walking home.

INstead of when he was sitting on top of a man beating him.
He was innocently walking home. Zimmerman stalked him to his house, first by car, then parked illegally, and chased on foot. The boy thinking a stalker / rapist / killer was on the phone calling in his gang for help to kill him.. eventually turned and told the guy to stop following him, but Zimmerman kept coming kept stalking his prey. The boy then confronted his stalker. The stalker, Zimmerman, reached for a weapon starting a fight.

Then, Zimmerman, the wimpy coward that he is lost the fight getting a very small bruise or two all the while screaming like a little girl for help. And then when the boy did stop, Zimmerman shot him in the chest like putting a dog out of it's misery. Zimmerman is a coward and a killer.

Nice story.

NOne of it supported by evidence or eyewitnesses accounts.

At least you admit that Zimmerman was losing the fight.

I've had libs try to tell me that Zimmerman shot Martin while standing.
Everything I said

Mmm, no.

Following a suspicious persons for a short while is not "Stalking".

You have nothing to support your belief that Zimmerman started the fight and certainly nothing to support you idea he did so by reaching for a weapon.

You have nothing to support your idea that Martin stopped beating Zimmerman before being shot.

You are inventing reasons to excuse Martin's behavior, and to blame the "white" guy here.

As was my point by bringing it up.

THanks for making my point.
We excuse bad behavior? Hmmm...where is that excuse?

Sure. Like claiming that Trevon Martin was shot while innocently walking home.

INstead of when he was sitting on top of a man beating him.

You sure like to make up stuff that people think dont you?

Nope. Just repeating bs libs have tried to run past me.

Yeah, and none of them are here so...

Oh, I doubt that. You libs tend to group think.

Next time instead of retelling the tales libs told you how about dealing with the stuff that people are telling you right here?
Ummmm ya, you blame rioting on police racism, you blame crime on institutional racism leading to inequality, you blame drugs in the black comunity on the white man flying the plane, etc.. literally every form of bad behavior blacks commit white liberals blame on whitey.

This is like saying "you blame rain for being wet" and pretending its not

Is there anything blacks can take responsibility for by themselves, anything at all???

once you answer a question your talking points fall apart.

What is anyone not taking responsibility for?

Let's start with the biggest one - crime.

How are they not taking responsibility?

Well we keep having national discussions on blacks being the victims of police brutality, right? When was the last time we had a national discussion on black crime rates?????????
We excuse bad behavior? Hmmm...where is that excuse?

Sure. Like claiming that Trevon Martin was shot while innocently walking home.

INstead of when he was sitting on top of a man beating him.
He was innocently walking home. Zimmerman stalked him to his house, first by car, then parked illegally, and chased on foot. The boy thinking a stalker / rapist / killer was on the phone calling in his gang for help to kill him.. eventually turned and told the guy to stop following him, but Zimmerman kept coming kept stalking his prey. The boy then confronted his stalker. The stalker, Zimmerman, reached for a weapon starting a fight.

Then, Zimmerman, the wimpy coward that he is lost the fight getting a very small bruise or two all the while screaming like a little girl for help. And then when the boy did stop, Zimmerman shot him in the chest like putting a dog out of it's misery. Zimmerman is a coward and a killer.

Nice story.

NOne of it supported by evidence or eyewitnesses accounts.

At least you admit that Zimmerman was losing the fight.

I've had libs try to tell me that Zimmerman shot Martin while standing.

You're still retelling arguments by people in your head?

So, who do you hold responsible for Martin's death, the man that shot him, or Martin for committing the assault that justified the shooting?

I'm just going to focus on the lies you try to slip in.

No one told you Zimmerman shot Martin standing up. Stop lying.

GZ is responsible. You dont disagree. Heres when you make up something else "a liberal" told you.
Though he criticized the black community for their violent, racially motivated actions after a black criminal was killed by police, his primary point was that if “white America” would stop fearing being labeled as racists and condemn the actions of the blacks who burn down cities, change might actually take place.
Just who does White American fear will label them as racists? Each other? They certainly don't care what Blacks think!
We need more people like Peterson and less people like Sharpton, Holder, Obama, Jackson, etc...

Black Reverend Writes “What If White America Just Said No” Essay

Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson, a black man well-known for his criticism of the black community, just dropped an eye-opening truth bomb in an essay that quickly went viral.

“As I watch the racial unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, I can’t help but compare the behavior of blacks in that city to that of spoiled rotten children,” Peterson wrote at the beginning of his powerful op-ed.

Though he criticized the black community for their violent, racially motivated actions after a black criminal was killed by police, his primary point was that if “white America” would stop fearing being labeled as racists and condemn the actions of the blacks who burn down cities, change might actually take place.

He drove that point home using Mo. Gov. Jay Nixon as an example, pointing out how he immediately surrendered to radicals in the black community and tried to sympathize with them, which was awkward and futile, at best.

“Nixon tried to appease the black mob and prematurely called for a ‘vigorous prosecution’ of Officer Darren Wilson,” Peterson wrote, explaining how his efforts backfired, didn’t gain an ounce of respect from the black community and actually increased racial tensions.

Concluding his compelling piece, Peterson made three assertions based on a world in which whites said “no” to being labeled “racist” for calling black cultural failures for what they are — failures.

  1. If whites said “No,” Sharpton and Holder would be out of business.

  2. If whites said “No,” it would give misguided blacks a chance to examine their hearts and repent of their wicked ways.

  3. If whites said “No,” their children would be inspired by their courage.
Black Reverend Writes What If White America Just Said No Essay... And It s Going Viral

You're right, it has gone viral. It's on Stormfront.

What If White America Just Said No - Stormfront


Who gives a fuck if it's on storm front?!?!

That's where you and dingbat belong.
We need more people like Peterson and less people like Sharpton, Holder, Obama, Jackson, etc...

Black Reverend Writes “What If White America Just Said No” Essay

Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson, a black man well-known for his criticism of the black community, just dropped an eye-opening truth bomb in an essay that quickly went viral.

“As I watch the racial unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, I can’t help but compare the behavior of blacks in that city to that of spoiled rotten children,” Peterson wrote at the beginning of his powerful op-ed.

Though he criticized the black community for their violent, racially motivated actions after a black criminal was killed by police, his primary point was that if “white America” would stop fearing being labeled as racists and condemn the actions of the blacks who burn down cities, change might actually take place.

He drove that point home using Mo. Gov. Jay Nixon as an example, pointing out how he immediately surrendered to radicals in the black community and tried to sympathize with them, which was awkward and futile, at best.

“Nixon tried to appease the black mob and prematurely called for a ‘vigorous prosecution’ of Officer Darren Wilson,” Peterson wrote, explaining how his efforts backfired, didn’t gain an ounce of respect from the black community and actually increased racial tensions.

Concluding his compelling piece, Peterson made three assertions based on a world in which whites said “no” to being labeled “racist” for calling black cultural failures for what they are — failures.

  1. If whites said “No,” Sharpton and Holder would be out of business.

  2. If whites said “No,” it would give misguided blacks a chance to examine their hearts and repent of their wicked ways.

  3. If whites said “No,” their children would be inspired by their courage.
Black Reverend Writes What If White America Just Said No Essay... And It s Going Viral

You're right, it has gone viral. It's on Stormfront.

What If White America Just Said No - Stormfront


Who gives a fuck if it's on storm front?!?!

That's where you and dingbat belong.

We excuse bad behavior? Hmmm...where is that excuse?

Ummmm ya, you blame rioting on police racism, you blame crime on institutional racism leading to inequality, you blame drugs in the black comunity on the white man flying the plane, etc.. literally every form of bad behavior blacks commit white liberals blame on whitey.

This is like saying "you blame rain for being wet" and pretending its not

Is there anything blacks can take responsibility for by themselves, anything at all???
Yes, they did not produce you. Rocko, STFU if you don't have anything worthy to offer. Got sit in the corner and say, "no, no, no, no. . .".

Biggest liberal on the board chimes in ^^^^^^^
Your stupidity does not me a liberal make.
When was the last time we had a national discussion on black crime rates?????????
Stupid violent criminal *******. And last time? It fucking never stops.
And this response, to a perfectly legitimate question, is a vivid example of why that discussion never takes place on a macro, national level.

The PC Police don't want to have it, so they deflect.

Perfect. Anything to avoid the issue.

This tactic continues to hurt Black Americans as much as anything else.

What if blacks said no....and they didn't come here to be sold into slavery? Oh...right...we didn't give them that right.

The blacks living in America today weren't sold into slavery, and are lucky to be living in America. If they don't like it they are always free to return to the mother land.
There is no problem in "white America" except in the fevered minds of the race baiters. A better question would be "what if Blacks just said no".
Ummmm ya, you blame rioting on police racism, you blame crime on institutional racism leading to inequality, you blame drugs in the black comunity on the white man flying the plane, etc.. literally every form of bad behavior blacks commit white liberals blame on whitey.

This is like saying "you blame rain for being wet" and pretending its not

Is there anything blacks can take responsibility for by themselves, anything at all???
Yes, they did not produce you. Rocko, STFU if you don't have anything worthy to offer. Got sit in the corner and say, "no, no, no, no. . .".

Biggest liberal on the board chimes in ^^^^^^^
Your stupidity does not me a liberal make.

No, but your leftist views makes you a radical.
No, your silly far right views, Rocko, make me, a mainstreamer, look like a liberal to you.

TM went inside the condo first then came outside to confront the scum. Once TM came back outside, he shed his legal defense. He had no right to get into a confrontation. GZ saw the opportunity and committed legal homicide. He will eventually die the same way.

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