"What is the Democrats' message?"

Okay, now you now. The message is, if you're young, old, female, agnostic, gay, black, brown, or poor, Trump and the Republicans hate you. So, Republicans, you don't have to like it or agree with it or think that it's fair. And since many of those groups are quickly increasing in number, more and mor

You tried this last election. Didn’t work. And isn’t even logical.
The young aren’t increasing. Thanks to liberal policies. The old are thanks to medical care...but they remember America. It’s why democrats so often say they can’t wait for oldcwhites to die. Females aren’t increasing. The gender ratio is what it has always been. Blacks are still a minority and people will get richer not poorer undervtrump so the poor won’t be increasing percentage of the population.
Great, so you have nothing to worry about, and you don't need to do anything.

Looks like we have this settled and are in complete agreement.
unemployment claims at record lows
black unemployment the lowest in 30 years
American companies expanding in america
new trade deals favorable to americans being put in place
north korea coming to the table for the first time
American workers seeing larger paychecks and bonuses
None of the things you list are the top of the list of priorities of many minorities, a rapidly growing group.

They prefer handouts to jobs?
There's a good example of my point.

No it isn’t. It’s a good reply. You said minorities didn’t care about jobs. And the democrats offer handouts.
I didn't say minorities don't care about jobs. I said they have a higher priority.

Life isn't binary. You can care about more than one thing at a time.

Let's try to keep this honest.

Yes let’s. If one party offers jobs and the other handouts then you have a binary choice.
I laid it out in Post 201, and was told clearly that it's not going to happen. So, okay, there's my answer.

Yes. You want us to destroy some of our most successful spokesmen for racism, to show that we are not racist, and to reach out to those who believe we are racist.

Because making the conversation about how racist we are, will convince them that we are not racist.

Can you see how I find that, not good?
Well, honesty would be a good start, especially with people who don't trust you.

Again, as I keep saying, if you don't feel you need to reach out, great. That's your choice.

I think it should be sinking in to you by now. Our answer is that outpandering Democrats is not in the interest of the country.
And that’s really the only solution you will accept. “How will you Republicans out pander the democrats with minorities.”
And don’t pretend you fear a left wing takeover. That ship has sailed. The democrats are run by the loony left already.
The Regressives have taken over a party. And next they're going to take over the country.

Do you understand the difference?

They took over the country. Haven’t you noticed?
You have a GOP President and a GOP Congress, and you're still saying that?


You ain't seen NUTHIN' yet.
Yes. You want us to destroy some of our most successful spokesmen for racism, to show that we are not racist, and to reach out to those who believe we are racist.

Because making the conversation about how racist we are, will convince them that we are not racist.

Can you see how I find that, not good?
Well, honesty would be a good start, especially with people who don't trust you.

Again, as I keep saying, if you don't feel you need to reach out, great. That's your choice.

I think it should be sinking in to you by now. Our answer is that outpandering Democrats is not in the interest of the country.
And that’s really the only solution you will accept. “How will you Republicans out pander the democrats with minorities.”
And don’t pretend you fear a left wing takeover. That ship has sailed. The democrats are run by the loony left already.
The Regressives have taken over a party. And next they're going to take over the country.

Do you understand the difference?

They took over the country. Haven’t you noticed?
You have a GOP President and a GOP Congress, and you're still saying that?


You ain't seen NUTHIN' yet.

Once again...I refuse to let you choose the field of battle here. Conservatives lost decades ago. Not politically. Three times in my lifetime conservatives have swept the government of democrats including this one. Didn’t gain the citizens who did it a thing. Our country is governed by elites and the deep state. In technical terms the “administrative state”.

Americans still think expressing their will electorally will be respected. The real battle is showing them it won’t be and that other measures need to be taken.
And catering to minorities ain’t one of those. That’s back in politics and we won without doing that.

Not the useful idiots of the GOP. They were dragged kicking and screaming to victory.
It is up to another group now.
Well, honesty would be a good start, especially with people who don't trust you.

Again, as I keep saying, if you don't feel you need to reach out, great. That's your choice.

I think it should be sinking in to you by now. Our answer is that outpandering Democrats is not in the interest of the country.
And that’s really the only solution you will accept. “How will you Republicans out pander the democrats with minorities.”
And don’t pretend you fear a left wing takeover. That ship has sailed. The democrats are run by the loony left already.
The Regressives have taken over a party. And next they're going to take over the country.

Do you understand the difference?

They took over the country. Haven’t you noticed?
You have a GOP President and a GOP Congress, and you're still saying that?


You ain't seen NUTHIN' yet.

Once again...I refuse to let you choose the field of battle here. Conservatives lost decades ago. Not politically. Three times in my lifetime conservatives have swept the government of democrats including this one. Didn’t gain the citizens who did it a thing. Our country is governed by elites and the deep state. In technical terms the “administrative state”.

Americans still think expressing their will electorally will be respected. The real battle is showing them it won’t be and that other measures need to be taken.
And catering to minorities ain’t one of those. That’s back in politics and we won without doing that.

Not the useful idiots of the GOP. They were dragged kicking and screaming to victory.
It is up to another group now.
Great! So, and I hope I don't have to keep saying this: I get it. You don't feel you have to do anything about minorities and the coming demographic shift.

That's the question I posed in my OP, and you and every other conservative have been very consistent in your responses.

Very good. Thank you.
Please Mac, don't pretend you care. You are trying to play the reasonable democrat, and we are calling you on it. You are clicking your heals for all white people to die.
I think it should be sinking in to you by now. Our answer is that outpandering Democrats is not in the interest of the country.
And that’s really the only solution you will accept. “How will you Republicans out pander the democrats with minorities.”
And don’t pretend you fear a left wing takeover. That ship has sailed. The democrats are run by the loony left already.
The Regressives have taken over a party. And next they're going to take over the country.

Do you understand the difference?

They took over the country. Haven’t you noticed?
You have a GOP President and a GOP Congress, and you're still saying that?


You ain't seen NUTHIN' yet.

Once again...I refuse to let you choose the field of battle here. Conservatives lost decades ago. Not politically. Three times in my lifetime conservatives have swept the government of democrats including this one. Didn’t gain the citizens who did it a thing. Our country is governed by elites and the deep state. In technical terms the “administrative state”.

Americans still think expressing their will electorally will be respected. The real battle is showing them it won’t be and that other measures need to be taken.
And catering to minorities ain’t one of those. That’s back in politics and we won without doing that.

Not the useful idiots of the GOP. They were dragged kicking and screaming to victory.
It is up to another group now.
Great! So, and I hope I don't have to keep saying this: I get it. You don't feel you have to do anything about minorities and the coming demographic shift.

That's the question I posed in my OP, and you and every other conservative have been very consistent in your responses.

Very good. Thank you.

We understand what we have to do. And that is all that matters.
It's irrelevant without understanding the rationale behind that deal.

the rationale????????? are you an idiot? to sell german motorcycles in Germany and keep Harley Davidson out of the German market.
Yes, rationale.

Why is that happening?

What precipitated that move?

Was Trump responsible?

that happened while your Kenyan messiah was president. Harley Davidson was trying successfully to sell in Europe, tariffs were put on them to stop those sales by making Harleys too expensive compared to European bikes.

No, dope.

I asked what the rationale for the tariffs were. Not bbbut....Obama.

how many times before it sinks in? Germany put tariffs on Harleys in order to make them prohibitively expensive for Germans to buy, so that German bikers would be forced to spend their money on German bikes.

Why is that so hard for you to understand?

He can't admit that. If he does, it leads directly to having to admit that Trump is right about Trade.

He can't do that. No matter how silly he looks ignoring it.
Note the quotes in the thread title. It's not a question, it's a quote, it's what Republicans here ask pretty often.

So here's your answer: The Democrats' message is Trump and the Republicans hate you.

Okay, now you now. The message is, if you're young, old, female, agnostic, gay, black, brown, or poor, Trump and the Republicans hate you. So, Republicans, you don't have to like it or agree with it or think that it's fair. And since many of those groups are quickly increasing in number, more and more people are believing it. It has nothing do to with jobs or incomes or the stock market. This is personal.

So here's a question: What are you going to do about that, specifically? Or do you feel you don't need to do anything?
it's all pretty jr high schoolyard crap on both sides.

the dems basic message / path is a direct rip off from trump. run a platform to undo what the last guy did.

we'll see how well it works for the dems.

The Dems' advantage is in demographics, and they know it.

The Republicans somehow don't seem to care about this.

That's what happens when a political majority that is rapidly losing its demographic influence Gerrymanders its way in to power in spite of those demographics, and tries to drag a democratic society in a direction that it does not want to go.

It's also what happens when the greedy haves in a society buy up as much political influence among said rapidly diminishing majority for the sole purpose of concentrating as much wealth and resources as possible in to as few hands as possible before the wheels inevitably fall off.

The fact that both of those things occurred in coordination with each other makes America 2018 all the more entertaining.

Bear in mind that what we are witnessing is a long-game by conservatives, led by the Christian right, to consolidate undue power beginning in the early 1970's when they saw that the pathway to maintaining national power in spite of the demographic changes favoring the tolerance and protection of America's freaks and weirdos was through the state legislatures and local elections.

Shame The Devil and tell the truth, it was a well played long-term political strategy, but even the guys who conceived of it probably predicted the wheels would eventually fall off. Just goes to show how personal agendas and personal profit can be put ahead of democracy, country and society

I do think what has made this far worse for them in the long run is the introduction of those voices who have completely led them astray, convincing them that giving an inch or even communicating equates to abject surrender, capitulation. Their very thought processes have literally been changed over the last 30 years, to the point where I believe them when they say they don't know what to do.

Your primary advice is to continue to destroy any republicans even accused of racism.


A, destroys good people and loses elections and offices that we can't afford to lose.


B. supports the bullshit myth of the GOP as the party of racism.

Where do you get "racism" out of that? :dunno:

The post rightly points out that extremist thinking is the problem.... and extremists come in all styles and colors.

This is a conversation I've had with Mac many times.

His primary advice to republicans is as I posted above.

The GOP today, is not extremist.
it's all pretty jr high schoolyard crap on both sides.

the dems basic message / path is a direct rip off from trump. run a platform to undo what the last guy did.

we'll see how well it works for the dems.

The Dems' advantage is in demographics, and they know it.

The Republicans somehow don't seem to care about this.

That's what happens when a political majority that is rapidly losing its demographic influence Gerrymanders its way in to power in spite of those demographics, and tries to drag a democratic society in a direction that it does not want to go.

It's also what happens when the greedy haves in a society buy up as much political influence among said rapidly diminishing majority for the sole purpose of concentrating as much wealth and resources as possible in to as few hands as possible before the wheels inevitably fall off.

The fact that both of those things occurred in coordination with each other makes America 2018 all the more entertaining.

Bear in mind that what we are witnessing is a long-game by conservatives, led by the Christian right, to consolidate undue power beginning in the early 1970's when they saw that the pathway to maintaining national power in spite of the demographic changes favoring the tolerance and protection of America's freaks and weirdos was through the state legislatures and local elections.

Shame The Devil and tell the truth, it was a well played long-term political strategy, but even the guys who conceived of it probably predicted the wheels would eventually fall off. Just goes to show how personal agendas and personal profit can be put ahead of democracy, country and society

I do think what has made this far worse for them in the long run is the introduction of those voices who have completely led them astray, convincing them that giving an inch or even communicating equates to abject surrender, capitulation. Their very thought processes have literally been changed over the last 30 years, to the point where I believe them when they say they don't know what to do.

Your primary advice is to continue to destroy any republicans even accused of racism.


A, destroys good people and loses elections and offices that we can't afford to lose.


B. supports the bullshit myth of the GOP as the party of racism.
This idiot believes the GOP is the party of racism.

Well..... not everyone in the GOP is racist, but most of the white racists probably call themselves Republican or Conservative.

Minority racists and participants in 'alternative lifestyles' who truly hate everyone who doesn't participate are most likely going to identify as Democrat or Liberal, but they are comparatively quiet if not rare, and in possession of very little political power. Even if they successfully banded together, the political power wielded by such a coalition would pale when compared to the concept of "White Nationalism" in 21st Century America.


Everything you just said is wrong.
the rationale????????? are you an idiot? to sell german motorcycles in Germany and keep Harley Davidson out of the German market.
Yes, rationale.

Why is that happening?

What precipitated that move?

Was Trump responsible?

that happened while your Kenyan messiah was president. Harley Davidson was trying successfully to sell in Europe, tariffs were put on them to stop those sales by making Harleys too expensive compared to European bikes.

No, dope.

I asked what the rationale for the tariffs were. Not bbbut....Obama.

how many times before it sinks in? Germany put tariffs on Harleys in order to make them prohibitively expensive for Germans to buy, so that German bikers would be forced to spend their money on German bikes.

Why is that so hard for you to understand?

He can't admit that. If he does, it leads directly to having to admit that Trump is right about Trade.

He can't do that. No matter how silly he looks ignoring it.

I ignored nothing. I showed your retarded brother, and now you, to be a dope and a liar.

Note the quotes in the thread title. It's not a question, it's a quote, it's what Republicans here ask pretty often.

So here's your answer: The Democrats' message is Trump and the Republicans hate you.

Okay, now you now. The message is, if you're young, old, female, agnostic, gay, black, brown, or poor, Trump and the Republicans hate you. So, Republicans, you don't have to like it or agree with it or think that it's fair. And since many of those groups are quickly increasing in number, more and more people are believing it. It has nothing do to with jobs or incomes or the stock market. This is personal.

So here's a question: What are you going to do about that, specifically? Or do you feel you don't need to do anything?
it's all pretty jr high schoolyard crap on both sides.

the dems basic message / path is a direct rip off from trump. run a platform to undo what the last guy did.

we'll see how well it works for the dems.
The Dems' advantage is in demographics, and they know it.

The Republicans somehow don't seem to care about this.
they do play to their audience better. you gotta piss off a conservative pretty bad before they get off their ass and vote.
Fox Rush and the rest of the gigantic GOP propaganda machine do that just great with their fake news character assassination of Democrats and minorities of all kinds.
OP: taxing the rich their fair share and invest in America and Americans, a living wage good daycare Health Care vacations background check system paid paid parental leave, infrastructure investment cheap college and training, good SS i d card and end of illegal work and immigration.. Try voting 4 the interests of your family and friends.
OP: taxing the rich their fair share and invest in America and Americans, a living wage good daycare Health Care vacations background check system paid paid parental leave, infrastructure investment cheap college and training, good SS i d card and end of illegal work and immigration.. Try voting 4 the interests of your family and friends.
taxing the rich their fair share


OP: taxing the rich their fair share and invest in America and Americans, a living wage good daycare Health Care vacations background check system paid paid parental leave, infrastructure investment cheap college and training, good SS i d card and end of illegal work and immigration.. Try voting 4 the interests of your family and friends.
I hate to say this, but you're just another stupid fucking liberal , played by your liberal politicians. Jeff Bezos, 100 billion dollars, liberal. Bill Gates, billionaire, liberal. Warren Buffet, billionaire, liberal. Seems that your liberal elite has most of the money, but they talk the talk, but don't walk the walk. Which is why you are a certified dumbass...
OP: taxing the rich their fair share and invest in America and Americans, a living wage good daycare Health Care vacations background check system paid paid parental leave, infrastructure investment cheap college and training, good SS i d card and end of illegal work and immigration.. Try voting 4 the interests of your family and friends.
taxing the rich their fair share


More d u h. I say go back to Reagan's first cut 2 50% and add 60% over 10 million. It's not rocket science. Reagan just picked a number.
OP: taxing the rich their fair share and invest in America and Americans, a living wage good daycare Health Care vacations background check system paid paid parental leave, infrastructure investment cheap college and training, good SS i d card and end of illegal work and immigration.. Try voting 4 the interests of your family and friends.
I hate to say this, but you're just another stupid fucking liberal , played by your liberal politicians. Jeff Bezos, 100 billion dollars, liberal. Bill Gates, billionaire, liberal. Warren Buffet, billionaire, liberal. Seems that your liberal elite has most of the money, but they talk the talk, but don't walk the walk. Which is why you are a certified dumbass...
They want 2 raise their own Taxes duh. Dupe

Every other successful modern country has all those things, dumbass.
it's all pretty jr high schoolyard crap on both sides.

the dems basic message / path is a direct rip off from trump. run a platform to undo what the last guy did.

we'll see how well it works for the dems.

The Dems' advantage is in demographics, and they know it.

The Republicans somehow don't seem to care about this.

That's what happens when a political majority that is rapidly losing its demographic influence Gerrymanders its way in to power in spite of those demographics, and tries to drag a democratic society in a direction that it does not want to go.

It's also what happens when the greedy haves in a society buy up as much political influence among said rapidly diminishing majority for the sole purpose of concentrating as much wealth and resources as possible in to as few hands as possible before the wheels inevitably fall off.

The fact that both of those things occurred in coordination with each other makes America 2018 all the more entertaining.

Bear in mind that what we are witnessing is a long-game by conservatives, led by the Christian right, to consolidate undue power beginning in the early 1970's when they saw that the pathway to maintaining national power in spite of the demographic changes favoring the tolerance and protection of America's freaks and weirdos was through the state legislatures and local elections.

Shame The Devil and tell the truth, it was a well played long-term political strategy, but even the guys who conceived of it probably predicted the wheels would eventually fall off. Just goes to show how personal agendas and personal profit can be put ahead of democracy, country and society

I do think what has made this far worse for them in the long run is the introduction of those voices who have completely led them astray, convincing them that giving an inch or even communicating equates to abject surrender, capitulation. Their very thought processes have literally been changed over the last 30 years, to the point where I believe them when they say they don't know what to do.

Your primary advice is to continue to destroy any republicans even accused of racism.


A, destroys good people and loses elections and offices that we can't afford to lose.


B. supports the bullshit myth of the GOP as the party of racism.

Where do you get "racism" out of that? :dunno:

The post rightly points out that extremist thinking is the problem.... and extremists come in all styles and colors.

This is a conversation I've had with Mac many times.

His primary advice to republicans is as I posted above.

The GOP today, is not extremist.

You're absolutely correct. The Republican Party, as a whole is not extremist.

Neither is the Democratic Party.

But, shame The Devil and tell the truth, both parties have members who are extremists.

And, if I was allowed to bet on it and maintain my position on the volunteer staff here at The World Famous US Message Board, I would bet that the Republican Party is to 'Extreme Ideologies' as the Democratic Party is to 'Openly Gay' people.

What does the democratic party stand for...

- There are 73 genders...
... which are all the same.
- Black people are oppressed...
... but race does not exist.
- White males need to STFU.
- Despite tax rates rising for 100 years straight, it's not yet enough. Tax all Americans!
- Illegals should come before American citizens.
- The interest of the rest of the world,should become before America.
- The constitution should be replaced with the Marxist manifesto, guns especially should be removed from the populace.
- Fuck white heterosexual republicans who built everything in the country.

Mix that all up with a heavy dose of entitlement and zero contribution to society and you get the typical voter.

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