"What is the Democrats' message?"

OP: taxing the rich their fair share and invest in America and Americans, a living wage good daycare Health Care vacations background check system paid paid parental leave, infrastructure investment cheap college and training, good SS i d card and end of illegal work and immigration.. Try voting 4 the interests of your family and friends.
I hate to say this, but you're just another stupid fucking liberal , played by your liberal politicians. Jeff Bezos, 100 billion dollars, liberal. Bill Gates, billionaire, liberal. Warren Buffet, billionaire, liberal. Seems that your liberal elite has most of the money, but they talk the talk, but don't walk the walk. Which is why you are a certified dumbass...
They want 2 raise their own Taxes duh. Dupe

Every other successful modern country has all those things, dumbass.
They want 2 raise their own Taxes duh. Dupe
Okay here is a link, doubt you are smart enough to open it. But IF your rich liberals WANT to pay more in taxes, why the fuck don't they just add more to their taxes? Because you are a stupid fuck.


I guess you don't know what "Walk the walk, don't talk the talk" means?

Not sure I can agree with that; the mayors of sanctuary cities have their reasons, and they are not technically doing anything illegal (except maybe the mayor of Oakland), but they are coming damned close to "enabling" illegals to skirt being sent home. I'm not sure that is a good "look" for any party. Without all the hyperbole and smear campaign being used by the President, we need people to cut it out and enter legally or not come here.
On the other hand, if we really need them so badly, why don't we just revisit immigration #'s and allow more guest visas so they can be paying taxes and NOT be a drain on the economy?

A sanctuary city is nothing more than a city that refuses to use it's own resources to enforce federal immigration laws.

They aren't "enabling" any illegal immigration by doing so.
I know that is the official posture. That is why I said "they are not technically doing anything illegal but they are coming damned close."
That would be like our prison not notifying another LE jurisdiction when an inmate with another sentence to serve in county is released. So the inmate would walk and it would be up to the other county to catch him if they can. How sensible is that? How many unnecessary man hours would be wasted on that maneuver? If we are serious about getting illegal immigration under control, we can't make it more difficult for ICE to do its job.

No. It's that they aren't spending their resources on enforcing federal law. How many officers, judges, courtrooms, holding facilities and associated staff would be needed to do so?

LOL, instead they are spending their resources skirting federal laws and assisting federal criminals.'
Feel free to post up some examples.

Oakland mayor warning illegals when ICE is coming for them
sanctuary cities refusing to comply with federal law
the cal legislature making it a crime to turn in illegals

there are 3, lots more if you really care
unemployment claims at record lows
black unemployment the lowest in 30 years
American companies expanding in america
new trade deals favorable to americans being put in place
north korea coming to the table for the first time
American workers seeing larger paychecks and bonuses
None of the things you list are the top of the list of priorities of many minorities, a rapidly growing group.

They prefer handouts to jobs?
There's a good example of my point.

No it isn’t. It’s a good reply. You said minorities didn’t care about jobs. And the democrats offer handouts.
I didn't say minorities don't care about jobs. I said they have a higher priority.

Life isn't binary. You can care about more than one thing at a time.

Let's try to keep this honest.

you keep generalizing, not all minorities are welfare leeches who only want free stuff.

How about if you keep it honest?
I agree that the employer problem has not been addressed by either party but I don't agree that anyone "enables" illegal immigration.
Not sure I can agree with that; the mayors of sanctuary cities have their reasons, and they are not technically doing anything illegal (except maybe the mayor of Oakland), but they are coming damned close to "enabling" illegals to skirt being sent home. I'm not sure that is a good "look" for any party. Without all the hyperbole and smear campaign being used by the President, we need people to cut it out and enter legally or not come here.
On the other hand, if we really need them so badly, why don't we just revisit immigration #'s and allow more guest visas so they can be paying taxes and NOT be a drain on the economy?

A sanctuary city is nothing more than a city that refuses to use it's own resources to enforce federal immigration laws.

They aren't "enabling" any illegal immigration by doing so.
Sure they are. Illegals are going to look for any signs, and they don't come more clear than that.

Illegals - and they exist in my own extended family - know that one side of our political spectrum will defend them at every opportunity.

Great. That's not "enabling" illegal immigration. There aren't bands of liberals secretly guiding hordes of "illegals" through the desert.

Why was Obama referred to as the "deporter in chief"?
Illegals have one political party they trust more than the other. Which one do you suppose that is?

because some of them believe the dem lies. Do you know the meaning of the word "illegal" ?
Yes, rationale.

Why is that happening?

What precipitated that move?

Was Trump responsible?

that happened while your Kenyan messiah was president. Harley Davidson was trying successfully to sell in Europe, tariffs were put on them to stop those sales by making Harleys too expensive compared to European bikes.

No, dope.

I asked what the rationale for the tariffs were. Not bbbut....Obama.

how many times before it sinks in? Germany put tariffs on Harleys in order to make them prohibitively expensive for Germans to buy, so that German bikers would be forced to spend their money on German bikes.

Why is that so hard for you to understand?

He can't admit that. If he does, it leads directly to having to admit that Trump is right about Trade.

He can't do that. No matter how silly he looks ignoring it.

I ignored nothing. I showed your retarded brother, and now you, to be a dope and a liar.

you showed nothing but your own retardation. The Harley deal happened during the Obama regime, moron.
you keep generalizing, not all minorities are welfare leeches who only want free stuff. How about if you keep it honest?
Yes, being of mixed race and having married into another mixed race family, I'm well aware of that.

Since I have never come close to saying "all minorities are welfare leeches who only want free stuff", ever, I wonder if YOU think YOU'RE being honest.

I'm guessing you do.
Last edited:
Not sure I can agree with that; the mayors of sanctuary cities have their reasons, and they are not technically doing anything illegal (except maybe the mayor of Oakland), but they are coming damned close to "enabling" illegals to skirt being sent home. I'm not sure that is a good "look" for any party. Without all the hyperbole and smear campaign being used by the President, we need people to cut it out and enter legally or not come here.
On the other hand, if we really need them so badly, why don't we just revisit immigration #'s and allow more guest visas so they can be paying taxes and NOT be a drain on the economy?

A sanctuary city is nothing more than a city that refuses to use it's own resources to enforce federal immigration laws.

They aren't "enabling" any illegal immigration by doing so.
Sure they are. Illegals are going to look for any signs, and they don't come more clear than that.

Illegals - and they exist in my own extended family - know that one side of our political spectrum will defend them at every opportunity.

Great. That's not "enabling" illegal immigration. There aren't bands of liberals secretly guiding hordes of "illegals" through the desert.

Why was Obama referred to as the "deporter in chief"?
Illegals have one political party they trust more than the other. Which one do you suppose that is?

because some of them believe the dem lies. Do you know the meaning of the word "illegal" ?
Maybe you believe that. Okay.
OP: taxing the rich their fair share and invest in America and Americans, a living wage good daycare Health Care vacations background check system paid paid parental leave, infrastructure investment cheap college and training, good SS i d card and end of illegal work and immigration.. Try voting 4 the interests of your family and friends.
I hate to say this, but you're just another stupid fucking liberal , played by your liberal politicians. Jeff Bezos, 100 billion dollars, liberal. Bill Gates, billionaire, liberal. Warren Buffet, billionaire, liberal. Seems that your liberal elite has most of the money, but they talk the talk, but don't walk the walk. Which is why you are a certified dumbass...
They want 2 raise their own Taxes duh. Dupe

Every other successful modern country has all those things, dumbass.
They want 2 raise their own Taxes duh. Dupe
Okay here is a link, doubt you are smart enough to open it. But IF your rich liberals WANT to pay more in taxes, why the fuck don't they just add more to their taxes? Because you are a stupid fuck.


I guess you don't know what "Walk the walk, don't talk the talk" means?

View attachment 187156
Because they want Republican swine to pay more too d u h. They want what is good for the COUNTRY. Too bad you don't know Human Nature lol...
OP: taxing the rich their fair share and invest in America and Americans, a living wage good daycare Health Care vacations background check system paid paid parental leave, infrastructure investment cheap college and training, good SS i d card and end of illegal work and immigration.. Try voting 4 the interests of your family and friends.
I hate to say this, but you're just another stupid fucking liberal , played by your liberal politicians. Jeff Bezos, 100 billion dollars, liberal. Bill Gates, billionaire, liberal. Warren Buffet, billionaire, liberal. Seems that your liberal elite has most of the money, but they talk the talk, but don't walk the walk. Which is why you are a certified dumbass...
They want 2 raise their own Taxes duh. Dupe

Every other successful modern country has all those things, dumbass.
They want 2 raise their own Taxes duh. Dupe
Okay here is a link, doubt you are smart enough to open it. But IF your rich liberals WANT to pay more in taxes, why the fuck don't they just add more to their taxes? Because you are a stupid fuck.


I guess you don't know what "Walk the walk, don't talk the talk" means?

View attachment 187156
Because they want Republican swine to pay more too d u h. They want what is good for the COUNTRY. Too bad you don't know Human Nature lol...
So you are okay with them NOT paying their fair share, but want the rest of US to pay more?
OP: taxing the rich their fair share and invest in America and Americans, a living wage good daycare Health Care vacations background check system paid paid parental leave, infrastructure investment cheap college and training, good SS i d card and end of illegal work and immigration.. Try voting 4 the interests of your family and friends.
I hate to say this, but you're just another stupid fucking liberal , played by your liberal politicians. Jeff Bezos, 100 billion dollars, liberal. Bill Gates, billionaire, liberal. Warren Buffet, billionaire, liberal. Seems that your liberal elite has most of the money, but they talk the talk, but don't walk the walk. Which is why you are a certified dumbass...
They want 2 raise their own Taxes duh. Dupe

Every other successful modern country has all those things, dumbass.
They want 2 raise their own Taxes duh. Dupe
Okay here is a link, doubt you are smart enough to open it. But IF your rich liberals WANT to pay more in taxes, why the fuck don't they just add more to their taxes? Because you are a stupid fuck.


I guess you don't know what "Walk the walk, don't talk the talk" means?

View attachment 187156
Because they want Republican swine to pay more too d u h. They want what is good for the COUNTRY. Too bad you don't know Human Nature lol...
So you are okay with them NOT paying their fair share, but want the rest of US to pay more?
How can you get that so wrong LOL! I want big tax cuts for the non rich and big tax hikes on the rich and Mega rich especially.
OP: taxing the rich their fair share and invest in America and Americans, a living wage good daycare Health Care vacations background check system paid paid parental leave, infrastructure investment cheap college and training, good SS i d card and end of illegal work and immigration.. Try voting 4 the interests of your family and friends.
I hate to say this, but you're just another stupid fucking liberal , played by your liberal politicians. Jeff Bezos, 100 billion dollars, liberal. Bill Gates, billionaire, liberal. Warren Buffet, billionaire, liberal. Seems that your liberal elite has most of the money, but they talk the talk, but don't walk the walk. Which is why you are a certified dumbass...
They want 2 raise their own Taxes duh. Dupe

Every other successful modern country has all those things, dumbass.
They want 2 raise their own Taxes duh. Dupe
Okay here is a link, doubt you are smart enough to open it. But IF your rich liberals WANT to pay more in taxes, why the fuck don't they just add more to their taxes? Because you are a stupid fuck.


I guess you don't know what "Walk the walk, don't talk the talk" means?

View attachment 187156
Because they want Republican swine to pay more too d u h. They want what is good for the COUNTRY. Too bad you don't know Human Nature lol...
Too bad you don't know Human Nature lol...
I do know a lot about human nature, especially when it comes to liberals and nature.
Men fucking men, liberal nature.
Women eating other women, liberal nature.
Men with boobs, Liberal nature.
Women with dicks, liberal nature.
Men entering little girls bathrooms, liberal nature.
59 genders, while there is naturally only 2, liberal nature.
Liberal elites avoiding paying taxes, expect the rest of US to pay more, liberal nature.
Liberals are the stupidest people on the planet.....liberal nature.....

I hate to say this, but you're just another stupid fucking liberal , played by your liberal politicians. Jeff Bezos, 100 billion dollars, liberal. Bill Gates, billionaire, liberal. Warren Buffet, billionaire, liberal. Seems that your liberal elite has most of the money, but they talk the talk, but don't walk the walk. Which is why you are a certified dumbass...
They want 2 raise their own Taxes duh. Dupe

Every other successful modern country has all those things, dumbass.
They want 2 raise their own Taxes duh. Dupe
Okay here is a link, doubt you are smart enough to open it. But IF your rich liberals WANT to pay more in taxes, why the fuck don't they just add more to their taxes? Because you are a stupid fuck.

Avoid Paying Taxes The Warren Buffett Way - Berkshire Hathaway inc. (NYSE:BRK.B) | Seeking Alpha

I guess you don't know what "Walk the walk, don't talk the talk" means?

View attachment 187156
Because they want Republican swine to pay more too d u h. They want what is good for the COUNTRY. Too bad you don't know Human Nature lol...
So you are okay with them NOT paying their fair share, but want the rest of US to pay more?
How can you get that so wrong LOL! I want big tax cuts for the non rich and big tax hikes on the rich and Mega rich especially.
You know the non rich, don't pay taxes, why should they get a tax cut, when they get income tax credits? Isnt taking enough of someone elses money enough? Or are you a welfare queen so want more?
They want 2 raise their own Taxes duh. Dupe

Every other successful modern country has all those things, dumbass.
They want 2 raise their own Taxes duh. Dupe
Okay here is a link, doubt you are smart enough to open it. But IF your rich liberals WANT to pay more in taxes, why the fuck don't they just add more to their taxes? Because you are a stupid fuck.

Avoid Paying Taxes The Warren Buffett Way - Berkshire Hathaway inc. (NYSE:BRK.B) | Seeking Alpha

I guess you don't know what "Walk the walk, don't talk the talk" means?

View attachment 187156
Because they want Republican swine to pay more too d u h. They want what is good for the COUNTRY. Too bad you don't know Human Nature lol...
So you are okay with them NOT paying their fair share, but want the rest of US to pay more?
How can you get that so wrong LOL! I want big tax cuts for the non rich and big tax hikes on the rich and Mega rich especially.
You know the non rich, don't pay taxes, why should they get a tax cut, when they get income tax credits? Isnt taking enough of someone elses money enough? Or are you a welfare queen so want more?
Totally duped.https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sou...FjAAegQICBAB&usg=AOvVaw3is_MzKlPNxJAfC1hfZZHd
Actually we have basically a flat tax system if you count everything, a giveaway to the rich.
Okay here is a link, doubt you are smart enough to open it. But IF your rich liberals WANT to pay more in taxes, why the fuck don't they just add more to their taxes? Because you are a stupid fuck.

Avoid Paying Taxes The Warren Buffett Way - Berkshire Hathaway inc. (NYSE:BRK.B) | Seeking Alpha

I guess you don't know what "Walk the walk, don't talk the talk" means?

View attachment 187156
Because they want Republican swine to pay more too d u h. They want what is good for the COUNTRY. Too bad you don't know Human Nature lol...
So you are okay with them NOT paying their fair share, but want the rest of US to pay more?
How can you get that so wrong LOL! I want big tax cuts for the non rich and big tax hikes on the rich and Mega rich especially.
You know the non rich, don't pay taxes, why should they get a tax cut, when they get income tax credits? Isnt taking enough of someone elses money enough? Or are you a welfare queen so want more?
Totally duped.https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2012/09/19/heres-why-the-47-percent-argument-is-an-abuse-of-tax-data/?utm_term=.c038d90627fb&ved=2ahUKEwji7ZSWkbDaAhVtZN8KHZoaDBkQFjAAegQICBAB&usg=AOvVaw3is_MzKlPNxJAfC1hfZZHd
Actually we have basically a flat tax system if you count everything, a giveaway to the rich.
Back a few posts, I think I asked what the income tax should be on the rich, yet never was answered. How much should the rich be taxed? Why should people who don't work, be allowed to vote? If you don't contribute to the country then you shouldn't have a right to be part of it...

Okay here is a link, doubt you are smart enough to open it. But IF your rich liberals WANT to pay more in taxes, why the fuck don't they just add more to their taxes? Because you are a stupid fuck.

Avoid Paying Taxes The Warren Buffett Way - Berkshire Hathaway inc. (NYSE:BRK.B) | Seeking Alpha

I guess you don't know what "Walk the walk, don't talk the talk" means?

View attachment 187156
Because they want Republican swine to pay more too d u h. They want what is good for the COUNTRY. Too bad you don't know Human Nature lol...
So you are okay with them NOT paying their fair share, but want the rest of US to pay more?
How can you get that so wrong LOL! I want big tax cuts for the non rich and big tax hikes on the rich and Mega rich especially.
You know the non rich, don't pay taxes, why should they get a tax cut, when they get income tax credits? Isnt taking enough of someone elses money enough? Or are you a welfare queen so want more?
Totally duped.https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2012/09/19/heres-why-the-47-percent-argument-is-an-abuse-of-tax-data/?utm_term=.c038d90627fb&ved=2ahUKEwji7ZSWkbDaAhVtZN8KHZoaDBkQFjAAegQICBAB&usg=AOvVaw3is_MzKlPNxJAfC1hfZZHd
Actually we have basically a flat tax system if you count everything, a giveaway to the rich.
By the way, I am in the top 5%. I have my income supplemented by dividend income. Why should more of my money be taken, so shits like you can get just enough to live and vote for the people giving you that money?
Because they want Republican swine to pay more too d u h. They want what is good for the COUNTRY. Too bad you don't know Human Nature lol...
So you are okay with them NOT paying their fair share, but want the rest of US to pay more?
How can you get that so wrong LOL! I want big tax cuts for the non rich and big tax hikes on the rich and Mega rich especially.
You know the non rich, don't pay taxes, why should they get a tax cut, when they get income tax credits? Isnt taking enough of someone elses money enough? Or are you a welfare queen so want more?
Totally duped.https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2012/09/19/heres-why-the-47-percent-argument-is-an-abuse-of-tax-data/?utm_term=.c038d90627fb&ved=2ahUKEwji7ZSWkbDaAhVtZN8KHZoaDBkQFjAAegQICBAB&usg=AOvVaw3is_MzKlPNxJAfC1hfZZHd
Actually we have basically a flat tax system if you count everything, a giveaway to the rich.
Back a few posts, I think I asked what the income tax should be on the rich, yet never was answered. How much should the rich be taxed? Why should people who don't work, be allowed to vote? If you don't contribute to the country then you shouldn't have a right to be part of it...

Read my link, dupe. We have flat tax system if you count all taxes, a giveaway to the rich. And it just got a lot worse.
Because they want Republican swine to pay more too d u h. They want what is good for the COUNTRY. Too bad you don't know Human Nature lol...
So you are okay with them NOT paying their fair share, but want the rest of US to pay more?
How can you get that so wrong LOL! I want big tax cuts for the non rich and big tax hikes on the rich and Mega rich especially.
You know the non rich, don't pay taxes, why should they get a tax cut, when they get income tax credits? Isnt taking enough of someone elses money enough? Or are you a welfare queen so want more?
Totally duped.https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2012/09/19/heres-why-the-47-percent-argument-is-an-abuse-of-tax-data/?utm_term=.c038d90627fb&ved=2ahUKEwji7ZSWkbDaAhVtZN8KHZoaDBkQFjAAegQICBAB&usg=AOvVaw3is_MzKlPNxJAfC1hfZZHd
Actually we have basically a flat tax system if you count everything, a giveaway to the rich.
By the way, I am in the top 5%. I have my income supplemented by dividend income. Why should more of my money be taken, so shits like you can get just enough to live and vote for the people giving you that money?
Well, hater Dupe, your ridiculous greedy idiot party is turning us into an oligarchy, a banana Republic. Without cheap college and training and living wage, good cheap daycare and Healthcare and good infrastructure, are middle class has gone 2 hell and the country with it. Your brainwashed probably racist hate and blame of the poor is noted.
The Democrats message is very simple...

You don't have to be responsible for anything you do. We'll take care of it for you by making other people pay for it.
Liar. Let me educate your dumbass with a short list.

  • We will fight to end voter suppression.
  • We will fight for working families – to make childcare available, to make college affordable, to increase the minimum wage, to lower health care costs, and to fight back against big banks that prey on their customers.
  • We will fight to end the epidemic of mass incarceration that destroys people, families, and communities, and we will demand equal justice for all.
  • We will fight to protect the lives of 800,000 Dreamers and hundreds of thousands more from Haiti and El Salvador and Nicaragua with Temporary Protected Status.
  • We will say, loud and clear, that black lives matter. And when a racist bully talks about people who march with white supremacists and Nazis as “very fine people,” we will fight back. When he refers to countries in Africa as shitholes, we will fight back. And when he uses hateful rhetoric to push discrimination in America – you better believe we will fight back.
We will fight for justice, for opportunity, for equality for all.

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