What specific republican policies would combat inflation?

You're the one who's rendered yourself a waste of time, now you want to whine that I won't waste time on you.

You're funny.

You're stupid and ignorant but, yeah, you're funny...
You’re just using that as a lame excuse. If you had an actual rebuttal you thought mattered, you would say it thinking it would put me in my place.
You’re just using that as a lame excuse. If you had an actual rebuttal you thought mattered, you would say it thinking it would put me in my place.

Is that what you do? You get into discussions to put someone "in their place"?

How fucking stupid.

Your OP removed any reason for anyone to respond, simply because you make it quite clear that you will reject anything presented.

So, what would be the upside of wasting time actually responding to the question in your OP?
Is that what you do? You get into discussions to put someone "in their place"?

How fucking stupid.

Your OP removed any reason for anyone to respond, simply because you make it quite clear that you will reject anything presented.

So, what would be the upside of wasting time actually responding to the question in your OP?
You’re the one who thinks I’m trolling. I mean you can make up any excuse you want for this. You have nothing to offer lol.
You’re the one who thinks I’m trolling. I mean you can make up any excuse you want for this. You have nothing to offer lol.

Why are you lying? I never called you a troll. Nice to see you're willing to cop to it, though.

Again, I've explained, in simple enough terms, why any response to you would be futile. You're nothing but an insolent child who's afraid of conflicting ideas so, yeah, I won't waste much time on you...
Corporate profits are already sky high and record breaking.

Tax cuts for corporations or the wealthy do nothing to help the middle class and poor. Republicans don’t actually pass permanent tax cuts for the poor or middle class. The tax cuts they do pass blow up the deficit. That’s not good for inflation, now is it?

Regulations do very little to harm the economy. Getting rid of more of them won’t do anything. But hell again corporate profits are already sky high either way.

Then there’s the other Republican policy……oh wait…..never mind that’s it. There aren’t any more economic policies from the GOP.

They are completely useless. Voting for them makes zero fucking sense. This inflation problem is going nowhere.
Republicans are great at killing jobs and that will kill inflation.

What specific republican policies would combat inflation?​

The better question is asking what, in general, will stop inflation?

We got off the gold standard, which was, itself, a natural bar to inflation, but politicians can't control that shit, so that changed and we will need a civil war to change it back.

So, on to the next best solution to prevent hyper-inflation that does not involve the deaths of millions of Americans.


Why are you lying? I never called you a troll. Nice to see you're willing to cop to it, though.

Again, I've explained, in simple enough terms, why any response to you would be futile. You're nothing but an insolent child who's afraid of conflicting ideas so, yeah, I won't waste much time on you...
Well what else would I be if I was trying to put you in your place? That wasn’t my intention. I’m just showering the forum with my objective truth. Sorry, not sorry and you’re welcome. :dunno:
The better question is asking what, in general, will stop inflation?

We got off the gold standard, which was, itself, a natural bar to inflation, but politicians can't control that shit, so that changed and we will need a civil war to change it back.

So, on to the next best solution to prevent hyper-inflation that does not involve the deaths of millions of Americans.


Printing money might be one of several factors for inflation, but that isn’t always the case. I mean one of the reasons why more money gets printed is to replace old money. Right now the inflation issue is for a myriad of reasons mostly related to the pandemic and Russia’s war.
Printing money might be one of several factors for inflation, but that isn’t always the case. I mean one of the reasons why more money gets printed is to replace old money. Right now the inflation issue is for a myriad of reasons mostly related to the pandemic and Russia’s war.
There may be many reasons for inflation, but the most obvious and greatest factor is the supply of money vs the supply of goods/services which is DIRECTLY related to money "printing."

By the way, I use the word "printing" loosely. We have an electron-based money supply, supported by why appears to be a much smaller paper/coin supply. Stop creating more money and start taking some out of circulation. THAT is the only proven way to stop inflation.

Is the GOP planning on doing that? Probably not. Neither are the Dems (obviously).

Some big shots with serious debt just inflated their way out of it.

Basically, the entire FedGov, including the treasury and the federal reserve, does nothing but fuck us over to benefit the few who control it. We don't need it. Time to abolish that shit pile.
Well what else would I be if I was trying to put you in your place? That wasn’t my intention. I’m just showering the forum with my objective truth. Sorry, not sorry and you’re welcome. :dunno:

More like showering the forum with what is little more than intellectual diarrhea...
You people never bother to do the most basic of research huh? There are currently 9000 drill permits on federal land that are approved and NOT being used. Why would they when oil profits are already sky high? 5000 of them were approved in 2021.

Poor Billy doesn't know that Biden's Administration has worked to cut production back using the "back door". He doesn't know that] Janet Yellen has been asking banks to defund fossil fuel projects. Yellen’s push for banks to align their portfolios with the world’s climate goals, which includes cutting investments in oil and gas, causes some of investors’ to hesitate to put money into the industry. Nor does he seem aware that many of the leases are going through a complex regulatory process or are held up in litigation to ensure that the permits, though issued, will never actually be used .

Billy's ignorance is epic.
Poor Billy doesn't know that Biden's Administration has worked to cut production back using the "back door". He doesn't know that] Janet Yellen has been asking banks to defund fossil fuel projects. Yellen’s push for banks to align their portfolios with the world’s climate goals, which includes cutting investments in oil and gas, causes some of investors’ to hesitate to put money into the industry. Nor does he seem aware that many of the leases are going through a complex regulatory process or are held up in litigation to ensure that the permits, though issued, will never actually be used .

Billy's ignorance is epic.
Lol that is complete fabricated nonsense. There is nothing stopping these permits.
You’re just using that as a lame excuse. If you had an actual rebuttal you thought mattered, you would say it thinking it would put me in my place.
Billy isn't even aware that Biden's actions prove the issues with inflation. Why else would he be selling oil out of the strategic oil reserve to combat inflation if oil wasn't the issue? LMAO!
Billy isn't even aware that Biden's actions prove the issues with inflation. Why else would he be selling oil out of the strategic oil reserve to combat inflation if oil wasn't the issue? LMAO!
Actually the primary reasons for inflation are related to the pandemic and Russia’s war. Any legitimate economist will tell you that. You would have to be an idiot to say inflation is 100% Biden’s fault. That’s just what you want to be true, but real adults need to ignore you going forward.
Actually the primary reasons for inflation are related to the pandemic and Russia’s war. Any legitimate economist will tell you that. You would have to be an idiot to say inflation is 100% Biden’s fault. That’s just what you want to be true, but real adults need to ignore you going forward.
Perhaps you can go back and show me in which post I said it was 100% Biden's fault. If you can't, this is just another attempt to change the parameters of the argument because you know you've lost. Typical troll tactic.
Lol that is complete fabricated nonsense. There is nothing stopping these permits.
Prove it. Prove there are no law suits impeding drilling. Prove that Janet Yellin is not trying to choke off financing by aligning their portfolios with the world’s climate goals. You've made the claim...prove it.

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