When _______ wins the election, any plans?

Indy for someone that is blind to all obama has done and without your traitors in congress,you should never call anyone dumb

Is that your best response?
By the way, I don't approve of either party, but your blind partisanship seems to put blinders on your IQ.
Now...respond intelligently to my post.
10. The economy
Businesses, according to the president, have "added 13.7 million new jobs over a 69-month streak of job growth." Mr. Obama also cited the latest unemployment rate figures -- in October, it fell to 5 percent and has remained at that level since -- as proof of a strong economy.

9. "More Americans getting health insurance coverage"

Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsidies in 6-3 ruling

Despite numerous Republican threats and challenges to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the president's landmark health bill survived 2015. In June, the Supreme Court even upheld a major part of the Obamacare legislation, ruling in a 6-3 decision that the federal government can give out subsidies to its consumers in all states, no matter whether they signed up through the federal or state-based exchange.

"The rate of the uninsured in America dropped below 10 percent for the first time ever," Mr. Obama said in his video. "In all, 17.6 million people and climbing have gained coverage as the Affordable Care Act has taken effect."

Just this month, the White House extended the deadline to sign up for health insurance under the ACA by two days because of "unprecedented demand."

8. "America's global leadership on climate change"
For the past year, the president has heavily championed a climate change agenda. And just last week, the world came together at the Paris COP21 climate talks to reach a historic deal with ambitious goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Of the Paris accord, the president said, "it was only possible because America led with clean energy here at home and strong diplomacy around the world."

7. U.S.-Cuba relations
In August, the U.S. reopened its embassy in Cuba, the first symbolic step to normalizing relations between the two countries and the first time the American flag has flown in Havana in 54 years.

Since the momentous occasion, the administration has taken further steps to make it easier to travel to and do business in Cuba.

"We turned the page on an outdated, half-century-old policy by re-establishing diplomatic relations with Cuba and reopening embassies in both our countries, allowing us to build greater ties between Americans and Cubans," Mr. Obama said.

6. Iran nuclear deal
In July, six world powers, including the United States, struck a landmark nuclear deal with Iran. And in the months after, despite staunch Republican objection, the deal survived a vote in Congress.

The president touted the accord in his Saturday video, saying "We succeeded in forging a strong deal to stop Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon."

"In fact," he added, "Iran has already dismantled thousands of centrifuges that enrich uranium."

5. "Standing strong against terrorism"
Over the past week, the president has urged Americans to stay united in the face of terror threats, after the recent shooting in San Bernardino left the nation wary of future strikes.

"Even as we continue to grieve over the attack in San Bernardino, we're leading a global coalition and hitting ISIL harder than ever," Mr. Obama said, using a different acronym for the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS. "In Syria and Iraq, ISIL is losing territory, and we're not going to stop until we destroy this terrorist organization."

4. The Trans-Pacific Partnership

Obama: Trade deal critics are just "accepting a status quo"

In October, Mr. Obama's legacy-defining trade deal involving 12 Pacific Rim countries was sealed, with provisions to cut trade barriers, protect labor and environmental interests and ensure intellectual property rights. In his Saturday video, the president called the Trans-Pacific Partnership the "strongest, most pro-worker, pro-environment trade agreement in our history."

3. Bipartisan budget and education deals
In an era where partisan bickering in Washington has reached a fever pitch, the president chose to highlight two bipartisan legislative achievements. He pointed to a sweeping education overhaul of No Child Left Behind and a budget deal that avoided the threat of a government shutdown, calling them "a pair of Christmas miracles in Washington."

2. The legalization of same-sex marriage
"Love won," the president said, referring to the Supreme Court's landmark 5-4decision that same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry. "No matter who you are, here in America, you're free to marry the person you love because the freedom to marry is now the law in all 50 states."

1. "The American people"
"All of this progress is because of you -- because of workers rolling up their sleeves and getting the job done and entrepreneurs starting new businesses," Mr. Obama said Saturday. "Because of teachers and health workers and parents -- all of us taking care of each other. Because of our incredible men and women in uniform, serving to protect us all. Because, when we're united as Americans, there's nothing that we cannot do."

I am currently a ONE issue American...No careers, no nation.
And there's only TWO candidates who have been discussing this issue for the last 20 years...
Sanders and Trump.

Hillary...what a joke.

1. I'm not impressed with adding millions of coffee pumpers to America's job market.
Off-shoring and Business Visas are at an all-time high and The Dream Act would add even more Business Visas.

2. Same sex marriage? Wow, now we can all sleep at night knowing homosexuals that are making Minimum Wage can now marry.

You must have a very nice Investment Portfolio.
You'd be amazed ,,,,,,and all those new jobs in the past 74 months haven't been coffee pumping jobs

They have been in NY, NY and FL for sure.
I have family and friends all across America and the foreclosure rate is insane.
Obama has NOT addressed Off-shoring and Business Visas.
He certainly has tried to do something about companies leaving America for tax purposes Unfortunately he gets no help from the UN compromising Repubs Why haven't the republicans helped getting the offshore trillions back to America?? Why haven't they worked to close loopholes??? The answer is simple They've tried to drown obama from the get go
Is that your best response?
By the way, I don't approve of either party, but your blind partisanship seems to put blinders on your IQ.
Now...respond intelligently to my post.
10. The economy
Businesses, according to the president, have "added 13.7 million new jobs over a 69-month streak of job growth." Mr. Obama also cited the latest unemployment rate figures -- in October, it fell to 5 percent and has remained at that level since -- as proof of a strong economy.

9. "More Americans getting health insurance coverage"

Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsidies in 6-3 ruling

Despite numerous Republican threats and challenges to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the president's landmark health bill survived 2015. In June, the Supreme Court even upheld a major part of the Obamacare legislation, ruling in a 6-3 decision that the federal government can give out subsidies to its consumers in all states, no matter whether they signed up through the federal or state-based exchange.

"The rate of the uninsured in America dropped below 10 percent for the first time ever," Mr. Obama said in his video. "In all, 17.6 million people and climbing have gained coverage as the Affordable Care Act has taken effect."

Just this month, the White House extended the deadline to sign up for health insurance under the ACA by two days because of "unprecedented demand."

8. "America's global leadership on climate change"
For the past year, the president has heavily championed a climate change agenda. And just last week, the world came together at the Paris COP21 climate talks to reach a historic deal with ambitious goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Of the Paris accord, the president said, "it was only possible because America led with clean energy here at home and strong diplomacy around the world."

7. U.S.-Cuba relations
In August, the U.S. reopened its embassy in Cuba, the first symbolic step to normalizing relations between the two countries and the first time the American flag has flown in Havana in 54 years.

Since the momentous occasion, the administration has taken further steps to make it easier to travel to and do business in Cuba.

"We turned the page on an outdated, half-century-old policy by re-establishing diplomatic relations with Cuba and reopening embassies in both our countries, allowing us to build greater ties between Americans and Cubans," Mr. Obama said.

6. Iran nuclear deal
In July, six world powers, including the United States, struck a landmark nuclear deal with Iran. And in the months after, despite staunch Republican objection, the deal survived a vote in Congress.

The president touted the accord in his Saturday video, saying "We succeeded in forging a strong deal to stop Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon."

"In fact," he added, "Iran has already dismantled thousands of centrifuges that enrich uranium."

5. "Standing strong against terrorism"
Over the past week, the president has urged Americans to stay united in the face of terror threats, after the recent shooting in San Bernardino left the nation wary of future strikes.

"Even as we continue to grieve over the attack in San Bernardino, we're leading a global coalition and hitting ISIL harder than ever," Mr. Obama said, using a different acronym for the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS. "In Syria and Iraq, ISIL is losing territory, and we're not going to stop until we destroy this terrorist organization."

4. The Trans-Pacific Partnership

Obama: Trade deal critics are just "accepting a status quo"

In October, Mr. Obama's legacy-defining trade deal involving 12 Pacific Rim countries was sealed, with provisions to cut trade barriers, protect labor and environmental interests and ensure intellectual property rights. In his Saturday video, the president called the Trans-Pacific Partnership the "strongest, most pro-worker, pro-environment trade agreement in our history."

3. Bipartisan budget and education deals
In an era where partisan bickering in Washington has reached a fever pitch, the president chose to highlight two bipartisan legislative achievements. He pointed to a sweeping education overhaul of No Child Left Behind and a budget deal that avoided the threat of a government shutdown, calling them "a pair of Christmas miracles in Washington."

2. The legalization of same-sex marriage
"Love won," the president said, referring to the Supreme Court's landmark 5-4decision that same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry. "No matter who you are, here in America, you're free to marry the person you love because the freedom to marry is now the law in all 50 states."

1. "The American people"
"All of this progress is because of you -- because of workers rolling up their sleeves and getting the job done and entrepreneurs starting new businesses," Mr. Obama said Saturday. "Because of teachers and health workers and parents -- all of us taking care of each other. Because of our incredible men and women in uniform, serving to protect us all. Because, when we're united as Americans, there's nothing that we cannot do."

I am currently a ONE issue American...No careers, no nation.
And there's only TWO candidates who have been discussing this issue for the last 20 years...
Sanders and Trump.

Hillary...what a joke.

1. I'm not impressed with adding millions of coffee pumpers to America's job market.
Off-shoring and Business Visas are at an all-time high and The Dream Act would add even more Business Visas.

2. Same sex marriage? Wow, now we can all sleep at night knowing homosexuals that are making Minimum Wage can now marry.

You must have a very nice Investment Portfolio.
You'd be amazed ,,,,,,and all those new jobs in the past 74 months haven't been coffee pumping jobs

They have been in NY, NY and FL for sure.
I have family and friends all across America and the foreclosure rate is insane.
Obama has NOT addressed Off-shoring and Business Visas.
He certainly has tried to do something about companies leaving America for tax purposes Unfortunately he gets no help from the UN compromising Repubs Why haven't the republicans helped getting the offshore trillions back to America?? Why haven't they worked to close loopholes??? The answer is simple They've tried to drown obama from the get go

And THAT'S why I'm voting for Trump...he has told the Neo-Conservatives to Go To Hell.
and foreclosurers ?? If people bought homes that can't afford the mtg what would you expect?
and foreclosurers ?? If people bought homes that can't afford the mtg what would you expect?

When someone with an advanced degree is replaced by a Business Visa do you REALLY believe getting a job at Walmart is going to cover the mortgage.
Obama dropped the issue the moment he was reelected; you can't state otherwise without revising history.
10. The economy
Businesses, according to the president, have "added 13.7 million new jobs over a 69-month streak of job growth." Mr. Obama also cited the latest unemployment rate figures -- in October, it fell to 5 percent and has remained at that level since -- as proof of a strong economy.

9. "More Americans getting health insurance coverage"

Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsidies in 6-3 ruling

Despite numerous Republican threats and challenges to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the president's landmark health bill survived 2015. In June, the Supreme Court even upheld a major part of the Obamacare legislation, ruling in a 6-3 decision that the federal government can give out subsidies to its consumers in all states, no matter whether they signed up through the federal or state-based exchange.

"The rate of the uninsured in America dropped below 10 percent for the first time ever," Mr. Obama said in his video. "In all, 17.6 million people and climbing have gained coverage as the Affordable Care Act has taken effect."

Just this month, the White House extended the deadline to sign up for health insurance under the ACA by two days because of "unprecedented demand."

8. "America's global leadership on climate change"
For the past year, the president has heavily championed a climate change agenda. And just last week, the world came together at the Paris COP21 climate talks to reach a historic deal with ambitious goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Of the Paris accord, the president said, "it was only possible because America led with clean energy here at home and strong diplomacy around the world."

7. U.S.-Cuba relations
In August, the U.S. reopened its embassy in Cuba, the first symbolic step to normalizing relations between the two countries and the first time the American flag has flown in Havana in 54 years.

Since the momentous occasion, the administration has taken further steps to make it easier to travel to and do business in Cuba.

"We turned the page on an outdated, half-century-old policy by re-establishing diplomatic relations with Cuba and reopening embassies in both our countries, allowing us to build greater ties between Americans and Cubans," Mr. Obama said.

6. Iran nuclear deal
In July, six world powers, including the United States, struck a landmark nuclear deal with Iran. And in the months after, despite staunch Republican objection, the deal survived a vote in Congress.

The president touted the accord in his Saturday video, saying "We succeeded in forging a strong deal to stop Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon."

"In fact," he added, "Iran has already dismantled thousands of centrifuges that enrich uranium."

5. "Standing strong against terrorism"
Over the past week, the president has urged Americans to stay united in the face of terror threats, after the recent shooting in San Bernardino left the nation wary of future strikes.

"Even as we continue to grieve over the attack in San Bernardino, we're leading a global coalition and hitting ISIL harder than ever," Mr. Obama said, using a different acronym for the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS. "In Syria and Iraq, ISIL is losing territory, and we're not going to stop until we destroy this terrorist organization."

4. The Trans-Pacific Partnership

Obama: Trade deal critics are just "accepting a status quo"

In October, Mr. Obama's legacy-defining trade deal involving 12 Pacific Rim countries was sealed, with provisions to cut trade barriers, protect labor and environmental interests and ensure intellectual property rights. In his Saturday video, the president called the Trans-Pacific Partnership the "strongest, most pro-worker, pro-environment trade agreement in our history."

3. Bipartisan budget and education deals
In an era where partisan bickering in Washington has reached a fever pitch, the president chose to highlight two bipartisan legislative achievements. He pointed to a sweeping education overhaul of No Child Left Behind and a budget deal that avoided the threat of a government shutdown, calling them "a pair of Christmas miracles in Washington."

2. The legalization of same-sex marriage
"Love won," the president said, referring to the Supreme Court's landmark 5-4decision that same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry. "No matter who you are, here in America, you're free to marry the person you love because the freedom to marry is now the law in all 50 states."

1. "The American people"
"All of this progress is because of you -- because of workers rolling up their sleeves and getting the job done and entrepreneurs starting new businesses," Mr. Obama said Saturday. "Because of teachers and health workers and parents -- all of us taking care of each other. Because of our incredible men and women in uniform, serving to protect us all. Because, when we're united as Americans, there's nothing that we cannot do."

I am currently a ONE issue American...No careers, no nation.
And there's only TWO candidates who have been discussing this issue for the last 20 years...
Sanders and Trump.

Hillary...what a joke.

1. I'm not impressed with adding millions of coffee pumpers to America's job market.
Off-shoring and Business Visas are at an all-time high and The Dream Act would add even more Business Visas.

2. Same sex marriage? Wow, now we can all sleep at night knowing homosexuals that are making Minimum Wage can now marry.

You must have a very nice Investment Portfolio.
You'd be amazed ,,,,,,and all those new jobs in the past 74 months haven't been coffee pumping jobs

They have been in NY, NY and FL for sure.
I have family and friends all across America and the foreclosure rate is insane.
Obama has NOT addressed Off-shoring and Business Visas.
He certainly has tried to do something about companies leaving America for tax purposes Unfortunately he gets no help from the UN compromising Repubs Why haven't the republicans helped getting the offshore trillions back to America?? Why haven't they worked to close loopholes??? The answer is simple They've tried to drown obama from the get go

And THAT'S why I'm voting for Trump...he has told the Neo-Conservatives to Go To Hell.
The jerk has told everyone to go to hell England Mexico etc etc He has no friends Even the bushes hate the slime All mouth and a con man
I am currently a ONE issue American...No careers, no nation.
And there's only TWO candidates who have been discussing this issue for the last 20 years...
Sanders and Trump.

Hillary...what a joke.

1. I'm not impressed with adding millions of coffee pumpers to America's job market.
Off-shoring and Business Visas are at an all-time high and The Dream Act would add even more Business Visas.

2. Same sex marriage? Wow, now we can all sleep at night knowing homosexuals that are making Minimum Wage can now marry.

You must have a very nice Investment Portfolio.
You'd be amazed ,,,,,,and all those new jobs in the past 74 months haven't been coffee pumping jobs

They have been in NY, NY and FL for sure.
I have family and friends all across America and the foreclosure rate is insane.
Obama has NOT addressed Off-shoring and Business Visas.
He certainly has tried to do something about companies leaving America for tax purposes Unfortunately he gets no help from the UN compromising Repubs Why haven't the republicans helped getting the offshore trillions back to America?? Why haven't they worked to close loopholes??? The answer is simple They've tried to drown obama from the get go

And THAT'S why I'm voting for Trump...he has told the Neo-Conservatives to Go To Hell.
The jerk has told everyone to go to hell England Mexico etc etc He has no friends Even the bushes hate the slime All mouth and a con man

What you are saying is that he wants every nation that uses our Military for FREE to start paying for our services.
What a JERK!!!!!!!!!!!
Obvously Barry Hussein Sotoro Obama's supporters didn't have a freaking plan. All we got was "cash for clunkers".

Cash for clunkers...now that I think about it that should have been a slogan for Bernie trying to get donations.
Whomever is elected, the sun will rise the next day. I’m 100% confident HRC will be our next President and considering the only other real contender…thank God. He is a small fraction of a man whom his supporters should be embarrassed to support.
I have been considering moving to Germany ever since that bastard in the White House got crowned. If Hillary gets elected, I'm gone. I will spend the rest of my life stalking Statistikhengst and watching Spongebob.:banana:

My rent is VERY expensive, which means that your rent will be FIVE TIMES more expensive than mine, bubba. I am capitalist, you know!!!
Whomever is elected, the sun will rise the next day. I’m 100% confident HRC will be our next President and considering the only other real contender…thank God. He is a small fraction of a man whom his supporters should be embarrassed to support.

On election night, Hillary will approach or exceed 57% of the NPV, just as I predicted more than one year ago. She will also hit or easily sail over 400 EV. Florida will be called for her within 25 minutes of the final poll closings in the panhandle. Pennsylvania will be called immediately for her. The networks will fuck up and wait on the Ohio call for no apparent reason, but she will win Ohio by around +9 if not considerably more and she will flip counties on Ohio that have not voted for a Democrat in at least 52 years. She is going to pick up Georgia, by +3. She will win North Carolina by at least +7. Ditto for Virginia. The mid-atlantic seaboard states bordering on the Acela region are lost for the GOP for the next 24 years. Missouri may end up being a cliffhanger, but plays no role at all in the grand scheme of things. She will lose Kansas, Nebraska and the Dakotas by single digits, but ala 2008, she will win Omaha (NE-02). She may actually pick up South Dakota, wait and see. She is going to barely pick up Arizona and now comes the real kicker: I think she may even pick up Alaska. Montana will barely go for Trump because of the traditional 3rd and 4th party (Constitution Party) vote there. It will be close in Kentucky, but Trump will likely take the state. The networks will not be able to call Texas for hours on end. I think HRC may just pick up TX, two cycles too early (in 2024 it will be a solid blue state). She will win in Wisconsin by +20. Iowa will be called the minute the polls close. She will lose Utah but only by about 18 points instead of the usual 40. The strongest GOP state in 2016 will be Idaho, followed by Wyoming, folllowed by Alabama. She is going to probably pick up Mississippi, but will lose West Virginia.

The race will be over by 9 PM on election night.
Trump has gotten fewer votes than any other GOP candidate.

For once, I actually agree with you. You are still a total putz, but in this case, I agree with you.

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