When it comes to finding comprise between the left and the right, I think the right has no idea...


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
...how to describe what that looks like.

Sure, the rightwing will claim to care about comprise with the leftwing, but the reality is that they don't even know what that looks like. Republicans in office will declare something and their base will simply adhere to it.

Tell me republicans: what are issues you are willing to compromise with liberals on?

Now i know many of you will say "well fuck you! You lost the election derp, derp, derp!"
The problem with that is that you claim liberals are fascist, yet you are apparently too dense to realize that your own perspective is fascist.
Oh Great.. you can probably give me a list of major Democratic Party legislation you support..
Oh Great.. you can probably give me a list of major Democratic Party legislation you support..
I assume you meant to say republican.

I think republicans are right that banning certain types of guns does nothing to reduce gun violence. The problem is that republicans are against ANY gun control measures of any kind. The NRA of course makes the GOP their bitch. The Obama regulation that prevented the mentally ill from obtaining guns was cutting into profits. God forbid the industry loses on profit!
Correct. The problem is not with "the other guy", it's with BOTH.
Oh Great.. you can probably give me a list of major Democratic Party legislation you support..
I assume you meant to say republican.

I think republicans are right that banning certain types of guns does nothing to reduce gun violence. The problem is that republicans are against ANY gun control measures of any kind. The NRA of course makes the GOP their bitch. The Obama regulation that prevented the mentally ill from obtaining guns was cutting into profits. God forbid the industry loses on profit!

Nope, you're so happy with the Democratic Party, what are they offering up that your so proud about...major legislation wise.

In my opinion, the more dangerous and depraved the country gets, the more people will need or want guns. Did you notice gun sales in the Obama years, that's your fellow Americans buying guns .. left and right.?
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Oh Great.. you can probably give me a list of major Democratic Party legislation you support..
I assume you meant to say republican.

I think republicans are right that banning certain types of guns does nothing to reduce gun violence. The problem is that republicans are against ANY gun control measures of any kind. The NRA of course makes the GOP their bitch. The Obama regulation that prevented the mentally ill from obtaining guns was cutting into profits. God forbid the industry loses on profit!
The Obama regulation that prevented the mentally ill from obtaining guns was cutting into profits.


"The rule, which was finalized in December, added people receiving Social Security checks for mental illnesses and people deemed unfit to handle their own financial affairs to the national background check database."

Restricted the rights of some people of their 2nd Amendment rights.

and since when does Social Security have the authority to label people unfit to handle a firearm?
God forbid you ever find out what you're talking about.
...how to describe what that looks like.

Sure, the rightwing will claim to care about comprise with the leftwing, but the reality is that they don't even know what that looks like. Republicans in office will declare something and their base will simply adhere to it.

Tell me republicans: what are issues you are willing to compromise with liberals on?

Now i know many of you will say "well fuck you! You lost the election derp, derp, derp!"
The problem with that is that you claim liberals are fascist, yet you are apparently too dense to realize that your own perspective is fascist.

Yeah, the left has much better manners indeed. Let's just shoot the people we don't agree with...

Giant ass projection. If you aren't going to play nice, don't expect others to do so. That's ridiculous. Trump is here, over are the days of losing with dignity. Winning is the future...
Real "compromise" can't even BEGIN until and unless the parties involved can submerge their egos and their ideologies.

That won't happen any time soon. We're still going in the opposite direction.
...how to describe what that looks like.

Sure, the rightwing will claim to care about comprise with the leftwing, but the reality is that they don't even know what that looks like. Republicans in office will declare something and their base will simply adhere to it.

Tell me republicans: what are issues you are willing to compromise with liberals on?

Now i know many of you will say "well fuck you! You lost the election derp, derp, derp!"
The problem with that is that you claim liberals are fascist, yet you are apparently too dense to realize that your own perspective is fascist.

But the left compromises all the time, don't they?

"I have a pen and I have a cell phone" is a statement of compromise, isn't it?

"The Republicans can come along for the ride, but they will have to sit in the back seat" are words of compromise, aren't they?

"Elections have consequences" again, words that mean one thing.

So when do we hear about compromise? When Democrats are in the minority. Never hear about compromise from them when Democrats have the power.

And what does compromise mean to a Democrat? It means we do things the Democrat way and nothing less is acceptable.
...how to describe what that looks like.

Sure, the rightwing will claim to care about comprise with the leftwing, but the reality is that they don't even know what that looks like. Republicans in office will declare something and their base will simply adhere to it.

Tell me republicans: what are issues you are willing to compromise with liberals on?

Now i know many of you will say "well fuck you! You lost the election derp, derp, derp!"
The problem with that is that you claim liberals are fascist, yet you are apparently too dense to realize that your own perspective is fascist.
great. another bait n fight thread that will solve nothing at all cause you go into with an attack mentality.

how many of these threads have *ever* changed someone's mind?
...how to describe what that looks like.

Sure, the rightwing will claim to care about comprise with the leftwing, but the reality is that they don't even know what that looks like. Republicans in office will declare something and their base will simply adhere to it.

Tell me republicans: what are issues you are willing to compromise with liberals on?

Now i know many of you will say "well fuck you! You lost the election derp, derp, derp!"
The problem with that is that you claim liberals are fascist, yet you are apparently too dense to realize that your own perspective is fascist.

"They can come along for the ride but they need to be in the back of the bus". This is the state of compromise we live. You think Liberals are compromising? If the increase in tax funding does not match the level they expected, they call that a "cut". If Conservatives don't like a plan or a provision from the Liberals, the Liberals call them racist.

Continue to wag your finger at Conservatives about compromise. It's quite comical.
Real "compromise" can't even BEGIN until and unless the parties involved can submerge their egos and their ideologies.

That won't happen any time soon. We're still going in the opposite direction.

No doubt the Trump agenda could be derailed by the Dems. and gutless Reps. and who knows a stock market crash.. At least Democrats will be happy and the country far better off...:eusa_snooty:
...how to describe what that looks like.

Sure, the rightwing will claim to care about comprise with the leftwing, but the reality is that they don't even know what that looks like. Republicans in office will declare something and their base will simply adhere to it.

Tell me republicans: what are issues you are willing to compromise with liberals on?

Now i know many of you will say "well fuck you! You lost the election derp, derp, derp!"
The problem with that is that you claim liberals are fascist, yet you are apparently too dense to realize that your own perspective is fascist.
"Compromise" is a leftwing euphemism meaning Republicans cave on their ideas while Democrats concede nothing. We don't need any more of that.
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...how to describe what that looks like.

Sure, the rightwing will claim to care about comprise with the leftwing, but the reality is that they don't even know what that looks like. Republicans in office will declare something and their base will simply adhere to it.

Tell me republicans: what are issues you are willing to compromise with liberals on?

Now i know many of you will say "well fuck you! You lost the election derp, derp, derp!"
The problem with that is that you claim liberals are fascist, yet you are apparently too dense to realize that your own perspective is fascist.

"They can come along for the ride but they need to be in the back of the bus". This is the state of compromise we live. You think Liberals are compromising? If the increase in tax funding does not match the level they expected, they call that a "cut". If Conservatives don't like a plan or a provision from the Liberals, the Liberals call them racist.

Continue to wag your finger at Conservatives about compromise. It's quite comical.

He still hasn't given me his list of Democratic Party major legislation or any legislation for that matter..

I have a suspicion all he has is fake news foamy.
The Right doesn't know how to compromise. Pfft.

There is no compromise with this:

...how to describe what that looks like.

Sure, the rightwing will claim to care about comprise with the leftwing, but the reality is that they don't even know what that looks like. Republicans in office will declare something and their base will simply adhere to it.

Tell me republicans: what are issues you are willing to compromise with liberals on?

Now i know many of you will say "well fuck you! You lost the election derp, derp, derp!"
The problem with that is that you claim liberals are fascist, yet you are apparently too dense to realize that your own perspective is fascist.
The right does nothing but compromise on every issue except those which the faux left is 100% discredited(gun control, abortion etc), while the faux left DEMANDS that individuals have to be ever more extreme and hypocritical just to stay "on the right side of history".
Funny how the only time Democrats want to discuss compromise; is when they're on their back, with a boot on their throat... Fuck you! Fuck all of you...
...how to describe what that looks like.

Sure, the rightwing will claim to care about comprise with the leftwing, but the reality is that they don't even know what that looks like. Republicans in office will declare something and their base will simply adhere to it.

Tell me republicans: what are issues you are willing to compromise with liberals on?

Now i know many of you will say "well fuck you! You lost the election derp, derp, derp!"
The problem with that is that you claim liberals are fascist, yet you are apparently too dense to realize that your own perspective is fascist.

"Guns for me and not for thee"
"Bake that cake, you fucking peasant"
"Buy Health insurance, or else"
"Moar Taxes"
"Single Payer, or else"

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