White Privilege Skeptics, Deniers or Attackers: Have you READ Rich Dad Poor Dad???


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
Toni Morrison: Fear Of Losing White Privilege Led To Trump’s Election

^ On this previous thread, many people posted their perspectives of why White Privilege does or does not exist.

My Question to people on both sides:
Have you READ Rich Dad Poor Dad?
About the CLASS advantage people have if they are BORN into a family with a history of already owning businesses and property vs. people who have never experienced that level of ownership personally?

* 8 Ways The Rich Differ From the Poor | Code Of Living
* https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/10-major-differences-between-rich-poor-people-daniel-ally

The author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, Richest Man in Babylon, and other books
TEACH about the DIFFERENCE between
* SCARCITY mentality in lower socioeconomic classes that correlates with poverty
* ABUNDANCE mentality in financially independent and successful entrepreneurs

This can explain the difference in class AND CULTURE
but NOT calling it "White" which is confusing.

Clearly there are BLACK entrepreneurs like Beyonce Knowles and her whole family who manage
their wealth and teach others.

So it isn't solely about race, though race is HISTORICALLY tied in with the poverty
and social STIGMA against owning and managing property by Blacks under "white man's laws."
There HAS been class division perpetuated along racial lines.

But the same percentage of Blacks to Whites in the South during slavery
Also show in the percentage of Black slave owners to White slave owners.
(Both black and white slave owners exploited more BLACK slaves, who were sold
as more valuable than light skinned or white slaves.)

This history of enslavement, treating Black people as "property" who didn't even own their own bodies OF COURSE has a longterm effect spanning several generations it takes to heal of political genocide.

So yes, race is a factor in the socioeconomic politics and history,
but the MENTALITY behind "White Privilege" is about class and culture.

AS Robert Kiyosaki summarized about his Rich Dad Poor Dad educational series,
the poor and middle class "work hard for their money"
while the rich and upper class "make their money work for them."

Can we come up with agreed terms on how to discuss this
instead of just blaming it on black/white identity politics?
Toni Morrison was the moron who said Bill Clinton was the first black president. Morrison seems obsessed with race
Well privilege is a real word with a real definition, yes.

As per usual, PC newspeak has changed the definition to suit themselves.
I 'm White. Father died tragically when I was eleven. Left a widow with no more than a high school education and four young children to raise.

We didn't have a car for a long time. Mother walked to work. I went to work when I was 12. We never went near Food Stamps or any other kind of Government Relief.

Not a one of us ever felt sorry for himself; whined---all made successful lives.

Fuck all you whinny, excuse-making, lazy assholes.
I 'm White. Father died tragically when I was eleven. Left a widow with no more than a high school education and four young children to raise.

We didn't have a car for a long time. Mother walked to work. I went to work when I was 12. We never went near Food Stamps or any other kind of Government Relief.

Not a one of us ever felt sorry for himself; whined---all made successful lives.

Fuck all you whinny, excuse-making, lazy assholes.
These days your mother would HAVE to take food stamps. No way her job would make ends meet now.
Toni Morrison: Fear Of Losing White Privilege Led To Trump’s Election

^ On this previous thread, many people posted their perspectives of why White Privilege does or does not exist.

My Question to people on both sides:
Have you READ Rich Dad Poor Dad?
About the CLASS advantage people have if they are BORN into a family with a history of already owning businesses and property vs. people who have never experienced that level of ownership personally?

* 8 Ways The Rich Differ From the Poor | Code Of Living
* https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/10-major-differences-between-rich-poor-people-daniel-ally

The author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, Richest Man in Babylon, and other books
TEACH about the DIFFERENCE between
* SCARCITY mentality in lower socioeconomic classes that correlates with poverty
* ABUNDANCE mentality in financially independent and successful entrepreneurs

This can explain the difference in class AND CULTURE
but NOT calling it "White" which is confusing.

Clearly there are BLACK entrepreneurs like Beyonce Knowles and her whole family who manage
their wealth and teach others.

So it isn't solely about race, though race is HISTORICALLY tied in with the poverty
and social STIGMA against owning and managing property by Blacks under "white man's laws."
There HAS been class division perpetuated along racial lines.

But the same percentage of Blacks to Whites in the South during slavery
Also show in the percentage of Black slave owners to White slave owners.
(Both black and white slave owners exploited more BLACK slaves, who were sold
as more valuable than light skinned or white slaves.)

This history of enslavement, treating Black people as "property" who didn't even own their own bodies OF COURSE has a longterm effect spanning several generations it takes to heal of political genocide.

So yes, race is a factor in the socioeconomic politics and history,
but the MENTALITY behind "White Privilege" is about class and culture.

AS Robert Kiyosaki summarized about his Rich Dad Poor Dad educational series,
the poor and middle class "work hard for their money"
while the rich and upper class "make their money work for them."

Can we come up with agreed terms on how to discuss this
instead of just blaming it on black/white identity politics?

When I start to hear 'white privilege' bilge I count the idiot expounding as a communist/turd world racist/self-hating sexual degenerate 'white' and push them aside.
Toni Morrison was the moron who said Bill Clinton was the first black president. Morrison seems obsessed with race

Thanks SassyIrishLass
so CLEARLY TM is not using black and race "literally" if she used it loosely for Clinton!

How can we move toward acknowledging/agreeing we are talking about a cultural mindset, and not physical race???

You bring up a key point, that hits the target head on.
If she doesn't use "black" to mean literally
then why can't we do the same with what "white" means???

And stop offending people already?
Morrison is an over-rated hack.

Sure Billy_Kinetta but given there are hacks out there racebaiting using this issue,
how do we stick to the content and AGREE what we are really addressing: cultural class and mindset, and how to overcome the poverty/rental mentality and move toward OWNERSHIP mentality?

Just calling people hacks isn't going to address where we are talking past each other, hacks or baiters or haters as there may be.

Let me ask you this, is there anyone you have seen represent this issue accurately?

Li'l Wayne got JUMPED ALL OVER for asking what people meant by Black Lives Matter.

Who to you ISN'T a hack or hater that has said anything on target that clarifies the point to both sides. Anyone???
Well privilege is a real word with a real definition, yes.

As per usual, PC newspeak has changed the definition to suit themselves.

Thanks The Great Goose
how WOULD you suggest terming the concept of a disparity
in mentality and cultural between the independently wealthy who generate their own flow of resources by a combination of credit and OPM and property equity, vs. dependently in debt who live from bill to bill or paycheck to paycheck with no plan for passive income to get out of hourly pay?

"privilege" does not distinguish between who earned it themselves or who inherited it from family business or investors.

What do you suggest that would make this more clear?
And not sound like "blaming" people out of jealousy
or thinking someone else succeeding or making more money means someone else is getting shorted.
Toni Morrison was the moron who said Bill Clinton was the first black president. Morrison seems obsessed with race

Thanks SassyIrishLass
so CLEARLY TM is not using black and race "literally" if she used it loosely for Clinton!

How can we move toward acknowledging/agreeing we are talking about a cultural mindset, and not physical race???

You bring up a key point, that hits the target head on.
If she doesn't use "black" to mean literally
then why can't we do the same with what "white" means???

And stop offending people already?

It's become the left's favorite wedge issue. They've used racist so much to attack (and defend themselves) it's lost all meaning and bite
Toni Morrison: Fear Of Losing White Privilege Led To Trump’s Election

^ On this previous thread, many people posted their perspectives of why White Privilege does or does not exist.

My Question to people on both sides:
Have you READ Rich Dad Poor Dad?
About the CLASS advantage people have if they are BORN into a family with a history of already owning businesses and property vs. people who have never experienced that level of ownership personally?

* 8 Ways The Rich Differ From the Poor | Code Of Living
* https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/10-major-differences-between-rich-poor-people-daniel-ally

The author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, Richest Man in Babylon, and other books
TEACH about the DIFFERENCE between
* SCARCITY mentality in lower socioeconomic classes that correlates with poverty
* ABUNDANCE mentality in financially independent and successful entrepreneurs

This can explain the difference in class AND CULTURE
but NOT calling it "White" which is confusing.

Clearly there are BLACK entrepreneurs like Beyonce Knowles and her whole family who manage
their wealth and teach others.

So it isn't solely about race, though race is HISTORICALLY tied in with the poverty
and social STIGMA against owning and managing property by Blacks under "white man's laws."
There HAS been class division perpetuated along racial lines.

But the same percentage of Blacks to Whites in the South during slavery
Also show in the percentage of Black slave owners to White slave owners.
(Both black and white slave owners exploited more BLACK slaves, who were sold
as more valuable than light skinned or white slaves.)

This history of enslavement, treating Black people as "property" who didn't even own their own bodies OF COURSE has a longterm effect spanning several generations it takes to heal of political genocide.

So yes, race is a factor in the socioeconomic politics and history,
but the MENTALITY behind "White Privilege" is about class and culture.

AS Robert Kiyosaki summarized about his Rich Dad Poor Dad educational series,
the poor and middle class "work hard for their money"
while the rich and upper class "make their money work for them."

Can we come up with agreed terms on how to discuss this
instead of just blaming it on black/white identity politics?

Yes....the way to keep from being poor.....

Graduate from High school...

Don't do crime that results in a criminal record...

Don't have kids till you can support them...

Only have the kids you can support.....

Do these things.......and you will likely not be poor, it has nothing to do with race...it has everything to do with self control, and good parenting......

toni morrison is a racist.....
Well privilege is a real word with a real definition, yes.

As per usual, PC newspeak has changed the definition to suit themselves.

Thanks The Great Goose
how WOULD you suggest terming the concept of a disparity
in mentality and cultural between the independently wealthy who generate their own flow of resources by a combination of credit and OPM and property equity, vs. dependently in debt who live from bill to bill or paycheck to paycheck with no plan for passive income to get out of hourly pay?

"privilege" does not distinguish between who earned it themselves or who inherited it from family business or investors.

What do you suggest that would make this more clear?
And not sound like "blaming" people out of jealousy
or thinking someone else succeeding or making more money means someone else is getting shorted.
Yes it does. the word "privilege" does not distinguish between who earned it themselves or who inherited it from family business or investors. It also distinguishes those who grow up with more money spent on them from those who grow up in a sparse household.

I myself came from privilege.
Rich people always have an advantage. It's been like that since the beginning of time. It isn't a White or Black thing.

And the sons of Cops have an easier time becoming cops, the sons of Plumbers get into the plumbers union when non plumber sons can't....teachers....ditto......if you own a family business your sons and daughters will inherit it.....

Everyone has advantages and disadvantages...toni morrison is a racist who excuses people based on their race and attacks others based on their race...
Toni Morrison was the moron who said Bill Clinton was the first black president. Morrison seems obsessed with race

Thanks SassyIrishLass
so CLEARLY TM is not using black and race "literally" if she used it loosely for Clinton!

How can we move toward acknowledging/agreeing we are talking about a cultural mindset, and not physical race???

You bring up a key point, that hits the target head on.
If she doesn't use "black" to mean literally
then why can't we do the same with what "white" means???

And stop offending people already?
Progressives have racial and gender issues.

They project their issues on to their enemies: white transgendered women and white males, and to a lesser extent non-white males and white women.
Rich people always have an advantage. It's been like that since the beginning of time. It isn't a White or Black thing.

And the sons of Cops have an easier time becoming cops, the sons of Plumbers get into the plumbers union when non plumber sons can't....teachers....ditto......if you own a family business your sons and daughters will inherit it.....

Everyone has advantages and disadvantages...toni morrison is a racist who excuses people based on their race and attacks others based on their race...
It's always about race and division with these guys. Rich people have always had an advantage. That's the way the world is. Life is not fair.
Rich people always have an advantage. It's been like that since the beginning of time. It isn't a White or Black thing.

And the sons of Cops have an easier time becoming cops, the sons of Plumbers get into the plumbers union when non plumber sons can't....teachers....ditto......if you own a family business your sons and daughters will inherit it.....

Everyone has advantages and disadvantages...toni morrison is a racist who excuses people based on their race and attacks others based on their race...
It's always about race and division with these guys. Rich people have always had an advantage. That's the way the world is. Life is not fair.

But in America........with Captialism, the rule of law and democracy.....that isn't the way your life has to end....the Rich become poor, the poor become rich.....the left hates this....they want everyone to be poor enough that they can be controlled......
I 'm White. Father died tragically when I was eleven. Left a widow with no more than a high school education and four young children to raise.

We didn't have a car for a long time. Mother walked to work. I went to work when I was 12. We never went near Food Stamps or any other kind of Government Relief.

Not a one of us ever felt sorry for himself; whined---all made successful lives.

Fuck all you whinny, excuse-making, lazy assholes.

Thanks MACAULAY my bf dad also left home at 12 and was working all his life to cover his costs as well as nesting other fledging birdies who didn't have a safety "nest". My bf thinks it is just enabling and controlling people, but it's better than nothing to help people at all. I understand his dad better than my bf, because I do the same thing, and try to help others as I have been helped.

both my bf and I have the ADVANTAGE that we know, and always knew without a doubt, our parents LOVED US. No matter how hard it got, and how badly we felt deprived at times, coming from larger families of 6 kids, where we both lived off leftovers and handme down clothes, no AC, and working in the yard as a family activity. (we both avoid heavy gardening to the day, as a chore to hire out!)

I wonder if that is what makes the difference, regardless of financial circumstances, if we are brought up with FAITH that things will get better and that we have each other to deal with the hardship and hard work.

When I see stories of young kids, both parents in jail, and no one to help them feel loves or wanted, how does that affect a kid? They get angry and resent that "other kids have their parents on their birthdays" and just wallow and hide behind a wall of hurt.

Here is one story that just breaks my heart, both with sadness for these kids, but also with gladness for the ones who did turn around into a success and not become another lost kid or statistic on the streets or in jail:

Smiley High grad who beat odds wins national award

Once this young man realized the difference between the poverty track his community was on, and the support it took to break that pattern, he decided to go for higher degrees in criminal justice and African American studies, so he could help change the system to adopt the programs that worked.

He used to be angry and refused to respond.

So somehow with your story, you didn't let that anger get in the way of succeeding. But with too many kids, that happens.

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