Whites do have a role in stopping racism

I am the OP and the OP was about a white person who was protesting the murder of a black woman who was stabbed to death by a white man. It was not abut blacks killing each other or whites doing it. But blacks killing each other always gets bought up when you maggots can't deal with the truth of white crime. And if you already knew the truth, then you knew I wasn't making a claim with no evidence.

LOL! You think being the OP means you don't have to prove your points? I think you're at best a lazy thinker and at worse, you're not interested in a real discussion. It's obvious you are just as closed minded as that old racist, Bull Connor. I am sad for you.

It's obvious that you are another dumb ass white racist looking for a reason to call someone black a racist. I feel sorry for you that you suffer from such a severe case of psychosis. Harley always wants blacks to show proof then when he gets shown it he wants more poof, then you show him more proof and then you get told how you've never shown proof. So fuck that. I'm not playing racist white boy run around.. For you did not ask him tp prove anything when he made his comment on blacks killing each other.

You will, of course, believe what you want. And, sadly, I didn't see Harley's post. So, while I apologize for not calling Harley down, I still feel you are a a closed minded racist who doesn't want to hear any other point of view than yours. I RARELY call anyone a racist, but you are certainly a wonderful example of one.

I rally could care less what you think. If you didn't see Harleys post why are you grilling me because I didn't show him what he wanted? You knew what I said was true, but you assumed was providing information without evidence. So when you figure out the right lie, let me know.

I didn't grill you on anything. Sad for you.

Of course not.
LOL! You think being the OP means you don't have to prove your points? I think you're at best a lazy thinker and at worse, you're not interested in a real discussion. It's obvious you are just as closed minded as that old racist, Bull Connor. I am sad for you.

It's obvious that you are another dumb ass white racist looking for a reason to call someone black a racist. I feel sorry for you that you suffer from such a severe case of psychosis. Harley always wants blacks to show proof then when he gets shown it he wants more poof, then you show him more proof and then you get told how you've never shown proof. So fuck that. I'm not playing racist white boy run around.. For you did not ask him tp prove anything when he made his comment on blacks killing each other.

You will, of course, believe what you want. And, sadly, I didn't see Harley's post. So, while I apologize for not calling Harley down, I still feel you are a a closed minded racist who doesn't want to hear any other point of view than yours. I RARELY call anyone a racist, but you are certainly a wonderful example of one.

I rally could care less what you think. If you didn't see Harleys post why are you grilling me because I didn't show him what he wanted? You knew what I said was true, but you assumed was providing information without evidence. So when you figure out the right lie, let me know.

I didn't grill you on anything. Sad for you.

Of course not.

I'm glad you're admitting the truth.
I’ve been through this with AssLips and MeToo!
They have PhDs in Revisionist History and Current Events.

White history is revisionist history.
To a point.
Your history is fiction.

Fiction is what whites had been teaching everybody. Since now that fiction isn't taught whites are now crying about how kids are being taught to hate whites. Therefore you want to go back to teaching fiction.

Really? What fiction were the whites teaching?
Quicksand ahead!!!!!

Don't sink.
It's obvious that you are another dumb ass white racist looking for a reason to call someone black a racist. I feel sorry for you that you suffer from such a severe case of psychosis. Harley always wants blacks to show proof then when he gets shown it he wants more poof, then you show him more proof and then you get told how you've never shown proof. So fuck that. I'm not playing racist white boy run around.. For you did not ask him tp prove anything when he made his comment on blacks killing each other.

You will, of course, believe what you want. And, sadly, I didn't see Harley's post. So, while I apologize for not calling Harley down, I still feel you are a a closed minded racist who doesn't want to hear any other point of view than yours. I RARELY call anyone a racist, but you are certainly a wonderful example of one.

I rally could care less what you think. If you didn't see Harleys post why are you grilling me because I didn't show him what he wanted? You knew what I said was true, but you assumed was providing information without evidence. So when you figure out the right lie, let me know.

I didn't grill you on anything. Sad for you.

Of course not.

I'm glad you're admitting the truth.

I was being sarcastic. You lied about everything and you're lying about that.
I’ve been through this with AssLips and MeToo!
They have PhDs in Revisionist History and Current Events.

White history is revisionist history.
To a point.
Your history is fiction.

Fiction is what whites had been teaching everybody. Since now that fiction isn't taught whites are now crying about how kids are being taught to hate whites. Therefore you want to go back to teaching fiction.

Really? What fiction were the whites teaching?
Columbus discovered america comes to mind.
The Libs report that he never landed in North America, or is that a false news story.
White history is revisionist history.
To a point.
Your history is fiction.

Fiction is what whites had been teaching everybody. Since now that fiction isn't taught whites are now crying about how kids are being taught to hate whites. Therefore you want to go back to teaching fiction.

Really? What fiction were the whites teaching?
Columbus discovered america comes to mind.
The Libs report that he never landed in North America, or is that a false news story.
Which libs? Its a half truth depending on your definition of N. America
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There is no "Stopping" racism. That's not human nature. That's not group think. If "whites" are not the dominant ones, some other group will be (probably Asians), and then whites will just become one of the "oppressed".

You can't stop racism because racism is human nature.
According to your history no. But according to history that is generally accepted, blacks sold their brothers into slavery.

I'm curious, do you have any evidence to the contrary?
Even if that was true whites sold their brothers into slavery as well. Thats where we get the term "slave" in the first place. Whites selling other whites.
Wrong. Slav s existed throughout Africa and Egypt for thousands of years.
Still do.
Hell there are more slaves in africa right now than there ever was in America.
When you are a hack and have to come up with excuses constantly, you tend to cherry pick history and lie your ass off.
I’ve been through this with AssLips and MeToo!
They have PhDs in Revisionist History and Current Events.

White history is revisionist history.
You fucking moron.
Still do.
Hell there are more slaves in africa right now than there ever was in America.
When you are a hack and have to come up with excuses constantly, you tend to cherry pick history and lie your ass off.
I’ve been through this with AssLips and MeToo!
They have PhDs in Revisionist History and Current Events.

White history is revisionist history.
To a point.
Your history is fiction.

Fiction is what whites had been teaching everybody. Since now that fiction isn't taught whites are now crying about how kids are being taught to hate whites. Therefore you want to go back to teaching fiction.

Really? What fiction were the whites teaching?
Wrong. Slav s existed throughout Africa and Egypt for thousands of years.
Still do.
Hell there are more slaves in africa right now than there ever was in America.
When you are a hack and have to come up with excuses constantly, you tend to cherry pick history and lie your ass off.
I’ve been through this with AssLips and MeToo!
They have PhDs in Revisionist History and Current Events.

White history is revisionist history.
To a point.
Your history is fiction.

Fiction is what whites had been teaching everybody. Since now that fiction isn't taught whites are now crying about how kids are being taught to hate whites. Therefore you want to go back to teaching fiction.
You are nothing but fiction.
What about the deranged black guys with guns? Violence isn’t one Sided issue. I’m sure Anne means well, but she is being disengenuous. The hashtag should be all lives matter.
Very few and far between. Plus they are deranged due to the constant racism they experience. Whites are just deranged because they cant practice their racist ideology without getting their asses kicked.
Few and far between? Really? They are only deranged because of Whitey. You pathetic liar. You can’t bring yourself to admit the truth. You are so tied up with your “ I hate whitey “ that you can’t see the facts. My God you self imposed victims are irrational.
Yes few and far between. I am surprised there are not more deranged Black people gunning down crowds of people due to the pressures they feel from this racist system.. Now why so many white boys flip out and kill people can only lead me to the obvious conclusion.
You’re an idiot.
Dont get emotional and get reported for trolling.
Not emotional. Just stating a fact. Who cares about getting reported, are you 12?
Very few and far between. Plus they are deranged due to the constant racism they experience. Whites are just deranged because they cant practice their racist ideology without getting their asses kicked.
Few and far between? Really? They are only deranged because of Whitey. You pathetic liar. You can’t bring yourself to admit the truth. You are so tied up with your “ I hate whitey “ that you can’t see the facts. My God you self imposed victims are irrational.
Yes few and far between. I am surprised there are not more deranged Black people gunning down crowds of people due to the pressures they feel from this racist system.. Now why so many white boys flip out and kill people can only lead me to the obvious conclusion.
You’re an idiot.
Dont get emotional and get reported for trolling.
Not emotional. Just stating a fact. Who cares about getting reported, are you 12?
Youre very emotional and you are allergic to facts. Youre the one that is acting like he is 5.
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According to your history no. But according to history that is generally accepted, blacks sold their brothers into slavery.

I'm curious, do you have any evidence to the contrary?
Even if that was true whites sold their brothers into slavery as well. Thats where we get the term "slave" in the first place. Whites selling other whites.
Wrong. Slav s existed throughout Africa and Egypt for thousands of years.
Still do.
Hell there are more slaves in africa right now than there ever was in America.
When you are a hack and have to come up with excuses constantly, you tend to cherry pick history and lie your ass off.
I’ve been through this with AssLips and MeToo!
They have PhDs in Revisionist History and Current Events.
Thats amusing coming from a white person. :laughing0301:
Ahh the racist card. Keep it up douche.
Few and far between? Really? They are only deranged because of Whitey. You pathetic liar. You can’t bring yourself to admit the truth. You are so tied up with your “ I hate whitey “ that you can’t see the facts. My God you self imposed victims are irrational.
Yes few and far between. I am surprised there are not more deranged Black people gunning down crowds of people due to the pressures they feel from this racist system.. Now why so many white boys flip out and kill people can only lead me to the obvious conclusion.
You’re an idiot.
Dont get emotional and get reported for trolling.
Not emotional. Just stating a fact. Who cares about getting reported, are you 12?
Youre very emotional and you are allergic to facts.
No emotion at all. Surprised your mother lets you stay up this late. My facts are supported yours at basic racist bull shit.
Yes few and far between. I am surprised there are not more deranged Black people gunning down crowds of people due to the pressures they feel from this racist system.. Now why so many white boys flip out and kill people can only lead me to the obvious conclusion.
You’re an idiot.
Dont get emotional and get reported for trolling.
Not emotional. Just stating a fact. Who cares about getting reported, are you 12?
Youre very emotional and you are allergic to facts.
No emotion at all. Surprised your mother lets you stay up this late. My facts are supported yours at basic racist bull shit.
See youre being emotional again. You wouldnt know a fact if it kicked you in the ass after announcing itself.
Whites do have a role in stopping racism.

Anne Hathaway calls out white privilege in passionate post about 'unspeakable' murder of Nia Wilson
Erin Donnelly,Yahoo Lifestyle 7 hours ago

Anne Hathaway is using her platform for a powerful cause.

Outraged by the fatal stabbing of 18-year-old Nia Wilson by a white man, the Oscar-winning actress dedicated an Instagram post to honoring the young black woman. Wilson and her sister, who survived the attack, were stabbed at the BART MacArthur Station in Oakland, Calif., on July 22.

But Hathaway’s post was more than a passive tribute to Wilson — it was a call to arms and condemnation of those who hide behind their “white privilege” and fail to take action in the face of violence and racism.

Describing Wilson’s murder as “unspeakable,” the Ocean’s 8 star acknowledged her own privilege while calling for white people to step up.


Anne Hathaway paid tribute to the late Nia Wilson on social media. (Photo: Theo Wargo/FilmMagic)
“White people — including me, including you — must take into the marrow of our privileged bones the truth that ALL black people fear for their lives DAILY in America and have done so for GENERATIONS,” she wrote. “White people DO NOT have equivalence for this fear of violence. Given those givens, we must ask our (white) selves — how ‘decent’ are we really? Not in our intent, but in our actions? In our lack of action?”

She ended the message with the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag, as well as #AntiRacist, #NoExcuse,
#SayHerName, and #EarnTheRightToSayHerName.

Hathaway shut off the comments for the post, but that hasn’t stopped fans from responding. Many are now praising her as an ally.

Of course, Hathaway’s passionate plea received a fair share of critics. One troll called her a “self-hating white bitch who constantly does the most to get the acceptance and approval of black people online… so f***ing pathetic and cringey.”

“Saying white people will never feel fear like black people is wrong,” another critic commented under one of Hathaway’s older posts. “There’s thousands of white girls in the world who are too scared to leave their homes after they’ve been abused, raped, and trafficked by men. There’s many white girls who have been murdered by men. Like I get it you’re privileged as hell and think every white woman is the same as you but that’s now how it works. Racism is disgusting and white supremacy needs to die but some of the stuff you said is just wrong.”

Hathaway’s not the only celebrity to speak out for Wilson. Amber Tamblyn also posted about her murder this week, though some accused her of shaming white women.

Anne Hathaway calls out white privilege in passionate post about 'unspeakable' murder of Nia Wilson
I'll just add AH to my list of celebrities,
that can kiss my white ass!

I've asked before and I'll ask again....
What is this privilege, I'm missing out on?

Senseless murders occur every day,
this homicide isn't any different.

Black people live in fear...and white people don't
Is that so, maybe she'd like to leave her cushy confines,
and live in my area and then talk that shit!

White america is not racist, white individuals are racist

You can not stop hate, anymore than, you can create love

It's easy for these celebrities, to sit in the lap of luxury,
and use social media as an outlet to sound off,
but, until they step out from their own privileged world,
and step into the real world, where the rest of us live,
they need to shut their fucking pieholes!

Fuck Instagram, bitch....
take your ass to the inner cities,
to a homeless shelter, to a rehab,
to a soup kitchen/food pantry,...

Deal with your own demons of guilt,
instead of throwing the white race under the bus,
as you question your own decency, for lack of action!

Fucking bitch
Why are you so angry?

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Why are you so angry?
I'm not angry...I'm fed up

She is in no position to *include me*,
let alone, white america, as a whole,
for what she and other individuals,
do or do not do, and alone, are accountable for.

Has she ever insisted, a black or white, female costar,
receive the same amount of money, she was being paid?
ROFLMFAO...I think not

Has she ever been 1, of the only 2 white people,
at the wedding of your best friend, who is black?
....my son and I were

Has she ever gone into an all black area,
and light a candle, leave balloons, a stuffed animal,
flowers and a poem, she wrote herself,
on the front lawn of a home, where a young black girl,
was killed by a stray bullet, while doing her homework?
....I did

Has she ever covered up a homeless, black man,
with the blankets she brought from home,
after tucking a pillow under his head?
.....I have

Has she ever let a black, homeless man,
sleep on her couch?.... I have

Has she ever invited a black, homeless woman,
to join her for dinner, at the restaurant she was entering?
....I have

Has she ever called the Alderman, of a black ward,
complaining about an ad, on a billboard, in that ward,
furthermore, call the company headquarters,
and threatening to begin a petition, for a boycott,
if the ad was not removed from the billboard?
....I did....and the ad was removed

Has she ever offered a young black man,
holding an infant, waiting at the bus stop,
during a snow storm, a ride home?
....I have

Has she ever spent 3 hours on the road,
driving a black customer, with her groceries home,
during one of the worst ice storms on record,
because she was already stranded in the store for hours,
and the cab company wasn't dispatching cabs?
.....I did

Has she ever recommended a black co worker,
over a white co worker, for the supervisor position?
...I have

Has she ever asked for a manager,
to compliment the service she received,
from an employee, who was black?
....I have

Being white doesn't make me a racist
anymore than, being white, affords me special privilege

You can't stop racism, you have to accept,
people are racists, of every color...it is what it is
You’re an idiot.
Dont get emotional and get reported for trolling.
Not emotional. Just stating a fact. Who cares about getting reported, are you 12?
Youre very emotional and you are allergic to facts.
No emotion at all. Surprised your mother lets you stay up this late. My facts are supported yours at basic racist bull shit.
See youre being emotional again. You wouldnt know a fact if it kicked you in the ass after announcing itself.
You’re just a fucking tool. Your posts are nothing but ignorant racist victim drivel. You have zero chance of helping anyone. I’m fully aware of facts you in he other hand must believe in the tooth fairy. Good bye.
Few and far between? Really? They are only deranged because of Whitey. You pathetic liar. You can’t bring yourself to admit the truth. You are so tied up with your “ I hate whitey “ that you can’t see the facts. My God you self imposed victims are irrational.
Yes few and far between. I am surprised there are not more deranged Black people gunning down crowds of people due to the pressures they feel from this racist system.. Now why so many white boys flip out and kill people can only lead me to the obvious conclusion.
You’re an idiot.
Dont get emotional and get reported for trolling.
Not emotional. Just stating a fact. Who cares about getting reported, are you 12?
Youre very emotional and you are allergic to facts. Youre the one that is acting like he is 5.
Retards like you are funny. Wallow in your self pity and be miserable in your bictimhood. People have tried to help you but you are to ignorant to accept it. To bad you can’t be a productive member of society or a decent role model.
Whites do have a role in stopping racism.

Whites cannot stop what they never started. Racism is wholly a creation, concept and tool of the Black. The racism buck begins and ends with Blacks.

The ONLY REAL racism in this country is racism against whites. The more Whites give, them more they are blamed for and accused of. Just consider that racism had been molded to actually IMPLY whites, even though Whites are the least racist, most tolerant and giving of all. As Whites have worked to be ever-more inclusive, Blacks have worked to be ever-more EXCLUSIVE.

DON'T AGREE? Show me another non-white race in the world that has created a nation anything close to resembling the United States which has:
  1. Fought as many wars defending people other than their own.
  2. Spent as much money helping other people, even those that didn't like us.
  3. Worked more tirelessly in the interest of the rights of others.
  4. After creating the biggest, wealthiest, most advanced, most powerful nation on the planet, opened up its doors to as many other people, philosophies, cultures and ways as we have?
When Blacks do all that, then open the doors of opportunity, wealth, freedom and education they built to Whites as we have to others, then you can talk to me.
Yes few and far between. I am surprised there are not more deranged Black people gunning down crowds of people due to the pressures they feel from this racist system.. Now why so many white boys flip out and kill people can only lead me to the obvious conclusion.
You’re an idiot.
Dont get emotional and get reported for trolling.
Not emotional. Just stating a fact. Who cares about getting reported, are you 12?
Youre very emotional and you are allergic to facts. Youre the one that is acting like he is 5.
Retards like you are funny. Wallow in your self pity and be miserable in your bictimhood. People have tried to help you but you are to ignorant to accept it. To bad you can’t be a productive member of society or a decent role model.
Wait a moment...
Our resident Black Racists are rolling in the dough.
They told you so.

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