Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

Left wing loves the unions, hate the union worker. Just like they hate poor blacks who try to succeed.
Health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, is "walking the walk"; unlike the right wing, which likes to "specialize" in, "talking the talk".
why do you believe healthcare needs to be reformed? I though obummerfail was your signature program? WTF?
You are misinformed. ACA is a basic framework that will need be tinkered with forever. It's saved poor workers and gets people off welfare, pre-existing, etc. Its cost cutting needs time and more regulation to work. And less GOP/crony sabotage.

How has ACA gotten people off welfare?
You are confusing welfare with poverty.

No I am asking you how gets people off of welfare? You made the statement, can you explain it?
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Just lousy management[in China USSR other communist countries] of last millennium. We are in modern times, now.

yes and Venezuela is proving it daily!! Did you hear they just decided to end poverty by raising the minimum wage 60%. I wonder why no one thought of that before!! All the creativity is on the communist side!!

We need to raise minimum wage to $100 an hour. No one working would be in poverty and no one working would be poor, then we all can afford the healthcare we want and not have Obamacare.

I can quit my job and work an easy minimum wage job, no stress and part time.

Not much easier than, "Would like like fries with that?"

Dupe, you said it yourself, your disdain for the worker was made obvious in an earlier post. Go Japan and their unions! Don't buy from American unions! Franco the hypocrite and hater of the working class!
Jeebus what an idiot lol...Vote Dem or you're a dupe of the greedy a-hole GOP and no friend of the working man or the middle class.

you can't explain your own hatred? I am the working middle class, you aren't. You have no idea what my needs are nor does a union leader or a Democratic congressperson. Washington is out of touch with the real America and only pretend they know and you fall for their pretending. Funny stuff hater dupe.

Put up a real honest candidate and I will vote for a Democrat, Hillary was a candidate for the rich, not for the middle class. The candidate best fitting the middle class was Sanders and you hater dupes rigged the election for Hillary and you got your asses handed to you.
Hillary was for all the same stuff as Sanders- or on the way there, her character was assassinated for 25 years by GOP bs, russians, and Comey- along with their great foundation, and you believed the bs, dupe. Bernie said the rigging was bs too.I have no hatred AT ALL, except for the crap you believe and the a-holes who invented it. You need more money, better services and opportunities, paid for by the bloated rich. Bernie and Hillary and all Dems agree. If you don't you're a total scumbag or misinformed.
No she wasn't even Bernie will tell you the same, but keep your head buried in the sand, it allows us all to kick your ass.
Damn close. Examples?
Health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, is "walking the walk"; unlike the right wing, which likes to "specialize" in, "talking the talk".
why do you believe healthcare needs to be reformed? I though obummerfail was your signature program? WTF?
You are misinformed. ACA is a basic framework that will need be tinkered with forever. It's saved poor workers and gets people off welfare, pre-existing, etc. Its cost cutting needs time and more regulation to work. And less GOP/crony sabotage.

How has ACA gotten people off welfare?
You are confusing welfare with poverty.

No I am asking you how gets people off of welfare? You made the statement, can you explain it?
Before ACA, and Medicaid for those making up to 13.7k/year, even in NYS you had to make less than $800/mo to get it- many red states $0/month. So you had to go on welfare to get insurance, not now. Also HEAVILY subsidized OVER $13k. But people pay what they can...
Just lousy management[in China USSR other communist countries] of last millennium. We are in modern times, now.

yes and Venezuela is proving it daily!! Did you hear they just decided to end poverty by raising the minimum wage 60%. I wonder why no one thought of that before!! All the creativity is on the communist side!!

We need to raise minimum wage to $100 an hour. No one working would be in poverty and no one working would be poor, then we all can afford the healthcare we want and not have Obamacare.

I can quit my job and work an easy minimum wage job, no stress and part time.

Not much easier than, "Would like like fries with that?"
Socialist (DEMOCRATIC) still in Venezuela...They're just trying to stay up with inflation there. Anf fighting off the corrupt oligarchs. What a 3rd worlld mess. Thanks for the world depresssion, GOP and dupes.
Dupe, you said it yourself, your disdain for the worker was made obvious in an earlier post. Go Japan and their unions! Don't buy from American unions! Franco the hypocrite and hater of the working class!
Jeebus what an idiot lol...Vote Dem or you're a dupe of the greedy a-hole GOP and no friend of the working man or the middle class.

you can't explain your own hatred? I am the working middle class, you aren't. You have no idea what my needs are nor does a union leader or a Democratic congressperson. Washington is out of touch with the real America and only pretend they know and you fall for their pretending. Funny stuff hater dupe.

Put up a real honest candidate and I will vote for a Democrat, Hillary was a candidate for the rich, not for the middle class. The candidate best fitting the middle class was Sanders and you hater dupes rigged the election for Hillary and you got your asses handed to you.
Hillary was for all the same stuff as Sanders- or on the way there, her character was assassinated for 25 years by GOP bs, russians, and Comey- along with their great foundation, and you believed the bs, dupe. Bernie said the rigging was bs too.I have no hatred AT ALL, except for the crap you believe and the a-holes who invented it. You need more money, better services and opportunities, paid for by the bloated rich. Bernie and Hillary and all Dems agree. If you don't you're a total scumbag or misinformed.
No she wasn't even Bernie will tell you the same, but keep your head buried in the sand, it allows us all to kick your ass.
Damn close. Examples?

Sanders single payer, Clinton no.
Marijuana, Sanders wants legalization and let the state's make the decisions, Clinton want to reduce the classification, not for legalizing.
Sanders wanted to reinstate Glass-Steagall, Hillary doesn't.
Clinton wanted to help train Syria to fight ISIS, Sanders opposed it.
Sanders opposed a Syrian no fly zone, Clinton supported it.
Sanders said leave Afghanistan, Clinton wanted to maintain troops.
Just right wing advertising for their "work or die" ethic, even if they are not ready for "prime time".

Left wing loves the unions, hate the union worker. Just like they hate poor blacks who try to succeed.
Health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, is "walking the walk"; unlike the right wing, which likes to "specialize" in, "talking the talk".
why do you believe healthcare needs to be reformed? I though obummerfail was your signature program? WTF?
You are misinformed. ACA is a basic framework that will need be tinkered with forever. It's saved poor workers and gets people off welfare, pre-existing, etc. Its cost cutting needs time and more regulation to work. And less GOP/crony sabotage.

You mean tinkered with until you get your "fair share"?
You dupes know nothing of course. Every other country keeps working on their systems DUHHHH. We just got started...HOW THE FUQ do you think we managed to get up to 18% of gdp spent on health care? The bought off GOP, that's how, dupe.
Jeebus what an idiot lol...Vote Dem or you're a dupe of the greedy a-hole GOP and no friend of the working man or the middle class.

you can't explain your own hatred? I am the working middle class, you aren't. You have no idea what my needs are nor does a union leader or a Democratic congressperson. Washington is out of touch with the real America and only pretend they know and you fall for their pretending. Funny stuff hater dupe.

Put up a real honest candidate and I will vote for a Democrat, Hillary was a candidate for the rich, not for the middle class. The candidate best fitting the middle class was Sanders and you hater dupes rigged the election for Hillary and you got your asses handed to you.
Hillary was for all the same stuff as Sanders- or on the way there, her character was assassinated for 25 years by GOP bs, russians, and Comey- along with their great foundation, and you believed the bs, dupe. Bernie said the rigging was bs too.I have no hatred AT ALL, except for the crap you believe and the a-holes who invented it. You need more money, better services and opportunities, paid for by the bloated rich. Bernie and Hillary and all Dems agree. If you don't you're a total scumbag or misinformed.
No she wasn't even Bernie will tell you the same, but keep your head buried in the sand, it allows us all to kick your ass.
Damn close. Examples?

Sanders single payer, Clinton no.
Marijuana, Sanders wants legalization and let the state's make the decisions, Clinton want to reduce the classification, not for legalizing.
Sanders wanted to reinstate Glass-Steagall, Hillary doesn't.
Clinton wanted to help train Syria to fight ISIS, Sanders opposed it.
Sanders opposed a Syrian no fly zone, Clinton supported it.
Sanders said leave Afghanistan, Clinton wanted to maintain troops.
Sanders would have been made out a hippie commie by the GOP if he'd been nominated- nobody laid a hand on him. Hey, I voted for him in NYS primary...At any rate, she was always for the same direction as Bernie...
by far the most significant aspect of ACA was to put 15 million in Medicaid welfare!!
If Barry had been upfront instead of lying it never would have passed!!

The Obamacare architect said it best, many times.

by far the most significant aspect of ACA was to put 15 million in Medicaid welfare!!
If Barry had been upfront instead of lying it never would have passed!!

The Obamacare architect said it best, many times.

That guy was an idiot geek...should have mentioned the GOP propaganda machine spinning and fear mongering everything out of sight....ie, brainwashed FUNCTIONAL morons/dupes like you...
Just lousy management[in China USSR other communist countries] of last millennium. We are in modern times, now.

yes and Venezuela is proving it daily!! Did you hear they just decided to end poverty by raising the minimum wage 60%. I wonder why no one thought of that before!! All the creativity is on the communist side!!
lol. a command economy should command economize its way to prosperity; it depends on what they can advance, for a "second wave".
Health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, is "walking the walk"; unlike the right wing, which likes to "specialize" in, "talking the talk".
why do you believe healthcare needs to be reformed? I though obummerfail was your signature program? WTF?
You are misinformed. ACA is a basic framework that will need be tinkered with forever. It's saved poor workers and gets people off welfare, pre-existing, etc. Its cost cutting needs time and more regulation to work. And less GOP/crony sabotage.

How has ACA gotten people off welfare?
You are confusing welfare with poverty.

No I am asking you how gets people off of welfare? You made the statement, can you explain it?
You are confusing poverty with welfare; a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, helps people privatize costs via that increased wage, instead of asking for more welfare.
Just lousy management[in China USSR other communist countries] of last millennium. We are in modern times, now.

yes and Venezuela is proving it daily!! Did you hear they just decided to end poverty by raising the minimum wage 60%. I wonder why no one thought of that before!! All the creativity is on the communist side!!

We need to raise minimum wage to $100 an hour. No one working would be in poverty and no one working would be poor, then we all can afford the healthcare we want and not have Obamacare.

I can quit my job and work an easy minimum wage job, no stress and part time.

Not much easier than, "Would like like fries with that?"
What about an, "aggressive natural rate of unemployment" where you can opt to stay out of the labor market for poverty clearing wages, or opt for a one million dollar a year salary for wanting to actually work, and pay more in taxes.
Just lousy management[in China USSR other communist countries] of last millennium. We are in modern times, now.

yes and Venezuela is proving it daily!! Did you hear they just decided to end poverty by raising the minimum wage 60%. I wonder why no one thought of that before!! All the creativity is on the communist side!!
Red herrings are a right wing specialty.

In May 2006, the government of the United States announced an embargo of military material and equipment to Venezuela; no American-made weapons or technology can be sold to Venezuela by any country or company.[74] This embargo has harmed several Venezuelan purchases, as not only are U.S. technology goods unavailable, but other nations friendly to the U.S. have been pressured to block sales of arms to Venezuela, as well. This is also considered one of the reasons Venezuela has turned to Russia and China for arms, in a move reminiscent of the Cold War.--https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Bolivarian_Armed_Forces_of_Venezuela#Controversy_with_the_United_States

Guess that doesn't help with domestic policy, does it.
Just lousy management[in China USSR other communist countries] of last millennium. We are in modern times, now.

yes and Venezuela is proving it daily!! Did you hear they just decided to end poverty by raising the minimum wage 60%. I wonder why no one thought of that before!! All the creativity is on the communist side!!

We need to raise minimum wage to $100 an hour. No one working would be in poverty and no one working would be poor, then we all can afford the healthcare we want and not have Obamacare.

I can quit my job and work an easy minimum wage job, no stress and part time.

Not much easier than, "Would like like fries with that?"
Socialist (DEMOCRATIC) still in Venezuela...They're just trying to stay up with inflation there. Anf fighting off the corrupt oligarchs. What a 3rd worlld mess. Thanks for the world depresssion, GOP and dupes.

Move minimum wage to $100, no poor, no welfare, no food stamps, it could get a less stress part time job, "Would you like fries with that?"
why do you believe healthcare needs to be reformed? I though obummerfail was your signature program? WTF?
You are misinformed. ACA is a basic framework that will need be tinkered with forever. It's saved poor workers and gets people off welfare, pre-existing, etc. Its cost cutting needs time and more regulation to work. And less GOP/crony sabotage.

How has ACA gotten people off welfare?
You are confusing welfare with poverty.

No I am asking you how gets people off of welfare? You made the statement, can you explain it?
You are confusing poverty with welfare; a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, helps people privatize costs via that increased wage, instead of asking for more welfare.

No you said, "it gets people off of welfare." How does the ACA get people "off of welfare" as you claim?
by far the most significant aspect of ACA was to put 15 million in Medicaid welfare!!
If Barry had been upfront instead of lying it never would have passed!!

The Obamacare architect said it best, many times.

health care reform is something; the right wing hasn't even started trying to sell, vaporware yet; nothing but repeal is their common answer, it is not a general answer.
Just lousy management[in China USSR other communist countries] of last millennium. We are in modern times, now.

yes and Venezuela is proving it daily!! Did you hear they just decided to end poverty by raising the minimum wage 60%. I wonder why no one thought of that before!! All the creativity is on the communist side!!

We need to raise minimum wage to $100 an hour. No one working would be in poverty and no one working would be poor, then we all can afford the healthcare we want and not have Obamacare.

I can quit my job and work an easy minimum wage job, no stress and part time.

Not much easier than, "Would like like fries with that?"
What about an, "aggressive natural rate of unemployment" where you can opt to stay out of the labor market for poverty clearing wages, or opt for a one million dollar a year salary for wanting to actually work, and pay more in taxes.

$100 an hour gets us all off of welfare, no stress, nothing beats "Would you like fries with that." I can work part time instead of managing full time, add single provider paid by government. Easy money, easy healthcare, doctors, construction workers can all go to less stress jobs.
you can't explain your own hatred? I am the working middle class, you aren't. You have no idea what my needs are nor does a union leader or a Democratic congressperson. Washington is out of touch with the real America and only pretend they know and you fall for their pretending. Funny stuff hater dupe.

Put up a real honest candidate and I will vote for a Democrat, Hillary was a candidate for the rich, not for the middle class. The candidate best fitting the middle class was Sanders and you hater dupes rigged the election for Hillary and you got your asses handed to you.
Hillary was for all the same stuff as Sanders- or on the way there, her character was assassinated for 25 years by GOP bs, russians, and Comey- along with their great foundation, and you believed the bs, dupe. Bernie said the rigging was bs too.I have no hatred AT ALL, except for the crap you believe and the a-holes who invented it. You need more money, better services and opportunities, paid for by the bloated rich. Bernie and Hillary and all Dems agree. If you don't you're a total scumbag or misinformed.
No she wasn't even Bernie will tell you the same, but keep your head buried in the sand, it allows us all to kick your ass.
Damn close. Examples?

Sanders single payer, Clinton no.
Marijuana, Sanders wants legalization and let the state's make the decisions, Clinton want to reduce the classification, not for legalizing.
Sanders wanted to reinstate Glass-Steagall, Hillary doesn't.
Clinton wanted to help train Syria to fight ISIS, Sanders opposed it.
Sanders opposed a Syrian no fly zone, Clinton supported it.
Sanders said leave Afghanistan, Clinton wanted to maintain troops.
Sanders would have been made out a hippie commie by the GOP if he'd been nominated- nobody laid a hand on him. Hey, I voted for him in NYS primary...At any rate, she was always for the same direction as Bernie...

He had my vote, had the corrupt democrats let him have a fair chance, instead of setting up against him, I would have voted for the man, not the corrupt woman.

Told you they were different but stupid partisan dupes falsely claim otherwise to save face.

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