Why do Democrats want our most ignorant, our most unwise, our most desperate voting?

What kind of a nation can be built around such an electorate?
What kind of a company would Amazon be if the board members were ignorant, unwise and uninformed?
The problem is with who decides who is ignorant and unwise.

From my perspective, that could easily apply to large contingents of Trump’s electorate.

What kind of a nation can be built around such an electorate?
What kind of a company would Amazon be if the board members were ignorant, unwise and uninformed?
I presume you volunteer to make those decisions? Thank you for your service to our country.
Hahaha...is this the part where fragile Trads shove their head in their asses and pretend sane folks don’t know what makes someone ignorant, desperate, dependent, uninformed and unwise?
I guess I'm not a Trad since I know when I'm talking with someone who is ignorant, desperate, dependent, uninformed and unwise.
Nope, that response makes you a moron.
Nope, that response proves I'm right.
Blocking audits prove there was fraud?
If that is a question, the answer is No. Just like if you wanted my money to search for Sasquatch I'd say no, not until you produce some evidence.
No? What are they hiding?
Do you have evidence of a crime or are you just fishing because you can't believe everyone doesn't think like you do?
An audit can be done. It is a Constitutional right. I don't think there has to be a crime committed, just suspected. It really does not matter, if the people want it, they can get it. Too bad for your side.
Seems that's the problem, the Republican majority on this board now take it a step farther away from equality & feel they can best decide who should vote. When the answer is simple, Every American citizen.

Why do Democrats want our most ignorant, our most unwise, our most desperate voting?​

I believe it is called 'democracy'.
Are you trying to miss the premise of the thread?
Let's try this again....

Why do Democrats WANT our most ignorant, our most unwise, our most desperate voting?​

What kind of a nation can be built around such an electorate?
What kind of a company would Amazon be if the board members were ignorant, unwise and uninformed?

In answer to your question, because Trump Cult Republicans are citizens too and they have just as much right to vote as anyone else.

For the past 40 years, the Republican Party has built a nation with the greatest wage and wealth inequity in the First World. Where 40% of your workers are dependent on government handouts to put food on the table, and a roof over your head.

Republican policies have created a police state which has the highest number of people incarcrated in the world, and still has the highest rates of murder and gun crime in the first world. A country were 1000 citizens are shot and killed every year by an increasingly violent and militarized police force which is shielded and protected from civil and criminal prosecution.

Amazon's Board of Directors is a rubber stamp for Jeff Bezos and his staff, as are the Boards of every major corporation in America.

If Trump hadn't been born rich, he'd be in jail, many times over. He's bought his way out of every jam in his life. He's not smart enough to make money, but he's corrupt enough to figure out ways to steal it.
What kind of a nation can be built around such an electorate?
What kind of a company would Amazon be if the board members were ignorant, unwise and uninformed?
The problem is with who decides who is ignorant and unwise.

From my perspective, that could easily apply to large contingents of Trump’s electorate.

What kind of a nation can be built around such an electorate?
What kind of a company would Amazon be if the board members were ignorant, unwise and uninformed?
I presume you volunteer to make those decisions? Thank you for your service to our country.
Hahaha...is this the part where fragile Trads shove their head in their asses and pretend sane folks don’t know what makes someone ignorant, desperate, dependent, uninformed and unwise?
I guess I'm not a Trad since I know when I'm talking with someone who is ignorant, desperate, dependent, uninformed and unwise.
Nope, that response makes you a moron.
Nope, that response proves I'm right.
Blocking audits prove there was fraud?
If that is a question, the answer is No. Just like if you wanted my money to search for Sasquatch I'd say no, not until you produce some evidence.
No? What are they hiding?
Do you have evidence of a crime or are you just fishing because you can't believe everyone doesn't think like you do?
An audit can be done. It is a Constitutional right. I don't think there has to be a crime committed, just suspected. It really does not matter, if the people want it, they can get it.Too bad for your side.
I didn't know that. Where in the Constitution is it?
Seems that's the problem, the Republican majority on this board now take it a step farther away from equality & feel they can best decide who should vote. When the answer is simple, Every American citizen.

Why do Democrats want our most ignorant, our most unwise, our most desperate voting?​

I believe it is called 'democracy'.

Since your definition of 'democracy' must include open borders and our border crisis continues unabated; then you can shove your 'democracy' where the sun don't shine!!!
What kind of a nation can be built around such an electorate?
What kind of a company would Amazon be if the board members were ignorant, unwise and uninformed?
The problem is with who decides who is ignorant and unwise.

From my perspective, that could easily apply to large contingents of Trump’s electorate.

What kind of a nation can be built around such an electorate?
What kind of a company would Amazon be if the board members were ignorant, unwise and uninformed?
I presume you volunteer to make those decisions? Thank you for your service to our country.
Hahaha...is this the part where fragile Trads shove their head in their asses and pretend sane folks don’t know what makes someone ignorant, desperate, dependent, uninformed and unwise?
I guess I'm not a Trad since I know when I'm talking with someone who is ignorant, desperate, dependent, uninformed and unwise.
Nope, that response makes you a moron.
Nope, that response proves I'm right.
HaHaHa, naw, if you were right, you'd be republican, moron.
Another case where ideology conflicts with reality:
According to exit polls, 61 percent of non-college-educated whitevoters cast their ballots for Republicans while just 45 percent of college-educated white voters did so. Meanwhile 53 percent of college-educated whitevoters cast their votes for Democrats compared with 37 percent of those without a degree.
Is this about race?
Seems that's the problem, the Republican majority on this board now take it a step farther away from equality & feel they can best decide who should vote. When the answer is simple, Every American citizen.

Why do Democrats want our most ignorant, our most unwise, our most desperate voting?​

I believe it is called 'democracy'.
Are you trying to miss the premise of the thread?
Let's try this again....

Why do Democrats WANT our most ignorant, our most unwise, our most desperate voting?​

I can speak only for me but my answer is that I want EVERYONE to vote because the alternative is much worse.
Another case where ideology conflicts with reality:
According to exit polls, 61 percent of non-college-educated whitevoters cast their ballots for Republicans while just 45 percent of college-educated white voters did so. Meanwhile 53 percent of college-educated whitevoters cast their votes for Democrats compared with 37 percent of those without a degree.
Is this about race?
No, it is about comparing apples to apples and removing race from the equation.
For the past 40 years, the Republican Party has built a nation with the greatest wage and wealth inequity in the First World. Where 40% of your workers are dependent on government handouts to put food on the table, and a roof over your head.
Nowhere are income / wage inequalities more pronounced than they are in the blue shitholes you brag about daily.....Mexifornia, Loon York...etc etc
Another case where ideology conflicts with reality:
According to exit polls, 61 percent of non-college-educated whitevoters cast their ballots for Republicans while just 45 percent of college-educated white voters did so. Meanwhile 53 percent of college-educated whitevoters cast their votes for Democrats compared with 37 percent of those without a degree.
Is this about race?
You're talking to a democrat/socialist/commie--everything is about race.
Nowhere are income / wage inequalities more pronounced than they are in the blue shitholes you brag about daily
Sorry our blue states aren’t the vibrant prosperous innovative centers of economic activity like Mississippi and Alabama.
Seems that's the problem, the Republican majority on this board now take it a step farther away from equality & feel they can best decide who should vote. When the answer is simple, Every American citizen.

Why do Democrats want our most ignorant, our most unwise, our most desperate voting?​

I believe it is called 'democracy'.

Since your definition of 'democracy' must include open borders and our border crisis continues unabated; then you can shove your 'democracy' where the sun don't shine!!!
Why must it include open borders? I don't recall ever advocating for them?
Republican policies have created a police state which has the highest number of people incarcrated in the world, and still has the highest rates of murder and gun crime in the first world.
Dem policies have created a poverty stricken criminal underclass that requires a police state....they've begged desperate criminal thirdworlders to flood our nation, they've issued dark people a mandate to behave like savage animals without consequences.
Seems that's the problem, the Republican majority on this board now take it a step farther away from equality & feel they can best decide who should vote. When the answer is simple, Every American citizen.

Why do Democrats want our most ignorant, our most unwise, our most desperate voting?​

I believe it is called 'democracy'.
You appear to be saying that democracy is about focusing on finding the most unwise, most ignorant, and most desperate voters and pushing this group to vote. What is it about this group that makes you want to focus on getting their vote in particular?
removing race from the equation.
Are there not three references to race in your post? Here, let me refresh your memory
According to exit polls, 61 percent of non-college-educated white voters cast their ballots for Republicans while just 45 percent of college-educated white voters did so. Meanwhile 53 percent of college-educated white voters cast their votes for Democrats compared with 37 percent of those without a degree. Yup, sounds like you are reaching for that old democrat knee jerk standby race card to me. It has become so instinctive for you that you don't even realize when you do it--moron.
Seems that's the problem, the Republican majority on this board now take it a step farther away from equality & feel they can best decide who should vote. When the answer is simple, Every American citizen.

Why do Democrats want our most ignorant, our most unwise, our most desperate voting?​

I believe it is called 'democracy'.
Are you trying to miss the premise of the thread?
Let's try this again....

Why do Democrats WANT our most ignorant, our most unwise, our most desperate voting?​

I can speak only for me but my answer is that I want EVERYONE to vote because the alternative is much worse.

You sure do!
That is why state Dimm political machines have greased the process for illegal's to vote for at the least the last 10 years!
It's also why our border remains open!!

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