Why do so many men online hate women?

I'm not here looking for a date. I'm hear to speak my mind and talk shit. Not necessarily in that order.

However, I do appreciate many of the females here.

I should start reporting his posts to the mods as spam because THAT is what they are.

And then there's that reporting the redundant thing.

Well, spamming is against the rules, and this is not a dating site. These topics are brought up for discussion, not for him to start begging and harassing women here for dates.
How does anyone on an anonymous website "spam" or advertise? How would I reach him? Has he put in his phone # or a site address that I missed?

Spamming doesn't have to be advertising, just posting the same things over and over. That is spamming the board. Make sure you get your definitions right before you try to give me a hard time, ole lady! :D

gerund or present participle: spamming
  1. send the same message indiscriminately to (large numbers of recipients) on the Internet.
Just because the right wing is clueless and Causeless, doesn't mean I am the one being, indiscriminate.
Ok, so you claim Daniel is just playing a role. Rather than an apology, how about I just say ChrisL and Drifter are just playing a role?

Or, better yet, tell us how Daniel is harmed by what is posted here? What consequences are there for him?

Not saying that. Your are all playing roles in this one.

In real life, when a girl calls a guy "weird," she has a boyfriend with brass knuckles to beat the shit out of him, and another boyfriend in blue to arrest him on a false charge.

Girl, meaning a prostitute running under the purview of the local pimp.
I don't mind attached women, when I can't afford to pay them to leave. Is that wrong?

What are you doing, daniel? This is a woman who is defending you. You should go for it. Put your bestest Sunday go to meeting clothes on and give her your bestest moves. Perhaps ask her if she would like a massage with G spot focus and a happy ending!!
I didn't know. I thought is was just another guy getting upset women can be mostly all talk and mostly no action for free in the non-porn sector, and still claim equality for pay purposes.
Ok, so you claim Daniel is just playing a role. Rather than an apology, how about I just say ChrisL and Drifter are just playing a role?

Or, better yet, tell us how Daniel is harmed by what is posted here? What consequences are there for him?

Not saying that. Your are all playing roles in this one.

In real life, when a girl calls a guy "weird," she has a boyfriend with brass knuckles to beat the shit out of him, and another boyfriend in blue to arrest him on a false charge.

Girl, meaning a prostitute running under the purview of the local pimp.
I don't mind attached women, when I can't afford to pay them to leave. Is that wrong?

What are you doing, daniel? This is a woman who is defending you. You should go for it. Put your bestest Sunday go to meeting clothes on and give her your bestest moves. Perhaps ask her if she would like a massage with G spot focus and a happy ending!!
I didn't know. I thought is was just another guy getting upset women can be mostly all talk and mostly no action for free in the non-porn sector, and still claim equality for pay purposes.

The profile says it is a female. Don't pass up on this wonderful opportunity to get in some practice for free!
Ok, so you claim Daniel is just playing a role. Rather than an apology, how about I just say ChrisL and Drifter are just playing a role?

Or, better yet, tell us how Daniel is harmed by what is posted here? What consequences are there for him?

Not saying that. Your are all playing roles in this one.

In real life, when a girl calls a guy "weird," she has a boyfriend with brass knuckles to beat the shit out of him, and another boyfriend in blue to arrest him on a false charge.

Girl, meaning a prostitute running under the purview of the local pimp.
I don't mind attached women, when I can't afford to pay them to leave. Is that wrong?

What are you doing, daniel? This is a woman who is defending you. You should go for it. Put your bestest Sunday go to meeting clothes on and give her your bestest moves. Perhaps ask her if she would like a massage with G spot focus and a happy ending!!
I didn't know. I thought is was just another guy getting upset women can be mostly all talk and mostly no action for free in the non-porn sector, and still claim equality for pay purposes.

The profile says it is a female. Don't pass up on this wonderful opportunity to get in some practice for free!
I already know, even wo-men can make appointments. they have plenty of practice and numbers.
Not saying that. Your are all playing roles in this one.

In real life, when a girl calls a guy "weird," she has a boyfriend with brass knuckles to beat the shit out of him, and another boyfriend in blue to arrest him on a false charge.

Girl, meaning a prostitute running under the purview of the local pimp.
I don't mind attached women, when I can't afford to pay them to leave. Is that wrong?

What are you doing, daniel? This is a woman who is defending you. You should go for it. Put your bestest Sunday go to meeting clothes on and give her your bestest moves. Perhaps ask her if she would like a massage with G spot focus and a happy ending!!
I didn't know. I thought is was just another guy getting upset women can be mostly all talk and mostly no action for free in the non-porn sector, and still claim equality for pay purposes.

The profile says it is a female. Don't pass up on this wonderful opportunity to get in some practice for free!
I already know, even wo-men can make appointments. they have plenty of practice and numbers.

Danielpalos, I think this could be a love connection for you. Go for it!
In the battle of the sexes, the only real losers are the traditions of "family" and raising sane and grounded children with healthy attitudes toward society and the other sex and their role in society.

This thread is off the rails insane.
I don't mind attached women, when I can't afford to pay them to leave. Is that wrong?

What are you doing, daniel? This is a woman who is defending you. You should go for it. Put your bestest Sunday go to meeting clothes on and give her your bestest moves. Perhaps ask her if she would like a massage with G spot focus and a happy ending!!
I didn't know. I thought is was just another guy getting upset women can be mostly all talk and mostly no action for free in the non-porn sector, and still claim equality for pay purposes.

The profile says it is a female. Don't pass up on this wonderful opportunity to get in some practice for free!
I already know, even wo-men can make appointments. they have plenty of practice and numbers.

Danielpalos, I think this could be a love connection for you. Go for it!
I already know I needed to pray for True Love and perform True Love rituals at a temple dedicated to a Goddess of Love my whole life,

to find my true love, one and Only, potential soul-mate on Earth.
In the battle of the sexes, the only real losers are the traditions of "family" and raising sane and grounded children with healthy attitudes toward society and the other sex and their role in society.

This thread is off the rails insane.
Would the same be true, if Labor as Individuals, had recourse to a basic income like unemployment compensation, simply for being unemployed in any at-will employment State.

I believe the quantum dynamics would very different under more efficient forms of capitalism.
In the battle of the sexes, the only real losers are the traditions of "family" and raising sane and grounded children with healthy attitudes toward society and the other sex and their role in society.

This thread is off the rails insane.

The "traditions" of family? It depends on which traditions you mean. If you mean the ones that have the man as the unquestioned head of the household and the woman is to be subservient? If so, good riddance to that tradition. If you mean the ones that have the family unit as the basis for raising children and teaching them to be good people, those traditions stay as long as the people in the family maintain them.

My children were raised by my wife and I for the first half of their childhood. Then they were raised by my wife, her partner, and me for the second half of their childhood. All 3 turned out to be remarkable, creative, responsible, compassionate people with college degrees and careers, and in solid relationships.
In the battle of the sexes, the only real losers are the traditions of "family" and raising sane and grounded children with healthy attitudes toward society and the other sex and their role in society.

This thread is off the rails insane.

The "traditions" of family? It depends on which traditions you mean. If you mean the ones that have the man as the unquestioned head of the household and the woman is to be subservient? If so, good riddance to that tradition. If you mean the ones that have the family unit as the basis for raising children and teaching them to be good people, those traditions stay as long as the people in the family maintain them.

My children were raised by my wife and I for the first half of their childhood. Then they were raised by my wife, her partner, and me for the second half of their childhood. All 3 turned out to be remarkable, creative, responsible, compassionate people with college degrees and careers, and in solid relationships.

Nope, that is not what I mean.

That is just cultural divide and conquer agitation.

I'm not talking necessarily about "tradition" as a cultural construct, but as an anthropological imperative.

Each sex has certain needs which cannot be denied. Mainstream culture has turned everyone into materialists, having them think that money, power, and "things" are the key to happiness, they aren't.

What fulfills a man, and makes him happy, and what fulfills a woman, and makes her satisfied, are, (speaking in generalities here,) different. This is because their brains and emotions work differently because of biological imperatives.

The ruling classes and the State have got it into their head to make everyone want to think and act the same, thus pitting them against one another.

See here, you wrote; "If you mean the ones that have the man as the unquestioned head of the household and the woman is to be subservient?"

From a Statist POV, or the elites POV, that is perfect conditioning. YOU KNOW who the elites desire to be the unquestioned head of the household? Of course you do, the State. THEY will tell the family what is good for them. THEY will tell you which way is the best way to raise the children. Etc.

In the old days, yes, the man felt satisfied when he felt needed, he felt powerful and complete when he was a critical and crucial part of a family unit. When the wife made him feel like the family would dissolve with out him, then things ran smoothly. If you look at how the nuclear family evolved in human evolution, this is the way it has always been for the human species, it isn't about, "sexist" politics, it is about how our species works. What made the woman feel good? When she had an opportunity to care for her children and her man. Culture has convinced women that if they aren't doing what men are doing, they are somehow less, that it isn't noble are as righteous to be good women, and in a materialistic culture, we don't value raising decent human beings or running a good home. Nope, you need to have a great career, don't you? That is what the market demands.

Most women I have ever talked to will tell you it never means as much to them as their children. Men? Eh, they love their children, but providing an awesome life for their family and bragging about it, for most of them, that is what does it for them. This is just biology.

OTH, there are so many things that the woman does for the man, that he just can not do. She gains a sense of well being by being a care taker. I see all the time woman and girls who have no children, trying to fill a hole with hobbies and animals, charities, etc... anything to fill that gap that is basic maternal instinct that is part of the evolutionary make up of the sex. Women get a sense of well being by supporting the emotional well being of men and children. A man with out a good women, or a family to guard, provide for and protect is bitter and useless. He feels no purpose unless he turns to creative endeavors. Women do not feel the same, they look for opportunities to nurture and take care of things. You can see this too, in the way male and female politicians approach policy.

You don't need to make this about, "sexism." It doesn't have to be a conflict or a competition. You need to look at the basic drives and needs of both sexes, how they evolved to compliment each other, rather than stick with the false notion that both sexes are exactly the same, they aren't. They are complimentary. Both are equal, but different, and both are necessary for a healthy community and society.

In ancient days, if the good woman was not back at home tending his home fire, the best male in the tribe could not brag about bringing down the best kill. He would be frozen out and homeless. Likewise, the best cut throat CEO always is supported by a great wife. (Or he has to pay a staff that will likely in the end stab him in the back if they aren't paid very well, and the CEO will never be truly happy.)

Perhaps you are right, maybe, someday, we will see as many female high powered CEO's, bankers, and politicians. . . but anthropologically? I don't see it happening. It is not what makes women truly happy.

It is society that needs to change it's thinking. We need to put more value on the activities that make women satisfied, nurturing activities.
My children were raised by my wife and I for the first half of their childhood. Then they were raised by my wife, her partner, and me for the second half of their childhood. All 3 turned out to be remarkable, creative, responsible, compassionate people with college degrees and careers, and in solid relationships.

You take too much credit for "raising" your children too far beyond the age of 18.

It is high time to stop meddling with their careers and relationships. In-laws from hell and all that.
My children were raised by my wife and I for the first half of their childhood. Then they were raised by my wife, her partner, and me for the second half of their childhood. All 3 turned out to be remarkable, creative, responsible, compassionate people with college degrees and careers, and in solid relationships.

You take too much credit for "raising" your children too far beyond the age of 18.

It is high time to stop meddling with their careers and relationships. In-laws from hell and all that.

Really? When I said "first half of their childhood" and then "second half of their childhood", you took that as me meddling in their careers and relationships? Not sure why. Most people don't consider someone over 18 as a child.

That said, I have talked to my children when I thought it appropriate. Not anything bad, just fatherly advice if I thought it was needed.

They are adults and I treat them as such. But the foundation that was given to them by their parents has a lot to do with the people they turned out to be.
And then there's that reporting the redundant thing.

Well, spamming is against the rules, and this is not a dating site. These topics are brought up for discussion, not for him to start begging and harassing women here for dates.


Well, somebody has to take the reins and control these out of order losers!

IMO, getting him banned is a bit extreme. Then again, you know what they say about opinions.

He probably has women buried in his basement.
why do you hate men?
Well, spamming is against the rules, and this is not a dating site. These topics are brought up for discussion, not for him to start begging and harassing women here for dates.


Well, somebody has to take the reins and control these out of order losers!

IMO, getting him banned is a bit extreme. Then again, you know what they say about opinions.

He probably has women buried in his basement.
why do you hate men?

Why do you have women buried in your basement?
Well, spamming is against the rules, and this is not a dating site. These topics are brought up for discussion, not for him to start begging and harassing women here for dates.


Well, somebody has to take the reins and control these out of order losers!

IMO, getting him banned is a bit extreme. Then again, you know what they say about opinions.

He probably has women buried in his basement.
why do you hate men?

I don't hate men, not normal ones anyways, just online creepers.

Well, somebody has to take the reins and control these out of order losers!

IMO, getting him banned is a bit extreme. Then again, you know what they say about opinions.

He probably has women buried in his basement.
why do you hate men?

Why do you have women buried in your basement?
I don't. ChrisL just likes to bear, False Witness, about that because she, "hates men."

Well, somebody has to take the reins and control these out of order losers!

IMO, getting him banned is a bit extreme. Then again, you know what they say about opinions.

He probably has women buried in his basement.
why do you hate men?

I don't hate men, not normal ones anyways, just online creepers.
Sure you do. Only floozies with higher numbers than me, say that.

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