Why Do White Democrats Keep Trying to Tell Blacks About the Republican Party?

That what it seems like to you. That's not what it seemed like to a majority of black voters or at least not in a big enough way to get them to vote for the other guy, who mind you, insists that Obama was an illegitimate President because he was a secret Kenyan born Muslim..... 😄

To me Biden was saying we know who black people are going to vote for because you aren't going to vote for the racist Republican party which really isn't anything to cheer about but it is true. For now Black voters are stuck between white politicians like Biden who make promises they don't intend to keep and racists on the right actively working against Black equality./
Really? what do you think he met when he said if you don't support him you ain't black?
And I don't have a problem with any of those names except Obama, because why I believe it was a Kenyan ancestor who owned slaves and while deplorable that has nothing to do with American reparations for American atrocities.
um, his mom and her family aren't from kenya...wow, you aren't bright
They are if they are being used to pay any kind of a reparation to people who were never enslaved but you gotsa have that free money
Again, reparations aren't just for slavery but for the abuses of Jim Crow and segregation which did happen to people alive today and their direct descendants. And it isn't free money. It's a debt America owes for the injustice it inflicted just like any other settlement reached between victims and their perpetrators.
Black voters used to vote and run as Republicans now they do so as Democrats. This obviously destroys the stupid narrative that Democrats are keeping Black voters on a plantation. When Democrats were Confederates, Black voters were Republican. Now that Republicans are Confederates, Black voters are Democrats. It isn't that hard to figure out you chumps.
You are spreading as massive lie.
You are spreading as massive lie.
Which part? Black voters used to vote Republican when southern whites voted for Democrats. Now that southern whites, especially older ones, vote Republican, black voters vote
Democratic. Those are facts.

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