Why Do White Democrats Keep Trying to Tell Blacks About the Republican Party?

According to Marvin who thinks calling Confederates, Democrats is a brilliant argument rather than a make believe one. I'll call his bluff. If the only reparations plan Republicans will sign on to is one where descendants of Confederate Democrats pay then I'll take it. 😄
K, I just listed a few for you
So you're non racist argument is that black voters can't think for themselves and are being manipulated in a way no other demographic is? Maybe take that one back to drawing board, racist. 😄
Definitely! Demofks say republicans are racist. Everywhere
What was my narrative? What did he misspeak? Seems pretty clear to me, he doesn’t find the Africans American community diverse and if you don’t support him yoj ain’t black

I don’t know how clear he has to be
That what it seems like to you. That's not what it seemed like to a majority of black voters or at least not in a big enough way to get them to vote for the other guy, who mind you, insists that Obama was an illegitimate President because he was a secret Kenyan born Muslim..... 😄

To me Biden was saying we know who black people are going to vote for because you aren't going to vote for the racist Republican party which really isn't anything to cheer about but it is true. For now Black voters are stuck between white politicians like Biden who make promises they don't intend to keep and racists on the right actively working against Black equality.
No. That's simply your narrative around Biden misspeaking as he does often. Over 90% of black voters voted for Joe Biden. If your argument is that we're all suckers for Biden that's just you being racist again.

"Misspeaking". LOL

This must be "mis-wearing", right? You dumb hick.

That what it seems like to you. That's not what it seemed like to a majority of black voters or at least not in a big enough way to get them to vote for the other guy, who mind you, insists that Obama was an illegitimate President because he was a secret Kenyan born Muslim..... 😄

To me Biden was saying we know who black people are going to vote for because you aren't going to vote for the racist Republican party which really isn't anything to cheer about but it is true. For now Black voters are stuck between white politicians like Biden who make promises they don't intend to keep and racists on the right actively working against Black equality.
That’s why demofks need to cheat
Why do some disgruntled white guys arrogantly insist that they have a right to tell black Americans where they belong?
I think Black Americans can tell which party has the racists and they kind of don't like that...
GOP/Trump embrace the Racists and White Supremacists and then say that the Black Culture can't think for themselves... Get Serious, anyone can see that the GOP has taken a knee to the White Supremacists...
K, I just listed a few for you
And I don't have a problem with any of those names except Obama, because why I believe it was a Kenyan ancestor who owned slaves and while deplorable that has nothing to do with American reparations for American atrocities.
The entire DemoKKKrat party owes reparations to their slaves. Not you, though, because you still vote for the slavers.
That's stupid. The Democratic party today is much different demographically than the Confederate Democrats were, especially in the south. If you were honest about wanting to hold Confederate descendants accountable you'd be talking genealogy not political party but all you are is a make believing fool Marvin so what else is new? 😄
That's stupid. The Democratic party today is much different demographically than the Confederate Democrats were, especially in the south. If you were honest about wanting to hold Confederate descendants accountable you'd be talking genealogy not political party but all you are is a make believing fool Marvin so what else is new? 😄
they never changed. You don't understand history.

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