Why does the MSM continue to insult at least 27% of Americans?

And probably more!
To sell advertising. Not share the truth.

Why does the MSM call us and 27% of Americans "racists"? Or anti-immigrant?

Legal Immigrants and their U.S.-born children now number approximately 86.4 million people, or 27 percent of the overall U.S. population, according to the 2017 Current Population Survey (CPS).
Frequently Requested Statistics on Immigrants and Immigration in the United States

Why does this BIASED MSM call President Trump "anti-immigrant" when he is married to an immigrant?

Why does the MSM never use the term "ILLEGAL" when discussing "anti-immigrant"?

Another prime example of biased MSM and how the present the news.

Yesterday at the
“I just suggest we need a little less tweeting here and a little more listening and let’s just take (arming teachers) off the table and move forward,” Inslee said.

Trump pushed back at first, telling Inslee that his proposal would only arm a percentage of teachers, but not all, to which Inslee responded that he’d heard from teachers who don’t want to carry firearms.

“Whatever percentage it is, speaking as a grandfather, speaking as a governor of the state of Washington, I have listened to the people who would be affected by that. I have listened to the biology teachers and they don’t want to do that,” the Democratic governor said. “I have listened to the first-grade teachers who don’t want to be pistol-packing first-grade teachers. I have listened to law enforcement who have said they don’t want to have to train teachers as law enforcement agencies, which takes about six months.”
At meeting of nation’s governors, President Trump talks about nation’s issues, including school safety and opiod epidemic

But what story does the MSM run... "Trump wants all teachers to pack pistols"!
They have an agenda to push, and they're going to push it. They're no longer even pretending to be impartial, comprehensive, honest or objective. They are advocates now.

While losing an objective press signals real trouble for a democracy, Trump himself has to take some of the blame for attacking them in the way that he has. He should have known that attacking what they feel is their integrity would bring this on.

Now we're officially without an honest, objective, comprehensive press. Good luck to us.
Now we're officially without an honest, objective, comprehensive press. Good luck to us.
I don't at all think that's so. I think one must subscribe to journals to obtain that sort of information. Certainly as goes much of cable news, however, the days of objective derivative information are nearly gone.
Most people don't subscribe to journals, and the press is well aware of that fact.
As I implied, it's high time most people start doing so, at least if they desire the sort of information of which you remarked.
Well, it's high time we all ate healthy, stopped playing video games so much, did more volunteer work, flossed every day and drank more water.

I'm not holding my breath on that, either.
And probably more!
To sell advertising. Not share the truth.

Why does the MSM call us and 27% of Americans "racists"? Or anti-immigrant?

Legal Immigrants and their U.S.-born children now number approximately 86.4 million people, or 27 percent of the overall U.S. population, according to the 2017 Current Population Survey (CPS).
Frequently Requested Statistics on Immigrants and Immigration in the United States

Why does this BIASED MSM call President Trump "anti-immigrant" when he is married to an immigrant?

Why does the MSM never use the term "ILLEGAL" when discussing "anti-immigrant"?

Another prime example of biased MSM and how the present the news.

Yesterday at the
“I just suggest we need a little less tweeting here and a little more listening and let’s just take (arming teachers) off the table and move forward,” Inslee said.

Trump pushed back at first, telling Inslee that his proposal would only arm a percentage of teachers, but not all, to which Inslee responded that he’d heard from teachers who don’t want to carry firearms.

“Whatever percentage it is, speaking as a grandfather, speaking as a governor of the state of Washington, I have listened to the people who would be affected by that. I have listened to the biology teachers and they don’t want to do that,” the Democratic governor said. “I have listened to the first-grade teachers who don’t want to be pistol-packing first-grade teachers. I have listened to law enforcement who have said they don’t want to have to train teachers as law enforcement agencies, which takes about six months.”
At meeting of nation’s governors, President Trump talks about nation’s issues, including school safety and opiod epidemic

But what story does the MSM run... "Trump wants all teachers to pack pistols"!
They have an agenda to push, and they're going to push it. They're no longer even pretending to be impartial, comprehensive, honest or objective. They are advocates now.

While losing an objective press signals real trouble for a democracy, Trump himself has to take some of the blame for attacking them in the way that he has. He should have known that attacking what they feel is their integrity would bring this on.

Now we're officially without an honest, objective, comprehensive press. Good luck to us.
Now we're officially without an honest, objective, comprehensive press. Good luck to us.
I don't at all think that's so. I think one must subscribe to journals to obtain that sort of information. Certainly as goes much of cable news, however, the days of objective derivative information are nearly gone.
Most people don't subscribe to journals, and the press is well aware of that fact.
I do..
And probably more!
To sell advertising. Not share the truth.

Why does the MSM call us and 27% of Americans "racists"? Or anti-immigrant?

Legal Immigrants and their U.S.-born children now number approximately 86.4 million people, or 27 percent of the overall U.S. population, according to the 2017 Current Population Survey (CPS).
Frequently Requested Statistics on Immigrants and Immigration in the United States

Why does this BIASED MSM call President Trump "anti-immigrant" when he is married to an immigrant?

Why does the MSM never use the term "ILLEGAL" when discussing "anti-immigrant"?

Another prime example of biased MSM and how the present the news.

Yesterday at the
“I just suggest we need a little less tweeting here and a little more listening and let’s just take (arming teachers) off the table and move forward,” Inslee said.

Trump pushed back at first, telling Inslee that his proposal would only arm a percentage of teachers, but not all, to which Inslee responded that he’d heard from teachers who don’t want to carry firearms.

“Whatever percentage it is, speaking as a grandfather, speaking as a governor of the state of Washington, I have listened to the people who would be affected by that. I have listened to the biology teachers and they don’t want to do that,” the Democratic governor said. “I have listened to the first-grade teachers who don’t want to be pistol-packing first-grade teachers. I have listened to law enforcement who have said they don’t want to have to train teachers as law enforcement agencies, which takes about six months.”
At meeting of nation’s governors, President Trump talks about nation’s issues, including school safety and opiod epidemic

But what story does the MSM run... "Trump wants all teachers to pack pistols"!
They have an agenda to push, and they're going to push it. They're no longer even pretending to be impartial, comprehensive, honest or objective. They are advocates now.

While losing an objective press signals real trouble for a democracy, Trump himself has to take some of the blame for attacking them in the way that he has. He should have known that attacking what they feel is their integrity would bring this on.

Now we're officially without an honest, objective, comprehensive press. Good luck to us.
Now we're officially without an honest, objective, comprehensive press. Good luck to us.
I don't at all think that's so. I think one must subscribe to journals to obtain that sort of information. Certainly as goes much of cable news, however, the days of objective derivative information are nearly gone.
Most people don't subscribe to journals, and the press is well aware of that fact.
As I implied, it's high time most people start doing so, at least if they desire the sort of information of which you remarked.
Well, it's high time we all ate healthy, stopped playing video games so much, did more volunteer work, flossed every day and drank more water.

I'm not holding my breath on that, either.
I didn't make a positive statement about what I will or won't do (that is, the probability of an event's occurrence) , only a normative one about subscribing to journals.
Why does this BIASED MSM call President Trump "anti-immigrant" when he is married to an immigrant?
Its from stuff like the shithole countries remark. The Daily Stormer said Trump "is more or less on the same page" as us. Also, banning travel from certain muslim countries, but Saudi Arabia is ok.
Why does the MSM continue to insult at least 27% of Americans?
Without accepting the notion that the MSM do at all "insult at least 27% of Americans," if the MSM do so, the reason likely is because that share of the citizenry deserve it.
So what Xelor is saying is "Because those people came here legally and follow the law" they should be fucked for doing it the right way....
I don't need you to speak for me. I said is exactly what I meant. Nothing more nor less.

So you meant you are a racist? I.e. you just don't like "Legal immigrants"?

Stop trying to twist what he’s saying to suit your agenda.

The MSM talks about “immigrants” because Trump is reducing legal immigration by 2/3, ending family reunification programs, and seeking to limit immigration that isn’t white or Christian.

He falsely portrayed family unification programs as ”chain migration” as allowing in an endless number of unvented relatives when in fact family reunification is very narrow in scope. You can bring in spouses, children and parents. That’s it. And all must pass the thorough vetting all immigrants are subjected to.

Trump wants white Europeans to emigrate to the US. Fat chance. Whites in Europe and Canada are so much better off than Americans that we’re not leaving.

As the education system continues to decline, chaos reigns in health care costs and access, women’s rights and minority rights are under attack, and the religious right is given outsized influence American policy, the only people who want to emigrate to the US are people from “shithole countries” because the rest of us are better off where we are.
Why does the MSM continue to insult at least 27% of Americans?
Without accepting the notion that the MSM do at all "insult at least 27% of Americans," if the MSM do so, the reason likely is because that share of the citizenry deserve it.
So what Xelor is saying is "Because those people came here legally and follow the law" they should be fucked for doing it the right way....
I don't need you to speak for me. I said is exactly what I meant. Nothing more nor less.

So you meant you are a racist? I.e. you just don't like "Legal immigrants"?

Stop trying to twist what he’s saying to suit your agenda.

The MSM talks about “immigrants” because Trump is reducing legal immigration by 2/3, ending family reunification programs, and seeking to limit immigration that isn’t white or Christian.

He falsely portrayed family unification programs as ”chain migration” as allowing in an endless number of unvented relatives when in fact family reunification is very narrow in scope. You can bring in spouses, children and parents. That’s it. And all must pass the thorough vetting all immigrants are subjected to.

Trump wants white Europeans to emigrate to the US. Fat chance. Whites in Europe and Canada are so much better off than Americans that we’re not leaving.

As the education system continues to decline, chaos reigns in health care costs and access, women’s rights and minority rights are under attack, and the religious right is given outsized influence American policy, the only people who want to emigrate to the US are people from “shithole countries” because the rest of us are better off where we are.
what gives people rights to come to the United States, when they enter this country illegally?
Why does the MSM continue to insult at least 27% of Americans?
Without accepting the notion that the MSM do at all "insult at least 27% of Americans," if the MSM do so, the reason likely is because that share of the citizenry deserve it.
So what Xelor is saying is "Because those people came here legally and follow the law" they should be fucked for doing it the right way....
I don't need you to speak for me. I said is exactly what I meant. Nothing more nor less.

So you meant you are a racist? I.e. you just don't like "Legal immigrants"?

Stop trying to twist what he’s saying to suit your agenda.

The MSM talks about “immigrants” because Trump is reducing legal immigration by 2/3, ending family reunification programs, and seeking to limit immigration that isn’t white or Christian.

He falsely portrayed family unification programs as ”chain migration” as allowing in an endless number of unvented relatives when in fact family reunification is very narrow in scope. You can bring in spouses, children and parents. That’s it. And all must pass the thorough vetting all immigrants are subjected to.

Trump wants white Europeans to emigrate to the US. Fat chance. Whites in Europe and Canada are so much better off than Americans that we’re not leaving.

As the education system continues to decline, chaos reigns in health care costs and access, women’s rights and minority rights are under attack, and the religious right is given outsized influence American policy, the only people who want to emigrate to the US are people from “shithole countries” because the rest of us are better off where we are.
As the education system continues to decline,
Liberals have a strangle hold on the education system, why do you continue to vote for them?


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