Why I'm a Democrat

Your inability to see Amtrak as an Epic Inter-generational Fail is very...Progressive

Your inability to see the jobs produced by a big picture production is truly amazing. That aside, you've again produced not one single idea for job creation. Not one, nor have any of the other members of the echo chamber.

Your big picture job creators are always a "Heaven's Gate" "Showgirls" or "Ishtar" but as long as you can access taxpayer funds you keep making them

My job creation ideas are to get government out of the way and let the market do the heavy lifting

Overdrawn at the Memory Bank - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Though the movie itself completely sucks, the worst part of Overdrawn at the Memory Bank comes at the very end of the credits. That's when we learn it was made possible "with funds from Public Television Stations, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and the National Endowment for the Arts." This means that, out of all the movies featured here in the Agony Booth, this is the only one that you and your tax dollars helped pay for.

Overdrawn at the Memory Bank (1983) Recap Not a Review @ the agony booth : hilariously detailed recaps of movies, TV, and more!
Your inability to see Amtrak as an Epic Inter-generational Fail is very...Progressive

Your inability to see the jobs produced by a big picture production is truly amazing. That aside, you've again produced not one single idea for job creation. Not one, nor have any of the other members of the echo chamber.

Your big picture job creators are always a "Heaven's Gate" "Showgirls" or "Ishtar" but as long as you can access taxpayer funds you keep making them

My job creation ideas are to get government out of the way and let the market do the heavy lifting

So, your idea is to limit / eliminate regulations. You're okay if the house next door opens a fish market, and the neighbors across the street open a body and fender repair business? It's fine if the power company chooses to dispose of their waste in storm drains, and without the damn federal inspectors poking around the meat market that will be fine also. Is all of that correct, CF?
Why would you believe I want everyone to be a registered 'D' and vote for only Democrats? That's was the theme intent of Tom Delay, who hoped for a continuous Republican majority. A goal he pursued by hook or crook - mostly crook.
Because you're a leftist, that's why.
Unlike you, I support pragmatic ideas, solutions to problems, not an ideology.
Of course I am registered as a Democrat...
...primarily because I believe in government policies which provide the greatest good to the greatest number.
...while ignoring the Constitution, the document that set this nation apart from all others. No, you want America to follow in the footsteps of nations who've tried what you want, and failed.
Yes, the far left has extreme ideas, but no less extreme than the fringe on the right (not the correct) side of issues.
I never said anything different. But the left has moved so far to the left, what used to be fringe left is now mainstream left.
You, a non-com on active duty, support an ideology which doesn't support you in deed - of course 'they' praise you in speech, but that's about it.
Nonsense. And you would have me support an ideology that doesn't support me in word or deed.
I'm a Vietnam Vet, I didn't serve in country, I served on DD's (anti-sub warfare in WestPac).
Thank you for your service. :salute:
But I have first hand knowledge of how the returning vets were treated, and I don't mean they were spit upon by hippies - though I suspect that did occur. The Reagan Administration put restrictions on the care and treatement of vets, making it for the first time the resposibility of the vet to prove his disability was 'service connected' before receiving treatment.
Every see a vet with PTSD, sometimes self treating with drugs and/or alcohol having the ability to prove their 'problem' was service connected?
You know things have changed since then, right?
As for my bringing this thread back to the OP, what's insane about that? Efforts by the RW wackos to hyjack this and every other thread which question the platitudes they believe will win the battle of words, I simply won't allow that to happen.
Tough talk, but you really don't have a say in the matter. Damn that freedom of speech, huh?
Notice, not one on your side has any ideas or solutions other than to parrot the same unproven ideology of Reagan, an ideology that helped put us in our current mess.
Wrong. The Right has offered real, concrete solutions; your refusal to acknowledge them does not mean they're not there.

Meanwhile, speaking of failed ideologies, look at Europe. Look at the USSR. Look at Cuba.

That's what you want us to do. And it won't work if we do it, either.
Why would you believe I want everyone to be a registered 'D' and vote for only Democrats? That's was the theme intent of Tom Delay, who hoped for a continuous Republican majority. A goal he pursued by hook or crook - mostly crook.
Because you're a leftist, that's why.
Unlike you, I support pragmatic ideas, solutions to problems, not an ideology.


...while ignoring the Constitution, the document that set this nation apart from all others. No, you want America to follow in the footsteps of nations who've tried what you want, and failed.

I never said anything different. But the left has moved so far to the left, what used to be fringe left is now mainstream left.

Nonsense. And you would have me support an ideology that doesn't support me in word or deed.

Thank you for your service. :salute:

You know things have changed since then, right?
As for my bringing this thread back to the OP, what's insane about that? Efforts by the RW wackos to hyjack this and every other thread which question the platitudes they believe will win the battle of words, I simply won't allow that to happen.
Tough talk, but you really don't have a say in the matter. Damn that freedom of speech, huh?
Notice, not one on your side has any ideas or solutions other than to parrot the same unproven ideology of Reagan, an ideology that helped put us in our current mess.
Wrong. The Right has offered real, concrete solutions; your refusal to acknowledge them does not mean they're not there.

Meanwhile, speaking of failed ideologies, look at Europe. Look at the USSR. Look at Cuba.

That's what you want us to do. And it won't work if we do it, either.

The Right has offered concrete solution? I must have been sleepy (oddude does that to me). Please, enlighten me, what solutions have been offered by the Right?
Daveman, "Wrong. The Right has offered real, concrete solutions; your refusal to acknowledge them does not mean they're not there."

Wry Catcher, "The Right has offered concrete solutions? I must have been sleepy (oddude does that to me). Please, enlighten me, what solutions have been offered by the Right?"

[Wry waits and ponders where Daveman has gone.]

"Could it be the concrete solutions have been hidden", Wry wonders aloud, "maybe they've been hidden, maybe if Daveman finds them he will also find the WMD's missing for so long".

"Dumb de dumb de dumb dumb dumb" Wry hums as he waits patiently for enightenment.


Wry sleeps as he waits for Daveman to find evidence the Right actually had (has) an idea.
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The Right has offered concrete solution? I must have been sleepy (oddude does that to me). Please, enlighten me, what solutions have been offered by the Right?
"...your refusal to acknowledge them does not mean they're not there."

Looks like I called it. Meanwhile, I have absolutely no confidence that you would acknowledge any solutions I could show have been offered. So why don't you go ahead and claim victory now, because we both know you will no matter what I do. Mmmmkay?
Daveman, "Wrong. The Right has offered real, concrete solutions; your refusal to acknowledge them does not mean they're not there."

Wry Catcher, "The Right has offered concrete solutions? I must have been sleepy (oddude does that to me). Please, enlighten me, what solutions have been offered by the Right?"

[Wry waits and ponders where Daveman has gone.]

"Could it be the concrete solutions have been hidden", Wry wonders aloud, "maybe they've been hidden, maybe if Daveman finds them he will also find the WMD's missing for so long".

"Dumb de dumb de dumb dumb dumb" Wry hums as he waits patiently for enightenment.



Wry sleeps as he waits for Daveman to find evidence the Right actually had (has) an idea.

Yeah, you really scared me off the board, dumbass. :lol:
A huge influx of capital, both from the government and private investors in at least three national projects: Rebuilding the electrical grid; building inter and intra urban railroads and canals for the transport of goods, recreation and flood control; and the building of health care centers in each congressional district across America providing preventative medicine and health care education.
Image the possibilities, jobs for decades, less dependence on foreign oil, and a healthier happier citizenry. The opposite of hate and fear, the only other policy the Republican Party seems to have.

So, for those not limited and who have followed the fiasco of American politics in this first decade of the twenty-first century, what should be done?

okay sport, lets see;

Huge influx of capital, both from the government and private investors

the government if you have not noticed shot their wad, and we are were exactly? At the cusp of a double dip recession, plus, why would anyone with any bus. acumen put up a dime when they have no idea what the tax rate/burden will be in say even 6 months? Health care costs? etc.

- Rebuilding the electrical grid

uhm how? lets build angels on pinheads.....do we use coal? natural gas? Solar? Nope, the technology isn't even close, ....wind? Same thing...
building inter and intra urban railroads and canals for the transport of goods, recreation and flood control

hello, lets step back into the 1930's....that mode of transportation is very slow ( barges) and uses, hello electricity and/hence fossil fuels, we already have railroads, hows that working out? Amtrack AND Conrail, look it up, the gov. took Conrail over and lost their shirt and gave it up....we are still funding the white elephant Amtrack, which cannot be run at a profit.

the building of health care centers in each congressional district across America providing preventative medicine and health care education.

hello who pays for that? are you aware that many rural hospitals are on their last legs, they are being bought up or closed, where does the money come from.
the dems are so proud of their health care bill their strategists are telling them not to discuss it..

Cash-Poor Governments Ditching Public Hospitals
More than a fifth of the nation’s 5,000 hospitals are owned by governments and many are drowning in debt caused by rising health-care costs, a spike in uninsured patients, cuts in Medicare and Medicaid and payments on construction bonds sold in fatter times. Because most public hospitals tend to be solo operations, they don’t enjoy the economies of scale, or more generous insurance contracts, which bolster revenue at many larger nonprofit and for-profit systems.

Image the possibilities, jobs for decades, less dependence on foreign oil, and a healthier happier citizenry. The opposite of hate and fear, the only other policy the Republican Party seems to have.

more Utopian gobblegook, you have named a bunch of initiatives yet have no idea yourself how to make them work ( I can guess though, taxes right, on the 'rich'), Unicorns don't cut it.......in short your post is a nonsensical uber partisan breaking of wind.
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Daveman, "Wrong. The Right has offered real, concrete solutions; your refusal to acknowledge them does not mean they're not there."

Wry Catcher, "The Right has offered concrete solutions? I must have been sleepy (oddude does that to me). Please, enlighten me, what solutions have been offered by the Right?"

[Wry waits and ponders where Daveman has gone.]

"Could it be the concrete solutions have been hidden", Wry wonders aloud, "maybe they've been hidden, maybe if Daveman finds them he will also find the WMD's missing for so long".

"Dumb de dumb de dumb dumb dumb" Wry hums as he waits patiently for enightenment.



Wry sleeps as he waits for Daveman to find evidence the Right actually had (has) an idea.

Yeah, you really scared me off the board, dumbass. :lol:

Well, at least you don't cut and run (a shout out to crusaderfrank). Yet, Dave, your effort to spin is so very weak.
I'm not posting to win, in fact I find zero sum politics to be stupid. That said, if you post something as true, you ought to be able to provide some evidence. Otherwise, some (not me) might call you an untruth teller.
Daveman, "Wrong. The Right has offered real, concrete solutions; your refusal to acknowledge them does not mean they're not there."

Wry Catcher, "The Right has offered concrete solutions? I must have been sleepy (oddude does that to me). Please, enlighten me, what solutions have been offered by the Right?"

[Wry waits and ponders where Daveman has gone.]

"Could it be the concrete solutions have been hidden", Wry wonders aloud, "maybe they've been hidden, maybe if Daveman finds them he will also find the WMD's missing for so long".

"Dumb de dumb de dumb dumb dumb" Wry hums as he waits patiently for enightenment.



Wry sleeps as he waits for Daveman to find evidence the Right actually had (has) an idea.

Yeah, you really scared me off the board, dumbass. :lol:

Well, at least you don't cut and run (a shout out to crusaderfrank). Yet, Dave, your effort to spin is so very weak.
I'm not posting to win, in fact I find zero sum politics to be stupid. That said, if you post something as true, you ought to be able to provide some evidence. Otherwise, some (not me) might call you an untruth teller.
What's that word where you condemn someone for something you do yourself?
A huge influx of capital, both from the government and private investors in at least three national projects: Rebuilding the electrical grid; building inter and intra urban railroads and canals for the transport of goods, recreation and flood control; and the building of health care centers in each congressional district across America providing preventative medicine and health care education.
Image the possibilities, jobs for decades, less dependence on foreign oil, and a healthier happier citizenry. The opposite of hate and fear, the only other policy the Republican Party seems to have.

So, for those not limited and who have followed the fiasco of American politics in this first decade of the twenty-first century, what should be done?

okay sport, lets see;

Huge influx of capital, both from the government and private investors

the government if you have not noticed shot their wad, and we are were exactly? At the cusp of a double dip recession, plus, why would anyone with any bus. acumen put up a dime when they have no idea what the tax rate/burden will be in say even 6 months? Health care costs? etc.

uhm how? lets build angels on pinheads.....do we use coal? natural gas? Solar? Nope, the technology isn't even close, ....wind? Same thing...

hello, lets step back into the 1930's....that mode of transportation is very slow ( barges) and uses, hello electricity and/hence fossil fuels, we already have railroads, hows that working out? Amtrack AND Conrail, look it up, the gov. took Conrail over and lost their shirt and gave it up....we are still funding the white elephant Amtrack, which cannot be run at a profit.

the building of health care centers in each congressional district across America providing preventative medicine and health care education.

hello who pays for that? are you aware that many rural hospitals are on their last legs, they are being bought up or closed, where does the money come from.
the dems are so proud of their health care bill their strategists are telling them not to discuss it..
New Dem message: 'Improve' health care, don't talk cost - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Cash-Poor Governments Ditching Public Hospitals
More than a fifth of the nation’s 5,000 hospitals are owned by governments and many are drowning in debt caused by rising health-care costs, a spike in uninsured patients, cuts in Medicare and Medicaid and payments on construction bonds sold in fatter times. Because most public hospitals tend to be solo operations, they don’t enjoy the economies of scale, or more generous insurance contracts, which bolster revenue at many larger nonprofit and for-profit systems.
Cash-Poor Governments Ditching Public Hospitals - WSJ.com

Image the possibilities, jobs for decades, less dependence on foreign oil, and a healthier happier citizenry. The opposite of hate and fear, the only other policy the Republican Party seems to have.

more Utopian gobblegook, you have named a bunch of initiatives yet have no idea yourself how to make them work ( I can guess though, taxes right, on the 'rich'), Unicorns don't cut it.......in short your post is a nonsensical uber partisan breaking of wind.

I have posted ideas, you comment my ideas are 'foolish' (in summary), and that is your opinion; the premises you use to draw your conclusion may or may not be true but that's not why I responded.
The question has evolved to this: What ideas have the Republcan Party offered as a solution to our economic problems and the need (we all agree) to provide jobs?
Do you have any ideas. Since you believe mine are foolish, what ideas do you have.
It is obvious CrusaderFrank, Daveman, Oddude, and many other members of the echo chamber are berift of anything but for "Obama bad, tax cuts good. Fire government workers".
I have posted ideas, you comment my ideas are 'foolish' (in summary), and that is your opinion; the premises you use to draw your conclusion may or may not be true but that's not why I responded.

so you refuse to discuss specifics...noted.

The question has evolved to this: What ideas have the Republcan Party offered as a solution to our economic problems and the need (we all agree) to provide jobs?
Do you have any ideas. Since you believe mine are foolish, what ideas do you have.

Oh thats a big no go amigo, you posted an OP, defend it.

I answered your points one at a time, turning the tables on me isn't the way it works, you bear the burden, back up your points.

Anyone can throw hash at the wall of ideas and make speeches...I gave you some detailed, linked feedback to boot, either you choose to defend it or its just babble.

It is obvious CrusaderFrank, Daveman, Oddude, and many other members of the echo chamber are berift of anything but for "Obama bad, tax cuts good. Fire government workers".

well, from were I sit you're bereft of substance.

Well, at least you don't cut and run (a shout out to crusaderfrank). Yet, Dave, your effort to spin is so very weak.
I'm not posting to win, in fact I find zero sum politics to be stupid. That said, if you post something as true, you ought to be able to provide some evidence. Otherwise, some (not me) might call you an untruth teller.
What's that word where you condemn someone for something you do yourself?

Do you understand the theory of holes Dave? You have no ideas; you simply accept the unproven theories of the power elite and have now devolved into ad hominem attacks.
Of course that has become a well established response by those of the echo chamber, call those with whom you disagree names, use pejoratives and suggest they are insane.
I, of course, have suggested that a few on your side of the issues are a few bricks shy of a load, but usually with good evidence - their words.
Does that make me a hypocrite? On that issue, of course; but a hypocrite with ideas willing to debate even those whose posts I find prosaic at best, and many times fully thoughtless.
How come Progressives never realize that America is a lot bigger than Korea or Japan?

Progressives are supposedly so fucking smart but why do they want us to mimic the transportation grid of countries the size of a single state?

Happy Reid wanted to build a high speed rail from Las Vegas to Los Angeles. Has someone pointed out that you can fly the route for $49?

Progressives: they're not as smart as they say they are

Thanks for sharing CF, your inability to see the big picture is amazing.

hey Wry the voters in our State rejected that rail line if i remember correctly....so is Frank alone in this?.....there is no big picture in that particular rail line....
Huge influx of capital, both from the government and private investors
the government if you have not noticed shot their wad, and we are were exactly? At the cusp of a double dip recession, plus, why would anyone with any bus. acumen put up a dime when they have no idea what the tax rate/burden will be in say even 6 months? Health care costs? etc.

uhm how? lets build angels on pinheads.....do we use coal? natural gas? Solar? Nope, the technology isn't even close, ....wind? Same thing...

The technology is evolving though I suspect some combination of natural gas, electricity and hydrogen will be the future. Diseal locomotives, as you know, are powered by an electric motor.
Building a right of way can precede as the technology improves.
A rail line was planned for the Southern route before the civil war, why not run rail from San Diego to Jacksonville. Bullet trains making way at 200 mph can cross the nation in less than 24 hours.
Electricity can be produced by Nuclear Power, we ought to move forward on the new generation of reactors, another project which would attract investors.

hello, lets step back into the 1930's....that mode of transportation is very slow ( barges) and uses, hello electricity and/hence fossil fuels, we already have railroads, hows that working out? Amtrack AND Conrail, look it up, the gov. took Conrail over and lost their shirt and gave it up....we are still funding the white elephant Amtrack, which cannot be run at a profit.

See above for my response.
Using electric trains wherein electricity is produced from wind, sun, nuclear and natural gas will be clean, and relatively cheap given our foreign policy can be developed without the need to consider the ME and Africa as our energy stations.

the building of health care centers in each congressional district across America providing preventative medicine and health care education.
hello who pays for that? are you aware that many rural hospitals are on their last legs, they are being bought up or closed, where does the money come from.
the dems are so proud of their health care bill their strategists are telling them not to discuss it..
New Dem message: 'Improve' health care, don't talk cost - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Preventative health care and health care education in each congressional district is doable and relatively inexpensive. Consider providing scholarships for well qualified students who want to be Doctors or public health nurses with the requirment they provide X amount of public service upon graduation (much like our West Point or Annapolis).
Preventing illness is cost effective, treating Diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic preventable disease just makes sense.

Cash-Poor Governments Ditching Public Hospitals
More than a fifth of the nation’s 5,000 hospitals are owned by governments and many are drowning in debt caused by rising health-care costs, a spike in uninsured patients, cuts in Medicare and Medicaid and payments on construction bonds sold in fatter times. Because most public hospitals tend to be solo operations, they don’t enjoy the economies of scale, or more generous insurance contracts, which bolster revenue at many larger nonprofit and for-profit systems.
Cash-Poor Governments Ditching Public Hospitals - WSJ.com

Most public hospitals are county run/county funded and provide care to the uninsured. The uninsured are most likely to appear at emergency rooms; if they had available free clinics operated by professionals trained on the public dime and serving the public much like the officers in our military.

Image the possibilities, jobs for decades, less dependence on foreign oil, and a healthier happier citizenry. The opposite of hate and fear, the only other policy the Republican Party seems to have.
more Utopian gobblegook, you have named a bunch of initiatives yet have no idea yourself how to make them work ( I can guess though, taxes right, on the 'rich'), Unicorns don't cut it.......in short your post is a nonsensical uber partisan breaking of wind.

And you offer ... an ad hominem attack. Nice job.
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How come Progressives never realize that America is a lot bigger than Korea or Japan?

Progressives are supposedly so fucking smart but why do they want us to mimic the transportation grid of countries the size of a single state?

Happy Reid wanted to build a high speed rail from Las Vegas to Los Angeles. Has someone pointed out that you can fly the route for $49?

Progressives: they're not as smart as they say they are

Thanks for sharing CF, your inability to see the big picture is amazing.

hey Wry the voters in our State rejected that rail line if i remember correctly....so is Frank alone in this?.....there is no big picture in that particular rail line....

Money was approved by the voters for high speed rail connecting SoCal and the Bay Area. Planning is underway and the destruction of the old rail terminus and building of a new "union station" will begin soon in downtown San Francisco.
I have posted ideas, you comment my ideas are 'foolish' (in summary), and that is your opinion; the premises you use to draw your conclusion may or may not be true but that's not why I responded.
The question has evolved to this: What ideas have the Republcan Party offered as a solution to our economic problems and the need (we all agree) to provide jobs?
Do you have any ideas. Since you believe mine are foolish, what ideas do you have.
It is obvious CrusaderFrank, Daveman, Oddude, and many other members of the echo chamber are berift of anything but for "Obama bad, tax cuts good. Fire government workers".

And it's obvious that you're bereft (note the correct spelling) of anything but "Only the Almighty Government can save us!"

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