Why the fuck aren't we stopping all passengers from IBOLA infected regions?

I think stopping all traffic out of Texas might cause some political problems.
Yup, politics is much more important than life or death.

Then I guess you can't dispute the idea that it is in fact a legitimate responsibility of the federal government to protect the nation's health, and, therefore,

federally provided universal healthcare is constitutionally justifiable.

Then why isn't this admin stopping flights from these countries that in a deadly epidemic?
So many pathetic excuses for lack of containment by this administration.
You can shove thermometers up their ass till the cows come home,but it only takes ONE PERSON who doesn't yet have a fever but is a host to start something out of control.

You libs are just plain stupid.
"Why the fuck aren't we stopping all passengers from IBOLA infected regions?"

Because the vast majority of Americans aren't ignorant, hysterical morons as is the OP.

There is nothing ignorant or hysterical about it. In fact, I would counter to say that it is naive and ignorant, not to mention stupid as all hell, to ignore this disease.
What's ibola?
The typo that stumped a moron apparently
The thought the US can't stop global travel stumped you.
Why is it than that the US can ban flights to Cuba?
If they can do that, they can ban flights to and from the Ebola hot spot countries.
I wonder if the President was white, would those flights from Africa have already been stopped?
Sigh. First off all travel to Cuba is not banned. There are certain circumstances where direct travel is possible. Second the airlines in France and Britain are the ones who stopped flights. Not the governments. Third and for the 100th time, even if the US wanted to ban direct flights from the affected areas they can't because there aren't any. So get your facts straight before you make an argument.

All that aside I never said anything about direct flights. I said the US cannot control the movements of 7 billion people. Using your own example. Even before the changes, the Cuba ban did not stop people from going and coming from there. I have been there twice myself. It's just a matter of catching a connecting flight from somewhere you can go to. Jesus did you never watch Contagion? If Ebola is going to come here it is going to come. No amount of American ego is going to stop it.
What's ibola?
The typo that stumped a moron apparently
The thought the US can't stop global travel stumped you.
Why is it than that the US can ban flights to Cuba?
If they can do that, they can ban flights to and from the Ebola hot spot countries.
I wonder if the President was white, would those flights from Africa have already been stopped?
Sigh. First off all travel to Cuba is not banned. There are certain circumstances where direct travel is possible. Second the airlines in France and Britain are the ones who stopped flights. Not the governments. Third and for the 100th time, even if the US wanted to ban direct flights from the affected areas they can't because there aren't any. So get your facts straight before you make an argument.

All that aside I never said anything about direct flights. I said the US cannot control the movements of 7 billion people. Using your own example. Even before the changes, the Cuba ban did not stop people from going and coming from there. I have been there twice myself. It's just a matter of catching a connecting flight from somewhere you can go to. Jesus did you never watch Contagion? If Ebola is going to come here it is going to come. No amount of American ego is going to stop it.
So the average American can hop a flight to Havana just as easily as they can fly to Kingston? Not so fast, you might want to read up on the facts: Cuba Travel Restrictions for U.S. Citizens
Going on to your next item ---- No Direct Flights, Not sure but for the sake of the argument, lets say you are correct. Then we need to do what restricting the flights was designed to do, Restrict travel from those ebola hot spot countries to the US. Easy enough, all people entering the US must have passports from their country of origin, if those passports are from the ebola countries deny them boarding on any flight to the US. Not all that difficult.
And why the hell are we flying the infected all around the country?

Isolate this shit before it gets out of control.

Too many US companies with *#$%*&^ business interests. Tell Firsestone they have to abandon their plantation in Liberia.
The Bush boy, Perry, Ebola. TEXbola isn't sentient, though arguments can be made the first two were at some point in time.
What's ibola?
The typo that stumped a moron apparently
The thought the US can't stop global travel stumped you.
Why is it than that the US can ban flights to Cuba?
If they can do that, they can ban flights to and from the Ebola hot spot countries.
I wonder if the President was white, would those flights from Africa have already been stopped?
Sigh. First off all travel to Cuba is not banned. There are certain circumstances where direct travel is possible. Second the airlines in France and Britain are the ones who stopped flights. Not the governments. Third and for the 100th time, even if the US wanted to ban direct flights from the affected areas they can't because there aren't any. So get your facts straight before you make an argument.

All that aside I never said anything about direct flights. I said the US cannot control the movements of 7 billion people. Using your own example. Even before the changes, the Cuba ban did not stop people from going and coming from there. I have been there twice myself. It's just a matter of catching a connecting flight from somewhere you can go to. Jesus did you never watch Contagion? If Ebola is going to come here it is going to come. No amount of American ego is going to stop it.
Wake up Einstein.
All any airline has to do is look where the passenger about to board a flight to the US has been according to their passport.
Nigeria is claiming it stopped the virus b/c THEY CLOSED THEIR BORDERS!
The ONLY reason why BOBO hasn't stopped anyone coming to the US who has been in W. Africa is b/c he is pandering to his Negro and LIB. White soccer mom base. And dopehead White college kids who walk around stinking of BO and wearing 'dreads'. I forgot the 'pyjama-boys'.
Everyone knows it.
Wake up Einstein.
All any airline has to do is look where the passenger about to board a flight to the US has been according to their passport.
Nigeria is claiming it stopped the virus b/c THEY CLOSED THEIR BORDERS!
The ONLY reason why BOBO hasn't stopped anyone coming to the US who has been in W. Africa is b/c he is pandering to his Negro and LIB. White soccer mom base. And dopehead White college kids who walk around stinking of BO and wearing 'dreads'. I forgot the 'pyjama-boys'.
Everyone knows it.
Wake up Einstein. We're not Nigeria. Take your meds.
It has not reached pandemic proportions. What has reach pandemic proportions is the hysteria and fear mongering.

Once a disease spreads from continent to continent, it is considered a pandemic. I don't know why people are insisting upon minimizing it. It is a serious disease that kills 60% to 70% of the people who contract it.

And yet, on a list of killer diseases in Africa, Ebola comes in dead last.

Yes, last but this is the largest outbreak ever and we were lucky before. Perhaps some of the other areas werre more isolated. think we are in uncharted territory right now with this disease. Lets just hope it stays last

I don't disagree. I just think it needs to be kept in perspective wrt the real killers in Africa, like HIV, malaria, and diarrhea.

Which would you rather have, Ebola or diarrhea?

It doesn't matter. Both are deadly, but the latter has killed far more people.

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