Why the fuck aren't we stopping all passengers from IBOLA infected regions?

Why do you conservatives want the federal government meddling in disease monitoring and control?

Where is that enumerated in the Constitution?

What in the hell is wrong with you? Are you truly so partisan? That is really a "virus" in itself, I think. It is our government's responsibility to protect us from "foreign invaders."

You apparently haven't read many of the rants by the so-called constitutional conservatives around here.

They think healthcare is none of the federal government's business.

This is not about healthcare. This is about preventing/containing a very contagious and deadly disease!
Isn't that taking care of health?
Here's an idea. Lets see what an Ebola medical expert thinks of closing travel to Africa:

CHUCK TODD: It seems as if there's almost this, many nations are reacting the way we're seeing actually public officials, some of them here, acting, which is, "No, no, no, no, just shut down the borders. Shut down lights." Is shutting down flights a viable option?

DR. ANTHONY FAUCI: That would be counterproductive. We can understand how people might come to that conclusion. But when you look at what happens when you isolate a country, you diminish greatly their ability to handle their own epidemic. If that happens, it very likely will spread to other African countries.

And the best way to protect Americans is to completely suppress the epidemic in West Africa. If we do that, we wouldn't be talking about this today. So to isolate them, maybe with good intentions, actually can be counterproductive and make things worse.

Meet the Press Transcript - October 12 2014 - NBC News
I think the safety of the American people is more pressing than one mans opinion.
Aren't you providing us with just one man's opinion?
What is truly disturbing is that people seem to be putting their partisanship and political correctness BEFORE the health of our citizens. Honestly, I don't care if it disrupts somebody's business or not; that should not be a factor when it comes to a deadly virus that has reached pandemic proportions. I don't care if Obama says he hugs and kisses nurses who have treated Ebola patients. WHY is he telling us that?
It has not reached pandemic proportions. What has reach pandemic proportions is the hysteria and fear mongering.

Once a disease spreads from continent to continent, it is considered a pandemic. I don't know why people are insisting upon minimizing it. It is a serious disease that kills 60% to 70% of the people who contract it.

And yet, on a list of killer diseases in Africa, Ebola comes in dead last.

Yes, last but this is the largest outbreak ever and we were lucky before. Perhaps some of the other areas werre more isolated. think we are in uncharted territory right now with this disease. Lets just hope it stays last

I don't disagree. I just think it needs to be kept in perspective wrt the real killers in Africa, like HIV, malaria, and diarrhea.

Which would you rather have, Ebola or diarrhea?
Why do you conservatives want the federal government meddling in disease monitoring and control?

Where is that enumerated in the Constitution?

What in the hell is wrong with you? Are you truly so partisan? That is really a "virus" in itself, I think. It is our government's responsibility to protect us from "foreign invaders."

You apparently haven't read many of the rants by the so-called constitutional conservatives around here.

They think healthcare is none of the federal government's business.

This is not about healthcare. This is about preventing/containing a very contagious and deadly disease!
Isn't that taking care of health?

Not really. It's called "disease prevention," which the CDC is supposedly responsible for but seems to be doing a terrible job!
Those who pooh pooh it off will be singing a different tune when their loved ones get Captain Trip.
Yeah....how many people on all those planes who are now sick......

So . . . I find your attitude interesting. :) Just what makes you think that the United States is immune to an outbreak of a contagious disease?
Stopping flights out of an entire continent is impractical for all that outsourced free trade that republicans love so much.

Further, anyone can simply jump borders and get on a plane somewhere in Europe.

Or get on a cruise ship before they start showing symptoms.

Just so you know, over 35,000 Americans die from regular flu each year. Where's the panic there?

Yeah and millions get it. Most people with flu dont die. You can treat flu with shit at Walmart.

Just a weee bit different from the virus that liquifies your organs and kills most who get it.
Stopping flights out of an entire continent is impractical for all that outsourced free trade that republicans love so much.

Further, anyone can simply jump borders and get on a plane somewhere in Europe.

Or get on a cruise ship before they start showing symptoms.

Just so you know, over 35,000 Americans die from regular flu each year. Where's the panic there?

Yeah and millions get it. Most people with flu dont die. You can treat flu with shit at Walmart.

Just a weee bit different from the virus that liquifies your organs and kills most who get it.

I always say better to safe than sorry. For some reason, the left thinks people are only capable of the extremes of every emotion apparently. Perhaps they are projecting. Just look at some of their panicked behaviors over global warming after all. :D Common sense plays very LITTLE role in their day to day lives apparently. Lol! :wink_2:
Stopping flights out of an entire continent is impractical for all that outsourced free trade that republicans love so much.

Further, anyone can simply jump borders and get on a plane somewhere in Europe.

Or get on a cruise ship before they start showing symptoms.

Just so you know, over 35,000 Americans die from regular flu each year. Where's the panic there?

Yeah and millions get it. Most people with flu dont die. You can treat flu with shit at Walmart.

Just a weee bit different from the virus that liquifies your organs and kills most who get it.

I always say better to safe than sorry. For some reason, the left thinks people are only capable of the extremes of every emotion apparently. Perhaps they are projecting. Just look at some of their panicked behaviors over global warming after all. :D Common sense plays very LITTLE role in their day to day lives apparently. Lol! :wink_2:

They raise holy hell over a couple cases of cops roughing up thugs and demand the entire system be revamped and all 1, 000, 000 American cops be retrained.

But a couple Ebola cases sneak in? Nah. Nothing to see here folks.
Stopping flights out of an entire continent is impractical for all that outsourced free trade that republicans love so much.

Further, anyone can simply jump borders and get on a plane somewhere in Europe.

Or get on a cruise ship before they start showing symptoms.

Just so you know, over 35,000 Americans die from regular flu each year. Where's the panic there?

Yeah and millions get it. Most people with flu dont die. You can treat flu with shit at Walmart.

Just a weee bit different from the virus that liquifies your organs and kills most who get it.

I always say better to safe than sorry. For some reason, the left thinks people are only capable of the extremes of every emotion apparently. Perhaps they are projecting. Just look at some of their panicked behaviors over global warming after all. :D Common sense plays very LITTLE role in their day to day lives apparently. Lol! :wink_2:

They raise holy hell over a couple cases of cops roughing up thugs and demand the entire system be revamped and all 1, 000, 000 American cops be retrained.

But a couple Ebola cases sneak in? Nah. Nothing to see here folks.

Same with any time there is a mass shooting, which makes up less than 1% of all crime and is actually quite rare. They are perfectly FINE with taking away that constitutionally guaranteed right, but prevent Africans who MAY be infected with Ebola from flying into our country doesn't make sense to them. :lol: It seems like every thought they have is based upon partisanship and nothing else.

Edit: I can't type today!!! Lol!
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Denying flights from Africa is racist!!!!

Don't care. Self preservation should be our FIRST concern.

Sorry....those poor Africans are more important. :(
We are capable of air-dropping all the supplies needed by health care professionals to combat Ebola in those countries. No need for "boots on the ground" or importing infected vectors into this country.
And why the hell are we flying the infected all around the country?

Isolate this shit before it gets out of control.

That action would take "Big Government"........................Learn anything yet kiddo?
Of the few specific things the federal government is chartered to actually do, protecting the citizens of this republic from such things as illegal invasions and importing deadly diseases are two. But this regime is either failing miserable to accomplish is lawfully delegated duty or is intentionally violating it.
Save yer breath. This administration can do no wrong...until a family member dies. By then, it will be too late for "I told you so".
And why the hell are we flying the infected all around the country?

Isolate this shit before it gets out of control.

That action would take "Big Government"........................Learn anything yet kiddo?
Of the few specific things the federal government is chartered to actually do, protecting the citizens of this republic from such things as illegal invasions and importing deadly diseases are two. But this regime is either failing miserable to accomplish is lawfully delegated duty or is intentionally violating it.

Instead they concentrate on trying to infringe upon one of our rights and ignore illegal immigration, etc. :rolleyes-41: Seriously, I wonder if this is bizarro world sometimes.
What is truly disturbing is that people seem to be putting their partisanship and political correctness BEFORE the health of our citizens. Honestly, I don't care if it disrupts somebody's business or not; that should not be a factor when it comes to a deadly virus that has reached pandemic proportions. I don't care if Obama says he hugs and kisses nurses who have treated Ebola patients. WHY is he telling us that?
It has not reached pandemic proportions. What has reach pandemic proportions is the hysteria and fear mongering.
How long do you recommend we wait before something is done?
And why the hell are we flying the infected all around the country?

Isolate this shit before it gets out of control.

That action would take "Big Government"........................Learn anything yet kiddo?
Of the few specific things the federal government is chartered to actually do, protecting the citizens of this republic from such things as illegal invasions and importing deadly diseases are two. But this regime is either failing miserable to accomplish is lawfully delegated duty or is intentionally violating it.

Instead they concentrate on trying to infringe upon one of our rights and ignore illegal immigration, etc. :rolleyes-41: Seriously, I wonder if this is bizarro world sometimes.
It seems like they are very irresponsible in handling this. They should be giving travel advisories. They should be being honest with us instead of trying to placate us. It just seems strange that instead of saying to take common sense precautions but not to panic because in our country, the disease is not nor should it reach epidemic proportions, but instead our president is telling us that he hugs and kisses Ebola nurses and feels fine. ????
This is what the fear mongering is meant to do, to make people think authorities are being irresponsible, etc. The UK brought a doctor home who had Ebola, so he could be treated there, so why are American citizens acting as if the American authorities are irresponsible, that the president is at fault for this nurse contracting Ebola, that he is putting us all at risk?
The Americans were brought back under very controlled conditions to very specific locations. Duncan used a previously issued visa to drag his diseased ass over here expecting the same treatment the Americans received, believing he stood a better chance at surviving the infection than where he came from. Well, he was fucking WRONG! MF died anyway. In the meantime, American citizens have been infected, the virus has been unleashed among us. Why was this scumbag permitted into the country in the first place? American authorities are responsible for not providing the maximum protection from an invasion of infected scum. While the president is not personally responsible for the nurses contracting Ebola, he certainly was absent with his "pen and phone", and lacking leadership in nipping this tragedy in its bud.
And why the hell are we flying the infected all around the country?

Isolate this shit before it gets out of control.

That action would take "Big Government"........................Learn anything yet kiddo?
Do tell. What the fuck am I paying taxes for if not for the protection & security of our people? Am I only paying so you can get your monthly government cheese?

Fuck you

Republican Congressman has a gay brother and changes "I don't want to stand against gays"
Republican Christie has a Hurricane and changes "I want Federal help"
Republican Congressman gets a girlfriend pregnant and changes "I want her to get an abortion, I'm married"
Grampa Murked U is scared to death of Ebola because he's part of the Anti-Emotional Decision making party and decides taxation is necessary to screen for Ebola..............

Anything learned yet small brain?
Who the fuck said anything about "screening" for EBOLA? It literally would cost nothing to deny entry. Unless you believe the word NO requires 2 people to express.

And all that other nonsense you posted is irrelevant. Stay on topic jerk.

I suggest you read the post before your own and understand airports have to hire people to take temperatures. It's not a free process kid.

If Ebola patient looked like you, it'd be a free process

We don't have to take anyone's temperature if they never arrive here in the first place, moron.

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