Why the republicans are destined to fail

Not to discount the other very considerable factor of voters being disenfranchized.
Being lied to by politicians is disenfranchisement in the first degree.
Today Republicons keep repeating the same lie over and over which is a sign of dementia.

Trump is infected with this disease as well as being a Pathological liar.
Well,.,.,..,.,,,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,. Republicons are too.
I was wrong in the original header
Why the republicans are destined to fail
The term “destined” is conclusive and I pray I am wrong.

All that matters is that Trump believed it.
It doesn't matter what Trump believes, it would never of happened, even if Pence went along with it. I was hoping when Trump was voted out the left would at least regain some sanity but the Trump obsession continues. If I were a Democrat, I'd be more worried about the economy, the border, and setting a vision for America to advance, not some ex-President that you can't move off of.
I'd be more worried about the economy, the border, and setting a vision for America to advance, not some ex-President that you can't move off of.
Please email that to the two (2) Democrat's that are blocking everything Biden is trying to do.

The above coal millionaire is betraying his supporters & the American people
Anyone know his name?
The people that tell you what to think are extremely concerned about the beat down that you have coming in the mid-terms.

Did you just get released from prison? Or crawl out from under a rock?
Agree BUT never underestimate the GOP's ability to snatch defeat from victory.
Agree BUT never underestimate the GOP's ability to snatch defeat from victory.
Which will translate into the demise of the democratic American experiment.
At least that is how I see it.
Wait my bad, "GOP's ability to snatch defeat from victory"
I got it, better late than never
On a side note, in the House of Representatives they are “now” voting on a science bill that would promote research on chip production and other related research.

Republicans vote NO 170
Democrats vote YES 196

The republican’s are voting against it just to be against a Democrat proposal.
That is totally unamerican!
the voting is still going on . 1:17PM cst
Wrong, I am watching a recording (I record my favorite programs), my bad


Why don’t you do some real research and tell us what else the demleftists slipped in the bill . Tons of pork is the norm for them. That’s why the republicans would vote no. The demleftists also love to write impassable bills with cute names to con you morons knowing the republicans won’t vote for it. Then they get their media Allies to trash talk the republicans for it. If you leftists weren’t so dumb this bullshit wouldn’t work and the country would be better for it.

Why the republicans are destined to fail​

Wrong thread? Wasn’t this supposed to be posted in Badlands?

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