Why the republicans are destined to fail

Like American research on the development of chip production. 90% of the chips we now use come from China.
How about instead of voting on chips, we work on the trucks that deliver chips to the grocery store....or reducing the price of gas, or shutting off open access to our border. No, not commie enough??
OP: “Today the Republican party offers nothing constructive. No new ideas, no positive comments, just attack, attack, attack, while offering no constructive ideas.”

Blueslegent posts-- ^^^ More blatant LIES from the left, in an attempt to deflect from Dem policy FAILURES.

Blueslegent , please provide something constructive, new ideas, anything positive
Blueslegent , the ball is in your court,
How about instead of voting on chips, we work on the trucks that deliver chips to the grocery store....or reducing the price of gas, or shutting off open access to our border. No, not commie enough??
I BELIEVE WE the Americans can do all of the above at the same time.
commie enough??
Why the republicans are destined to fail

Today the Republican party offers nothing constructive. No new ideas, no positive comments, just attack, attack, attack, while offering no constructive ideas.

The Republican’s will lose the midterms and the General Election because they are following a one liner going nowhere.

I here and now ask any Republican here to wake up, if you have any common sense, this is the time to user it. Wake up, be an American and not a Republicon,

If the Republicans win this time around our experiment in a democratic republic will be doomed.
Fighting against tyrants is not something new, I'll give you that, but it certainly is constructive. So long as the Dem party has fully embraced it's demafacist views, the GOP will be fine
I have two sons who have children of their own

I am now getting social security benefits & I do not consider it a handout because I have paid into SS for the past 54 years. At least I am getting the benefits. Many die before getting a dime.
How about you?

That comment was not necessary unless you have a guilty conscious.

In ghettos up to 70% of the children live in single parent families. Most of that starts with teenage girls being knocked up.
How right you are. The Dems have failed spectacularly and the Reps will reap the reward on 2022.

Bidung is a walking, talking disaster and the Dems know it. That's why so many are retiring or not running for office again.

What the Reps do with their victory is hard to guess since they aren't any better than the Dems.

If Trump wins in 2024 he will have one hell of a mess to clean up but clean it up he will.
No, the Dims are ALL un-American so the Republicans are doing their part to stamp out the commies every move.
I asked for a definition of “communism” and this is what I got—
adhering to or based on the principles of communism.
a person who supports or believes in the principles of communism.

The above definitions used the term communism in the definition of communism to define communism.

Anyone here see a problem here?
please, some one; define communism"
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China’s top chip maker SMIC to build a US$9 billion factory in Shanghai amid Beijing’s push for tech self-sufficiency
Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation is pouring US$8.87 into a new chip fabrication plant in Shanghai’s free-trade zone
The company has other plants planned for Beijing and Shenzhen as Beijing seeks to advance the country’s semiconductor industry

China’s top chip maker SMIC plans US$9 billion plant in Shanghai

China’s Share of Global Chip Sales Now Surpasses Taiwan’s, Closing in on Europe’s and Japan’s
Monday, Jan 10, 2022, 12:00pm
by Semiconductor Industry Association

China’s Share of Global Chip Sales Now Surpasses Taiwan's, Closing in on Europe's and Japan's

yes indeed
Democrats are the party of Socialism, Sodomy (gay marriage), Infanticide (late term abortion), not allowing Conservative free speech on Youtube and elsewhere, Antifa and BLM Marxist thugs and bullies burning cities, defunding police, Fascist lockdown, voter fraud, and more. Democrats are the enemy of Liberty.
Why the republicans are destined to fail

Today the Republican party offers nothing constructive. No new ideas, no positive comments, just attack, attack, attack, while offering no constructive ideas.

The Republican’s will lose the midterms and the General Election because they are following a one liner going nowhere.

I here and now ask any Republican here to wake up, if you have any common sense, this is the time to user it. Wake up, be an American and not a Republicon,

If the Republicans win this time around our experiment in a democratic republic will be doomed.

Ok please link us examples of the positive and constructive ideas the Democrats have that are having a positive result on Americans and America.

I'd also like to see links with solid information showing how the Democrats letting illegals in the country by the thousands, lowering police officers out on the streets, closing domestic oil production and buying oil from foriegn powers, teaching elementary school children about racism and gender politics, lowering the punishments on crimes in democrat run cities, allowing criminals to go free for violent offenses if they are black or non us citizens, censoring free speech, trying to get new voting laws put in place when 6 months ago they said voting laws were rock solid while nothing has changed since, have directly caused inflation, left behind American citizens in Afghanistan, care more about Ukraine's border than our own, the democrat president himself said he was a racist and discriminatiory when he said he want a black woman as a supreme court judge, allowed domestic terrorist rioters loot and steal for years like BLM has, propped up blacks while condemning whites, and so on are positive things for our country and have helped make us better.
If Dump had gotten his way it would have. If Michael Richard Pence went along with Trump our democratic republic experiment would be a thing of the past.
Honestly, jwoodie, just between you and me, why are you following along like a puppy dog?
Do you really believe that Pence could have cancelled the election and ended our democracy as it is today?
Good for you....now stop smoking the hemp and I bet your thoughts will return to normal.
As I said it did and now I feel better than ever.
What I have discovered is that while I am under the influence of pot I cannot get angry, or mad.

That hormone is suppressed.
Why the republicans are destined to fail

Today the Republican party offers nothing constructive. No new ideas, no positive comments, just attack, attack, attack, while offering no constructive ideas.

Same with Dems. Yet people will keep voting D and R, no matter how bad the candidates, until the nation is beyond saving. Fucking idiots.

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