Woman asks for help, gets shot in the head

Living west of Tucson and helping so many illegals all those years, I never ever felt threatened by any of them. By the time they got to my door, they were just fellow human beings, absolutely shot from walking for 2 and 3 weeks in the desert. Not one of them ever took a misstep. Every one of them was grateful for the food and water we gave them.

Yeah yeah yeah, they were illegal. What I saw was desperate human beings.

But that's not the point.

The gun nutters are changing the way people react to each other.
None of us has any way of knowing is the guy in line next to us is some impotent blowhard just looking for a chance to prove how brave they are by blowing away the bad guy.

The gun nutters are scared shitless and their disease is spreading to normal, rational people. Now, people don't reach out to those who are hurt or less fortunate. Instead, some scared little rabbit like this guy is very likely to blow your head off.
Bullshit! Americans have always had guns. What is different is that people used to have respect for the property of others. Crap! When I was a kid, we would go on vacation for 2 weeks and not lock the doors. We were armed, but no one needed shooting.
CaféAuLait;8150272 said:

She had a .218 Bac at time of death so it was even higher when she wrecked her car

So she was drunk and high while driving, hit a park car and was guilty of a hit and run as well, perhaps to hide driving under the influence from the first responders after the witness to the car wreck called 911. The man who shot her claimed she was trying to gain access to his home through the front and side door. I've seen people claim she was 'no threat", no one knows what was going on in her head or why she was trying to gain access to a home which was not hers.

McBride had a blood alcohol content of 0.218 percent, or nearly triple the 0.08 percent legal limit for driving in Michigan and also had marijuana in her system, according to a toxicology report released by the Wayne County medical examiner's office.
Michigan woman shot on porch was intoxicated: medical examiner | Reuters

yep she was drunk enough she probably thought she locked herself out of her own house.

The other interesting fact is she returned to the site of the accident an hour or so after it happened. 911 was called again and police were dispatched for the second time to the same location of her initial hit and run. She was there until just before police arrived the second time, but once again fled the scene before the police saw her. So it seems to me she may have been cognoscente of the fact she did not want to see the police due to DUI and perhaps even hit and run. So this confuses me as to whether or not she did not know if this was her home or not. But given her BAC numbers were so high hours later, maybe she thought she was trying to get into her own home. IDK.

The Detroit Free Press reports that police say they received a 911 call about a car accident at about 1 a.m. where a woman had been speeding down the street, hit a vehicle, and then left the scene, apparently on foot. Detroit police spokesman Sgt. Michael Woody told the paper that no officers were immediately dispatched because the incident was considered a low priority.

The caller reportedly dialed police again, saying that the woman who had hit the car was back, but when officers arrived, she was gone again.

Renisha McBride Update: Teen had .218 blood alcohol content when she was shot to death by Mich. homeowner - Crimesider - CBS News
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Living west of Tucson and helping so many illegals all those years, I never ever felt threatened by any of them. By the time they got to my door, they were just fellow human beings, absolutely shot from walking for 2 and 3 weeks in the desert. Not one of them ever took a misstep. Every one of them was grateful for the food and water we gave them.

Yeah yeah yeah, they were illegal. What I saw was desperate human beings.

But that's not the point.

The gun nutters are changing the way people react to each other. None of us has any way of knowing is the guy in line next to us is some impotent blowhard just looking for a chance to prove how brave they are by blowing away the bad guy.

The gun nutters are scared shitless and their disease is spreading to normal, rational people. Now, people don't reach out to those who are hurt or less fortunate. Instead, some scared little rabbit like this guy is very likely to blow your head off.

That just isn't true. We most all have guns here in KY, and we aren't shooting one another left and right. The CRIME increase, particularly in inner cities, is why so many people in inn places like Detroit are getting shot.
Renisha McBride Rally Calls For Justice After Homeowner Claims Shooting Was Accidental

More than 100 people in Dearborn Heights, Mich., demonstrated outside the police station Thursday night, saying they hoped to pressure authorities to arrest a homeowner who shot 19-year-old Renisha McBride to death on his front porch after she'd been in a car crash.

"We need transparency in this case," Dream Hampton, an organizer of the demonstration who is a writer and filmmaker in neighboring Detroit, told The Huffington Post before the gathering. "I was just outraged by this story, I really was. I asked some friends to meet me at the police department to demand some justice."

The Detroit branch of the NAACP joined the call for justice. "This shooting must be investigated at every level," the group said in a statement.

McBride's family members have said they believe the young woman's cell phone battery died after the car crash early Saturday and she was seeking help from the homeowner, who police have not identified.

More at link above.

This will bring the racists out from under their rocks.
Was she wearing a hoodie? Did she interrupt the homeowners neighborhood watch? Did she in any way infringe on his 2nd amendment rights?

I think someone needs to beat the shit out of that homeowner. Fuck that prick!
She was shot 2 hours and 10 minutes AFTER the accident. Why was she "trying to get help"? What was she really up to? Remember, this was 3:40 AM. It's not like it was at supper time and the girl had just had an accident in front of the man's house.
How many home invasions have you seen committed by a single female?
Renisha McBride Rally Calls For Justice After Homeowner Claims Shooting Was Accidental

More than 100 people in Dearborn Heights, Mich., demonstrated outside the police station Thursday night, saying they hoped to pressure authorities to arrest a homeowner who shot 19-year-old Renisha McBride to death on his front porch after she'd been in a car crash.

"We need transparency in this case," Dream Hampton, an organizer of the demonstration who is a writer and filmmaker in neighboring Detroit, told The Huffington Post before the gathering. "I was just outraged by this story, I really was. I asked some friends to meet me at the police department to demand some justice."

The Detroit branch of the NAACP joined the call for justice. "This shooting must be investigated at every level," the group said in a statement.

McBride's family members have said they believe the young woman's cell phone battery died after the car crash early Saturday and she was seeking help from the homeowner, who police have not identified.

More at link above.

This will bring the racists out from under their rocks.

And right on cue, you show up.
Absolutely incredible. A young woman knocks on your door and you feel the need to answer with a shot gun? It's your right I guess, but the woman didn't even look like a menacing kind of person. Just shocking...

That's part of the method. A very innocent looking person is pleading for help. The violent cohorts are concealing themselves until the unwary homeowner opens the door.
People need to stop shooting people. Jeezz!

I'd like for to stop lying about this horrible, cold-blooded murder.

If the woman had been white and the murderer black, they would be calling for her head on a pike.
Absolutely incredible. A young woman knocks on your door and you feel the need to answer with a shot gun? It's your right I guess, but the woman didn't even look like a menacing kind of person. Just shocking...

That's part of the method. A very innocent looking person is pleading for help. The violent cohorts are concealing themselves until the unwary homeowner opens the door.

You must be the most miserable person on the face of the earth.
She was shot 2 hours and 10 minutes AFTER the accident. Why was she "trying to get help"? What was she really up to? Remember, this was 3:40 AM. It's not like it was at supper time and the girl had just had an accident in front of the man's house.
How many home invasions have you seen committed by a single female?

How many home robberies are committed by young men in Zimmerman 'a neighborhood?

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