Woman of Color Was Hit Hard With Reality Now That She's a Conservative

I had a black conservative girlfriend but almost all her friends were democrats.
She says the only racism that she got came from Democrats, not Republicans.

She's absolutely right. A Democrat never understands how they're being exploited by their party until they open their eyes and walk away from it. Then it all becomes clear as day.

I have nothing but respect for that woman for leaving them behind.
She says the only racism that she got came from Democrats, not Republicans.

Makes perfect sense.Like who funded and help create the
Ku Klux Klan.Who were allowed a seat at the 1924 Democrat
Convention.It t'weren't knowed Republicans who authored
Jim Crow.Or used guys like Bull Connors to thug anyone
in Peace Protests with Attack Dogs and fire hoses.
Know the history of Democrats and end their farce upon
this once proud Republic.
Progs operate on groups favored over others. There is a pecking order in that. And it changes. Right now, transexuals and gays are at the top of that.

Transsexual and gays, but the left's most favorable group is now illegal immigrants. Leastwise, they've replaced the black folks in their hierarchy of favorable groups.
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