Wonder WHY GOP senators are against a justice's nomination??

So you're defending how Democrats treated Robert Bork.

Morons.....like you.....just refuse to comprehend that Bork was unacceptable when the partisan hack stated that he was AGAINST the Voting Rights...AGAINST women's rights, AGAINST the ACLU, etc., and you expected Bork to be confirmed with such a record?

He was? I mean, I know Ted the crazy drunk woman killer made all kinds of baseless claims about Bork and back alley abortions, but, perhaps you can give us some evidence that any of what you are claiming is true?
So, let me get this straight.... the Dems get thrown out on their asses... and so the new majority does the bidding of the folks that put them in, and they will now lose the next election?

That's priceless.

Perhaps.......but take a look at how the SCOTUS will be for decades......LOL

Like I said - the left has planned to stack the judicial system for years. "We're a nation of laws", remember?

These slimy assholes on the left will eventually get the desired result and then - watch out.
So you're defending how Democrats treated Robert Bork.

Morons.....like you.....just refuse to comprehend that Bork was unacceptable when the partisan hack stated that he was AGAINST the Voting Rights...AGAINST women's rights, AGAINST the ACLU, etc., and you expected Bork to be confirmed with such a record?

You ready to tell me how another SOtomayor is in my interests yet?
So, let me get this straight.... the Dems get thrown out on their asses... and so the new majority does the bidding of the folks that put them in, and they will now lose the next election?

That's priceless.

Perhaps.......but take a look at how the SCOTUS will be for decades......LOL

I know, that is what we fear... a bunch of leftwing, revisionist nut-bags. Hell, if that's whet we want, shit do away with Congress altogether. Lets be presided over by 9 appointees in black robes.
It is funny, you have to admit that - that the left wing in this country actually believes that they are the majority.

They will find out, this November, just how few of them there are.

Only a true nitwit would come to the above conclusion......Dems and GOPers are about the same percentage....Independents are the ones that tilt the elections one way or the other....

In a presidential election, all three percentiles vote in higher numbers and the spectacle of a DO-NOTHING senate will help Dems. regain that chamber.
es the Daily Kos a far left drone blog site, tells you this!

It is amazing how the far left drones forget that Reid invoked the nuclear option and now they hate the idea.

PLEASE keep in mind that there is NOTHING that I want more than the GOP senate to reject any and all nominees.......THAT will be the best assurance that the senate will revert to a Dem. majority.

So, let me get this straight.... the Dems get thrown out on their asses... and so the new majority does the bidding of the folks that put them in, and they will now lose the next election?

That's priceless.

From your mouth to God's ears...
es the Daily Kos a far left drone blog site, tells you this!

It is amazing how the far left drones forget that Reid invoked the nuclear option and now they hate the idea.

PLEASE keep in mind that there is NOTHING that I want more than the GOP senate to reject any and all nominees.......THAT will be the best assurance that the senate will revert to a Dem. majority.

So, let me get this straight.... the Dems get thrown out on their asses... and so the new majority does the bidding of the folks that put them in, and they will now lose the next election?

That's priceless.
But that is exactly what the dems did in Reagan's last year, and their chances were very good for winning the WH. Probably would have if Gary Hart hadn't imploded.

Not that I don't understand, and not that I'm happy with the EPA being able to label CO2 as a pollutant .... but there is this concept of "what's good for the goose is good for the gander."

Still, the gop's natl fortunes are so bad in elections that if not for some old Jews in Miami being confused about voting for Gore instead of Buchanan, there'd be at least a 5-4 dem court.
es the Daily Kos a far left drone blog site, tells you this!

It is amazing how the far left drones forget that Reid invoked the nuclear option and now they hate the idea.

PLEASE keep in mind that there is NOTHING that I want more than the GOP senate to reject any and all nominees.......THAT will be the best assurance that the senate will revert to a Dem. majority.

Wrong as always far left drone!

How are Supreme Court Justices selected?
The President nominates someone for a vacancy on the Court and the Senate votes to confirm the nominee, which requires a simple majority. In this way, both the Executive and Legislative Branches of the federal government have a voice in the composition of the Supreme Court.

Frequently Asked Questions - Supreme Court of the United States

Now that Reid put the Nuclear option in place you far left drones have nothing to complain about.

It all goes back the far left!
I know, that is what we fear... a bunch of leftwing, revisionist nut-bags. Hell, if that's whet we want, shit do away with Congress altogether. Lets be presided over by 9 appointees in black robes.

If there were a few OBJECTIVE cells in your half-brain, you too would have to conclude that the SCOTUS has been right wing for over two decades.
es the Daily Kos a far left drone blog site, tells you this!

It is amazing how the far left drones forget that Reid invoked the nuclear option and now they hate the idea.

PLEASE keep in mind that there is NOTHING that I want more than the GOP senate to reject any and all nominees.......THAT will be the best assurance that the senate will revert to a Dem. majority.

So, let me get this straight.... the Dems get thrown out on their asses... and so the new majority does the bidding of the folks that put them in, and they will now lose the next election?

That's priceless.
But that is exactly what the dems did in Reagan's last year, and their chances were very good for winning the WH. Probably would have if Gary Hart hadn't imploded.

Not that I don't understand, and not that I'm happy with the EPA being able to label CO2 as a pollutant .... but there is this concept of "what's good for the goose is good for the gander."

Still, the gop's natl fortunes are so bad in elections that if not for some old Jews in Miami being confused about voting for Gore instead of Buchanan, there'd be at least a 5-4 dem court.

Indeed... but I don't accept the reason being becaue they are the party of "old white people". Crap, look at who the Dem's are picking from.

The GOP has only been able to present themselves as the party of"we suck too, but just not as bad as those guys". We're fed up with that lame crap.
I know, that is what we fear... a bunch of leftwing, revisionist nut-bags. Hell, if that's whet we want, shit do away with Congress altogether. Lets be presided over by 9 appointees in black robes.

If there were a few OBJECTIVE cells in your half-brain, you too would have to conclude that the SCOTUS has been right wing for over two decades.

And that i my point, we want to keep it that way. Keep the court as what it is supposed to be....
Yep. They are showing their partisan hypocrisy. .... Their hatred of Obama has revealed they are hacks who HATE the Constitution.
It has nothing to do with hating THE MAN. In my response I detailed every exact ACT, every act of disdain for and disregard for the Constitution that makes him, IMO, unfit to nominate any USSC Justice. I don't care it it was / is Trump, Rubio, Bush, or even Reagan himself who had done the things I pointed out Obama has done I would make the argument they are / were unfit to make such a nomination.

You seek to twist, spin, and manipulate everything into a partisan hatred when that is not the case at all. You seek to prevent any personal accountability of the man's own actions and instead, like Hillary, falsely blame some 'vast right wing conspiracy / hatred' of 'all things Liberal' when that is NOT the case by far / at all.
It is not for you or the elected representatives to 'judge' his actions and leap to the conclusion that you no longer need to do your job as set forth in the constitution. There is nothing in there saying the Congress will advise and consent if they like the President or that the Congress will advise and consent if they agree with the President's policies and past actions. The problem isn't that the Republicans might disagree. The problem is when they refuse to even look at a nominee because they (sulkily,imo) don't like their liberal president.
Wrong as always far left drone!

How are Supreme Court Justices selected?
The President nominates someone for a vacancy on the Court and the Senate votes to confirm the nominee, which requires a simple majority. In this way, both the Executive and Legislative Branches of the federal government have a voice in the composition of the Supreme Court.

NO ONE on the left is arguing with that "straw man" you right wingers are now stating...

First, McConnell did not even WANT for Obama to nominate anyone.
Second, the nomination will NEVER even get out of committee
Third, it is the spectacle of a do-nothing senate that will work against the GOP holding on to that chamber...That is why McConnell did not even want a nomination.
Actually, GOP senators are not so much against a nomination of a justice by Obama, their problem is the expected spectacle of their nitpicking even a moderate nomination during the subsequent hearings. Bear in mind that many of these GOP senators (if the nomination ever made it out of the judicial committee) are up for re-election, and their stalling tactics may not go over well among those independent voters that they so much need.

Realizing that the portion of a Daily Kos article below will be met with sneers by right wingers, for those who still have an open mind, the influence that big donors play on GOP senators (and representatives) is both informative and scary for any democracy turning into a plutocracy.....

So, if the McConnell and company "warning" to Obama to not even nominate someone, the author of the article offers the following:

What really matters is why they're doing it, and who it serves. The answer to that question leads straight to their donor base. Although it scarcely bears repeating, the Republican Senate and (to an even greater extent) the Republican House of Representatives now exists to serve the economic interests of a tiny group of very, very wealthy people, people who now stand to either gain or lose hundreds of millions, even billions of dollars spent complying with environmental, finance and labor laws and regulations, depending on who replaces Scalia. That is what this fight is all about. For the GOP and the billionaires who pull their strings, much ballyhooed rhetoric about abortion, affirmative action, union rights and voting rights are all subsidiary to this main event.
The two most prominent members of this tiny group of people are Charles and David Koch:

In this election cycle... the Kochs have publicly stated that they and their compatriots will spend $889 million, more than either the Republican or Democratic parties spent last time around. According to a recent analysis in Politico, their privatized political network is backed by a group of several hundred extremely rich fellow donors who often meet at off-the-record conclaves organized by the Kochs at desert resorts. It has at least 1,200 full-time staffers in 107 offices nationwide, or three and a half times as many as the Republican National Committee. They may be the most important un-elected political figures in American history.

We're against whack-job activists. It is that simple.
I know, that is what we fear... a bunch of leftwing, revisionist nut-bags. Hell, if that's whet we want, shit do away with Congress altogether. Lets be presided over by 9 appointees in black robes.

If there were a few OBJECTIVE cells in your half-brain, you too would have to conclude that the SCOTUS has been right wing for over two decades.

And that i my point, we want to keep it that way. Keep the court as what it is supposed to be....
The court is supposed to be nonpartisan. That's where both sides are wrong. Even Scalia knew that.
What has always amazed me is the fact that....due to Obama hatred......even struggling right wingers will vote against their own best interests for the sake of rich folks (like the Kochs) who have convinced them that they should be in charge....Plutocracy.
Actually, GOP senators are not so much against a nomination of a justice by Obama, their problem is the expected spectacle of their nitpicking even a moderate nomination during the subsequent hearings. Bear in mind that many of these GOP senators (if the nomination ever made it out of the judicial committee) are up for re-election, and their stalling tactics may not go over well among those independent voters that they so much need.

Realizing that the portion of a Daily Kos article below will be met with sneers by right wingers, for those who still have an open mind, the influence that big donors play on GOP senators (and representatives) is both informative and scary for any democracy turning into a plutocracy.....

So, if the McConnell and company "warning" to Obama to not even nominate someone, the author of the article offers the following:

What really matters is why they're doing it, and who it serves. The answer to that question leads straight to their donor base. Although it scarcely bears repeating, the Republican Senate and (to an even greater extent) the Republican House of Representatives now exists to serve the economic interests of a tiny group of very, very wealthy people, people who now stand to either gain or lose hundreds of millions, even billions of dollars spent complying with environmental, finance and labor laws and regulations, depending on who replaces Scalia. That is what this fight is all about. For the GOP and the billionaires who pull their strings, much ballyhooed rhetoric about abortion, affirmative action, union rights and voting rights are all subsidiary to this main event.
The two most prominent members of this tiny group of people are Charles and David Koch:

In this election cycle... the Kochs have publicly stated that they and their compatriots will spend $889 million, more than either the Republican or Democratic parties spent last time around. According to a recent analysis in Politico, their privatized political network is backed by a group of several hundred extremely rich fellow donors who often meet at off-the-record conclaves organized by the Kochs at desert resorts. It has at least 1,200 full-time staffers in 107 offices nationwide, or three and a half times as many as the Republican National Committee. They may be the most important un-elected political figures in American history.

Why is the GOP doing it? For the same reason the Dems would, if the situation was reversed.


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