"Your Husband is the Worst President We Ever Had"

Jill shouts back, "thank you for your support"

It's just time to resign or be 25thed

And she's responsible for encouraging him knowing full well the consequences of allowing him to be a puppet for these sociopaths.
Her, the media, the tech giants, the corrupt branches of gov't and election supervisors, foreign entities (who mistakingly thought they'd benefit, but it backfired taking them down our dark path) are all responsible for this mess of an administration. They all share blame and should let them know by over charging them for products and services. They love looking down at the working class and have no clue on prices, so let them know what they built by charging them double for their plumbing, painting, carpentry, electric, appliance and car repairs, etc. *L*
The stupid ones are the defenders of the indefensible. But yeah, Jill is a stupid woman (I THINK she's a woman).

Thank you for admitting that defending Donald Trump is indefensible.

That you have trouble figuring our whether any First Lady is a woman or a man just demonstrates how really fucked up right wingers really are. I know a lot of you just don't know your asses from a hole in the ground but it's nice that you admit how screwed up you are.
Yes I do and I'm proud to be a democrat.

He sprouted just an opinion. He works Turning Point and is a republican.
Saddest part about you is how proud you are of your ignorance and stupidity of being a Democrat first and not a American!

This also goes for all the “ I am a Proud “ Republican and let me be clear you shouldn’t be proud of this damn mess we are facing but you are a blinded partisan fool!

"Actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart," Trump tweeted. He added that being elected president "on my first try" should "qualify as not smart, but genius ... and a very stable genius at that!"

"I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? As you see, it gets in the lungs, it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that."

Trump voters are retarded.
The idiots who still want the moron to be president again, are imbeciles.
Saddest part about you is how proud you are of your ignorance and stupidity of being a Democrat first and not a American!

This also goes for all the “ I am a Proud “ Republican and let me be clear you shouldn’t be proud of this damn mess we are facing but you are a blinded partisan fool!

The saddest part is that YOU deny that Democrats are Americans.

Republicans have so little to be proud of these last 40 years, I'm curious as to what you're so "proud" of. Are you proud of the three economic crashes by Republican Presidents every time they get into office.

Are you proud of the anti-democratic laws being passed to ensure that Republicans never lose an election??? Are you proud of the white nationalism now rooted in the Republican Party?

Are you proud that democratic governments around the world are declaring the Republican Party has being both white nationalist and fascist????

Democrats didn't create the "mess you are now facing". They're cleaning up Donald Trump's mess. You seem to think that 4 years of incompetence and chaos can be cleaned up in 18 months, with no hardship for the country. And you absolutely fail to mention everything that Trump tried to do to ensure the failure of the Biden Administration on his way out the door.

Donald Trump's trade wars were never ended, and are still ongoing, because the Biden Administration has been in "crisis management" mode since the day Biden was sworn in. The Tariffs, and farm bankruptcies reached record highs in 2019. They were down dramatically in 2021, and prospects for 2022 look good given the shortages created by the Ukraine War, assuming a good yield and that the heat domes currently scorching the mid-west, aren't too destructive to the crops.

Instead of being a "proud Republican", why don't you try being a "good American". Right now, it's impossible to be both.
The saddest part is that YOU deny that Democrats are Americans.

Republicans have so little to be proud of these last 40 years, I'm curious as to what you're so "proud" of. Are you proud of the three economic crashes by Republican Presidents every time they get into office.

Are you proud of the anti-democratic laws being passed to ensure that Republicans never lose an election??? Are you proud of the white nationalism now rooted in the Republican Party?

Are you proud that democratic governments around the world are declaring the Republican Party has being both white nationalist and fascist????

Democrats didn't create the "mess you are now facing". They're cleaning up Donald Trump's mess. You seem to think that 4 years of incompetence and chaos can be cleaned up in 18 months, with no hardship for the country. And you absolutely fail to mention everything that Trump tried to do to ensure the failure of the Biden Administration on his way out the door.

Donald Trump's trade wars were never ended, and are still ongoing, because the Biden Administration has been in "crisis management" mode since the day Biden was sworn in. The Tariffs, and farm bankruptcies reached record highs in 2019. They were down dramatically in 2021, and prospects for 2022 look good given the shortages created by the Ukraine War, assuming a good yield and that the heat domes currently scorching the mid-west, aren't too destructive to the crops.

Instead of being a "proud Republican", why don't you try being a "good American". Right now, it's impossible to be both.
Funny how you put all the blame on the Republicans while Democrats have controlled the House and Senate a few times in these last forty years and show me where the fuck I wrote I was a proud Republican or is this another one of your delusional responses because you are a butt hurt Whore in China moment again?

I wrote in my response to your illiterate friend that Republicans ain’t any better and there is nothing to be proud of but alas you are one retarded bitch that believe Democrats have saved the World from Brain ( Pinky and the Brain ) while ignoring Democrats have caused as much damage over the same period of time!

So bitch it is your turn to show where I have ever written I am a proud Republican and when you can not then fuck you and learn to read you ignorant Whore!
"Actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart," Trump tweeted. He added that being elected president "on my first try" should "qualify as not smart, but genius ... and a very stable genius at that!"

"I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? As you see, it gets in the lungs, it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that."

Trump voters are retarded.
The idiots who still want the moron to be president again, are imbeciles.

He most certainly wasn’t the best communicator we have ever seen, however, regardless, the vast majority of his policies were spot on. That is what matters most to those of us who have emotionally matured past 6th grade, unfortunately, the vast majority of Democrats can’t make that claim.
Jill shouts back, "thank you for your support"

It's just time to resign or be 25thed

"Thank you for your support" was a stupid comeback.

If someone hit that bitch in the face with a shaving cream pie, would she say "Thank you for the shaving cream pie"?

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