51 to 49 witnesses rejected

Funny how in early December Piglosi and Schiff-for-brains claimed the House’s case was “rock solid” and “proved his guilt”. Why the need for more witnesses?
Democrats 17 witnesses.

Republican 0 witnesses.

The Democrats can stop with their butt hurt. It just makes them look like fools.
Romney and Collins voted against the Republicans and with the DemonRats.

Fuck Romney. The Book of Mormon mentions hell as a place of fire and pain (1 Ne 9:10 and Helaman 6:28)

Burn in hell, you two-faced traitorous bastard. I hope the Devil ties you to the roof of his car and drives all the way from LA to NY.

Fort Fun Indiana said:
Yeah, he won a rigged game. Good for him.
He Certainly Did, Didn't He !?!
And Now For His Land-Slide Re-Election
And Pelosi Losing The House !!

HA-HAA !!!

Get Ya Sum More O' This:

Hillary Clinton (2).jpg Hillary Clinton (3).jpg Hillary Clinton (1).jpg
Notice and warning to all of my conservative friends. . . . MOVE to higher ground immediately! The vote has been taken and there is not going to be any more witness testimony in the impeachment sham. Snowflakes are unanimous in a perpetual meltdown that is likely to last well past Trump's landslide reelection and 2nd. Term!

Seek high ground or swim at your own risk!

Shame that my thread was merged. I wanted a thread just for articles, videos and memes of melting snowflakes, water falls, tsunamis and rising sea levels that are certain to be newsworthy in the coming years.
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America will remember this day where the Senate did not live up to its responsibilities...and went along with a sham trial.

its a grand tragedy, my friends
Time for a censure...
Time for you to face reality and 4 More Years!!!!!
I think a quick sent you vote is in order. And I doubt you're getting four more years. Your imaginary planet is becoming just too obvious to the 65% or so who are not brainwashed with garbage GOP propaganda.
More fantasy.
Trump is still president and you only have Bernie or Biden. Better pick quick and concentrate on your own circus.
Good luck with that.
Time for a censure...
Time for you to face reality and 4 More Years!!!!!
I think a quick sent you vote is in order. And I doubt you're getting four more years. Your imaginary planet is becoming just too obvious to the 65% or so who are not brainwashed with garbage GOP propaganda.

You fucking want to talk about "garbage propaganda"???

These were Adam Schiff's exact words, even after the transcript was released...

“In essence, what the President Trump communicates is this: We’ve been very good to your country. Very good. No other country has done as much as we have. But you know what, I don’t see much reciprocity here. You know what I mean? I hear what you want. I have a favor I want from you through. And I’m going to say this only seven times, so you better listen good. I want you to make up dirt on my political opponent, understand?”

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