A&E dealing with death threats. Brilliant.

December is a bad month, indeed. The world is crazy and the USA is hurtin' pretty bad. I am sick of the duck stuff, myself. We need some uplifting threads. I am a libra and I'm all lopsided lately so my arm scales need to be balanced out.

And about GLAAD. I think their name is kind of an oxymoron. Sorta. It just doesn't fit, lol.

This is why it is a good idea to forget about horoscope and all that other nonsense.
We do what we do. Our destiny is revealed to us by our deeds. Not some silly alignment of the stars.
trying to locate the Gospel where Jesus phones in a death threat when his favorite show gets cancelled

Look in the passage about him turning over the tables of the money-changers in the temple and the passage in Matthew about a sinner being dropped into the sea with a millstone around their neck. Jesus had his moments....dont mess with Jesus. :eusa_hand:
I wouldn't be surprised if members of GLAAD and other radical homo's were the ones sending the fake death threats to A&E in order to smear the Robertson's and their fans.

It's been their tactic in the past........ :doubt:

That possibility does exist.
Things like this have happened before.
In this area there was a story about a black couple who called police because they claimed there were racial epithets painted on their house.
Of course every white person in the neighborhood became a suspect. The police hassled people for weeks. The local NAACP got involved. Those jokers were on the news every day for a week.
As police began to gather information, it became clear that the alleged victims were a neighborhood 'cancer'....They called police to complain about their neighbors constantly. When police began to look at the pattern, they realized the couple complained only about their white neighbors. And as it turned out, the couple was behind on their mortgage and about to see a foreclosure notice. The couple had also sought to file lawsuits against their neighbors for some kind of racial bull cocky....the police determined that the couple had vandalized their own house.
I wouldn't be surprised if members of GLAAD and other radical homo's were the ones sending the fake death threats to A&E in order to smear the Robertson's and their fans.

It's been their tactic in the past........ :doubt:

That possibility does exist.
Things like this have happened before.
In this area there was a story about a black couple who called police because they claimed there were racial epithets painted on their house.
Of course every white person in the neighborhood became a suspect. The police hassled people for weeks. The local NAACP got involved. Those jokers were on the news every day for a week.
As police began to gather information, it became clear that the alleged victims were a neighborhood 'cancer'....They called police to complain about their neighbors constantly. When police began to look at the pattern, they realized the couple complained only about their white neighbors. And as it turned out, the couple was behind on their mortgage and about to see a foreclosure notice. The couple had also sought to file lawsuits against their neighbors for some kind of racial bull cocky....the police determined that the couple had vandalized their own house.

Didn't a woman just paint racist graffiti on her own home threatening her own bi-racial son? This is becoming very very common.
Quick question........................did anyone ever think that A and E might be fanning the flames of this bullshit to get better ratings?

And...................did anyone ever consider that the reason they threw this redneck bigot under the bus is because they wanted to have a controversy?

And................lastly......................did anyone ever consider that A and E hired the duck dynasty crew for a reality show simply because they knew one of the ignorant rednecks would say something stupid (like has currently happened) so they could get better ratings, even if the headlines were negative?

That theory has been presented, yes.
One thing about show business....There is no such thing as 'bad' publicity.
Look at how Miley Cyrus' career is being handled. And that little punk Justin Bieber...
They each do fucked up stuff. And their names are out in the public arena....
I'd like to add I've been forever grateful our televison networks have been private-sector entities, much more free than they were in my youth. Back then there was one phone company and three TV networks. These companies have to toe the line about what we want and don't want to see. State television in the rest of the world couldn't care less what their citizens want to see.

And then there's PBS which is our version of state-sponsored TV posing as a neutral. Baloney. Since Barry sneaked into the WH, that network has swung so far left it's ridiculous. They praise the ACA night after night on their supposed "news hour". They continue to claim "global warming" is about to drown us despite massive evidence it's a scam intended to deindustrialize the US. And there is no counter-balance to the stalinist crap Bill Moyers puts out. Hopefully the next president will defund them and let's see what they present as a commercial enterprise. Romney thought that would be a good idea, but his timing was terrible and the MSM reported it as Mittens wanting to ax Big Bird. That's how they fight change....claiming they're only looking out for the "chilllllldren". Yech.
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Quick question........................did anyone ever think that A and E might be fanning the flames of this bullshit to get better ratings?

And...................did anyone ever consider that the reason they threw this redneck bigot under the bus is because they wanted to have a controversy?

And................lastly......................did anyone ever consider that A and E hired the duck dynasty crew for a reality show simply because they knew one of the ignorant rednecks would say something stupid (like has currently happened) so they could get better ratings, even if the headlines were negative?

Nope, cause the A&E executives aren't that smart. ..... :cool:

You're right...................they might not be that smart.

However..............even a blind pig finds a truffle every now and again...

But, if A and E fuck up with this possible landfall of publicity (by supporting the wrong side) they can still be taken down.

Besides, they've already started to do a good job, I mean, did anyone ever consider that the head of the family of duck dynasty could do so much damage to the brand?

Not only do I hope that their reality show goes up in flames and burns, but I also hope that their business does the same thing because of what the founder said.

I hope that duck dynasty goes up in flames, and their business does so as well, because of the stupid comments of the head of their family.

Your hate for anyone who dares not kowtow to the liberal agenda is noted.
I think it is laughable that people who think like you even have the balls to publicly express their opinion..That in the face of your ideology...
You are hereby marginalized as a far left wing kook.
A&E dealing with death threats. Brilliant. Similar nonsense with Chik-whatever.

The farther to the left or to the right the greater the mental unbalance.

The chick-fil-a thing backfired. The Chain is seeing it's best sales ever. The store here is always packed.
Your side LOST that battle.
If pointing out the stupidity of racist rednecks was their aim, then Kudos, they did a good job.

However..................if pointing out the stupidity of the racist rednecks was their aim, then sorry, they did a bad job, because most advertisers, as well as most people in this day and age, won't support them.

It may have been a good idea for publicity, but for keeping the brand alive (as well as the advertising) it was a total fail.

Duck Dynasty needs to go the way of the Whigs, and no, it can't come back like "Dallas" did. Bobby having a hallucination while in the shower isn't a way to move things forward.

And yeah...................the whole GOP since Boehner took office has been a very bad hallucination, sorry, but the GOP is going the way of the Whigs. Even Glenn Beck said so.
Hey genius....Get a clue...Duck Dynasty is the most popular non fiction cable show ever. 14 million viewers per week!
Looks like you have ZERO knowledge of how this thing works.
The show will continue until the family says it no longer wants to do the show.
If A&E does not renew their deal, any number of other networks would pick up the show in a New York minute.....And THAT just eats at you libs like sulfuric acid on copper...
In fact it is fun watching you libs helplessly seethe over this....
And yeah...................the whole GOP since Boehner took office has been a very bad hallucination, sorry, but the GOP is going the way of the Whigs. Even Glenn Beck said so.

:lol: The Whigs were the revolutionaries....Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, Hamiliton....all Whigs. The Torrey bastards like Benedict Arnold all ran to canada. We could use a hell of a lot more Whig-thinking these days. I always said if George Washington had come back to life during the Clinton impeachment, he'd have dragged Willy out on the South Lawn and hanged his ass. Can't imagine what he's do to Barry Soetoro but it would make it look like Willy got off light. :doubt:
If pointing out the stupidity of racist rednecks was their aim, then Kudos, they did a good job.

However..................if pointing out the stupidity of the racist rednecks was their aim, then sorry, they did a bad job, because most advertisers, as well as most people in this day and age, won't support them.

It may have been a good idea for publicity, but for keeping the brand alive (as well as the advertising) it was a total fail.

Duck Dynasty needs to go the way of the Whigs, and no, it can't come back like "Dallas" did. Bobby having a hallucination while in the shower isn't a way to move things forward.

And yeah...................the whole GOP since Boehner took office has been a very bad hallucination, sorry, but the GOP is going the way of the Whigs. Even Glenn Beck said so.
Hey genius....Get a clue...Duck Dynasty is the most popular non fiction cable show ever. 14 million viewers per week!

This nation is halfway down the toilet then. No wonder you are so screwed in the head.
If pointing out the stupidity of racist rednecks was their aim, then Kudos, they did a good job.

However..................if pointing out the stupidity of the racist rednecks was their aim, then sorry, they did a bad job, because most advertisers, as well as most people in this day and age, won't support them.

It may have been a good idea for publicity, but for keeping the brand alive (as well as the advertising) it was a total fail.

Duck Dynasty needs to go the way of the Whigs, and no, it can't come back like "Dallas" did. Bobby having a hallucination while in the shower isn't a way to move things forward.

And yeah...................the whole GOP since Boehner took office has been a very bad hallucination, sorry, but the GOP is going the way of the Whigs. Even Glenn Beck said so.
Hey genius....Get a clue...Duck Dynasty is the most popular non fiction cable show ever. 14 million viewers per week!

This nation is halfway down the toilet then. No wonder you are so screwed in the head.

I'm sayin.
I'd like to add I've been forever grateful our televison networks have been private-sector entities, much more free than they were in my youth. Back then there was one phone company and three TV networks. These companies have to toe the line about what we want and don't want to see. State television in the rest of the world couldn't care less what their citizens want to see.

And then there's PBS which is our version of state-sponsored TV posing as a neutral. Baloney. Since Barry sneaked into the WH, that network has swung so far left it's ridiculous. They praise the ACA night after night on their supposed "news hour". They continue to claim "global warming" is about to drown us despite massive evidence it's a scam intended to deindustrialize the US. And there is no counter-balance to the stalinist crap Bill Moyers puts out. Hopefully the next president will defund them and let's see what they present as a commercial enterprise. Romney thought that would be a good idea, but his timing was terrible and the MSM reported it as Mittens wanting to ax Big Bird. That's how they fight change....claiming they're only looking out for the "chilllllldren". Yech.

PBS SHOULD be defunded. PBS is no more "public" than the other networks..
The shows are all funded by corporate foundations and the stations solicit donations. Plus the system is taxpayer supported. All PBS editorial slant is far left.
The one issue that is incredibly galling is that cable and satellite providers are required to carry PBS AND must pay the retransmission fees. Nonsense.
I'd like to add I've been forever grateful our televison networks have been private-sector entities, much more free than they were in my youth. Back then there was one phone company and three TV networks. These companies have to toe the line about what we want and don't want to see. State television in the rest of the world couldn't care less what their citizens want to see.

And then there's PBS which is our version of state-sponsored TV posing as a neutral. Baloney. Since Barry sneaked into the WH, that network has swung so far left it's ridiculous. They praise the ACA night after night on their supposed "news hour". They continue to claim "global warming" is about to drown us despite massive evidence it's a scam intended to deindustrialize the US. And there is no counter-balance to the stalinist crap Bill Moyers puts out. Hopefully the next president will defund them and let's see what they present as a commercial enterprise. Romney thought that would be a good idea, but his timing was terrible and the MSM reported it as Mittens wanting to ax Big Bird. That's how they fight change....claiming they're only looking out for the "chilllllldren". Yech.

PBS SHOULD be defunded. PBS is no more "public" than the other networks..
The shows are all funded by corporate foundations and the stations solicit donations. Plus the system is taxpayer supported. All PBS editorial slant is far left.
The one issue that is incredibly galling is that cable and satellite providers are required to carry PBS AND must pay the retransmission fees. Nonsense.

Snooty foundations and the beg-a-thons give them enough dough without taxpayer assistance which has INCREASED since 2009. You will not see a "Nature" documentary on PBS that does not mention "global warming"....those shows won't get bought if they go sideways on that scam. They continue showing the firehoses and dogs used on the civil rights marchers, filling young black's minds with revenge 50 years later. And their obsession with those Brit programs.....teeth-grinding boring but clearly about the left's fascination with royalty and their desire to bring it back here.....as long as THEY become the dukes and duchesses (commisars). I watch Cooks Country Kitchen and have learned how to make better chili and meatloaf from it. And with no advertising at amped-up decibles, I find most PBS programming quite easy to fall asleep to. :gives:
I'd like to add I've been forever grateful our televison networks have been private-sector entities, much more free than they were in my youth. Back then there was one phone company and three TV networks. These companies have to toe the line about what we want and don't want to see. State television in the rest of the world couldn't care less what their citizens want to see.

And then there's PBS which is our version of state-sponsored TV posing as a neutral. Baloney. Since Barry sneaked into the WH, that network has swung so far left it's ridiculous. They praise the ACA night after night on their supposed "news hour". They continue to claim "global warming" is about to drown us despite massive evidence it's a scam intended to deindustrialize the US. And there is no counter-balance to the stalinist crap Bill Moyers puts out. Hopefully the next president will defund them and let's see what they present as a commercial enterprise. Romney thought that would be a good idea, but his timing was terrible and the MSM reported it as Mittens wanting to ax Big Bird. That's how they fight change....claiming they're only looking out for the "chilllllldren". Yech.

PBS SHOULD be defunded. PBS is no more "public" than the other networks..
The shows are all funded by corporate foundations and the stations solicit donations. Plus the system is taxpayer supported. All PBS editorial slant is far left.
The one issue that is incredibly galling is that cable and satellite providers are required to carry PBS AND must pay the retransmission fees. Nonsense.

I find most PBS programming quite easy to fall asleep to. :gives:

Its easy to over stimulate a childlike mind. Falling asleep is a natural reflex.
PBS SHOULD be defunded. PBS is no more "public" than the other networks..
The shows are all funded by corporate foundations and the stations solicit donations. Plus the system is taxpayer supported. All PBS editorial slant is far left.
The one issue that is incredibly galling is that cable and satellite providers are required to carry PBS AND must pay the retransmission fees. Nonsense.

I find most PBS programming quite easy to fall asleep to. :gives:

Its easy to over stimulate a childlike mind. Falling asleep is a natural reflex.

Looks like Boop has jungle fever for ya....she doesn't know you're a Jewish girl named Hanna. :lol:
I guess A&E and the homosexual mafia Glaad thought they could just run over people rights of Freedom of speech and just go on their merry way

I feel no sympathy, they made their bed now they can lie in it

The left/Glaad, etc better get a clue...The people in this country don't take kindly to being BULLIED


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