A question for Obamacare supporters

We spend ten times as much per person on healthcare then Venezuela.

And ObamaCare has done nothing to stop the trend.

So we spend 10 time more than a third world country,and that is somehow bad??

The rise in the cost of healthcare has been outpacing inflation for decades. Of course that is a bad thing! More and more Americans have been getting priced out of the market.

The GOP did nothing about that when they had all the power, even though the Democrats had telegraphed their intentions for a government takeover of healthcare if they were given a chance.

The GOP handed the issue to them with a big red bow on it.

As a result, we will see single payer healthcare and 60+ tax brackets in our lifetimes.
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Guess what?

it is not a government takeover of healthcare


Let's see...

1) To access an insurance company, many people now have to go through a government gatekeeper.

2) To be able to sell insurance to those people, the insurance provider cannot provide the customer with a wide range of options they can afford. They must provide what the government tells them to provide at a cost the goverment says they can charge.

3) If an insurance company makes more than the government feels they deserve to make, they have to return that money to their customers.

4) The government is forcing you to buy insurance or pay a fine.

5) The government is forcing employers to provide insurance to their employees. And it must meet government standards.

Nope! No government takeover here!

If a person is self employed or works for a company that doesn't offer insurance he has the option of signing up for a government monitored health exchange. This is as opposed to having to compete on the open insurance market as an individual.
A company offering insurance on the exchange has to comply with certain standards

Government takeover?

Not even close
Guess what?

it is not a government takeover of healthcare

turn off the FoxNews

Uh yeah it is. Turn off the Maddow.

When a law forces people off of their insurance onto government mandated insurance, that's a takeover.

Turn on your brain.

The law does not force people off their insurance unless that insurance is so piss poor that it barely qualifies as health insurance. The only government mandate is that insurance actually provides some coverage

Some Government mandate
Guess what?

it is not a government takeover of healthcare

turn off the FoxNews

Uh yeah it is. Turn off the Maddow.

When a law forces people off of their insurance onto government mandated insurance, that's a takeover.

Turn on your brain.

The law does not force people off their insurance unless that insurance is so piss poor that it barely qualifies as health insurance. The only government mandate is that insurance actually provides some coverage

Some Government mandate

Have you heard some of the actual stories? The coverage that was cancelled was better and the premiums were lower than the government mandated insurances on the exchanges. What happened in those instances? And they didn't get the same expert doctors they needed for their present diseases.
Uh yeah it is. Turn off the Maddow.

When a law forces people off of their insurance onto government mandated insurance, that's a takeover.

Turn on your brain.

The law does not force people off their insurance unless that insurance is so piss poor that it barely qualifies as health insurance. The only government mandate is that insurance actually provides some coverage

Some Government mandate

Have you heard some of the actual stories? The coverage that was cancelled was better and the premiums were lower than the government mandated insurances on the exchanges. What happened in those instances? And they didn't get the same expert doctors they needed for their present diseases.

I have heard the horror stories

Fox runs them 24/7

Unfortunately, when you scratch the surface, most are easily debunked. Fact is, if you can find a better policy outside an exchange, you are welcome to take it
There exists a perfect, symbiotic relationship between the lib drones and their politicians.
The politicians (looters), provide the confiscated earnings of the productive to the drones (parasites),
in exchange for their votes. It's really that simple.
I am surprised you are still able to post here. I would have expected the guys in the white uniforms with the big butterfly nets to have taken you away already.
There exists a perfect, symbiotic relationship between the lib drones and their politicians.
The politicians (looters), provide the confiscated earnings of the productive to the drones (parasites),
in exchange for their votes. It's really that simple.
I am surprised you are still able to post here. I would have expected the guys in the white uniforms with the big butterfly nets to have taken you away already.

I am surprised that is your non-rebuttal. Are u always so intellectual? lol
So long as there remains freedom of the spoken/written word there is always a chance to right the ship.
Guess what?

it is not a government takeover of healthcare

turn off the FoxNews

Uh yeah it is. Turn off the Maddow.

When a law forces people off of their insurance onto government mandated insurance, that's a takeover.

Turn on your brain.

The law does not force people off their insurance unless that insurance is so piss poor that it barely qualifies as health insurance. The only government mandate is that insurance actually provides some coverage

Some Government mandate
Have you signed up for your lactation training classes yet? Free for you, thanks to Obamacare!
And ObamaCare has done nothing to stop the trend.

So we spend 10 time more than a third world country,and that is somehow bad??

The rise in the cost of healthcare has been outpacing inflation for decades. Of course that is a bad thing! More and more Americans have been getting priced out of the market.

This is correct, ever since the advent of Medicare and Medicaid, healthcare expenditures have increased from approximately 5% in 1966 to about 18% today.

We spend ten times as much per person on healthcare then Venezuela.

And ObamaCare has done nothing to stop the trend.

So we spend 10 time more than a third world country,and that is somehow bad??

Maybe you should scroll back so you can understand what I was referring to. I never said it was bad that we spend ten times more than Venezuela. The person I was responding to was bashing Venezuela's socialist medical system because it was turning away cancer patients. My point was that any system that spends 10% of what we spend is not going to be able to meet the medical needs of its people. Pay attention.
Uh yeah it is. Turn off the Maddow.

When a law forces people off of their insurance onto government mandated insurance, that's a takeover.

Turn on your brain.

The law does not force people off their insurance unless that insurance is so piss poor that it barely qualifies as health insurance. The only government mandate is that insurance actually provides some coverage

Some Government mandate

Have you heard some of the actual stories? The coverage that was cancelled was better and the premiums were lower than the government mandated insurances on the exchanges. What happened in those instances? And they didn't get the same expert doctors they needed for their present diseases.

There definitely are some situations where people are losing good insurance that is being replaced with more expensive policies. There are a multitude of reasons that this is happening. There are also many people who are now going to be able to purchase better insurance at a lower price. It really is a mixed bag. What we should be looking at is how we can help those who are getting screwed. The whole point of the exchanges was to make it better for everyone. If it is hurting some people, let's find a way to fix that.

On the same subject but looking at it from a different perspective, a lot of this comes down to people just not understanding how the insurance industry works. The reason people were able to purchase private plans so cheap in the past is that they only accepted healthy people for those plans. If those same people were getting their insurance through an employer, they would be paying considerable more for that policy. Employer based coverage has always cost much more than buying a private individual plan. The reason for that is that insurance companies cannot deny coverage to an employee who is part of the employer's pool. The one advantage for older employees is that they pay the same amount as younger employees in that company because rates are based on the average age and health of all the company's employees.
The reason it got so ridiculously overpriced as to be 1/6 of the economy was it was a Pub scam of the American people, fool- FOREVER. finally IT'S GETTING SOME INTELIGENT OVERSIGHT...

OP- rw idiocy from the hater dupes...
ANYTHING overpriced about ACA is due to Pub and insurer obstruction in red states and areas...ACA works GREAT in DEM STATES...

ACA works great if you believe you are your Brothers Keeper.

I certainly don't see it that way. I DO believe we have an obligation to care for one another. I just don't believe in coercion as a means to that end.
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ANYTHING overpriced about ACA is due to Pub and insurer obstruction in red states and areas...ACA works GREAT in DEM STATES...

ACA works great if you believe you are your Brothers Keeper.

I certainly don't see it that way. I DO believe we have an obligation to care for one another. I just don't believe in coercion as a means to that end.

There are pvt. charities & Foundations set up to help those in need.
Additionally, there would be substantially more donations if people retained more of their income and not the outrageous 30-50% taxation they are subject to.

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