Zone1 A question for the USMB left.

What there is precedent for is alternate electors in case the outcome of the election turned out different than originally thought. Pending a recount in the case of Kennedy.

The thing you ALL skip over. Was that by the time they reached Congress. Those electors where both certified by the Governor of Hawaii and a judge as the duly elected and certified electors of the State of Hawaii.

This is a VERY different proposition than CLAIMING electors ARE the duly elected electors of a State when they are manifestly not. And pressuring the VP to accept them as real when they are not.

It makes those documents false, and those that conspired to get them accepted as real... CRIMINALS.

All of you are concerned about voter fraud. Here it is. Forging electoral college votes from entire states in order to change the outcome of the election. And nobody is denying it happened.
None of this jives otherwise if it is finally proven that the election was stolen in a court of law, and with all parties present for questioning and their testimony in a transparent trial. It should be the trial of the century.

Until this happens, nothing will ever be right or proven. It will be used forever by those with bad intent.
I can't speak for the "left", but I suspect part of the problem is that partisans generally go straight to screeching, over-the-top language when "disagreeing". it's not enough to say, "I disagree, there's a better way". The two-party fear mongers have to declare that anyone disagreeing with them is pure evil™. Fear sells.
No there's evil and there's good, so take a side.

If have any question's, just submit them for review.. 😆 We'll take a score.
I have. D's and Rs are both bad.

I won't vote for bad. Wake up.
So you won't vote at all ? Hmm, uhhh yeah sure there are bad by percentages in everyone, but you wanting to take the fence rider way out is really surprising.

You haven't taken a side yet, otherwise you are sitting it out eh ?
So you won't vote at all ?
That's pretty funny.

I'll vote. All I said is I won't vote for a bad candidate just because unscrupulous motherfuckers like you claim there are only two choices. They (you) are liars. We can vote for whomever we want.
My statement? You mean my questioning of the logic of your argument? Do you really not understand what a question mark is for? :dunno: :laugh:
I GAVE you my logic You ignored it. All you said was that people should allowed to be attracted to same sex partners. As far as I know, attraction between human beings has not been prohibited. Why don't you just tell me your questions about my 'argument?' So far all you do is come there and troll.
That's pretty funny.

I'll vote. All I said is I won't vote for a bad candidate just because unscrupulous motherfuckers like you claim there are only two choices. They (you) are liars. We can vote for whomever we want.
What's the other viable choice?
I don't give a shit about who you, or the press, or any other ignorant motherfucker decides is "viable". I won't vote for a bad candidate. It's fucking stupid.
I meant someone who has a chance of being elected which right now is either Biden or Trump. I realize you don't have to vote for either one but, who did you have in mind? Just curious.
I GAVE you my logic You ignored it.
No. I questioned your logic and you pretended my question was a statement.
All you said was that people should allowed to be attracted to same sex partners.
I did not say that at all. No one needs you to allow them to feel. People feel attraction based on their own biology, not your acceptance. What they should be allowed to do is legally pursue those attractions in consensual relationships.
As far as I know, attraction between human beings has not been prohibited. Why don't you just tell me your questions about my 'argument?' So far all you do is come there and troll.
I did already. Here they are again.


Oh doesn't it seem that way to you?

If mating is the goal why pair off at all then? Wouldn't it be advantageous for everyone to have multiple sexual partners to ensure procreation? And if procreation is the goal why does most sex get engaged in for recreational purposes? Do you only have sex to procreate? If your wife tries to go down on you do stop her and tell her that isn't how babies are made? :dunno: :laugh:

To answer the OP we call you bigots because we don't believe that you believe any of this nonsense. Not even for a second. :laugh:
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I won't vote for a bad candidate. It's fucking stupid.
Surely one Party has a lead on policies you care about over the other.

Abortion rights for women in your life should be a start.

If you are for the government forcing full term gestation on all women then you need to vote for Trump not Biden,

If you are for Putin seeing his military destroyed on Ukraine until they get off of every inch of Ukraine soil including Crimea. Then you need to vote for Biden.

I vote for Biden so Putin gets hanged like Mussolini when Russian mothers get fed up sending their sons into the meat grinder funded in major part by Joe Biden.

I vote for Biden so my granddaughters never have a f-king white Christian nationalists state government telling her gay she can do or can’t do with her body.
Sigh ... give it up. I don't play that game. Not voting for a bad candidate. That's dumb.
Do you think a good candidate can do anything without a political party under his or her leadership,

If Biden was not a good candidate, how in the hell is the US economy the envy of the entire world.

Under Biden the US economy is the envy of the entire world,

If the United States’ economy were an athlete, right now it would be peak LeBron James. If it were a pop star, it would be peak Taylor Swift. Four years ago, the pandemic temporarily brought much of the world economy to a halt. Since then, America’s economic performance has left other countries in the dust and even broken some of its own records. The growth rate is high, the unemployment rate is at historic lows, household wealth is surging, and wages are rising faster than costs, especially for the working class. There are many ways to define a good economy. America is in tremendous shape according to just about any of them.​
If someone who you think is a bad candidate, Saint_Dblack but turns out to be a great president are you man enough to admit you were wrong?
No. I questioned your logic and you pretended my question was a statement.

I did not say that at all. No one needs you to allow them to feel. People feel attraction based on their own biology, not your acceptance. What they should be allowed to do is legally pursue those attractions in consensual relationships.

I did already. Here they are again.
You did say that, in post 497...."What's chaotic about society allowing people who are naturally attracted to the same sex to pursue relationships with people of the same sex?"

Beside the point, I was not talking about homosexuals you really did say what I said you did. Deny it all you want it's there. You failed to comprehend my point and went straight to your homosexual diatribe. Heterosexual mating, hetero marriages and raising children in hetero families is the backbone of America.
If someone who you think is a bad candidate, Saint_Dblack but turns out to be a great president are you man enough to admit you were wrong?
I'd be thrilled to admit I was wrong if that were the case. This isn't about my fucking ego.

"Saint" suggests you think otherwise, but it really isn't about me looking down on you. I do, of course, but the point isn't about trying to prove I'm smarter than you. The point is that our nation is seriously at risk. If we can't elect a leader dedicated to uniting us, we're screwed.
None of this jives otherwise if it is finally proven that the election was stolen in a court of law, and with all parties present for questioning and their testimony in a transparent trial. It should be the trial of the century.

Until this happens, nothing will ever be right or proven. It will be used forever by those with bad intent.
That's not how it works. You can't justify robbing a bank by proving the bank director is a crook. In the end you're still a bank robber.

As for the courts. There have been over 60 lawsuits prior the certification. Since then, we have discovery for Fox news were internal emails show they knew the election fraud charges were BS. Sidney Powell putting in court statements that she wasn't being reasonable. Guilliani saying in court his accusations were BS. True the vote (the 2000 mules people) that they have no evidence. Cyber Ninja Failing, etc.etc.

You can't keep on demanding your day in court when you've failed spectacularly dozens of times. The courts is not the lottery were you just can keep buying tickets until you win.
I'd be thrilled to admit I was wrong if that were the case. This isn't about my fucking ego.

"Saint" suggests you think otherwise, but it really isn't about me looking down on you. I do, of course, but the point isn't about trying to prove I'm smarter than you. The point is that our nation is seriously at risk. If we can't elect a leader dedicated to uniting us, we're screwed.
Trump is bringing in more blacks, hispanics and even those who were traditionally on the left. Trump is for America (which is all of US). He seems like the best candidate IMO.
"Saint" suggests you think otherwise,
You are a saint because your voter plan in this upcoming election for President aids and abets a cultish group of voters we simply can call Trump Christians from the general group of Republican loyal working class.

They will show up in big numbers for Ralph Reed.

The Guardian reported Saturday that Ralph Reed, who is the founder and chair of the far-right Faith & Freedom Coalition, has promised to deliver millions of evangelical voters to Trump's side in the handful of battleground states that will decide the November election, calling it "the biggest turnout of Christian voters in American history." This includes a promise to knock on 10 million doors of conservative Christian households, to make 10 million phone calls to drive voter turnout, send 25 million text messages and have 30 million voter guides placed in approximately 113,000 churches.
You are a saint because your voter plan in this upcoming election for President aids and abets a cultish group of voters we simply can call Trump Christians from the general group of Republican loyal working class.

They will show up in big numbers for Ralph Reed.

The Guardian reported Saturday that Ralph Reed, who is the founder and chair of the far-right Faith & Freedom Coalition, has promised to deliver millions of evangelical voters to Trump's side in the handful of battleground states that will decide the November election, calling it "the biggest turnout of Christian voters in American history." This includes a promise to knock on 10 million doors of conservative Christian households, to make 10 million phone calls to drive voter turnout, send 25 million text messages and have 30 million voter guides placed in approximately 113,000 churches.
What are you afraid of? Can't recognize honeyfuglers? You must be really stupid to be afraid of Ralph Reed. Better to be afraid of George Soros, a real evil force disguised as an altruistic old man but is actually a Stalin type socialist with Nazi ties.

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