arbery trial and race

What was their cause for suspicion of committing what felony crime?
The neighborhood knew of burglaries happening, they suspected this was the guy, and they were right. The law allows for citizens arrests. They told him the cops were coming, then the criminal ran and eventually attacked the driver with the shotgun.
What did he steal?

At the time, and the ONLY thing that can be proven is that he didn't steal anything. Only trespassed onto a property and into a house that didn't belong to him, and has a history of things being stolen.
No one is calling him a thief. Even the property owner.
What they are saying is that he trespassed, and was trying to be questions as to why he was trespassing. Had the neighbors tackled and detained him, they would've still been within their legal rights, considering that he was caught breaking the law, just prior to be followed.
That's legal, with certain limitations. You can't "confine" or shackle them in any way.

As innocent as some are trying to make Arbery out to be, he still broke laws and suspected himself when running away.
What doomed his fate was attacking Greg. As Greg has a right to defend himself from an attacker, and to do everything possible to keep his attacker from taking possession of his firearm.

Public opinion doesn't not matter in this case. The details of ever illegal action, by both parties are the ONLY thing that matters. Other than mentality of both parties. The judge was very bias by not allowing Arbery's mental state or toxicology to be entered as evidence.
When Arbery made the sharp left in front of the truck and bolted for Greg. Had he proceeded straight forward, he would NOT have been the aggressor/assailant.
I get it. Dudes are following him, and won't leave him alone. He apparently wasn't going to stand for it any longer. He was going to take action, BY GOD!!!!! He was going to put an end to being followed.
This stems from his mental state. And according to science, the THC in his system, coupled with his mental disorder maybe the culprit in his aggression. But, that's also irrelevant since the judge won't allow the toxicology report or psychologist to testify in the court. Which IMO, is bias in favor of the prosecution because a persons state of mind is completely relevant to this case.

He had no idea WTF was going on and figured himself for dead anyway. So he took the only chance he had at saving his own life by trying to disarm the nut that was threatening him.
Killing him is the end result. Chasing him is irrelevant once Arbery started running towards Greg. That makes Arbery the last aggressor. Charging Greg, armed or not, makes Arbery the aggressor and assailant.

Had Arbery just ran passed the truck, and Greg chased after Arbery again, then Greg would still be the aggressor. But that's not what happened. So again, it's irrelevant that the McMichael's chanced Arbery. Those are just the events that lead up to Arbery getting aggressive.

Compare this to the Rittenhouse case. Also self defense. And let's assume that Kyle was waving his gun around and bragging about it. That still would not allow Rosenbaum the right to chase and attempt to attack KR. Once Rosenbaum began chasing KR, that made him the aggressor. Especially since KR was moving away from Rosenbaum. In the Arbery video, you can clearly see Gregs and his feet backing away from Arbery. This makes Arbery the aggressor.

Who was chasing who? It was Greg that was the aggressor, not Arbery. He was the victim.
No evidence of? They chased him down with trucks and got out with a gun in hand.

Here's the statute:
(2) Commits an act which places another in reasonable apprehension of immediately receiving a violent injury.

I'd say chasing someone down with a gun puts them at reasonable apprehension of immediately receiving a violent injury.

Not unless you shoot. A gun is harmless unless you pull the trigger and hit somebody with a bullet.
Only trespassed onto a property and into a house that didn't belong to him
Not specifically. To be guilty of trespass he’d have to have been told not to come on the property or have been asked to leave.

By the owner.
and has a history of things being stolen.
It didn’t. Nothing was ever reported stolen from the house.
No one is calling him a thief
The previous poster did.
Had the neighbors tackled and detained him, they would've still been within their legal rights
They did not see him commit a felony or have immediate knowledge of him doing so. They were not acting lawfully.
As true as that might be, Arbery never got to a place to get a weapon. What you're describing is having the time to arm yourself. Arbery didn't have the time to get home to get a weapon.
That sounds stupid as hell.
On your second point, at least one of them seen Arbery coming out of the house and running when he seen he was being watched coming out of the house. This is how Arbery became suspect. This is the ONLY reason they pursued Arbery, because he was seen coming out of the house and then bolting.
None of the 3 defendants saw him coming out that house.
You can should'a, could'a would'a this to death, and it would be irrelevant as to what either of them should've done. As in Arbery explaining to the person who witnessed him coming out of the house why he was trespassing.
The only folks he needed to explain anything to would have been the homeowner or the police and neither one of the 3 were either.
But that's irrelevant.
What is completely relevant is that Arbery ran towards the McMichael's. (totally legal and justifiable) But what is not legal and justifiable, is making the sharp left hand turn in front of the truck and charging Greg. Greg didn't raise his gun up until AFTER Arbery charged him. Greg didn't fire until AFTER Arbery reached for Greg and his gun.
We will see before Thanksgiving what Ahmaud had a right to do or not do.
When Arbery made the sharp left in front of the truck and bolted for Greg. Had he proceeded straight forward, he would NOT have been the aggressor/assailant.
Sorry the Law disagrees with you. See you can't chase someone down, jump out with a loaded weapon on them and then claim self defense.
No you don't get it.
Dudes are following him, and won't leave him alone. He apparently wasn't going to stand for it any longer. He was going to take action, BY GOD!!!!! He was going to put an end to being followed.
This stems from his mental state. And according to science, the THC in his system, coupled with his mental disorder maybe the culprit in his aggression. But, that's also irrelevant since the judge won't allow the toxicology report or psychologist to testify in the court. Which IMO, is bias in favor of the prosecution because a persons state of mind is completely relevant to this case.
Another dumb ass analogy, What did these rednecks have in their systesms? Oh that's right they weren't drug tested, the Good Ole Boy Networks at it's best.
You don’t think armed men chasing down someone causes a reasonable fear that your may sustain a violent injury?

Be reasonable.

Not enough to charge them with assault, no I don't. Prosecutors need indisputable evidence to bring such a charge. Shooting somebody is assault thus the charge.
Sorry the Law disagrees with you. See you can't chase someone down, jump out with a loaded weapon on them and then claim self defense.

Yes you can, and do it legitimately. If you jump out of your truck with a gun, and head towards the person you're going to shoot., then you can't. But McMichael did not do that. He gets out of his truck armed, and goes towards the front of the truck. Not towards Arbery
Another dumb ass analogy, What did these rednecks have in their systesms? Oh that's right they weren't drug tested, the Good Ole Boy Networks at it's best.

Hey go fuck yourself, pal. Everything I said was the truth. You're gonna have to put your clear glasses on and see for yourself. Arbery ran towards the McMichaels. Was passed the truck, he turned sharp left, lunged at Greg, grabbing for hi gun. Then and ONLY THEN, was he shot. Not when he was running up from behind the truck, where both Travis and Greg could've unloaded on him. But AFTER Arbery, and angry man, lunged for Greg's gun.

Angry, he was. You don't think he was angry? For fucks sakes, did you not see him going off on the cop, in the webcam footage I posted? Cop was just asking him a few questions, and Arbery looked and acted like he was going to attack the cop. Even running up on him at least once. In like a split second.
He was mentally unstable and smoking pot. Pot calms most people down. But not those who are in Arberys state of mind.
This is why those kind of people are sometimes locked away from society. Because they're not fit for society.

You want Greg to be guilty so bad, you're willing to lie to yourself about what Arbery really did. As if you think it's OK to charge at someone with a gun. That's not only illegal. But it's also stupid. It's the laws way of trying to protect angry stupid people.
He can't when it comes to black folks, because he thinks ALL black folks are criminals. He is a slum lord in a black neighborhood.

There's a reason why blacks have this reputation. It's because blacks commit over 50% of the homicides in this country. You think all those blacks are in prison, just because they're black?
Dude, that's fucking racist to think something like that. They're there because they killed people, raped people robbed from people and all sort of other crimes.
The black community owns that reputation.
Betcha $1 to a hole in a donut, 99% of the blacks in this country, could tell you the names of more black men shot by police, than they can tell you the names of black millionaires.<<< That's important.
Their fucking role models are George Floyd, Michael Brown and Blake. They look up to rappers who rap about gang violence, killing people, drugs & guns. Rappers like The black girls role model is someone who sings about her WAP.

Hell, I betcha most blacks don't even know who Ty Smith is.
Yes you can, and do it legitimately. If you jump out of your truck with a gun, and head towards the person you're going to shoot., then you can't. But McMichael did not do that. He gets out of his truck armed, and goes towards the front of the truck. Not towards Arbery.
Where was Ahmaud Arbery at? The front of the truck.
Hey go fuck yourself, pal. Everything I said was the truth.
You go suck yourself, pal. Everything you said was horseshit, that is why these 3 idiots are on trial now.
You're gonna have to put your clear glasses on and see for yourself. Arbery ran towards the McMichaels.
Why did Greg McMichaels say, "He was cornered like a rat".?
Was passed the truck, he turned sharp left, lunged at Greg, grabbing for hi gun. Then and ONLY THEN, was he shot. Not when he was running up from behind the truck, where both Travis and Greg could've unloaded on him. But AFTER Arbery, and angry man, lunged for Greg's gun.
Why did Travis get out of the truck? Why didn't he just drive off? Last I checked a pick up truck is faster than a man running up the road.
Angry, he was. You don't think he was angry? For fucks sakes, did you not see him going off on the cop, in the webcam footage I posted?
I was say he was in fear, totally different situation and Bryan and the McMichaels were not the police.
Cop was just asking him a few questions, and Arbery looked and acted like he was going to attack the cop. Even running up on him at least once. In like a split second.
We have seen the interaction of the police and black folks, so save that weak argument for another day.
He was mentally unstable and smoking pot. Pot calms most people down. But not those who are in Arberys state of mind.
This is why those kind of people are sometimes locked away from society. Because they're not fit for society.
Yea but 3 rednecks in pick up trucks chasing down an unarmed black man are definitely mentally stable.
You want Greg to be guilty so bad, you're willing to lie to yourself about what Arbery really did. As if you think it's OK to charge at someone with a gun. That's not only illegal. But it's also stupid. It's the laws way of trying to protect angry stupid people.
Actually you like the typical racist want to exonerate the McMichaels because you think they struck a blow for the white man in getting another Nword off the street.
There's a reason why blacks have this reputation. It's because blacks commit over 50% of the homicides in this country. You think all those blacks are in prison, just because they're black?
Dude, that's fucking racist to think something like that. They're there because they killed people, raped people robbed from people and all sort of other crimes.
The black community owns that reputation.
Betcha $1 to a hole in a donut, 99% of the blacks in this country, could tell you the names of more black men shot by police, than they can tell you the names of black millionaires.<<< That's important.
Their fucking role models are George Floyd, Michael Brown and Blake. They look up to rappers who rap about gang violence, killing people, drugs & guns. Rappers like The black girls role model is someone who sings about her WAP.

Hell, I betcha most blacks don't even know who Ty Smith is.

See it is this ass backwards racist thinking is why you want to give the McMichaels and Bryan a pass. Arbery wasn't chasing the McMichaels and Bryan. Ahmaud didn't have a .357 Mag and a Pump shotgun with him.

Hell we just saw four black men who were just exonerated after being put in prison 72yrs ago for a rape they didn't commit and as usual all it took was a white woman to say, "he did it" and they found them guilty with NO evidence.
See it is this ass backwards racist thinking is why you want to give the McMichaels and Bryan a pass.

Race ain't got nothing to do with the way the video proves Arbery charged at Greg.
Arbery wasn't chasing the McMichaels and Bryan.

When Arbery was shot, he damn sure was chasing Greg. Are you blind? Can you not see their feet under the truck? Can you not see Greg move backwards?
You're looking at this like the media wants you to see it. Through racist eyes.
Ahmaud didn't have a .357 Mag and a Pump shotgun with him.

Did anyone say he did?
Hell we just saw four black men who were just exonerated after being put in prison 72yrs ago for a rape they didn't commit and as usual all it took was a white woman to say, "he did it" and they found them guilty with NO evidence.

72 years ago, I have no doubt. But that was then, and this is now. You can't blame white people of today for what happened 72 years ago.
Man you got racism bad. You know, no one is born racist. They have to be taught that. Then when they grow up, that have to unlearn it. Guess you got some growing up to do. Tryna paint all of us white people with the same brush you painted slave owners with.

Ain't gonna work, bro.

Regardless of what the verdict is, I know that you know Arbery charged Greg. I know that you know that Arbery was mentally unstable and smokin pot on top of his mental condition. And that he was an angry aggressive black man, who had all those violent gangsta rap-crap fillin his head.
Rap music has help send a lot of black men to prison and to death.


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