arbery trial and race

Race ain't got nothing to do with the way the video proves Arbery charged at Greg.
After being chased for over 5 minutes and having a shotgun pulled on him and a clown on the back of a truck threatening him.
When Arbery was shot, he damn sure was chasing Greg. Are you blind? Can you not see their feet under the truck? Can you not see Greg move backwards?
You're looking at this like the media wants you to see it. Through racist eyes.
Are you truly that slow? Have you ever had 3 men chase you in pickup trucks?
Did anyone say he did?

72 years ago, I have no doubt. But that was then, and this is now. You can't blame white people of today for what happened 72 years ago.
I would agree if we didn't still see the same type of Justice System today.

Man you got racism bad. You know, no one is born racist. They have to be taught that. Then when they grow up, that have to unlearn it. Guess you got some growing up to do. Tryna paint all of us white people with the same brush you painted slave owners with.

Black folks are on the receiving end of racism, but we are the racist.
Ain't gonna work, bro.

Regardless of what the verdict is, I know that you know Arbery charged Greg.
So he jumped in the back of the truck and attacked a man who said he was going to blow his GD head off.
I know that you know that Arbery was mentally unstable and smokin pot on top of his mental condition.
How do you know that?
And that he was an angry aggressive black man, who had all those violent gangsta rap-crap fillin his head.
Rap music has help send a lot of black men to prison and to death.

Unbelievable. A black man is chased down by 3 armed white men and murdered but I am the racist. Smfh.
You're not being reasonable.

If you were in that situation, you'd have a different tune. As it is, you're incapable of recognizing reality since you've taken a side.

It has nothing to do with taking any sides. So let's adjust the scenario of what happened.

They chased this guy down, Greg got out of the truck and held him at gunpoint where Arbery didn't move. The police show up and cuff him until they complete their investigation. Their findings are what we know now which is he didn't steal a nail on the floor and they let him go.

Do you really believe they could get away with charging Greg with assault? Not in your life.
Do you really believe they could get away with charging Greg with assault? Not in your life.
They could have since the action of the McMichaels was clearly illegal.

But they never would have been charged because law enforcement would have swept it under the rug as they nearly did even after they killed him.

Let me just say this as plain as I can.
Holding someone at gunpoint without justification is assault.

I can’t believe I have to say this but I guess I do. Do you really think that holding someone at gun point isn’t assault?
They could have since the action of the McMichaels was clearly illegal.

But they never would have been charged because law enforcement would have swept it under the rug as they nearly did even after they killed him.

Let me just say this as plain as I can.
Holding someone at gunpoint without justification is assault.

I can’t believe I have to say this but I guess I do. Do you really think that holding someone at gun point isn’t assault?

Yes, I really believe that. Kidnapping? Depends on if a prosecutor wants to go that route, but I doubt they would have arrested him for that since it would be such a weak charge.
Yes, I really believe that
Then you’re stunningly ignorant.

Assault is not a weak charge. It would have been felony assault since it was done with a firearm. It wouldn’t have been charged because the justice system doesn’t treat everyone equally. The good old boy network is a thing.
Then you’re stunningly ignorant.

Assault is not a weak charge. It would have been felony assault since it was done with a firearm. It wouldn’t have been charged because the justice system doesn’t treat everyone equally. The good old boy network is a thing.

Quit living in the 50's. I said a kidnapping charge would have been weak. If he didn't shoot Arbery, more than likely they wouldn't have charged him with anything since he broke no laws.
Quit living in the 50's. I said a kidnapping charge would have been weak. If he didn't shoot Arbery, more than likely they wouldn't have charged him with anything since he broke no laws.
You think you can hold a person at gun point without breaking any laws?

Cmon man. A reasonable person would believe that if someone was pointing a gun at you, they have every intention of using it. That’s assault.
You think you can hold a person at gun point without breaking any laws?

Cmon man. A reasonable person would believe that if someone was pointing a gun at you, they have every intention of using it. That’s assault.

Fine, then find me one story out of GA where a person held another at gunpoint, didn't use the weapon, and was charged with assault. Good luck.
Fine, then find me one story out of GA where a person held another at gunpoint, didn't use the weapon, and was charged with assault. Good luck.

I feel like you are trying to win an argument by making a somewhat unreasonable request given the very specific nature of something that is not necessarily very easily searched.

Unfortunately for you, I am very good at this.

Pointing a gun or pistol at another may lead to being charged with another crime. In the case of Savage v. State, the defendant pointed a firearm at the victim. However, the Court charged the defendant with aggravated assault instead of pointing a gun at another because the victim was placed in reasonable apprehension of immediate violent injury. Therefore, the accused went from being charged with the misdemeanor pointing a gun to a felony of aggravated assault. 274 Ga. 692, (2002).

After being chased for over 5 minutes and having a shotgun pulled on him and a clown on the back of a truck threatening him.
What's your point? That he was tired of someone trying to get him to stop? Thought he didn't have to answer for his trespassing? Got angry?
That was my point to begin with, and you denied it.

Are you truly that slow? Have you ever had 3 men chase you in pickup trucks?

No, I've never broken a law that required that. I have though, trespassed onto private property to look at the construction of a new home. And had I been contacted by a neighbor who wanted to know why, I would've had the conversation. Not bolt from the house and continue to run away from those concerned neighbors or property owners.
Do all blacks think they have to run, when they're caught? Are they not mentally capable of taking responsibility for their own actions? Or are they just entitled?
I would agree if we didn't still see the same type of Justice System today.

LMAO.. Dude, white folks get a raw deal in courts too. White folks get pulled over for the same BS lies from bad cops too. White folks get shot more often by cops than blacks. White folks get the same beat downs by cops. It ain't racist, it's the system.
If my white ass was driving around in a drug infested neighborhood at 3am, and a cop see's me, he's gonna think of the same lame ass excuse to pull me over.
The race baiter/hustlers got your head filled with some bullshit.
Black folks are on the receiving end of racism, but we are the racist.

That's because there's a LOT of racism in the black community. Hell, y'all have racist organizations that are constantly in the (left leaning MSM) spewing their racist tripe. BLM is a violent racist organization. It didn't start out that way. But the violent thugs of the black community made it that way.
One of the leaders in the NAACP was on MSNBC talking about how Rittenhouse was a white supremacist. The other left leaning news did their best to bring racism into that incident and trial.
They filling the left with so many lies and so much hatred, they even got dumb ass white people fighting to keep racism alive. (antifa)
So he jumped in the back of the truck and attacked a man who said he was going to blow his GD head off.

The guy in the back of the truck never attacked anyone. He never got out of the back of the truck. Damn dude, you didn't even watch the video, did you?
How do you know that?

Unbais news reports.
You see bro, I ain't a republican or a democrat.
You can find stuff, like his criminal history. Things like him being caught bringing a gun to a school basketball game. WTF would he need a gun at a basket ball game for?
This dude, apparently without a stable house or a father around, has been in a lot of trouble. He was a troubled man. Diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder. Smoking pot on top of that. Science and studies prove that people with schizoaffective disorder that smoke pot, makes them aggressive.
Body cam footage proves that was the case when he had a run in with the law. Went from calm and cool, to suddenly aggressive and angry. And in that moment, the cop wasn't even talking to him. The cop was behind his patrol car running his license.

Unbelievable. A black man is chased down by 3 armed white men and murdered but I am the racist. Smfh.

You're the racist not for what happened to Arbery. An you know damn well that's not why you're a racist. You seem racist because you keep bringing race into this, and overlooking all the facts that lead up to Arberys death.
Facts like:
He just committed a crime, and the neighbors were trying to stop someone who they thought may have stole something. At least until the police showed up.
He ran towards people with guns, who didn't shoot him on his approach.
Greg stepped back, when Arbery charged him.
Greg didn't shoot, until Arbery charged him and went for his gun.

Just because Arbery was black, doesn't mean the defense is entitled to overlook facts and Arbery's actions. Being black doesn't mean he's entitled to not be followed, hollered at, even threaten (since he wouldn't stop), AFTER being witnessed of trespassing.
Who TF do blacks think they are? Above the law? Do they think they can just get away with things, just because they're black. We ALL have to be held accountable for our actions. Especially if we break the law.
Black or what. That sir, is what is commonly known as "equality." MLK justifiably fought for it. Thousands and thousands of blacks justifiably marched and protested for it. And now that blacks are free to go anywhere they want, they can eat at any restaurant, fly on any plane, go to any school, shop at any store, bank at any bank, and everything else people do, you can say MLK won.
What they can't do, is break the law and get away with it. At least they're not supposed to. But here lately, they're getting away with a lot.

Not too long ago, there two black rival gangs in Chicago that got into a shoot out. People were killed. Investigators know who did it. But the prosecutor wouldn't prosecute the case because both sides were black. A black prosecutor, black mayor, allowing black thugs to kill people and go unpunished. That's racism.
All the crimes that Rodney King got away with, after his beat down, just because he was black. That's racism.
Being black doesn't mean he's entitled to not be followed, hollered at, even threaten (since he wouldn't stop), AFTER being witnessed of trespassing.
You cannot chase and threaten someone because you think they did something that wasn’t even a felony.

The McMichaels did not witness him trespassing (if he even did trespass).
But they never would have been charged because law enforcement would have swept it under the rug as they nearly did even after they killed him.

And it should've been swept under the rug, because Arbery was caught red handed breaking the law by trespassing.
And it would be no different if the McMichaels were black and Arbery was white. White guy breaks the law by trespassing on property where things have been stolen. Flees the scene when he witnessed. Then followed by armed concerned citizens, until the cops arrive. The property owner is notified and asked if he/she wants to press charges. If the answer is no, the WHITE Arbery goes on his way. If the answer is yes, then the WHITE Arbery goes to jail to be held accountable for this actions.
That's the way it is for EVERYONE, regardless of their color.
Let me just say this as plain as I can.
Holding someone at gunpoint without justification is assault.

There was justification. Arbery was just witnessed breaking the law. Why is that FACT constantly overlooked?
I can’t believe I have to say this but I guess I do. Do you really think that holding someone at gun point isn’t assault?

Holding someone who's innocent would be assault. A couple of years ago, a man ran me off the road. I was able to get back on the road and follow the guy with my hazard lights flashing. (I had damages to my vehicle, my dog was injured and I was too, a little). But I was able to follow the guy until he pulled over. I get out of my truck, walk up to his window, he pulls a gun on me. I back away, he drives off. I call 911, and he gets charged with aggravated assault. The cop told me, that if I had pulled a gun on him, and waited for the cops, I would've been justified. The other guy was NOT justified.
And it should've been swept under the rug, because Arbery was caught red handed breaking the law by trespassing.
Three points.
1. The McMichaels did not see Arbery in the house.
2. It wouldn’t have even been considered trespassing had they seen him in the house
3. Even if it was trespassing, you don’t get to chase down someone and “arrest” them with the threat of deadly force for a misdemeanor. That was reserved for a felony.
You cannot chase and threaten someone because you think they did something that wasn’t even a felony.

Yes you can. And do it legally. Especially when a call to the police has been made. That's 100% legal. Especially in Ga. And for good reason. It's to help insure criminals don't get away.
The McMichaels did not witness him trespassing (if he even did trespass).

Dude, it's on time stamped video. It's evidence that even the prosecution is using. Why TF would you even deny that at this point?

Let me guess, you think Rittenhouse crossed state lines with an AR in route to the riots, don't you?
Three points.
1. The McMichaels did not see Arbery in the house.
2. It wouldn’t have even been considered trespassing had they seen him in the house
3. Even if it was trespassing, you don’t get to chase down someone and “arrest” them with the threat of deadly force for a misdemeanor. That was reserved for a felony.

Oh good lord. You're one of those "let the criminals get away with anything" kind of lefties, aren't you? You probably think George Floyd and Rosenbaum were hero's, don't you?
It has nothing to do with taking any sides. So let's adjust the scenario of what happened.

They chased this guy down, Greg got out of the truck and held him at gunpoint where Arbery didn't move. The police show up and cuff him until they complete their investigation. Their findings are what we know now which is he didn't steal a nail on the floor and they let him go.

Do you really believe they could get away with charging Greg with assault? Not in your life.
Tell me can you hold someone at gunpoint because you think they committed a crime?
Yes you can. And do it legally. Especially when a call to the police has been made. That's 100% legal. Especially in Ga. And for good reason. It's to help insure criminals don't get away.
Here's the law:

A private person may arrest an offender if the offense is committed in his presence or within his immediate knowledge. If the offense is a felony and the offender is escaping or attempting to escape, a private person may arrest him upon reasonable and probable grounds of suspicion.
Dude, it's on time stamped video. It's evidence that even the prosecution is using. Why TF would you even deny that at this point?

Let me guess, you think Rittenhouse crossed state lines with an AR in route to the riots, don't you?
Being in the property does not necessarily meet the legal definition of trespassing. The house was open. For it to be trespassing, he'd have to have been told not to go onto the property or been told to leave once he was there. If he enters the property or remains at the property after being told this, he would be guilty of trespass.

It has little to do with the house itself and more to do with what constitutes trespass.

Moreover, the McMichaels did not see him in the house.
Oh good lord. You're one of those "let the criminals get away with anything" kind of lefties, aren't you? You probably think George Floyd and Rosenbaum were hero's, don't you?
The worst crime we are even talking here is trespassing. That's it. A crime that a LOT of us have committed.

Why someone sees the need to jump in a truck with firearms to deal with this demonstrates poor judgement.

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