Are we sure that Trump actually wants to be president?

You know, when Trump started to look for a VP, one of the people that screened the possible candidates was his son Donald Jr., and here is a direct quote of what he asked Kasich........

Donald Jr. wanted to make him an offer nonetheless: Did he have any interest in being the most powerful vice president in history?

When Kasich’s adviser asked how this would be the case, Donald Jr. explained that his father’s vice president would be in charge of domestic and foreign policy.

Then what, the adviser asked, would Trump be in charge of?

“Making America great again” was the casual reply.

Trump Reportedly Tried to Convince Kasich to Be His VP by Offering Him the President’s Job

And now, it seems that he's not really interested in knowing what he might have to deal with because he's only had 2 security briefings, where Pence has been getting them almost daily.

Me personally? I think Trump is more in love with the idea of being president than actually doing the job of president. Looks like Pence is gonna be in charge of policy while Trump runs around the country, making America great again.
Trump will be in charge of Making America Hate Again.
lol That's Clinton's territory. Trump is clearly trying to unite us all.
He also said it in a speech - that Mike Sharia Law Pence would run the country (cough gag cough) while he was out "making America great again".

He's basically just a huge orange ego and he needs the adoration of those crowds. My bet is that he will spend most of his time traveling, costing us millions while he makes speeches about how tremendously amazingly bigly UUUge his is.

And we'll get sharia law. Bet on it.

The upside is that poor Melania will be rid of him and can just shop for more gold spray paint.
Why do you call Pence "Mike Sharia Law Pence"?
Just curious! :)
Pence is a hard core moralist of the Christian evangelical persuasion.

He would end all abortions, he would mandate Christian public prayers in all schools, and so forth.
I didn't know that. I thought he was just a right winger politician and nothing more.
I couldn't imagine he was so religious :eek:
You know, when Trump started to look for a VP, one of the people that screened the possible candidates was his son Donald Jr., and here is a direct quote of what he asked Kasich........

Donald Jr. wanted to make him an offer nonetheless: Did he have any interest in being the most powerful vice president in history?

When Kasich’s adviser asked how this would be the case, Donald Jr. explained that his father’s vice president would be in charge of domestic and foreign policy.

Then what, the adviser asked, would Trump be in charge of?

“Making America great again” was the casual reply.

Trump Reportedly Tried to Convince Kasich to Be His VP by Offering Him the President’s Job

And now, it seems that he's not really interested in knowing what he might have to deal with because he's only had 2 security briefings, where Pence has been getting them almost daily.

Trump opts out of getting daily intelligence briefings | New York Post

Me personally? I think Trump is more in love with the idea of being president than actually doing the job of president. Looks like Pence is gonna be in charge of policy while Trump runs around the country, making America great again.
Trump will be in charge of Making America Hate Again.
lol That's Clinton's territory. Trump is clearly trying to unite us all.
Trump only cares about himself.
You know, when Trump started to look for a VP, one of the people that screened the possible candidates was his son Donald Jr., and here is a direct quote of what he asked Kasich........

Donald Jr. wanted to make him an offer nonetheless: Did he have any interest in being the most powerful vice president in history?

When Kasich’s adviser asked how this would be the case, Donald Jr. explained that his father’s vice president would be in charge of domestic and foreign policy.

Then what, the adviser asked, would Trump be in charge of?

“Making America great again” was the casual reply.

Trump Reportedly Tried to Convince Kasich to Be His VP by Offering Him the President’s Job

And now, it seems that he's not really interested in knowing what he might have to deal with because he's only had 2 security briefings, where Pence has been getting them almost daily.

Me personally? I think Trump is more in love with the idea of being president than actually doing the job of president. Looks like Pence is gonna be in charge of policy while Trump runs around the country, making America great again.
Trump will be in charge of Making America Hate Again.
lol That's Clinton's territory. Trump is clearly trying to unite us all.
:) That's more "fake news".
You know, when Trump started to look for a VP, one of the people that screened the possible candidates was his son Donald Jr., and here is a direct quote of what he asked Kasich........

Donald Jr. wanted to make him an offer nonetheless: Did he have any interest in being the most powerful vice president in history?

When Kasich’s adviser asked how this would be the case, Donald Jr. explained that his father’s vice president would be in charge of domestic and foreign policy.

Then what, the adviser asked, would Trump be in charge of?

“Making America great again” was the casual reply.

Trump Reportedly Tried to Convince Kasich to Be His VP by Offering Him the President’s Job

And now, it seems that he's not really interested in knowing what he might have to deal with because he's only had 2 security briefings, where Pence has been getting them almost daily.

Trump opts out of getting daily intelligence briefings | New York Post

Me personally? I think Trump is more in love with the idea of being president than actually doing the job of president. Looks like Pence is gonna be in charge of policy while Trump runs around the country, making America great again.
Trump will be in charge of Making America Hate Again.
lol That's Clinton's territory. Trump is clearly trying to unite us all.
Trump only cares about himself.
And what do you care about? Tell the truth, you'd rather see America fail than to see Trump succeed, improve the economy, bring jobs back, improve security and unite America. It is you who is following Clinton's encouragement to embrace hate, fear and divisiveness.
What a dumb comment, "Tell the truth, you'd rather see America fail than to see Trump succeed, improve the economy, bring jobs back, improve security and unite America." All Americans would love to see that, but the fact remains that Trump is the worst dividing influence in American history in a century.
Last edited:
The very idea that every third or fourth person in line to vote in California was an illegal immigrant is fucktarded.
Not very good at arithmetic? Only half of her lead would have to be illegal for Trump to win the state and less than that for him to have won the popular vote nationally. Why don't you just admit you only post about your feelings and not about what is really going on?

Have you found even one illegal alien who voted in California?
So you are claiming there was not a single vote cast by an illegal immigrant?
I have not read where any of them were known to have voted.

Now then... back to my question which you purposefully avoided answering...

Have you found even one illegal alien who voted in California?
It is, of course, a stupid question. If I answered I had found one or ten or a hundred it would prove nothing. The real issue is whether Trump was right in claiming 3,000,000 illegals voted, and there is evidence that gives credibility to that claim. When Trump claimed he would win the nomination, his critics said, ridiculous! When he claimed he would win the general election, his critics said, ridiculous! When Trump claimed he would win the general election by winning blue states like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, as well as all the purple states, his critics said, ridiculous! Now, when Trump claims 3,000,000 illegals voted for Clinton, you continue to say, ridiculous, so a statistical analysis suggests your objection to Trump's claim actually gives credibility to it.

The real question is, why would you object to investigating Trump's claim by a hand recount of the California vote unless after having been so wrong for so long in your assessments of Trump's claims you've lost confidence in your ability to assess them?
Now you're making up more shit as I never objected to looking into potential cases of fraud nor did I say a possibility of illegals voting is ridiculous.

Your inventive imagination aside, you're claiming those illegals voted yet you apparently can't find one single case. You are ironically projecting that others are posting based on nothing but feelings. That's my point.

Now where's this purported evidence that millions of illegal aliens voted for Hillary in California...?
What a dumb comment, "Tell the truth, you'd rather see America fail than to see Trump succeed, improve the economy, bring jobs back, improve security and unite America." All Americans would love to see that, but the fact remains that Trump is the worst divided in American history in a century.
No, it was Clinton. The motto of her campaign was stronger together, but every other word out of her mouth sought to inspire hate, fear and divisiveness among Americans and even between the US and Russia in a cynical, irresponsible attempt to deflect attention from her crimes as revealed in her emails. The woman is the personification of hate.
Not very good at arithmetic? Only half of her lead would have to be illegal for Trump to win the state and less than that for him to have won the popular vote nationally. Why don't you just admit you only post about your feelings and not about what is really going on?

Have you found even one illegal alien who voted in California?
So you are claiming there was not a single vote cast by an illegal immigrant?
I have not read where any of them were known to have voted.

Now then... back to my question which you purposefully avoided answering...

Have you found even one illegal alien who voted in California?
It is, of course, a stupid question. If I answered I had found one or ten or a hundred it would prove nothing. The real issue is whether Trump was right in claiming 3,000,000 illegals voted, and there is evidence that gives credibility to that claim. When Trump claimed he would win the nomination, his critics said, ridiculous! When he claimed he would win the general election, his critics said, ridiculous! When Trump claimed he would win the general election by winning blue states like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, as well as all the purple states, his critics said, ridiculous! Now, when Trump claims 3,000,000 illegals voted for Clinton, you continue to say, ridiculous, so a statistical analysis suggests your objection to Trump's claim actually gives credibility to it.

The real question is, why would you object to investigating Trump's claim by a hand recount of the California vote unless after having been so wrong for so long in your assessments of Trump's claims you've lost confidence in your ability to assess them?
Now you're making up more shit as I never objected to looking into potential cases of fraud nor did I say a possibility of illegals voting is ridiculous.

Your inventive imagination aside, you're claiming those illegals voted yet you apparently can't find one single case. You are ironically projecting that others are posting based on nothing but feelings. That's my point.

Now where's this purported evidence that millions of illegal aliens voted for Hillary in California...?
So now you are saying you support a hand recount of the California vote to see if enough illegals voted for Clinton to take the state away from Trump?
What a dumb comment, "Tell the truth, you'd rather see America fail than to see Trump succeed, improve the economy, bring jobs back, improve security and unite America." All Americans would love to see that, but the fact remains that Trump is the worst divided in American history in a century.
No, it was Clinton. The motto of her campaign was stronger together, but every other word out of her mouth sought to inspire hate, fear and divisiveness among Americans and even between the US and Russia in a cynical, irresponsible attempt to deflect attention from her crimes as revealed in her emails. The woman is the personification of hate.
So, if you are right, you want Trump to inherit and continue "hate, fear and divisiveness among Americans and even between the US and Russia in" as his legacy? Trump is the personification of his long time friend Hillary, which why many of us voted for Stein, Johnson, or McMullin.

Have you found even one illegal alien who voted in California?
So you are claiming there was not a single vote cast by an illegal immigrant?
I have not read where any of them were known to have voted.

Now then... back to my question which you purposefully avoided answering...

Have you found even one illegal alien who voted in California?
It is, of course, a stupid question. If I answered I had found one or ten or a hundred it would prove nothing. The real issue is whether Trump was right in claiming 3,000,000 illegals voted, and there is evidence that gives credibility to that claim. When Trump claimed he would win the nomination, his critics said, ridiculous! When he claimed he would win the general election, his critics said, ridiculous! When Trump claimed he would win the general election by winning blue states like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, as well as all the purple states, his critics said, ridiculous! Now, when Trump claims 3,000,000 illegals voted for Clinton, you continue to say, ridiculous, so a statistical analysis suggests your objection to Trump's claim actually gives credibility to it.

The real question is, why would you object to investigating Trump's claim by a hand recount of the California vote unless after having been so wrong for so long in your assessments of Trump's claims you've lost confidence in your ability to assess them?
Now you're making up more shit as I never objected to looking into potential cases of fraud nor did I say a possibility of illegals voting is ridiculous.

Your inventive imagination aside, you're claiming those illegals voted yet you apparently can't find one single case. You are ironically projecting that others are posting based on nothing but feelings. That's my point.

Now where's this purported evidence that millions of illegal aliens voted for Hillary in California...?
So now you are saying you support a hand recount of the California vote to see if enough illegals voted for Clinton to take the state away from Trump?
I am willing to to a re-count of every state and let the chips fall where they may.

My personal belief is that most of the rigging and illegal voting was done for Trump.

Let's find out, yes.

Have you found even one illegal alien who voted in California?
So you are claiming there was not a single vote cast by an illegal immigrant?
I have not read where any of them were known to have voted.

Now then... back to my question which you purposefully avoided answering...

Have you found even one illegal alien who voted in California?
It is, of course, a stupid question. If I answered I had found one or ten or a hundred it would prove nothing. The real issue is whether Trump was right in claiming 3,000,000 illegals voted, and there is evidence that gives credibility to that claim. When Trump claimed he would win the nomination, his critics said, ridiculous! When he claimed he would win the general election, his critics said, ridiculous! When Trump claimed he would win the general election by winning blue states like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, as well as all the purple states, his critics said, ridiculous! Now, when Trump claims 3,000,000 illegals voted for Clinton, you continue to say, ridiculous, so a statistical analysis suggests your objection to Trump's claim actually gives credibility to it.

The real question is, why would you object to investigating Trump's claim by a hand recount of the California vote unless after having been so wrong for so long in your assessments of Trump's claims you've lost confidence in your ability to assess them?
Now you're making up more shit as I never objected to looking into potential cases of fraud nor did I say a possibility of illegals voting is ridiculous.

Your inventive imagination aside, you're claiming those illegals voted yet you apparently can't find one single case. You are ironically projecting that others are posting based on nothing but feelings. That's my point.

Now where's this purported evidence that millions of illegal aliens voted for Hillary in California...?
So now you are saying you support a hand recount of the California vote to see if enough illegals voted for Clinton to take the state away from Trump?
I think it's a waste of time and money but if Californians want to do it, I couldn't care less.

Now stop stalling.... where's your evidence that millions of illegals voted for Hillary...?
What a dumb comment, "Tell the truth, you'd rather see America fail than to see Trump succeed, improve the economy, bring jobs back, improve security and unite America." All Americans would love to see that, but the fact remains that Trump is the worst divided in American history in a century.
No, it was Clinton. The motto of her campaign was stronger together, but every other word out of her mouth sought to inspire hate, fear and divisiveness among Americans and even between the US and Russia in a cynical, irresponsible attempt to deflect attention from her crimes as revealed in her emails. The woman is the personification of hate.
So, if you are right, you want Trump to inherit and continue "hate, fear and divisiveness among Americans and even between the US and Russia in" as his legacy? Trump is the personification of his long time friend Hillary, which why many of us voted for Stein, Johnson, or McMullin.
Trump is the remedy to the hate, fear and divisiveness that was Clinton's campaign. He is reaching out to his critics in the Republican Party and to many Democrats. That's why he is keeping in close contact with Obama and has even said he said he won't prosecute that old sow, Hillary. You, Jake, are still suffering from the poison Hillary fed to you.
So you are claiming there was not a single vote cast by an illegal immigrant?
I have not read where any of them were known to have voted.

Now then... back to my question which you purposefully avoided answering...

Have you found even one illegal alien who voted in California?
It is, of course, a stupid question. If I answered I had found one or ten or a hundred it would prove nothing. The real issue is whether Trump was right in claiming 3,000,000 illegals voted, and there is evidence that gives credibility to that claim. When Trump claimed he would win the nomination, his critics said, ridiculous! When he claimed he would win the general election, his critics said, ridiculous! When Trump claimed he would win the general election by winning blue states like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, as well as all the purple states, his critics said, ridiculous! Now, when Trump claims 3,000,000 illegals voted for Clinton, you continue to say, ridiculous, so a statistical analysis suggests your objection to Trump's claim actually gives credibility to it.

The real question is, why would you object to investigating Trump's claim by a hand recount of the California vote unless after having been so wrong for so long in your assessments of Trump's claims you've lost confidence in your ability to assess them?
Now you're making up more shit as I never objected to looking into potential cases of fraud nor did I say a possibility of illegals voting is ridiculous.

Your inventive imagination aside, you're claiming those illegals voted yet you apparently can't find one single case. You are ironically projecting that others are posting based on nothing but feelings. That's my point.

Now where's this purported evidence that millions of illegal aliens voted for Hillary in California...?
So now you are saying you support a hand recount of the California vote to see if enough illegals voted for Clinton to take the state away from Trump?
I think it's a waste of time and money but if Californians want to do it, I couldn't care less.

Now stop stalling.... where's your evidence that millions of illegals voted for Hillary...?
So you support a recount only if the Democrats who run California want it? In other words, if they want to allow millions of illegals to vote you support that?
I have not read where any of them were known to have voted.

Now then... back to my question which you purposefully avoided answering...

Have you found even one illegal alien who voted in California?
It is, of course, a stupid question. If I answered I had found one or ten or a hundred it would prove nothing. The real issue is whether Trump was right in claiming 3,000,000 illegals voted, and there is evidence that gives credibility to that claim. When Trump claimed he would win the nomination, his critics said, ridiculous! When he claimed he would win the general election, his critics said, ridiculous! When Trump claimed he would win the general election by winning blue states like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, as well as all the purple states, his critics said, ridiculous! Now, when Trump claims 3,000,000 illegals voted for Clinton, you continue to say, ridiculous, so a statistical analysis suggests your objection to Trump's claim actually gives credibility to it.

The real question is, why would you object to investigating Trump's claim by a hand recount of the California vote unless after having been so wrong for so long in your assessments of Trump's claims you've lost confidence in your ability to assess them?
Now you're making up more shit as I never objected to looking into potential cases of fraud nor did I say a possibility of illegals voting is ridiculous.

Your inventive imagination aside, you're claiming those illegals voted yet you apparently can't find one single case. You are ironically projecting that others are posting based on nothing but feelings. That's my point.

Now where's this purported evidence that millions of illegal aliens voted for Hillary in California...?
So now you are saying you support a hand recount of the California vote to see if enough illegals voted for Clinton to take the state away from Trump?
I think it's a waste of time and money but if Californians want to do it, I couldn't care less.

Now stop stalling.... where's your evidence that millions of illegals voted for Hillary...?
So you support a recount only if the Democrats who run California want it? In other words, if they want to allow millions of illegals to vote you support that?
Oh, great. Now you're conflating recounting ballots with investigating voter-fraud. :eusa_doh: Recounting entails either an automatic recount where the ballots are placed back into counting machines to be recounted; or, a manual recount where election officials hand count the votes for president. It does not include any investigation into the legal status of every individual voter. So I'm not seeing how a recount will possibly turn up millions of illegal alien votes for Hillary.

That aside, Do you think I'm the only one who's noticing that you're refusing to post any evidence that millions of illegal aliens may have voted for Hillary in California? Are you avoiding posting any such evidence because in truth you don't actually have any?
It is, of course, a stupid question. If I answered I had found one or ten or a hundred it would prove nothing. The real issue is whether Trump was right in claiming 3,000,000 illegals voted, and there is evidence that gives credibility to that claim. When Trump claimed he would win the nomination, his critics said, ridiculous! When he claimed he would win the general election, his critics said, ridiculous! When Trump claimed he would win the general election by winning blue states like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, as well as all the purple states, his critics said, ridiculous! Now, when Trump claims 3,000,000 illegals voted for Clinton, you continue to say, ridiculous, so a statistical analysis suggests your objection to Trump's claim actually gives credibility to it.

The real question is, why would you object to investigating Trump's claim by a hand recount of the California vote unless after having been so wrong for so long in your assessments of Trump's claims you've lost confidence in your ability to assess them?
Now you're making up more shit as I never objected to looking into potential cases of fraud nor did I say a possibility of illegals voting is ridiculous.

Your inventive imagination aside, you're claiming those illegals voted yet you apparently can't find one single case. You are ironically projecting that others are posting based on nothing but feelings. That's my point.

Now where's this purported evidence that millions of illegal aliens voted for Hillary in California...?
So now you are saying you support a hand recount of the California vote to see if enough illegals voted for Clinton to take the state away from Trump?
I think it's a waste of time and money but if Californians want to do it, I couldn't care less.

Now stop stalling.... where's your evidence that millions of illegals voted for Hillary...?
So you support a recount only if the Democrats who run California want it? In other words, if they want to allow millions of illegals to vote you support that?
Oh, great. Now you're conflating recounting ballots with investigating voter-fraud. :eusa_doh: Recounting entails either an automatic recount where the ballots are placed back into counting machines to be recounted; or, a manual recount where election officials hand count the votes for president. It does not include any investigation into the legal status of every individual voter. So I'm not seeing how a recount will possibly turn up millions of illegal alien votes for Hillary.

That aside, Do you think I'm the only one who's noticing that you're refusing to post any evidence that millions of illegal aliens may have voted for Hillary in California? Are you avoiding posting any such evidence because in truth you don't actually have any?
An automatic recount wouldn't uncover voter fraud, but a hand recount would, so are you objecting to a hand recount because you suspect it would reveal large numbers of Illegals voted for Clinton, perhaps enough to have taken the state away from Trump? Why don't you come clean and admit it?
Now you're making up more shit as I never objected to looking into potential cases of fraud nor did I say a possibility of illegals voting is ridiculous.

Your inventive imagination aside, you're claiming those illegals voted yet you apparently can't find one single case. You are ironically projecting that others are posting based on nothing but feelings. That's my point.

Now where's this purported evidence that millions of illegal aliens voted for Hillary in California...?
So now you are saying you support a hand recount of the California vote to see if enough illegals voted for Clinton to take the state away from Trump?
I think it's a waste of time and money but if Californians want to do it, I couldn't care less.

Now stop stalling.... where's your evidence that millions of illegals voted for Hillary...?
So you support a recount only if the Democrats who run California want it? In other words, if they want to allow millions of illegals to vote you support that?
Oh, great. Now you're conflating recounting ballots with investigating voter-fraud. :eusa_doh: Recounting entails either an automatic recount where the ballots are placed back into counting machines to be recounted; or, a manual recount where election officials hand count the votes for president. It does not include any investigation into the legal status of every individual voter. So I'm not seeing how a recount will possibly turn up millions of illegal alien votes for Hillary.

That aside, Do you think I'm the only one who's noticing that you're refusing to post any evidence that millions of illegal aliens may have voted for Hillary in California? Are you avoiding posting any such evidence because in truth you don't actually have any?
An automatic recount wouldn't uncover voter fraud, but a hand recount would, so are you objecting to a hand recount because you suspect it would reveal large numbers of Illegals voted for Clinton, perhaps enough to have taken the state away from Trump? Why don't you come clean and admit it?
How would a hand recount evaluate voters' legal status when a recount only reviews the votes for president? How do ballots reveal the voter? There are no names on ballots. What you're seeking is not a recount but an investigation which would look into everyone who voted.

And again I note, you still haven't posted any evidence whatsoever that millions of illegals voted in California, though you think they did.

This is a great example of you posting based on nothing but feelings and not from reality -- which you project onto others.
You know, when Trump started to look for a VP, one of the people that screened the possible candidates was his son Donald Jr., and here is a direct quote of what he asked Kasich........

Donald Jr. wanted to make him an offer nonetheless: Did he have any interest in being the most powerful vice president in history?

When Kasich’s adviser asked how this would be the case, Donald Jr. explained that his father’s vice president would be in charge of domestic and foreign policy.

Then what, the adviser asked, would Trump be in charge of?

“Making America great again” was the casual reply.

Trump Reportedly Tried to Convince Kasich to Be His VP by Offering Him the President’s Job

And now, it seems that he's not really interested in knowing what he might have to deal with because he's only had 2 security briefings, where Pence has been getting them almost daily.

Trump opts out of getting daily intelligence briefings | New York Post

Me personally? I think Trump is more in love with the idea of being president than actually doing the job of president. Looks like Pence is gonna be in charge of policy while Trump runs around the country, making America great again.

Trump is a brand. People pay him to slap his name on their shit as much as he makes his own shit. He's the Ronco of the 21st century. Now the American people have voted to slap his name on their country, the United States of Trump! You knew he wasn't interested or up to the job when said he would surround himself with the best people. When he couldn't or wouldn't answer questions on policy, it wasn't because he wanted to surprise you, it's because he hadn't yet hired anyone to tell him what to say. He will be the Uncle Sam President, a face on a poster designed to boost moral, to make America great again.

I'm certain you possess enough of an intellect to recognize that your response to my post says much more about you than it does my thoughts about Trump's desire to do the job for which he was elected...
So now you are saying you support a hand recount of the California vote to see if enough illegals voted for Clinton to take the state away from Trump?
I think it's a waste of time and money but if Californians want to do it, I couldn't care less.

Now stop stalling.... where's your evidence that millions of illegals voted for Hillary...?
So you support a recount only if the Democrats who run California want it? In other words, if they want to allow millions of illegals to vote you support that?
Oh, great. Now you're conflating recounting ballots with investigating voter-fraud. :eusa_doh: Recounting entails either an automatic recount where the ballots are placed back into counting machines to be recounted; or, a manual recount where election officials hand count the votes for president. It does not include any investigation into the legal status of every individual voter. So I'm not seeing how a recount will possibly turn up millions of illegal alien votes for Hillary.

That aside, Do you think I'm the only one who's noticing that you're refusing to post any evidence that millions of illegal aliens may have voted for Hillary in California? Are you avoiding posting any such evidence because in truth you don't actually have any?
An automatic recount wouldn't uncover voter fraud, but a hand recount would, so are you objecting to a hand recount because you suspect it would reveal large numbers of Illegals voted for Clinton, perhaps enough to have taken the state away from Trump? Why don't you come clean and admit it?
How would a hand recount evaluate voters' legal status when a recount only reviews the votes for president? How do ballots reveal the voter? There are no names on ballots. What you're seeking is not a recount but an investigation which would look into everyone who voted.

And again I note, you still haven't posted any evidence whatsoever that millions of illegals voted in California, though you think they did.

This is a great example of you posting based on nothing but feelings and not from reality -- which you project onto others.
Look, we all, even you, believe some illegals voted in the election, but there is disagreement about how many. Was it enough to actually throw the election to Clinton or was it a much smaller number?

As a practical matter, it won't be possible to determine the extent of voter fraud encouraged by Clinton, Obama and the California Democrats, but the good news is it didn't influence the election.
You know, when Trump started to look for a VP, one of the people that screened the possible candidates was his son Donald Jr., and here is a direct quote of what he asked Kasich........

Donald Jr. wanted to make him an offer nonetheless: Did he have any interest in being the most powerful vice president in history?

When Kasich’s adviser asked how this would be the case, Donald Jr. explained that his father’s vice president would be in charge of domestic and foreign policy.

Then what, the adviser asked, would Trump be in charge of?

“Making America great again” was the casual reply.

Trump Reportedly Tried to Convince Kasich to Be His VP by Offering Him the President’s Job

And now, it seems that he's not really interested in knowing what he might have to deal with because he's only had 2 security briefings, where Pence has been getting them almost daily.

Me personally? I think Trump is more in love with the idea of being president than actually doing the job of president. Looks like Pence is gonna be in charge of policy while Trump runs around the country, making America great again.
Trump has no idea what being president is really like. He didn't think he was going to be elected till election night. My guess is he thought it would be like being a CEO, delegating tasks to his staff and hitting the golf course. Looking at his appointment process he has no idea what he's doing.
Weren't you looking into your crystal ball a year and a half ago screaming that Trump wouldn't even run for the Presidency?
You're batting fucking ZERO loser!

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