Are we sure that Trump actually wants to be president?

Trump said there was evidence that 3 MILLION voters did so illegally. Unfortunately for him, there isn't any.
Trump as usually makes claims that can't be verified. Since there is no accurate information as to the number of illegal immigrants and even less information about the number who actually voted illegally what he says can't be disproved.

I expect after a year or so of increased border security and some increase in deportations, Trump will announce that illegal immigration has been reduced so much that it's no longer a threat to the country.

Yep, and the wall will never be built.

BTW............have you seen his appointments so far? I'm REALLY wondering if Trump is trying to be a president, or if he's just feathering his nest with fellow rich goons to rape and pillage the country?
Trump said there was evidence that 3 MILLION voters did so illegally. Unfortunately for him, there isn't any.
Trump as usually makes claims that can't be verified. Since there is no accurate information as to the number of illegal immigrants and even less information about the number who actually voted illegally what he says can't be disproved.

I expect after a year or so of increased border security and some increase in deportations, Trump will announce that illegal immigration has been reduced so much that it's no longer a threat to the country.

Yep, and the wall will never be built.

BTW............have you seen his appointments so far? I'm REALLY wondering if Trump is trying to be a president, or if he's just feathering his nest with fellow rich goons to rape and pillage the country?
This must be Trump's way of draining the swamp.
Look, we all, even you, believe some illegals voted in the election, but there is disagreement about how many. Was it enough to actually throw the election to Clinton or was it a much smaller number?

As a practical matter, it won't be possible to determine the extent of voter fraud encouraged by Clinton, Obama and the California Democrats, but the good news is it didn't influence the election.

I take this to mean you were bullshitting when you said there's evidence Trump was right when he claimed there are millions of votes cast by illegal aliens. There is no such evidence.

Why didn't you just admit that from the start rather than drag this on?
Now why would you want to lie about this? I said it might be the case that enough illegals voted to have stolen the state for Clinton and you said you didn't believe a single illegal voted in the election.

You even lie about lying...
The real issue is whether Trump was right in claiming 3,000,000 illegals voted, and there is evidence that gives credibility to that claim.
So there you are, claiming there's evidence that millions of illegals voted, yet when challenged to post said evidence, you run away like Trump running from a protester holding up a sign reading, "Republicans against Trump."
You need to go back to your remedial reading class. The issue is whether there is evidence. Were you not so slow witted or dishonest, you would understand that raises the question about whether there is evidence or not.

You said there was evidence.

You lied.

If there was evidence, you would have posted it instead of trying to bluff your way out.
You are just a dull witted troll who has nothing to say but is too stupid to realize it.

I take this to mean you were bullshitting when you said there's evidence Trump was right when he claimed there are millions of votes cast by illegal aliens. There is no such evidence.

Why didn't you just admit that from the start rather than drag this on?
Now why would you want to lie about this? I said it might be the case that enough illegals voted to have stolen the state for Clinton and you said you didn't believe a single illegal voted in the election.

You even lie about lying...
The real issue is whether Trump was right in claiming 3,000,000 illegals voted, and there is evidence that gives credibility to that claim.
So there you are, claiming there's evidence that millions of illegals voted, yet when challenged to post said evidence, you run away like Trump running from a protester holding up a sign reading, "Republicans against Trump."
You need to go back to your remedial reading class. The issue is whether there is evidence. Were you not so slow witted or dishonest, you would understand that raises the question about whether there is evidence or not.

You said there was evidence.

You lied.

If there was evidence, you would have posted it instead of trying to bluff your way out.
You are just a dull witted troll who has nothing to say but is too stupid to realize it.
Nothing to say??

I quoted you.


You said, "there is evidence that gives credibility to that claim," of millions illegals voting in California.

So let's see the evidence.........

Oh, wait ... there is no evidence. You lie and now you're trying to bluff your way out by moronically claiming I'm trolling -- by challenging you to prove what you say. :eusa_doh:
Now why would you want to lie about this? I said it might be the case that enough illegals voted to have stolen the state for Clinton and you said you didn't believe a single illegal voted in the election.

You even lie about lying...
The real issue is whether Trump was right in claiming 3,000,000 illegals voted, and there is evidence that gives credibility to that claim.
So there you are, claiming there's evidence that millions of illegals voted, yet when challenged to post said evidence, you run away like Trump running from a protester holding up a sign reading, "Republicans against Trump."
You need to go back to your remedial reading class. The issue is whether there is evidence. Were you not so slow witted or dishonest, you would understand that raises the question about whether there is evidence or not.

You said there was evidence.

You lied.

If there was evidence, you would have posted it instead of trying to bluff your way out.
You are just a dull witted troll who has nothing to say but is too stupid to realize it.
Nothing to say??

I quoted you.


You said, "there is evidence that gives credibility to that claim," of millions illegals voting in California.

So let's see the evidence.........

Oh, wait ... there is no evidence. You lie and now you're trying to bluff your way out by moronically claiming I'm trolling -- by challenging you to prove what you say. :eusa_doh:
Again, you have nothing to say, but you are too stupid to realize it.

You even lie about lying...
So there you are, claiming there's evidence that millions of illegals voted, yet when challenged to post said evidence, you run away like Trump running from a protester holding up a sign reading, "Republicans against Trump."
You need to go back to your remedial reading class. The issue is whether there is evidence. Were you not so slow witted or dishonest, you would understand that raises the question about whether there is evidence or not.

You said there was evidence.

You lied.

If there was evidence, you would have posted it instead of trying to bluff your way out.
You are just a dull witted troll who has nothing to say but is too stupid to realize it.
Nothing to say??

I quoted you.


You said, "there is evidence that gives credibility to that claim," of millions illegals voting in California.

So let's see the evidence.........

Oh, wait ... there is no evidence. You lie and now you're trying to bluff your way out by moronically claiming I'm trolling -- by challenging you to prove what you say. :eusa_doh:
Again, you have nothing to say, but you are too stupid to realize it.
Sure, putz.

Quoting you claiming there's evidence is me saying nothing.

Highlighting your failure to show said evidence is me saying nothing.

Pointing out you've got nothing left in your tank but invective is me saying nothing.

Trump said there was evidence that 3 MILLION voters did so illegally. Unfortunately for him, there isn't any.
Again, if you don't think it was 3 million, how many illegals do you think voted?
There may not even be 3 million adult illegal aliens in California.

Well, considering that the population of California is 39 million, if you divide that by 3 million, that comes out to 13, meaning one out of every 13 people in California (by population total, not voter total) is an illegal.

If you go to Google and find out California's total voter population for 2016, it's a total of 18 million registered voters, which means that the illegal vote would have had to be ONE OUT OF SIX VOTES.

Do the math, Trump is making a hyperbolic statement.
You need to go back to your remedial reading class. The issue is whether there is evidence. Were you not so slow witted or dishonest, you would understand that raises the question about whether there is evidence or not.

You said there was evidence.

You lied.

If there was evidence, you would have posted it instead of trying to bluff your way out.
You are just a dull witted troll who has nothing to say but is too stupid to realize it.
Nothing to say??

I quoted you.


You said, "there is evidence that gives credibility to that claim," of millions illegals voting in California.

So let's see the evidence.........

Oh, wait ... there is no evidence. You lie and now you're trying to bluff your way out by moronically claiming I'm trolling -- by challenging you to prove what you say. :eusa_doh:
Again, you have nothing to say, but you are too stupid to realize it.
Sure, putz.

Quoting you claiming there's evidence is me saying nothing.

Highlighting your failure to show said evidence is me saying nothing.

Pointing out you've got nothing left in your tank but invective is me saying nothing.

I understand, you are confused, angry and embarrassed that you made such a fool of yourself during the election, but making a fool of yourself now just proves that being a fool is the best you can do.
Trump said there was evidence that 3 MILLION voters did so illegally. Unfortunately for him, there isn't any.
Again, if you don't think it was 3 million, how many illegals do you think voted?
There may not even be 3 million adult illegal aliens in California.

Well, considering that the population of California is 39 million, if you divide that by 3 million, that comes out to 13, meaning one out of every 13 people in California (by population total, not voter total) is an illegal.

If you go to Google and find out California's total voter population for 2016, it's a total of 18 million registered voters, which means that the illegal vote would have had to be ONE OUT OF SIX VOTES.

Do the math, Trump is making a hyperbolic statement.
Actually, Trump didn't say 3 million in California, he said 3 million altogether in the election. I've been talking about California because that state's government has gone further than any other towards conferring full rights on illegal immigrants and is therefore more likely to wink at illegal voting.

You said there was evidence.

You lied.

If there was evidence, you would have posted it instead of trying to bluff your way out.
You are just a dull witted troll who has nothing to say but is too stupid to realize it.
Nothing to say??

I quoted you.


You said, "there is evidence that gives credibility to that claim," of millions illegals voting in California.

So let's see the evidence.........

Oh, wait ... there is no evidence. You lie and now you're trying to bluff your way out by moronically claiming I'm trolling -- by challenging you to prove what you say. :eusa_doh:
Again, you have nothing to say, but you are too stupid to realize it.
Sure, putz.

Quoting you claiming there's evidence is me saying nothing.

Highlighting your failure to show said evidence is me saying nothing.

Pointing out you've got nothing left in your tank but invective is me saying nothing.

I understand, you are confused, angry and embarrassed that you made such a fool of yourself during the election, but making a fool of yourself now just proves that being a fool is the best you can do.
Spits the liar who falsely claimed there is evidence of Trump's claim.
Trump said there was evidence that 3 MILLION voters did so illegally. Unfortunately for him, there isn't any.
Trump as usually makes claims that can't be verified. Since there is no accurate information as to the number of illegal immigrants and even less information about the number who actually voted illegally what he says can't be disproved.

I expect after a year or so of increased border security and some increase in deportations, Trump will announce that illegal immigration has been reduced so much that it's no longer a threat to the country.

Yep, and the wall will never be built.

BTW............have you seen his appointments so far? I'm REALLY wondering if Trump is trying to be a president, or if he's just feathering his nest with fellow rich goons to rape and pillage the country?
Probably the strangest appointment Trump is considering is Petraeus for Secretary of State. This guy is on probation for willingly disclosing classified information. Clinton only created a situation in which classified information could have been disclosed. Petraeus actually did it and was convicted.

As Secretary of State, Petraeus would have to nofity his parole officer in 3 days of accepting the job, get permission to leave North Carolina and each of trip would have to be approved by his probation officer.

If Trump offers him the job, he will probably include a pardon as part of his benefit package.
You know, when Trump started to look for a VP, one of the people that screened the possible candidates was his son Donald Jr., and here is a direct quote of what he asked Kasich........

Donald Jr. wanted to make him an offer nonetheless: Did he have any interest in being the most powerful vice president in history?

When Kasich’s adviser asked how this would be the case, Donald Jr. explained that his father’s vice president would be in charge of domestic and foreign policy.

Then what, the adviser asked, would Trump be in charge of?

“Making America great again” was the casual reply.

Trump Reportedly Tried to Convince Kasich to Be His VP by Offering Him the President’s Job

And now, it seems that he's not really interested in knowing what he might have to deal with because he's only had 2 security briefings, where Pence has been getting them almost daily.

Trump opts out of getting daily intelligence briefings | New York Post

Me personally? I think Trump is more in love with the idea of being president than actually doing the job of president. Looks like Pence is gonna be in charge of policy while Trump runs around the country, making America great again.

I never thought Donald Trump wanted to be POTUS, and his win probably shocked him more than it did the nation. There's just too much history of what he used to be, as to what he has portrayed himself as today, a Republican, which he's not. He's for single payer health care, he's for a pathway to citizenship. He praised Obama's 878 billion dollar economic stimulus bill, the list goes on and on. Then within 3 years he against all of it?
Trump supported path to citizenship, said Romney was "mean-spirited" on immigration | RedState
Trump Pushes Single Payer Healthcare, Tax Increase on Wealthy - Breitbart
That Time Donald Trump Praised The Stimulus Package On Fox News

I think he came out of the gate to get the attention, he loves the media lime light, he's a narcissist and needs that kind of attention.Trump did everything he could possibly do to LOSE this election. He chased off more voting blocks than you could shake a stick at. He offended, insulted, & threatened his way all the way to the White House. He played upon American anger & ignorance, and he was successful. But the reality is, he is one fantastic actor, and I think soon, his supporters are going to realize that they've been roped a doped.

I believe Trump asked Kasich if he would take over domestic and foreign affairs also. This also could be one of the reasons for his interest in meeting with Mitt Romney of late. Romney is well liked and admired by most house and Senate Republicans, and by moderate Republicans which are the majority of the party--and he would actually have the experience and knowledge to handle foreign and domestic affairs.

We'll see, but I really can't think of another reason that he is talking to Romney at this point in time other than that. I don't think Romney is jumping out of his shoes, just to become Secretary of State either.

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You know, when Trump started to look for a VP, one of the people that screened the possible candidates was his son Donald Jr., and here is a direct quote of what he asked Kasich........

Donald Jr. wanted to make him an offer nonetheless: Did he have any interest in being the most powerful vice president in history?

When Kasich’s adviser asked how this would be the case, Donald Jr. explained that his father’s vice president would be in charge of domestic and foreign policy.

Then what, the adviser asked, would Trump be in charge of?

“Making America great again” was the casual reply.

Trump Reportedly Tried to Convince Kasich to Be His VP by Offering Him the President’s Job

And now, it seems that he's not really interested in knowing what he might have to deal with because he's only had 2 security briefings, where Pence has been getting them almost daily.

Trump opts out of getting daily intelligence briefings | New York Post

Me personally? I think Trump is more in love with the idea of being president than actually doing the job of president. Looks like Pence is gonna be in charge of policy while Trump runs around the country, making America great again.

I never thought Donald Trump wanted to be POTUS, and his win probably shocked him more than it did the nation. There's just too much history of what he used to be, as to what he has portrayed himself as today, a Republican, which he's not. He's for single payer health care, he's for a pathway to citizenship. He praised Obama's 878 billion dollar economic stimulus bill, the list goes on and on. Then within 3 years he against all of it?
Trump supported path to citizenship, said Romney was "mean-spirited" on immigration | RedState
Trump Pushes Single Payer Healthcare, Tax Increase on Wealthy - Breitbart
That Time Donald Trump Praised The Stimulus Package On Fox News

I think he came out of the gate to get the attention, he loves the media lime light, he's a narcissist and needs that kind of attention.Trump did everything he could possibly do to LOSE this election. He chased off more voting blocks than you could shake a stick at. He offended, insulted, & threatened his way all the way to the White House. He played upon American anger & ignorance, and he was successful. But the reality is, he is one fantastic actor, and I think soon, his supporters are going to realize that they've been roped a doped.

I believe Trump asked Kasich if he would take over domestic and foreign affairs also. This also could be one of the reasons for his interest in meeting with Mitt Romney of late. Romney is well liked and admired by most house and Senate Republicans, and by moderate Republicans which are the majority of the party--and he would actually have the experience and knowledge to handle foreign and domestic affairs.

We'll see, but I really can't think of another reason that he is talking to Romney at this point in time other than that. I don't think Romney is jumping out of his shoes, just to become Secretary of State either.

Romney and Trump would sure be an interesting combination since they agree on practically nothing. The job of Secretary of State is to implement the president's foreign policy, not to make policy. However the Secretary certainly advises the president on policy. The only way I think Romney would work well with Trump would be for Trump to do an about face on many of his campaign promises.

Although Trump certainly admires Petraeus, hiring a Secretary State who is on probation for disclosing classified information would be a political landmine. He would probably have a problem with the Senate. If he hired Giuliani or Gingrich, it would be the blind leading the blind. His National Security Advisory would have to take the lead in foreign policy.
If trump doesn't really want to be president, he sure has a strange way of showing it. Because he has worked his butt off to become president. He is giving up control of his business. He spent alot of his money for the job and campaigned much harder than Hillary did.

Not to mentioned he is getting involved pretty personally since being elected. Getting personally involved with the carrier deal. Calling fallen police officers families. Personally interviewing and dining with cabinet choices. Doesn't sound like someone who doesn't want to be president. Sounds like someone who intends to work hard and be involved
You know, when Trump started to look for a VP, one of the people that screened the possible candidates was his son Donald Jr., and here is a direct quote of what he asked Kasich........

Donald Jr. wanted to make him an offer nonetheless: Did he have any interest in being the most powerful vice president in history?

When Kasich’s adviser asked how this would be the case, Donald Jr. explained that his father’s vice president would be in charge of domestic and foreign policy.

Then what, the adviser asked, would Trump be in charge of?

“Making America great again” was the casual reply.

Trump Reportedly Tried to Convince Kasich to Be His VP by Offering Him the President’s Job

And now, it seems that he's not really interested in knowing what he might have to deal with because he's only had 2 security briefings, where Pence has been getting them almost daily.

Me personally? I think Trump is more in love with the idea of being president than actually doing the job of president. Looks like Pence is gonna be in charge of policy while Trump runs around the country, making America great again.

You are drifting further and further away from reality.

Seek professional medical care.
If trump doesn't really want to be president, he sure has a strange way of showing it. Because he has worked his butt off to become president. He is giving up control of his business. He spent alot of his money for the job and campaigned much harder than Hillary did.

Not to mentioned he is getting involved pretty personally since being elected. Getting personally involved with the carrier deal. Calling fallen police officers families. Personally interviewing and dining with cabinet choices. Doesn't sound like someone who doesn't want to be president. Sounds like someone who intends to work hard and be involved
In the begin it was just a lark but as he began winning primaries it got serious. One thing you have to realize about Trump, right or wrong, Trump is not a quitter and winning is everything. I doubt he really wanted to be president, he just wanted win the election and unfortunately the job of being president was the prize for winning.
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