Bill Maher....Was and Still Is A Democrat

Answer the question, liar.

Or I will answer for you with the truth.
The question was answered in post 74. If you were confused about which part answered your question just look for the part that starts by saying “to answer your question….” Haha you’re not have a very good morning.

to answer your question, no of course the results should not be thrown out. Do you see the constitution saying the results should be thrown out? If so show the section.

What the constitution actually calls for is for issues and conflicts about the law to be adjudicated in court. If you think a courts decision wrong then you can appeal. That’s our constitutional system. Deal with it and stop lying
The left is too goofy for Bill......but he still spends most of his programs trashing Republicans.
His thoughts are like this; "Yes....Democrats may be screwed up.....but what can be worse than electing a Republican to replace them?"

The point is....Bill Maher only stays on the air because he trashes Republicans. Even he can see that Democrats are causing horrific harm to this country......but the only reason he can afford his mansion and keep dating 21 year old models is because he trashes Republicans. He knows which side his bread is buttered on. Therefore....he isn't a good source for information. He's biased and he's compromised. What he says cannot be trusted.

This is the first steps to switching party's. When I went from Dem to Repub, it was for things that I just couldn't support any longer. If the left continues to stay radical, Maher will continue to sound more conservative. And may even switch party. Probably not to the GOP. And I don't blame him. I dumped the GOP for almost the same exact reasons I dumped the Democrats.
I don't agree with a lot of things he says about the GOP or Trump. I just take it with a grain of salt because of the money involved.
If he was like me, truly independent of all party's and politicians, he wouldn't even have an audience.

I'm glad to see moderate democrats like Maher calling out the radicals on the left.
The question was answered in post 74. If you were confused about which part answered your question just look for the part that starts by saying “to answer your question….” Haha you’re not have a very good morning.

" of course the results should not be thrown out."

The truth is that your sort, Democrats, have never been troubled by the inconveniences posed by the Constitution, because you are not Americans, you worship demigods Rousseau, Hegel and Marx.

So, when the Constitution says no state court may alter the methods or times of elections…only the elected legislature can do so….you ignore it an claim the election certified.

You are, and will always be, a scummy low-life lying Nazi. you prefer good day, or your more traditional "Sieg Heil," ????
This is the first steps to switching party's. When I went from Dem to Repub, it was for things that I just couldn't support any longer. If the left continues to stay radical, Maher will continue to sound more conservative. And may even switch party. Probably not to the GOP. And I don't blame him. I dumped the GOP for almost the same exact reasons I dumped the Democrats.
I don't agree with a lot of things he says about the GOP or Trump. I just take it with a grain of salt because of the money involved.
If he was like me, truly independent of all party's and politicians, he wouldn't even have an audience.

I'm glad to see moderate democrats like Maher calling out the radicals on the left.

He's far from alone in this realization.

"2024 Democratic choice: ‘Not Sure’ beats Biden, 28%-19%​

....just 29% of Democrats picked President Joe Biden. And tied for second at 12% were Vice President Kamala Harris and “Not Sure.”

And that’s Biden’s base. Thrown in Republicans and independents, and the president in the national survey drops to 19%, beat handily by “Not Sure” at 28%.


2024 Democratic choice: ‘Not Sure’ beats Biden, 28%-19%

But.....there are the strait-jacket Democrats, ready to vote for communists and criminals:

"The only other Democrats with hints of support were Sen. Bernie Sanders, former first lady Michelle Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton."
This is the first steps to switching party's. When I went from Dem to Repub, it was for things that I just couldn't support any longer. If the left continues to stay radical, Maher will continue to sound more conservative. And may even switch party. Probably not to the GOP. And I don't blame him. I dumped the GOP for almost the same exact reasons I dumped the Democrats.
I don't agree with a lot of things he says about the GOP or Trump. I just take it with a grain of salt because of the money involved.
If he was like me, truly independent of all party's and politicians, he wouldn't even have an audience.

I'm glad to see moderate democrats like Maher calling out the radicals on the left.
Still....Bill Maher is a DNC stooge. He says he doesn't agree with the radicals in his party....but he only openly admits that to gain some sort of credibility.
I'd like to be a fly on the wall had listen to Bill Maher and is numerous ways of using the word fuck when describing Republicans.
Still....Bill Maher is a DNC stooge. He says he doesn't agree with the radicals in his party....but he only openly admits that to gain some sort of credibility.
I'd like to be a fly on the wall had listen to Bill Maher and is numerous ways of using the word fuck when describing Republicans.

BS. If he wanted credibility from the broke woke, he wouldn't bash them. This isn't reverse psychology. We oppose the woke crap. Apparently he does too. There's not conspiracy built into this.
BS. If he wanted credibility from the broke woke, he wouldn't bash them. This isn't reverse psychology. We oppose the woke crap. Apparently he does too. There's not conspiracy built into this.
He's not bashing them. He's working for them. The radicals are there only to make people like Bill Maher and Joe Biden look rational in comparison.
" of course the results should not be thrown out."

The truth is that your sort, Democrats, have never been troubled by the inconveniences posed by the Constitution, because you are not Americans, you worship demigods Rousseau, Hegel and Marx.

So, when the Constitution says no state court may alter the methods or times of elections…only the elected legislature can do so….you ignore it an claim the election certified.

You are, and will always be, a scummy low-life lying Nazi. you prefer good day, or your more traditional "Sieg Heil," ????
The election was certified. By the legal process and ultimately by the VP. If a court had decided that results should be thrown out due to fraud then I’d back up those actions. But that didn’t happen.

you play it like you care about the constitution and try to use it in your arguments but you don’t seem to respect how it actually outlines dealing with issues like this. Do better!
DThe election was certified. By the legal process and ultimately by the VP. If a court had decided that results should be thrown out due to fraud then I’d back up those actions. But that didn’t happen.

you play it like you care about the constitution and try to use it in your arguments but you don’t seem to respect how it actually outlines dealing with issues like this. Do better!

No, was illlegitimate, as shown by the Constitution.
And we have established what you are.....You are, and will always be, a scummy low-life lying Nazi.

He's far from alone in this realization.

"2024 Democratic choice: ‘Not Sure’ beats Biden, 28%-19%​

....just 29% of Democrats picked President Joe Biden. And tied for second at 12% were Vice President Kamala Harris and “Not Sure.”

And that’s Biden’s base. Thrown in Republicans and independents, and the president in the national survey drops to 19%, beat handily by “Not Sure” at 28%.


2024 Democratic choice: ‘Not Sure’ beats Biden, 28%-19%

But.....there are the strait-jacket Democrats, ready to vote for communists and criminals:

"The only other Democrats with hints of support were Sen. Bernie Sanders, former first lady Michelle Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton."

After the 2020 primaries, I was 100% into believing the DNC is still rigging their nominations. You may have seen me say this before, but no one I know, including those I spoke to online, wanted Biden. At least not until the media started pushing him so hard. You drive around and see signs in peoples yards, and none of them say Biden. No Biden bumper stickers. Nothing. In fact, now a days you see more "Go Brandon" stuff more than you saw "Biden for president" back then.
The only difference is, he started out as a front runner? And I'm like "How is that even possible? Because he was the VP?" But knowing how the whole racism/woke thing that was going on, there was no way some old white established guy, with some very racist comments (in recent past) was ever going to get the nomination. But the media kept pushing him. He continued to get more air time and more debate questions.
Next thing you know, you realize the DNC pulled it off. And the woke crowd, the BLM crowd, all of them were silent. Not a word in the news about how BLM or cancel culture opposes Biden because of this racist comments. Or for any other reason.

It's like a bad dream. Those "straight jacket democrats" are what's driving the Democratic party off the cliff. Maybe the moderate democrats will push them back to the green party where they belong.
He's not bashing them. He's working for them. The radicals are there only to make people like Bill Maher and Joe Biden look rational in comparison.

You're not even listening to any Maher has been saying for the last year. He's constantly bashing the wokers and cancel culture.
You're not even listening to any Maher has been saying for the last year. He's constantly bashing the wokers and cancel culture.
I watch him sometimes on HBO MAX every week.
It's difficult for me to sit through and entire broadcast because he pushes so many negative and false stereotypes of the GOP that I end up walking out of the room. His jokes suck and he's a lousy actor.
The only thing he's good at is being a smart-ass liberal.
After the 2020 primaries, I was 100% into believing the DNC is still rigging their nominations. You may have seen me say this before, but no one I know, including those I spoke to online, wanted Biden. At least not until the media started pushing him so hard. You drive around and see signs in peoples yards, and none of them say Biden. No Biden bumper stickers. Nothing. In fact, now a days you see more "Go Brandon" stuff more than you saw "Biden for president" back then.
The only difference is, he started out as a front runner? And I'm like "How is that even possible? Because he was the VP?" But knowing how the whole racism/woke thing that was going on, there was no way some old white established guy, with some very racist comments (in recent past) was ever going to get the nomination. But the media kept pushing him. He continued to get more air time and more debate questions.
Next thing you know, you realize the DNC pulled it off. And the woke crowd, the BLM crowd, all of them were silent. Not a word in the news about how BLM or cancel culture opposes Biden because of this racist comments. Or for any other reason.

It's like a bad dream. Those "straight jacket democrats" are what's driving the Democratic party off the cliff. Maybe the moderate democrats will push them back to the green party where they belong.

"Over the past several decades, the progressive Left has successfully fulfilled Antonio Gramsci’s famed admonition of a “long march through the institutions”. In almost every Western country, its adherents now dominate the education system, media, cultural institutions, and financial behemoths."

Musk notwithstanding, frankly, I don't see a way back.
No, was illlegitimate, as shown by the Constitution.
And we have established what you are.....You are, and will always be, a scummy low-life lying Nazi.


The election was certified. By the legal process and ultimately by the VP. If a court had decided that results should be thrown out due to fraud then I’d back up those actions. But that didn’t happen.

you play it like you care about the constitution and try to use it in your arguments but you don’t seem to respect how it actually outlines dealing with issues like this. Do better!

Regardless of how it went down, the left won. Whether it be through lies and corruption, or legit. Chalk it up to they cheated better. Who knows.

The GOP just needs to push for better candidates. They need to start doing what the GOP is supposed to do, and that's being more fiscal and constitutional conservative. Put forth a candidate that's not radical. Someone who actually wants to cut spending, cut the size and scope of government, end lobbying and a whole slew of other things that conservatives can get behind.
Seriously, Since at least Reagan, we've had GOP presidents who claimed to be conservative, but once they're elected, they suddenly stop being that way. They have to start giving republicans and conservatives both a reason to keep voting republican. When that happens, you'll see a lot of moderate democrats start voting Republican, because getting the government out of our personal and business lives, the value of the dollar getting better, the debt actually coming down, and all of the things that would come with a conservative ran government would start happening and the economy would actually boom naturally. Instead of it booming because the government pumps so much artificial capital into the economy. Which is what creates the boom and busts.

My point: A party that the majority of the people can stick with, because it creates the type of government that very few have to lean on.
The way things are, it's like a society of 40yr olds still living in their parents basement. Too many people put too much faith in government, because the government has convinced them to do so. They've made it so that life is easier when you depend on the government. Like Communism. People get used to only getting what the government is dishing out, they become complacent. This is as much the GOP's fault as it is the democrats, for the simple fact that even when the GOP has the majority, they don't change anything the democrats created.
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Regardless of how it went down, the left won. Whether it be through lies and corruption, or legit. Chalk it up to they cheated better. Who knows.

The GOP just needs to push for better candidates. They need to start doing what the GOP is supposed to do, and that's being more fiscal and constitutional conservative. Put forth a candidate that's not radical. Someone who actually wants to cut spending, cut the size and scope of government, end lobbying and a whole slew of other things that conservatives can get behind.
Seriously, Since at least Reagan, we've had GOP presidents who claimed to be conservative, but once they're elected, they suddenly stop being that way. They have to start giving republicans and conservatives both a reason to keep voting republican. When that happens, you'll see a lot of moderate democrats start voting Republican, because getting the government out of our personal and business lives, the value of the dollar getting better, the debt actually coming down, and all of the things that would come with a conservative ran government would start happening and the economy would actually boom naturally. Instead of it booming because the government pumps so much artificial capital into the markets. Which is what creates the boom and busts.

My point: A party that the majority of the people can stick with, because it creates the type of government that very few have to lean on.
The way things are, it's like a society of 40 years olds still living in their parents basement. Too many people put too much faith in government, because the government has convinced them to do so.

I never said the totalitarians didn't win.....I said it was an illegitimate election.
I have no doubt. But I also believe we haven't had a fair election in over 100 years. This time, the democrats just cheated better.

This is the quote from the Constitlution:

Under the second clause of Article II of the Constitution, the legislatures of the several states have exclusive power to direct the manner in which the electors of President and Vice President shall be appointed.
Such appointment may be made by the legislatures directly, or by popular vote in districts, or by general ticket, as may be provided by the legislature.”

But....this occurred: courts altered voting rules.
“In Pennsylvania, the question was whether the state’s Supreme Court could override voting rules set by the state legislature. In North Carolina, the question was whether state election officials had the power to alter such voting rules.”

Sooo.....the election was not correctly decided, and we don't actually know who won the election.

We are basking in the afterglow of a once great nation.
No, was illlegitimate, as shown by the Constitution.
And we have established what you are.....You are, and will always be, a scummy low-life lying Nazi.

OK, so how does the constitution say to handle cases like this? Does a crazy wing nut on an online message board get to call a national election illegitimate and then the election gets tossed or is there a process outlined by the constitution in which we are supposed to adjudicate?
Regardless of how it went down, the left won. Whether it be through lies and corruption, or legit. Chalk it up to they cheated better. Who knows.

The GOP just needs to push for better candidates. They need to start doing what the GOP is supposed to do, and that's being more fiscal and constitutional conservative. Put forth a candidate that's not radical. Someone who actually wants to cut spending, cut the size and scope of government, end lobbying and a whole slew of other things that conservatives can get behind.
Seriously, Since at least Reagan, we've had GOP presidents who claimed to be conservative, but once they're elected, they suddenly stop being that way. They have to start giving republicans and conservatives both a reason to keep voting republican. When that happens, you'll see a lot of moderate democrats start voting Republican, because getting the government out of our personal and business lives, the value of the dollar getting better, the debt actually coming down, and all of the things that would come with a conservative ran government would start happening and the economy would actually boom naturally. Instead of it booming because the government pumps so much artificial capital into the economy. Which is what creates the boom and busts.

My point: A party that the majority of the people can stick with, because it creates the type of government that very few have to lean on.
The way things are, it's like a society of 40yr olds still living in their parents basement. Too many people put too much faith in government, because the government has convinced them to do so. They've made it so that life is easier when you depend on the government. Like Communism. People get used to only getting what the government is dishing out, they become complacent. This is as much the GOP's fault as it is the democrats, for the simple fact that even when the GOP has the majority, they don't change anything the democrats created.
here here... Great post. I agree

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